Kairemos (cair-AY-mohs)

God of the Skies

Kairemos is the deity of weather and the seasons. They are depicted as a tall, androgynous eladrin with burns on their right side and hair fading from bald to impossibly long and clad in a himation in the colors of the four seasons. Their symbol is a gathering of clouds. They are a member of the Theonínta.   A god of the skies, Kairemos survived the coming of Fytanke Calamêtes, fleeing on the winds they outpaced the flames that meant the destruction of their own cycle and encountered those that made up the next—the other deities in the Theonínta. It was with Kairemos’s warning that the Theonínta were able to band together and repel Calamêtes, beginning the Age of Gods.   Having been created long before the other gods and having witnessed the destruction of their contemporaries, Kairemos is somewhat aloof from the other deities and mortals alike. They are at home in the skies, occasionally sharing them with birds and other airborne creatures, but generally moving on their own.   Though heretical to some, the consistent cycles of Kairemos’s seasons are thought to be influenced by Fytankes—whether it be due to them having witnessed the cycle of rebirth firsthand or because they were made closer to Efforos’s own image is something debated behind closed doors and in scrolls written in ciphers. No one, openly at least, is willing to risk Kairemos’s wrath based on speculation on their works. It is also widely believed Kairemos’s burns were caused by the fires of Calamêtes, though it is unknown whether they are unwilling or unable to heal them.   Worship of Kairemos is common among those whose professions are closely linked to the weather or seasons. Farmers often sacrifice to Kairemos as well as Vasithari, and fisherpeople thank Kairemos and Thalakyma for favorable winds and respite from storms. Temples to Kairemos are typically built atop hills and mountains, as close to the skies as mortals can reach, and have open walls and roofs to let the elements inside.   While more traditional cults to Kairemos exist, they along with their daughter Peri are also the subject of the Animos Mystirio, a mystery cult concerning their origins and the previous cycles in the Age of Wildfire. Little is known about the practices of the Animos Mystirio, save for their dedication to keeping those practices secret.   Eldest of the Theonínta, Kairemos is well respected among the first generation of Kossic deities. Notably Thalakyma and Vasithari, often jealous and quick to anger, do not extend these tendencies to Kairemos, their winter storms and frost ravishing the seas and crops alike without any comeuppance upon Kairemos. Kairemos permits Nypoloita to house her stars in the sky as well as Pola’s sun, something neither deity takes for granted.
Pantheon Theonínta
Pronouns They/Them
Symbol A gathering of clouds.
Family Fytanke Efforos (created by)
Peri (Daughter)

Character Portrait image: by Cas


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