House Fidigos (fee-dee-gohs)

House Fidigos is technically not situated on the island of Asinisos, nor is it a true merchant house at all. It is located on a small island to the east of mainland Asinisos in a castle occupied only by the House’s Dimarchos, her staff, and the occasional guest.   Zenodoria is Dimarchos of House Fidigos in the same sense as Fidigos is a true merchant house—purely as a technicality. A philosopher and magician, Zenodoria is a recluse who never leaves her island. She does not engage actively in trade with any of the other Merchant Houses, preferring to engage in unknowable experiments within her island domain. Occasionally, heroes and adventurers are invited to the island to undertake missions for Zenodoria. Few return, but those that do carry with them wealth and treasures beyond the wildest dreams of all but Koss’s most powerful and influential peoples.   Little is known about Zenodoria’s rise to power. It is said that, when the four other would-be Dimarchos gathered in Metikos to discuss their secession, Zenodoria arrived uninvited. No record of the conversation was kept, but the others unanimously accepted her into their ranks, and praises of House Fidigos’s contribution to the war as well as the continued stability of the Merchant Republics have come from the lips of each of the other leaders.
Guild, Merchant


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