
The Ryshînɛnasî are an ethnicity of skogsalver who hid in the forests north of Raqeq's citadel after the Fall of Dragons, for they were afraid of the golden greatwyrn. They have adopted reclusive ways and are seldom seen or heard from.


Shared customary codes and values

The Ryshínɛnanaî venerate the following gods:

  • Leadership: X'rell (Corell)
  • Lore, song, the music of the night, witchcraft: Priëtass (Pryɛtas)
  • Creation and life: Roni (Rony)
  • Forests & Wedlands: Emisiën (Emysyɛn)

They tend to reject the Unmarkarey gods, whom they fear:

  • Betrayal, secrets, and domination: Imith (Îmîth)
  • Darkness, the New Moon, witchcraft: Evinshar (Ebvînshar)
  • War, deceit, beguiling speech, and half-truths: Korissin (Corîssîn)
Encompassed species


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