
While technically sapient, tresdorgs are very stupid by the standards of most of the intelligent species. They are the most brutish of the erectina.

These creatures are large, powerful, dumb, and vicious. They organize in troupes, rather like gorillas, and their languages are specific to their local troupe (though families of languages do exist between nearby troupes). They mix well within their troupes, are suspicious, but tolerant, of tresdorgs from neighboring troupes (with which they trade for goods and mates), and view all other sentient creatures as competitors for resources and threats.

Tresdorg troupes organize around a singular individual (a dominant male about sixty percent of the time, but certainly not always), who leads the group and rules with absolute power. The means by which a troupe chooses its leader are not clear.

Basic Information


Tresdorgs are very large erectins, reaching upwards of nine feet in height.

Genetics and Reproduction

Tresdorgs reproduce sexually and will mate with anything they can. Fortunately, these couplings only produce viable offspring when they mate with other tresdorgs.

Growth Rate & Stages

Tresdorgs mature quickly, reaching adulthood in about ten years. In most troupes, the average lifespan is about forty-five years, but with proper care and hygeine, they live up to seventy years.

Ecology and Habitats

Tresdorgs prefer forested areas where game is plentiful. During the day, they wander the forest and nearby field. At night, they will retreat to a nearby cave or burrow for shelter.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Tresdorgs eat berries, fruits, and herbs from the forest. Their primary foodsource, however, is meat. They will eat any meat they can kill, including other sentient creatures, but never another tresdorg.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Tresdorgs are capable of excellent sight in darkness. They are also immune, in some way, to illusion.

Proper Common Name
Other Common Name(s)
Great Orcs
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Animalia chordata mammalia primates calabidae erectina vituosis


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