The Spheres

"The Spheres" is the term used to refer to the Multiverse, which encompasses everything that exists, whether physical or spiritual. However, it's important to note that this concept isn't entirely accurate (see The Beyond ). The Spheres can be visualized as a set of concentric spheres, ranging from the most fundamental (the Core, located at the center) to the most spiritual (Ethos, located at the outermost layer), all surrounded by the Barrier.


"Geography" is certainly not the right word, but it will suffice for describing the structure of the Spheres.


The outermost sphere of the Spheres is called Ethos. As notions of morality and law formed in primordial history, the infinite, hollow shell of energy around the Void became Ethos. It is divided into many realms based on various systems of ethical thought and belief.

The Void

Though this sphere technically extends from the Core all the way to Ethos, in practice, when referred to, the Void is the limitless, largely vacant region that lieds between Ether and Ethos. It is the oldest of the Spheres, made by someone or something even older and more powerful than the Elder Titans.


Nearly as old as the Void, and designed by the same mind, Ether lies in the center of the Void. It is infinite and touches all points of the spheres that lie within it.

The Elemental Sphere

This sphere is also sometimes called the Material Sphere, for it is where matter exists. The term "Elemental Sphere", however avoids confusing it with the Material Planes.

This largest sphere in Ether is a hollow shell, divided into four infinite quadrants: the Plane of Water, the Plane of Air, the Plane of Fire, and the Plane of Earth. There are also also the elemental half-planes of Steam, Geyser, Cloud, Smoke, Magma, and Mud where the true elemental planes border one another.

Shadow and Vigor

Within the shell of the Elemental Sphere and encircling the Material Planes are the hemispherical Realms of Shadow and Vigor. These realms are made up of matter formed in the creation of the Material planes that was too heavily charged with either positive or negative energy. Shadow and Vigor are home to the Unsælfey and the Sælfey, respectively.

The Material Planes

There are an infinite number of Material Planes in the Spheres. All of them lie within the sphere created by the hemispheres of the Realms of Shadow and Vigor, which touch them at all points, just as does Ether. These Material Planes are home to all of the mortal creatures that exist. Each is a separate and unique universe in its own right.

The Core

At the ultimate center of the Spheres, hidden within the infinite space occupied by the Material Planes, there lies the Core. This is the fundamental center of all the Spheres and home to the Primordial Beings, Chronus, Reghanje, and Char.

The Barrier

Beyond Ethos, at the farthest extent of the Spheres, forming a shell of Essence around the entirety of Creation, there is the Barrier. It is designed to keep at bay things from "The Beyond." The Titans and Elder Gods have spoken about it, but only vaguely. Those who do, seem. . . afraid.

Included Locations


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