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Novish European Ethnicity

Born in a cold and barren land these people do not fawn over the idea of nature and things of magic and wonder. art and jewels are the highest of beauty in their eyes. There social life is what brings the most excitement in there life. there known for making drama for there own joy.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Feminine Novish names are all most more tough and rough sounded then masculine names. they tend to be long as well.   Alexandria,Augustina,Araoz,Velish, Karacloth

Masculine names

Masculine names tend to be short and sweet. its very gentleman like to have a name soft as silk. men who have harsher names are seen as burts.  Rowan,Terrowin,Sadon,Borin,Merek

Unisex names

Most names are Unisex, Koroblins especially tend to favor Unisex names.

Family names

Last names easily show what your job is, or viwes on life is. going by your last name is also very common.


Major language groups and dialects

Novish- for non speakers its almost sounds like each of there words flows into each other with no efferot. but its not a soft spoken language its loud and all most hard to whisper.

Shared customary codes and values

military greeting-  placing your right hand over your heart, with your right hand posed with your mindel and ring finger touching and other fingers and thumb spread out. Then say "For the crown"   Complaining that you are poor is looked down on as anyone would just work a little harder to get more stamps.

Art & Architecture

there art and architecture has two sides. what the poor see to there daily lives, and what the nobles want.  Architecture used for the poor to use is Dull and squarish. each house looking like one another. there art mostly is only shown in the clothes that they make. sewing in stories with patterns and symbols.  while the nobles have houses that are beyond fancy, each one looking like its own art piece. they even are lucky enough to own paintings in there homes. with are so detailed you can spend days looking at them

Funerary and Memorial customs

Death is a much bigger deal to the Novish then to other people or places. Death is the final thing that can happen to someone.  the person is laid in a lovely strong coffin, the grave itself is 6 feet deep. first is the coffin at the bottom, then heavy big boulders,   gravel placed on top off of that, and then dirt for the rest. a headstone is placed on top, with words that say that person's life story told by the living.  Funerals are big and stop all other events. when a death comes to a family it truly breaks them.


Beauty Ideals

Jewelry and being over the top is there ideal way to show beauty. Wealth and beauty go hand in hand.

Gender Ideals

Novish being a mixed species ethnicity there outlook on gender is more open. understanding that some koroblins may like how humans show the same gender.  like Koroblin women tend to be made out of brimstone and fire, while Human women tend to be made out of honey and flowers. So seeing a koroblin woman acting like a human woman isn't looked down on by most. but when they do see someone start showing how they wants to exprise there gender they want that person to stick to that strictly. a sweet and soft lady would be shunned if she picked up a war axe, or if a strong Man picked up a book, he would get odd looks.    Koroblin Femininity: Strength and a unique brand of heartlessness is the energy they give off. The need to protect their family and especially kids is so high that they tend to be violet hot heads. for this reason they tend to favor jobs like hunting or joining the army. loyalty is the best side to their nature once you get there trust they won't break that trust. they tend to like being the leader in a romantic relationship.       Koroblin Masculinity: Seen as the only thing that can hold a koroblin female from fighting. Koroblin masculinity is seen as someone who is well learned, calm, and lovely. knowledge and peaceful energy is what they give off to others. they have sweet voices and can enchant you with just there words. Jobs such as teachers, writers, and bookkeepers call to them. they like being the helping hand to others.   Human masculinity: Bravery and Pride is there namesake. there spirit seem to never give up. they work to there dreams and do anything for said dreams. all though because of this they can be pushed to do jobs no one wants. breaking their pride is the easiest way to have one turn on you.        Human Femininity: Viewed as things of beauty by the rest of the world. well behaved and soft spoken. they are seen as art pieces more than people. they often dont have jobs and stay home with there kids.

Courtship Ideals

When asking for marriage the main goal in mind is not for love but for being able to move up in the social ranks. the befits you get with taxes and other things drive people even more to marry. but not bringing a huge ring or many jewels will most like you get nohting more then just a big fat no.

Relationship Ideals

koroblins dating humans or same gender relationships are looked down on. maybe a little illegal.
Diverged ethnicities
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