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List of Deities

The gods of Kosmós are many, some very powerful, and some thread the line between mortal being and deity. The greater gods especially are incomprehensible for mortal beings; they don't have personalities, motives, or feelings, they're simply embodiments of forces of nature. This is less applicable for lower gods, especially  

The Greater Gods

  • Thána

    The Passing God, Death, Tid, Ilif, God   Thana is the god of endings and beginnings. The embodiment of the infinite and the finiteness of everything. She represents Erosion, Time, Birth, Death, and Life. She was the first god, and will be the last, and all other gods stem from her. It is unknown if she created the universe, or if it created her. But as far as can be known, she has always existed. Her earliest children were Odigó and Archilon, respectively the gods of death and life. These gods serve more as extensions of Thána, rather than fully fledged deities on their own. Few dedicated worshippers of Thána exist since the fall of most Fachfordian Civilizations. As such, the kingdoms of Byr's and Astyny's populations make up a large percentage of the world's Thána followers.   Thána is often represented with the flower of life geometric symbol. A symbol with Fachfordian origin, that represents the circle of all creation.  


    The ferryman, The Guide, Death, The Reaper   Odigó is death, they guide departed souls to the great beyond. Odigó is a facet of Thána, and together with Archilon, less separate from Thána than most other gods. Death is rarely worshipped by specific cults, but has a background presence in most cultures and most religions. A prominent sect of worshippers of Odigó are the wizards of Potoneiron, the last bastion of Issiz.   Odigó is almost always represented by a white stadium shape on a black field. Representing the light at the end of the tunnel, a door to the next thing, and a gravestone at the same time.  


    The Soulsmith, the creator, Mitéra, Matka   Archilon is the beginning of all souls. They have forged every living soul that ever existed, and will create all those that will exist. These souls are created from the very weave of Thána's being. Archilon is the sibling of Odigó, and many worshippers of Archilon believe that at the end of all things, when there are no more souls to be sown, Archilon will be taken home by Odigó for the night. Then, at dawn, Archilon will sow Thána's creation into something new. Prominent sects of Archilon worshippers exist across Aster. The Dyti (the main ethnic group in Aster) used to mainly worship Archilon, before Fotos worship supplanted it. Archilon is represented by the Weallander Inguz rune, a rune that represents fertility and life.


    The Bright God, The Shining Son, The Sun, The Lord of Light   Fotos is the god of the sun, of all light, fire, but also of concepts associated with it, such as knowledge, arrogance, hubris, and imperfection. Most gods like Fotos, are more complex than Archilon and Odigó, who serve clear purposes, with clear constraints. The other deities embody plain aspects of being. Fotos' light reveals all, be it good or evil. Fotos is thus fed by revealing of knowledge and exploration. But also, by extension, by acts of hubris and arrogance. Some of those who worship Fotos, fly too close to the sun. Fotos is the patron of the Asterian Republic, and most citizens worship Fotos. His sun proudly displayed on Asterian Military Banners. He is the embodiment of imperfection, for all that is revealed as fully as by his light, is as imperfect as can be.   Fotos worshippers use a multitude of different banners, one of them being the one on the left. The colours white and yellow are often used, mainly depicting the sun, stars or arteficial lights such as lanterns or candles. Fotos can also be represented by a phoenix, namely by the elite senatorial guard of Aster, who carries a Phoenix banner in the name of Fotos.


    The Shrouded God, Ýpnos, The Silent Sister   Agnýs is the goddess of darkness, ignorance, humility, calm, and perfection. Her darkness is a comfort and a counterbalance to the blinding light of Fotos. As none can look upon her bright brother, none could hope to see her figure in the dark. Just like all other Deities, together they bring balance. She is fed by the hidden things in the world, the calm and quiet of the night, the ignorance of young and old, and perfection. If nothing is seen, everything perfect. Prominent Agnýs worshippers are often looked down upon in the known world, many cults misconstruing her true nature as evil and dark. There is a sanctuary founded by monks of Agnýs where many who are blind, born as such or otherwise, are taught the ways of Agnýs, and learn to see with her senses. Agnýs worshippers often use pure black or purple banners, or a blackened sun on a purple field, with its darkness oozing out.

    Lesser gods

      The Senses


      The Eye, Widz, The Observer, Loki, Twyll, Judas, The Spinster   Séo is the god of knowing, schemes, seeing, and secrets. They're closer to Fotos than Agnýs. Séo is fed by distrust, corruption, and the hunger for knowledge. Where Fotos reveals, they behold, and where Agnýs shrouds, their gaze is less piercing. But vision can deceive you, and so does Séo. Though Séo seems malicious, without what they embody, there would be no thirst for knowledge, no march of progress, no mistakes to learn from, and no trust to lose or gain. Those who are corrupt and treacherous feed Séo indeed, but so do harmless pranksters, brilliant scientists, shrewd spies, hoarders of knowledge, and selfless teachers. Séo is represented by many versions of Eye imagery, often in black and white  


      The blind god, Lady Love, The Listener   Wiara is related to Séo, and in many ways their opposite, and represents another sense, hearing. She is more clearly a daughter of Agnýs. Her blindness gives way to implicit trust, wisdom and understanding. Where Séo sees and knows, she hears and understands. She observes the world less concretely than Seó. Where Séo represents rationality, Wiara represents complex emotions, those that cannot be gauged from a mere glance at someone. Emotions such as Grief, Jealousy, Regret, Embarrassment, Pride, and held in the highest regard, Love. Many Zimnak people worship Wiara and her brother Wojka. Many Solars and under deities of Wiara are deeply fond of life, many holding a a special fondness for humanity. Wiara is nearly always represented with a shut eye. She has no colours associated with her.  


      Guð, Pólymis, The God of War, The Serpent   Wojka is the god of war and primal emotions. He is the third sibling of the senses, smell, which elicits basic deep seeded emotions such as lust, anger, joy, sadness, disgust, etc. He represents the raw animalistic side of all living creatures and acts of life. He thrives of the impulses that lead to love and anger and war. Wojka falls squarely between his siblings, blind to their struggle, concerned with neither knowledge, nor the understanding of it. He is pure unbridled passion incarnate, and in many ways, a far greater force than both his siblings. Wojka too, is worshipped by many in Zimnakraj. Zimnakraj's legendary founder,Bazyli the Conqueror, was deified through Wojka, and now serves as an avatar of war.   Wojka is often represented by hearts of fire imagery. Always with the colour red.  




      The Rooted god, What has been   Raka is the goddess of trees, shade, roots, and the past. She is the patron of the wood elves, and is closely tied to her sister Tuma. Together, Raka and Tuma strike a balance between future and past and ground the present. She is fed by nostalgia, history, stability, memories and the ending of stories. But also by decay, rot, youth, and material death. Where the souls of the living return with Odigó, their earthly selves return to Raka.   Rake is represented by Roots, and the colours brown and green.  


      The Growing God, What will be   Tuma is the goddess of branches, growth, renewing, hope, healing, dreams, and the future. She is the sister of Raka, fed by dreams, hopes, aspirations, progress and all manners of change. She also embodies disease, old age, despair. She is the patron of the High Elves of Rawaou, and she is also worshipped by the wood-elves, and many weallanders who settled close to the elves of Notos, such as the inhabitants of Brymham.   Tume is represented by branches, leaves, flowers, and other similar images. Often in green, or bright spring colours  


      The Flowing God, The Lady of the Seas   Wæra is the goddess of the seas, water, storms, wind, the passage of life and time. She makes the connection between Raka and Tuma. She was worshipped by nearly all Weallanders during the Weallander Period. Many sailors, like the Weallanders, still worship the Lady of the Seas.   Wæra is represented by a white wave on a blue background in the Weallander tradition, though other colours and variations have become more common    




      The God of Beauty, The Vain One, The Glittering God   Gimm is the patron of all that is beautiful, subjectively of course, that could anything. He is fed by the appreciation of beauty. He is the god of stone, gems, minerals, jewelry, art, wealth, and attractiveness. Most Dwarves of Glachtir worship Gimm, and the worship of many other gods deemed heretical, such as Kateska, Wiara, and Raka and Tuma is strictly illegal. However, to separate Gimm from Kateska, is to separate art from its observer, which makes it meaningless.   He is often represented with a golden gem.    


      The smith, the crafter, Steve?   Kateska is the god of material creation. She has aided in the creation of most things, and is a much more 'conscious' god than most others. She is fond of all creatures, because all creatures create some form of art in her eyes. She is fed by all creation, yet she is not a very prominent nor powerful deity. Kateska elected to stay close to creation to observe all its marvels, and as such has retained or gained the near omnipotant and qualities that her fellow gods have. She is less of a force of nature and being, and more a humble artisan and observer of a creation she could never hope to match, life. A small number of dwarves, much less than in the olden days, still worship Kateska, and many Artisans of all types of the more religious inclination pray to her.   She is often represented by a bee. But can also be represented by all types of tools and hardware imagery.  

      Minor Gods, Deities, Demons, And Ascended Creatures

    • Óros, Callaghanos

      The God of Stipulations, scribes, writing, reading, and laws. There is an Asterian Sect of Clerics that are some of the most sought after lawyers in all of the known world
    • Jesus Christ,

      The God of Thoughts and Prayers (just the phrase)
    • Jesus Christ was a weallander priest who became famous for 'helping' Fachfordian victims of the great Weallander invasions. While he did fuck all really. He ascended to godhood out of pure spite of those who suffer.  


      The God of Chance  
    • Fiona

      The God of Wine and Alcohol
    • Bazyli

      The Champion of Wojka
    • Bealuin

      Servant of Seó, lord of deceit


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