Korymour (kore-ee-more)

Korymour is a place of great spiritual significance to the Kossic faith. It is home to its titular oracle—the Oracle at Korymour—who holds significant prophetic abilities and is not known to be tied to any particular deity. There have been many Oracles at Korymour over the centuries, but each is said to have been dreamed of by the last on the eve of their death. Once identified, it would be a breach of divine law to refuse to become the Oracle at Korymour, and none thus far have refused the call.   Korymour is located in central Vas at the foot of a great mountain range. It consists of a main temple upon the mountain itself, surrounded and protected by a growing settlement consisting mainly of those who have come seeking spiritual enlightenment and purpose, and those who would prey upon them. The Oracle themself is well guarded, and is often sought after by heroes and heads of state.


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