Paepupa Debila Ugicca

Paepupa Debila Ugicca is the owner of the Consumptive Coven, a high-end bathhouse in Calpi.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Paepupa was taken as a fetus from her anonymous birth mother by the green hag called Fimtey, and was born about five miles south of Calpi in a bog called "Adincilwemr̂a" along the shores of the Atubin. Fimtey's coven raised Paepupa under the name Eyt until she was twelve. Unfortunately for the three of them, they had crossed a powerful adversary who had cursed the three of them with an incurable form of tuberculosis. The three hags took on human guise and moved to Calpi where they worked diligently to seek a cure to their curse. As a front, they opened the Consumptive Coven (then called the "Green Ladies Bathhouse") in 1381 LE. All three died within two years, leaving "Eyt" to run the bathhouse.

The young girl took some of the wealth the hags had gathered and sought a patron within the elites of Calpi and purchased both her citizenship and a new name. Since then, she has renamed the bathhouse and run it on her own. She has had a few lovers, some quite serious, but never a lasting romantic relationship, and she never had children (for the hags had begun the process of making her one of their kind, first robbing her of her fertility).

Paepupa has always been open about who her "aunties" were and how she came to live with them. In her younger life, this caused many to distrust her, but in the decades since, she has become a trusted fixture in Calpian society.

Current Location
Year of Birth
1369 LE 61 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Born to the hag known as Fimtey
Current Residence
The Consumptive Coven
Long and gray, always in an immaculate bun
5' 7"
130 lbs
Ruled Locations


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