Apnosis (app-NOH-sees)

God of Knowledge

Apnosis is a god of knowledge. He is depicted both as an Owlin and alternatively a Vedalken, always male and elderly, and never without his staff, Psartheia, which depicts a winged fish which doubles as Apnosis’ symbol. He is a member of the Theonínta.   The most scholarly of the gods, Apnosis has a truly divine curiosity and desire to accumulate and catalog knowledge. His domain, Vivilotheca, is an unending library where he records all knowledge.   Unsurprisingly, Apnosis is revered by philosophers across Koss and is often prayed to by those seeking esoteric knowledge, particularly arcane magic. While not an inventor or craftsman, Apnosis is often given sacrifices by people of those trades as he represents the technical knowledge that stands behind those disciplines. This is at times a point of contention among the gods, as Apnosis is known to be angered by those who make great philosophical advancements but fail to thank him for the insight he provides.   There are many stories about knowledge being stolen from Vivilotheca or Apnosis himself being tricked into teaching some hidden or forbidden lore to those daring enough to try. There are many reasons for this, be it Apnosis’ belief that others should make discoveries for themselves rather than simply being gifted knowledge, his pride in knowing the most things, or simply the common notion that he is simply insufferable to be around for any extended length of time.   Unlike most other deities, Apnosis abhors offerings of animals, wine, and the like. Offerings to Apnosis are made by inscribing knowledge on a scroll and burning it, either spreading the ashes into the wind or into a body of water. Original texts are thought to be an even greater gift, so it is not uncommon for more devout scholars to house reproductions of works within the cases of original scrolls—the implication being that they offered the originals to Apnosis. One-of-a-kind and previously unknown knowledge are the ultimate sacrifice, with stories of heroes receiving powerful boons in exchange for lost scrolls unread even by those who discovered them. His cult can be found among any school or university across Koss, and many scholars wear his symbology even if they are not incredibly pious as it has taken on a secondary meaning of expressing one’s wealth of knowledge and desire to learn.   Apnosis is friends with Zole, though the two often find themselves going in circles in their debates, but he does not care for his friend's children Exa or Lycotasmos due to their volatile natures. He respects Peri's curiosity, and does not mind her occasional soujourn into Vivilotheca.  

Earning and Losing Piety

  You raise your Piety score with Apnosis through acts such as:
  • Discovering forgotten knowledge.
  • Create a great philosophical advancement.
  • Knowing something unknown to your fellow mortals.
  • Sacrificing a powerful scroll to Apnosis.
  Your Piety score with Apnosis decreases through acts such as:
  • A great act of intellectual ignorance.
  • Stealing knowledge from Apnosis or one of his followers.
  • Making a sacrifice of something other than knowledge to Apnosis.

Apnosis’s Devotee

  Piety 3+ Apnosis trait   Your devotion to Apnosis allows you to decipher even the most esoteric of texts in order to unearth yet more secrets for the God of Knowledge. You can cast comprehend languages with this trait a number of times equal to your spellcasting ability modifier (minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.  

Apnosis’s Votary

  Piety 10+ Apnosis trait    

Apnosis’s Disciple

  Piety 25+ Apnosis trait    

Champion of Apnosis

  Piety 50+ Apnosis trait

Character Portrait image: by Cas


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