Yeswyn Embershard

Yeswyn is a paladin in the service of a majestic unicorn. She serves and preserves nature and its beauty.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Yeswyn was once a humble Rego courier who traveled across the vast lands of Tunsaccia delivering messages and parcels. Her golden scales shimmered in the sunlight as she journeyed through lush forests, serene countryside, majestic coasts, and bustling cities. Despite the dangers that often lurked along her path, Yeswyn remained fearless and determined to fulfill her duties with honor.

During a delivery, she was tasked to travel to the city of Avul. Just off the coast, the sea-goddess Tirelva erupted from beneath the waves, locked in combat with a horrific kraken-like titanic creature. Their duel continued, swamping the bireme that Yeswyn was travelling in. Together with a small band of others, she made her way to dubious sanctuary of the Black Isle. With celestial aid, she and her companions found a way to venture throught he uppermost fringe of the Underdark to find their way to the mainland.

Mental Trauma

Yeswyn is afraid of enclosed spaces.

Yeswyn fears undead creatures.

Intellectual Characteristics

After years of practice and work, Yeswyn finds city layouts generally share similarities. She can easily find her way around almost any city and is capable of easily getting information and work from locations and notable people, to places of intrigue and local happenings. Additionally, she is able to use her position to deliver different package types without suspicion.

Year of Birth
1406 LE 24 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
7' 0"
250 lbs.
The Unicorn
Aligned Organization


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