Taadva Settlement in Kornax | World Anvil



In 1322 LE, Rënzhëksirn kobolds from the Cumbu Mountains established a rude village at the site of Taadva, and it has been continuously inhabited since that time, growing substantially in the 1360's while monsters were driving the kobolds from their mountain home.

In response to the monstrous incursions, the Rënzhëksirn swore fealty to Vonuscidus Edopus, and Taadva became a part of the Principality of Ritilia. It remained little more than a village with a nearby military encampment for over thirty years, but in 1397 LE Edopus conferred the title of Awatcova of Occusu on Batera Aquela and ordered her to build a fortress there to defend the Rënzhëksirn in particular and eastern Ritilia, in general. At that point Taadva became the seat of the toubewa, and grew in importance. It has become a full-fledged town, flanking the massive stone fortress that sits along the river.

Founding Date
1322 LE
Related Ethnicities
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization