Tro Tra Spy Tra ("The Time Before Time")


Tro Tra Spy Tra is a poetic account of the creation of the Astra (called Void), Ether, the Elder Titans, and Chronis.

Historical Basis

Though the "historical" veracity of the account cannot be verified, the Elder Titans have never refuted it on any occasion when it has been recited in their presence.


The account's origin remains shrouded in mystery, but the ancient Powers propagated it across the Spheres.

Cultural Reception

Most mortals are unaware of the account, although it is not exactly a secret. It simply occurred so far in the past as to be incomprehensible to most.

In Literature

Tro Tra Spy Tra is literature in its own right. That said, it appears in very little other literature.
Date of First Recording
Before the Ascendancy of Dragons
Date of Setting
Before the Ascendancy of Dragons
Related Locations


The Time Before Time

There is only the Beyond.

A Being is in the Beyond.

The Being means the Orvax,

And the Orvax means the Being.

The Orvax imagines infinitude -

A Sphere within the Beyond.

The Sphere is endless,

Yet where it does end,

The Beyond begins.

The Orvax imagines

That the Sphere means the Void,

And the Void means the Sphere.

The Void is endless and empty.

The Orvax imagines a second infinitude -

A Sphere within the Void.

The second Sphere is endless,

Yet where it does end,

The Void begins.

The Orvax imagines

That the second Sphere means Ether,

And Ether means the second Sphere.

The Orvax imagines an Entity.

The Entity is powerful and majestic,

But the Orvax is greater.

The Orvax imagines

That the Entity means Asgorn,

And Asgorn means the Entity.

Asgorn is the First and Eldest of the Titans.

The Orvax imagines

Four other Titans, nearly the equals of Asgorn:

One to create Fire,

One to make Air,

One to fashion Water,

And one to bring forth Earth.

The Orvax imagines

That one of the Titans means Sanshar,

And Sanshar means the Titan.

The Orvax appoints Asgorn as Sanshar's master

And commands Sanshar to create Water.

The Orvax imagines

That another of the Titans means Ahmsu,

And Ahmsu means the Titan.

The Orvax appoints Asgorn as Ahmsu's master

And commands Ahmsu to create Air.

The Orvax imagines

That the third of these Titans means Choris,

And Choris means the Titan.

The Orvax appoints Asgorn as Choris' master

And commands Choris to create Fire.

The Orvax imagines

That the fourth Titan means Traa,

And Traa means the fourth Titan.

The Orvax appoints Asgorn as Traa's master

And commands Traa to create Earth.

Sanshar, Ahmsu, Choris, and Traa create,

But their creations are formless,

For they are of the Void.

The limitations of the Void bind them.

Sanshar cries out,

"This cannot be!

We create length, width, and breadth, but there is no dimension

In which Water can develop!"

Ahmsu cries,

"What is made does not exist,

And what does not exist is made!

There is no division

Between created Air and uncreated Air!"

Choris cries out,

"The Fire's flames stand still.

They cannot move,

For all things happen together,

With no demarcation

of one state from another!"

Traa cries out,

"Earth is static,

Which is acceptable,

But better a state

That can change in character.

This is impossible,

For there is no medium

In which Earth can change."

Asgorn says,

"We discard what we do.

We place it in the Beyond."

Asgorn imagines and says,

"We imagine an Entity

Whose pupose is regulating

The events of the Spheres

To give them duration and order."

Sanshar, Ahmsu, Choris, and Traa join Asgorn

And imagine such an Entity.

Their imagination means that Chronis is.

This Primordial Being is the Time Bearer.

Chronis orders time,

And the Elder Titans can now obey the command of the Orvax,

Each to create their Element.


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