Kamantu is a secret city on Isle Magnon. It was created by scholars fleeing the world and isolating themselves as a result of the god wars. A small village supports the hole city for food and sustenance and in return the powerful wizards , priest and alchemists protect the village and contribute with their talents.
Sometimes they receive alerts or signals that someone like them is in danger and in such times they send someone to help or gather information. Although most of them are old there are younger members and families have appeared. Although not spoken there is among them the belief that one day they will again be safe and free to roam the world. Often when drunk of in good company will repeat the phrase
Relations with the rest of the world
Although the inhabitants are quite satisfied with their lives they can't help but long for the great libraries and institutes they left behind. Some of them leave and travel in disguise in order to acquire scrolls and artifacts and bring them back but to also interfere with other scholars and link them to Kamantu. Although they are very reluctant to reveal the location they always make sure that a scientist in need will be able to turn to them.Sometimes they receive alerts or signals that someone like them is in danger and in such times they send someone to help or gather information. Although most of them are old there are younger members and families have appeared. Although not spoken there is among them the belief that one day they will again be safe and free to roam the world. Often when drunk of in good company will repeat the phrase
"As in the past, we will see the light."
Kamanu is built in the rocky side of the mountain above the Village. The educated inhabitants where more than capable of building and securing structures in the dangerous terrain.
Alternative Name(s)
Secret City, Asylum
Included Organizations
Owning Organization
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