Uvinartian Insurrection

Disaster / Destruction


In 1245 LE, disturbed that Capibus Qulus Orquisus had not surrendered the title of Biovbua after quelling the Alsus riots the year before, an influential free citizen and military veteran organized an insurrection. He and his supporters stormed the Catbalus building and slew fifteen Eiccatbalum. They created a high barricade around the building and made makeshift watchtowers, which they used to rain down fire on anyone who approached. They demanded the immediate surrender of Capibus and the suspension of all Eiccatbalum, with open elections to select one hundred new Eiccatbalum to represent the city. Biovbua Capibus reacted swiftly. He gathered the Legion of Calpi, which had never before been brought into the city and began systematically arresting every known family member of every person known to be inside the barricade. He was merciless, capturing babes, grandmothers, wives, and anyone related to the insurrectionists. He brutally tortured these captives to death in full view of the walls. His goading worked, and the insurrectionists sallied forth to rescue their kin. Their advance was hurried and disorganized, and the Legion made short work of putting every last one of them to the sword.

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