Calemdar, a world-power, ruled by the most bloodthirsty and brutal Emperors, reforms into a Republic.
The last Emperor of Calemdar, Emperor Andrius Lildor saw what Calemdar would do if it continued on the path it was following. It was said that Lildor had horrid dreams, and saw the future of Korrisia. Lildor saw Korrisia burn, the Calemdarian Mages dropping comets form the heavens and vaporizing entire cities, the whole world would fall under the grasp of Calemdar, its Heavenly Mandate fulfilled, but at what cost? Lildor knew that Calemdar could serve as a bastion for the world, not a tyrannical force. Lildor made sweeping changes and introduced progressive and empire-changing laws that slowly opened the doors for reformation. Within twelve years, Lildor had stripped his office of almost all power, until he introduced the Codes of Republic, to which the title of Emperor was removed and made officially illegal to return. Lildor did not become the first chancellor, he did not become a general or advisor, Lildor became a farmer, and settled on a beautiful open landscape. By becoming the champion of freedom and democracy, thousands flocked to him and followed him to his farmlands, and eventually the peaceful farmland grew to become the noble city of Lildor.