House Chrysos (kree-sohs)

House Chrysos is situated in the port city of Limpani, situated in central Asinisos on the western bank of the island’s largest bay. Once a Rheon colony, Limpani is a haven for those who appreciate the philosophy of Rheo, without the red tape of its democratic institutions.   No one represents this mentality more than the Demarkos of House Chrysos, Parmenion. An Owlin philosopher and merchant ostracized from Rheo due to engaging in a fistfight with a fellow philosopher in the Agora, Parmenion fled to Asinisos with a dozen ships filled with gold—most of which was his own. When he arrived he immediately made a name for himself, funding great artistic and architectural marvels within the city as well as virtually taking over the harbor.   With the coming of the Great Wildfire, House Chrysos invested heavily in the building of warships. It was House Chrysos penteconters that closed the harbors and escorted ships down the Thalan straight to the warfront. Now, house Chrysos is the primary hub for trade with Rheo, though the other Houses are wary that Permenion may be courted back to Rheo should his ostracism be reevaluated.
Guild, Merchant


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