House Metikos (meh-tee-kohs)

House Metikos is situated in a city of the same name between two lakes in central Asinisos. The only republic not situated by the coast, Metikos retains their power through their mining industry, which produces a huge percentage of Kossic tin as well as other metals.   House Metikos is run by a Duergar named Thea. She herself was once a miner, but through her shrewd mind and aggressive business tactics quickly brought her into a position of power. It was Thea who united the merchant houses in their rebellion, and in the past two decades since the end of the Great Wildfire she has been consolidating her power.   The city of Metikos is a veritable fortress, surrounded by great bronze walls and hosting a small army of smiths, many view it as a taste of the Underworld fit for the living. This sentiment is reflected both by the lavish lives of the wealthy merchants as well as the back-breaking labor of the miners who dig ever deeper beneath the city in search of yet more riches.
Guild, Merchant


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