Minnsdt Schprua

Len Minnsdt Schprua, The First Estiadus of Schtu, Beloved Companion of Ritilius (a.k.a. The Bronze Maw)

Minnsdt was one of the first of the Jal goblins who swore fealty to Vonuscidus Ritilius. He was also the first Jalic nobleman. Upon Minnsdt's death in 1319 LE, Ritilium, himself attended the funeral and saw his body buried in Ritilium with full honors, an act which helped solidify the Jal goblins' place in Ritilian society.

His descendants have gradually taken on more Ebaweccan culture, and now, Schtu is a thoroughly Ritilian city, despite its overwhelming goblin populace.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

In 1301LE, Minnsdt appeared at the hall of Vonuscidus Ritilius, swearing allegiance to him and his heirs in perpetuity, beginning the era of Jalic fealty in the Principality of Ritilium. He served as the commander of the Jalic forces during the first part of the War of Unification. His tactical prowess and the unexpected discipline and tenacity of his goblin troops earned him the appellation, "the Bronze Maw," for he virtually ate the formations of those who faced off against him.

He personally participated in the conquest of Dege in 1302, the caputre of Isbo in 1303, and the capture of Bemcedo that same year. His forces helped pacify Bemcedo. In 1306 LE, Vonucscidus Ritilius commanded Minnsdt to join him at the Siege of Evtuet, where he personnally led the miners that brought down the walls of the keep, allowing the besiegers to storm the city and end the siege.

In 1307 LE, in recognition of his loyal service, Vonuscidus Ritilius, with whom he had become fast friends, ennobled him, granting him the title of Estiadus of Schtu, a small goblin village east of Iccim. He retired to Schtu, where he ruled benevolently. He also built a rural fortified manor two miles to the southwest of Schtu, where he frequently entertained his friend Vonuscidus Ritilius.

On the 16th of Quo, 1319 LE, Len Minnsdt Schprua, The First Estiadus of Schtu, the Bronze Maw, Beloved Companion of Ritilius, died in his bed in Schtu. His body was born to Ritilium where it lay in state for ten days before being interned into a memorial mausoleum outside the palace in a ceremony organized and attended by his friend, Vonuscidus Ritilius.

Date of Death
16th of Quo
1270 LE 1319 LE 49 years old
Circumstances of Death
Buried with honors in the Mausoleum of Minnsdt at Ritilium
Cumbu Mountains
Place of Death


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