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Uainmor was once the shining beacon of all civilization. While the woodelves dwelt in isolation, the dwarves fell into decline, and humans were but at the beginning of their rise, Uainmor stood tall.

  The High-Elven kingdom of Uainmor was founded after the High-Elven faction split from the other Elves (The kingdom of the elves) to make war upon the Dwarves. After a century of war, Uainmor was born, and the dwarves were defeated.

  Uainmor quickly grew into a wealthy civilization, together with their ally, Zimnakraj, to the north, it is the oldest kingdom in the known world.

  Uainmor disengaged itself from international affairs after the Zimnak civil war, and grew increasingly detached from the world at large, stuck in a past that no longer was.

  The elves lived in peace for centuries, until that peace was shattered by The Great Calamity. The High-Elves were largely uneffected, but the ruler of East-Aster blamed the Elves for the disaster. East-Aster broke the centuries long peace of the Elves, and brought ruin on their civilization.

  The tides of war turned when East-Aster stretched its forces too far. The final blow came with the intervention of king Stephan XI of Zimnakraj, who brought down the full might of zimnakraj on East-Aster. Which quickly sued for peace.

  The Elves of Uainmor were left with a damaged land, many of their people dead, or enslaved in far away lands. The vengefulness of old returned, but with none of the power and splendour to match it.

  It remains to be seen if the elves can ever regain their former glory, or if they will fall to the grinding wheel of time, like the dwarves they destroyed before them.


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