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Nature Plane

This is the plane that souls are born, and where the Nature of species are maintained and kept. Like the term "Human nature". This is where 'Human nature' is, and where it can be changed over time. Disruptions in this plane can change the very way species act as a whole. As a creatures natrual instincts are held with in plane. As souls are mainly a aura filled with the instincts of that creature, and as that creature lives it's memroies get writen into it's soul.   When the God: Sangre is dead or unable to do his jobs in the plane. Souls are made that are either missing part of natrual instincts, have mixed up instincts, or are missing natrual instincts. With out Natural instincts creature can behave extreamly abnomrally bringing dangure to the world. From animals learning how to talk or think higher then their creature type normally can. To Creatures learning spells that they could normally never cast.


This plane is vast and nearly empty. There is no ground and every beining in it float across this plane. It's "Sky" Is a plae white yellow, with what looks like coulds that swrill around. With in this plane there are Orbs covered in crater; Said craters are filled with what looks like a goopy gold liquid.  Subconscious Demons are seen floating around putting info into this Goopy liquid. Buildings this liquid into souls with instincts. Once a crater of Liquid is full filled with the instincts it needs, these Subconscious Demons grab a handfull of the liquid mold it into a orb, and send it to a soul contrainer. In switch said soul will be used to make new outsiders, or creatures in the mortal plane. Most souls are labbled for what creature they are ment to be in, But mistakes happen.


Few Creatures are found in the Nature plane. Tho there is a handful of Demons that can be found here.


Mortalls have a hard to impos time going into this plane, as the gates and pathways into the Nature plane are manily one way.
Alternative Name(s)
The Soul Plane
Location under


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