The Merchant Republics of Asinisos

To the south of Megagi lies the island of Asinisos. Once disputed territory between Rheo and Vas, after the coming of Acheric’s Great Wildfire, wealthy residents of the island took the opportunity to secede from the control of either polis, choosing instead to rule over themselves. While this choice was immensely unpopular in both city-states, the people of Koss conceded that fighting among themselves when faced with such an existential threat to their existence was self-defeating, and thus the merchant republics were born. Of course, with the threat of the Great Wildfire extinguished, eyes are turning back to old disputes, and the isle of Asinisos is once again feeling pressure from its new neighbors.  

The Merchant Republics

  Unlike Rheo and Vas, the island of Asinisos is not ruled by a single polis, but rather five merchant houses each controlling their own city and sharing control over the surrounding villages and oceans. They make up what is essentially an oligarchy, with each merchant house headed by a Dimarchos who is typically the wealthiest person in the city, and as such life in and around each of the republic varies. Despite their differences, residents and visitors of Asinisos can avail themselves of comforts and freedoms unknown in some other areas of Koss, assuming they have the coin to afford them.   The five merchant houses that make up the Merchant Republics of Asinisos are House Metikos, House Chrysos, House Sitarapeiro, House Iroa, and House Fidigos.  

The Isle of Attalia

  Located to the north-east of Asinisos is the isle of Attalia. The island itself is no more than forty miles wide, but is the site of a bitter territorial dispute between the Merchant Republics and Rheo. Each claims the island as their territory, and have positioned a sizable fleet on either side. While no open battle has yet broken out, tensions are rising by the day and it is only a matter of time before someone throws the first spear.
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