
This sprawling city on the northern shore of Lake Mbuck is the primary settlement of the Dakh people and the capital of their kingdom, Dakhaaj.


  • Dakh humans - 70%
  • Mnyd humans - 12%
  • Fuhkiie fortmans - 6%
  • Herke dvaer - 4%
  • Mbinzem humans - 3%
  • Tonme gnomes - 2%
  • Veen rock gnomes - 3%
  • Dagfi humans - 1%


Government is administered according to the will of the hereditary monarch known as the Pvimpøng. In practice, the Pvimpøng delegates specifics of the day-to-day governing of the city to appointees, preferring to devote their attention to more national and international matters.

Industry & Trade

Because of its location, Nzahjib sees a lot of trade and the prosperity (such as it is) of the city owes to that strategic location. Regrettably, due to the lax governance in the city, very little tax revenue is realized from trade.


Nzahjib has no planned infrastructure. Streets are not paved, drainage is simply natural runoff, and sewage is neither collected nor disposed of. This makes the city prone to periodic outbreaks of disease and it is always unpleasant both for the eyes and in terms of odor.

The docks are completely ad hoc, with some merchants building fortified piers from and to which only their vessels or those in their employ can sail. Others simply tie off at whatever pier is available. Still others anchor offshore and ferry goods and passengers back and forth via barges or rowboats.

Founding Date
7th century AscD
Related Ethnicities
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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