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Novgorod has bitter winters and mild summers. mountains to the east and the ocean to the west. big fields and farmlands cover most of the land with thick woods being rare. most homes and buildings are made of stone and imported woods.   Novgorod neighbors Vellden a small but extremely liberal country. Novgorod hates Vellden to point where walls where built on there borders of each other, and traveling to Vellden wasn't allowed unless you presented good reason to go there.


Monarchy Dictatorship- Ruled by a Empress and Emperor The Novain Family. they have total rule over the kingdom witch passes down only by the family's bloodline

Public Agenda

Ths Novain family wants to keep there land there's. there hate for religion and keeping it out of their homeland is well known... as well as there want to spread there kind of rule and ideals to other counters.


All tho Novgorod isnt filled with lush woods, it is filled with rich irons and strong people. Novgorod is known for is skill at making specialized weapons and tools.      Blood Bronze- a type of metal they found in the great minds in there mountains. as strong as iron but when heated up is bendable as rubber. known for its reddish Bronze color    The Bronze Skull- There army of extremely well trained koroblin woman. there armor is more for detector then to protect their flesh. there known for harming them selfs to get into there 2nd from faster. they tend to kill law breakers rather then taking them in court. if they do take someone to court you know they did something truly against the crown.    Chest breaker- a spear/lance like weapon made to be used on horseback. used to trip people and with its heavy iron tip can destroy rib cages very easily. used only on humans as killing a koroblin this way will only lead to its 2nd form.    Beheader- A thick and sharp sword that curves at the end. made to behead  Koroblins killing them and there 2nd form as soon as possible. but unlike the chest breaker the Beheader is hard to handle and use right. only a skilled person can use them well.


Starting in the year 70 the Novain family was nothing more then the owners of vast unclaim land, as timed pass and they needed farmers and miners for there land they let people move in. after some time it soon became a kingdom and then much more then that. all tho never going to war with outside forces riots would often happen as the Crown has harsh rules. there armys where only used on there own people never the outside world.

Demography and Population

All tho all nobles are Koroblin, 60% of the population is human.


Novgorod's land is bare and harsh, but the land its self is filled with minerals and rare gems. landscape wise Novgorod is full of wide plains and mountains that seemly come out of nowhere. these mountains are rocky and bare, rarely do you see plants other then grass grow on them. the the ocean to the west is cold with a stony beach. the wild life is build for life on the plains, Buffalo, wild horses,  goats, pronghorn, and foxes.   All tho one would think winter would be the hardest time of the year its Summers in Novgorod have all ways been the hardest time of the year. with the flat lands and heavy rain in spring and summer temporary ponds become perfect breeding ground for Mosquito's and other bugs. many wild life die form said Mosquito's from those bodies breed whats even worst to the Novgorod lands. Bile Flies, ill smelling bugs that fly in huge swarms. they feast on the blood of the living and lay there eggs in the dead.


The Bronze Skull-  The extremely well trained koroblin woman who fight in the name of the crown. its said they have never lost a fight.


Religion is illegal. It's seen as going against The Crown, The Crown feeds you, house you, gives you jobs. The Gods do nothing for you. none the less the more religion in Novgorod the less people put there blind faith in the crown.

Foreign Relations

once open to talking to other kingdoms, and once opened with free travel. Novgorod has now closed there walls to all but traders. all tho there neighboring kingdom of Vellden, is a more complicated relationship. with bad feelings on both sides.

Trade & Transport

Roads are made for horseback and carriages.


only the noble even have time to go to school, the rest take their own time to learn. Collages are few and far between, teaching anything under the sun but magic and religion.

"We are only free under the Crown"

70 - 600

Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
Training Level
Government System
Power Structure
Unitary state
Each week each Tax paying citizen gains a Stamp card. depends on how many taxes you pay you get a different card. Taxes are given to the Crown as, metals, goods (clothes,books,rugs,etc), food, or physical labor. things at stores cost extra stamp spots, witch can be used to by goods other then  basic food and rent. such as rope,clothes, plates. but some things cost more than one stamp, like armor and weapons. saving old stamp cards is allowed.      Types of cards   Lamp Sack- for those who are too poor to make goods, or to old or unable to work. This is good for 1 week of food for 1 person (to barely live) , and 1 week of rent in  shared housing.      Laborer- for those who give at least 30 hours a week to the crown as Physical labor. working in the mines, building things, ect. good for one week of food for 2 people (or to keep 1 person well feed). good for rent for small housing. as well as 1 extra stamp spot which can be used at stores to buy things.   Small Merchant - For those who can make goods and give 10% of their goods to the crown. Good for one week of food for 3 people (or good enough to week to keep 2 people well feed)  as well as rent for modest housing for a week. With 2 extra stamp spots.    Fair Merchant- For those who can make goods and give 25% of their goods to the crown. Good for one week of food for 4 people (or good enough to week to keep 3 people well feed) as well as rent for Fair housing for a week. With 3 extra stamp spots.   Noble Merchant-  for those who can make goods and give 50% of their goods to the crown. Good for one week of food for 6 people (or good enough to week to keep 5 people well feed) as well as rent for nice housing for a week. With 8 extra stamp spots.   Noble Landowner- For those who has Blood ties to the Crown and those who own land. these people pay taxes by using there time to make sure people are paying their rent.  Good for one week of food for 10 people (or good enough to week to keep 9 people well feed) as well as rent for Fair housing for a week. With 15 extra stamp spots.
Major Exports
Blood Bronze and other mining goods is there main export. weapons and as well breed horses.
Major Imports
Wood is the most imported thing.
Related Ethnicities


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