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Kosmós The Age of Calamity


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It is the year 610 MT, two decades ago, the known world was plunged into chaos after the great calamity destroyed the great empire of Issiz, and left the republic of Aster in a free-falling decline.  

Geography & population

  The known world consists of three continents: Elwe in the west, Notos (with the Cæp islands) in the south, and Estomi in the east. Many peoples and species populate the known world, with humans by far the most dominant and numerous. Other Intelligent species which inhabit the known world include: Elves, Dwarves, Orcs, Goblins, Halflings, Tieflings, and many more, some of which have long been lost to myth.  

States of the Known World


Pre-Calamity World

  Many states dot the three continents of the Known World. Before the establishment of Aster some 600 years ago, the known world was dominated by the seafaring Weallander humans. Many vestiges of their civilizations remain, and Weallander peoples still make up a sizeable percentage of the human population of the world.  

The Great Calamity

  Up until the Great Calamity, Aster ruled much of the known world. Their borders encompassed most of Elwe, the shores and Islands of Notos, and the western lands of Estomi. After many Republic legions and leaders were lost in the Calamity, it failed to contain the ensuing chaos. East Aster’s military governor seceded and rules his turbulent country with an iron fist, Vectir was left to its own devices and forced into independence, the Cæp Islands were taken by the Etaikí Company, Ealdrhiht successfully rebelled, and the duke of Bezet attempted the same, the Ancient king of Dor was revived using magic released during the great calamity and is on the warpath against the other Northern Kingdoms, Harten and Stalland, which have formed an alliance against it.   The High-Elves of Uainmor offered the humans of the crumbling Republic their help, but were met with hatred and violence by the Insurrectionist governor of East Aster. East Aster and Uainmor fought a bloody war which was eventually won by the Elves after the Northern kingdom of Zimnakraj honoured their ancient alliance and came to their aid.   The Northern human kingdom of Zimnakraj reinforced its borders and aided the bordering Elves and Dwarves. Their corner of Estomí is the only part that is still remotely stable, and has so far been spared from most of the chaos, though there are rumblings from the north of the sea, the giants of Freomearc are waking up   Issiz was wiped of the face of the earth, with only one remnant of the once great empire remaining: the city of Potoneiron, which was protected from the great Calamity through unknown means by the powerful wizard which rules the city.   The Wood-elves of Notos almost completely cut contact with the outside world after the destruction of Brymham, during which they tried and failed to help the Weallander city while it was suffering from a mysterious fungus borne plague and being assailed by undead from the Veins of Fuscus. No one who entered their great forest was ever heard from again.  

Current day

  Now, 20 years after the great Calamity, the Republic of Aster is resurgent. It has reconquered Bezet, Pacified the northern kingdoms, and has the Fachfordir States on their knees. Though the Fachfordir campaign has stalled greatly.   Now, the Republic is looking eastward, where the Etaikí company has secured great wealth and power. Etaikí has positioned itself as a shield against the many threats of the post calamity world. It now controls much of the coasts of the Filikó sea, and the Cæpton islands are under their control. Their navy has an undisputed grip on nearly all sea-born trade. Though the company board, which rules the Etaikí holdings with a cruel efficiency, is wary of the resurgent Aster, and knows the republic will not simply allow Etaikí to get away with their rebellion. The mysterious chairman of Etaíki is a being of great magical power, though no one knows precisely who or what the chairman is.   Though Etaíki rule is cruel and harsh, many people accept this reality as the lesser of two evils considering the great horrors that haunt the east, and constantly seem to draw closer. As far as many are concerned, the cruel rule of Etaíki is much preferable over the tragedy that has gripped the eastern nations such as East Aster, Vectir, and Issiz. Though there are some that long for the return of Asterian rule, or even a renewed Weallander realm.   Astyny, one of the last kingdoms of the ancient Fachfordir peoples, supported the Duke of Bezet’s independence, and for that they have paid dearly. The kingdom of Astyny is ready to fall at the hands of Asterian armies. However, the final twitches of Astyny have given the Asterian invaders a bloody nose. The ancient Fachfordir woods have turned into a daunting land to conquer for the unfamiliar Asterians. king Cirian of Astyny is waging a brutal war from the cover of the ancient forest.   Byr, while not having supported Bezet, is ever wary of their colossal eastern Neighbour. Refugees from Astyny have found welcoming homes in Byr. In recent years, ships have set sail from the great port of Delle, not to the east, but venturing west. What they seek west, is unknown, perhaps the ancestral lands of Aster have been found?   East-Aster was greatly weakened by its incessant wars against its Elvish neighbours. it is still controlled by the dictatorial general Pythios who rebelled against Aster, he now fashions himself Emperor of Aster. Many of its people live in squalor, and the nation is beset by turmoil: Bands of orcs and goblins are ravaging its eastern borders, undead dwarves have risen from tombs in the northern mountains, and spirits, wraiths, and unspeakable horrors from realms beyond this one are showing up further and further west from the desolate lands of Issiz. Seemingly originating from the heart of the great Calamity at Korkunc's Rest   Vectir had grown wealthy over the years, but has fallen into civil war after the nobility could not agree on the appointment of a new prince. The north, seeking closer bonds with Aster, and mainly consisting of lenient Fotos worshippers, is caught between Etaíki and the southern prince in league with Etaíki. This prince has converted to the worship of Wojka, or guð. The civil war might not see any conclusion, as the veins of Fuscus seem to thirst for blood, and its rot and blight is expanding outwards into Vectir, those caught by it likely doomed to a grim fate.   Ealdrhiht had become a haven for Weallanders from all over the world. The northern kingdoms, who are also of Weallander descent, have strayed far from Weallander religion and culture of old, they have largely left the worship of Weara behind in favour of other gods like Fotos, Agnys and guð, while the southern Weallanders still cling to the flowing god. The King of Ealdrhiht has provided a home for refugees from the Cæp Islands, which had incurred the wrath of Etaíki. Despite this, the nation prospered. This ended with the destruction of Brymham, its second largest city, and one of the oldest Weallander settlements in the known world. What truly happened to the city is subject to much debate and rumour. The general consensus is that the rot of Fuscus claimed the city for itself.   Zimnakraj has remained stable over the years. But there are rumours that the king is gravely ill, and the vultures are circling. His eldest and only son is ready to take the throne, but it remains to be seen if he has the strength to continue the stable rule of his father. The dwarves of Glachtir would be sure to take advantage of their ancient enemy's instability. And the country cannot afford disunity in the face of renewed giant activity to their north. Scouts on the eastern frontier are sending alarmed reports of gathering hordes of orcs seemingly fleeing from something in the east.   Mysterious Glachtir is a flurry of activity, the dwarves have been actively mining out new holds for the first time in centuries. Their forges burn day and night, and none know why. Dwarves from all over the world are flocking to the last kingdom. The dwarves seem poised for conflictl.   The Elven kingdom Uainmor overcame the East-Aster invasions with the help of Zimnak armies. But the illusion of eternal splendour and peace was shattered, and the elven population greatly diminished. The pride of the Elves was tarnished and their hatred for the Asterians burns deep. Their isolation once again put aside, in favour of revenge against those that wronged them. Many Elves see the writing on the wall, their glory days are over, but they'll be damned if they go down quietly. Though some elves are alarmed at this war footing, their warnings fall on deaf ears.   The Wood-elves of Rawaou have long been isolated from the world. The only contact they had with the outside is through the small amount of trade that is had in the city of Brymham. The Queen of the Woodelves tried in vain to come to the aid of the people of Brymham during its destruction. Her failure was seen as a betrayal by the people of Ealdhriht, and to prevent bloodshed, she cut off her realm completely. The Etaikí company has taken over many lands on the edge of the great forest, and rumours are abound that The Board is not content to respect the Elven isolation given the great amount of potential resources in the vast lands of Notos.   The lands of Issiz still lie quiet in the east. The once green forests and fields now barren and quiet. The only thing that grows there are bright red poppies. Nightmarish creatures originating from the epicentre of the great calamity at Karkunc's Rest are wreaking havoc on East Aster and Vectir. Though the lone city of Potoneiron still stands by the hands of its powerful wizard protector. Contact with the city is nigh impossible, with very few surviving the dangerous treck through the desolate lands of Issiz. Magical communication has become completely unreliable near Korkunc's rest. So what is transpiring in Potoneiron is a mystery to the scholars of Aster.