The Mausoleum of Minnsdt Building / Landmark in Kornax | World Anvil

The Mausoleum of Minnsdt

The Mausoleum of Minnsdt sits directly across the main square from the Palace of the Vonuscidum in Ritilium. It was funded by Vonuscidus Ritilius himself in honor of his goblin vassal and friend, Len Minnsdt Schprua, The First Estiadus of Schtu.

Purpose / Function

This magnificent monument houses the mortal remains of Minnsdt Schprua, a goblin war leader who served in the military campaigns of Ritilius, himself. It is perpetually tended and refreshed constantly with spells of protection and rest to prevent any chance, however remote, of his remains being corrupted by undeath.


The mausoleum is a stone structure, faced with rosy marble. The tile roof is peaked, and the sealed entry is covered by a colonnaded porch. It measures sixty feet wide by ninety feet in length, and at the peak of the roof it is seventy-five feet in height.
Founding Date
1319 LE
Parent Location


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