Iccim Fealty

Political event


Vonuscidus Ritilius accepts the fealty of Ter̂uus Bedaiccus, Awatcovus Iccum. Marks the beginning of the Principality of Ritilia.

Sensing the likely coming of hostilities between Denbe in the south and Suisbium in the north, Bedaiccus took stock of his options and elected to swear fealty to Denbe.

At the ceremony where this took place, which is known as the Iccim Fealty, Ritilius declared himself "Vonuscidus of Denbe, Papibol, Isbo, Bemcedo, and now Iccim, which shall collectively from this day henceforth be called Ritilia. Further, while the lands under the control of the Awactovum shall remain Denbe, the seat of that fiefdom shall henceforth be called Ritilium."

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Tunsaccian History
History of the Principality of Ritilia (article)