Vas (vass)

One of the three major Kossic poleis, Vas has a fearsome reputation of immense military might. Their influence dominates much of the Megagi peninsula—the largest landmass in Koss—and their ambitions are turning to the territories of the other poleis as dreams of expansion continue to come true. Citizens of Vas are known for their athleticism and might, and while it is uncommon for the polis to produce philosophers, when it does they draw great renown from the polis and beyond. Equality among the people of Vas is enforced, and any who live there will achieve a modest life in exchange for their service.  


  Vas is ruled over by a pair of hereditary monarchs from two distinct lines of succession. Each line is said to date back the twin children of Timotheus, the founder of Vas, and are named the Praxillid line after Praxilla and the Darid line after Dares. The Praxillid ruler claims ownership of the sword Lepoas and the Darid line the shield Aspaitos, each artifacts said to have been given to Timotheus by Zole.  

Council of Elders

  Working together, the Vasili have complete control of the decisions made on behalf of Vas. They can make or change whatever laws they like by right of their blood. Should there ever be conflict between the Vasili, a body of Vassic elders exists who may break the tie between two rulers. While the council of elders may not broach a matter unilaterally, it is tradition for the Vasili to consult the elders and heed their council.   The elders also serve as the adjudicators of matters not important enough to warrant the attention of the Vasili. They serve as judges during disputes between citizens, ambassadors to other poleis, religious advisors, and other similar roles. The position of elder is available only to those deemed sufficiently old and wise with longer lived races needing to be relatively older to qualify, and is a position of great respect among the people of Vas.  

The Vassic Economy

  Unlike the other poleis, Vas does not mint coins, nor does it use them. Food, water, shelter, and all the necessities of life are provided by the polis for its citizens. Weapons and armor are forged and distributed equally, and when one is in need of something more specialized such as artisant tools or horses they need only beseech an elder (or, in rare cases, the Vasili) and, should they be found to both have a need of the item and should filling this need net some benefit for the Vassic people or state, they will be granted it.   Unsurprisingly, this is an extremely successful practice for doling out necessities, but less so for luxuries. Typically luxuries in Vas are acquired through warfare, leading to the more prolific soldiers and generals acquiring many luxuries, but for the rest luxuries are found through the River Market, a loosely organized group of smugglers who break Vassic law by accepting coin to smuggle things into and out of the polis. There is something of an understanding among the citizens of Vas to look the other way should someone one day acquire a beautiful rug or shiny new saddle, but should these luxuries begin to pile up or should the citizen become to bold or arrogant the people will relieve them of their belongings and the elders will turn a blind eye.  


  Anthroteros are the residents of Vas and its surrounding villages and territories who are not citizens. They are under the protection of Vas, but are not afforded the same privileges as full citizens. First, they may never serve as an elder nor may they marry into either royal line. Second, they receive lesser quantities of foodstuffs from the state and typically are not provided weapons unless the polis is under siege. Anthroteros tend to become the craftspeople and serve in other roles citizens are unable to fill. When Vas conquerors a territory or village the residents become Anthroteros by right of conquest, and their valuables are distributed among the conquerors. While this unsurprisingly is feared by those of high economic standing like merchants who often flee at rumors of a Vassic invasion, common folk tend to be treated better even as Anthroteros than they did under nobility who care more about coin than their people, and as such are welcomed into poorer areas.   Children of Anthroteros are not normally able to undertake Sklirotikos, however infants brought before a powerful oracle may be granted this option, at which point they are accepted into a family of citizens and raised by them. The child is not permitted to know their birth family until they reach the phase of Iromistis, at which point they may do with that knowledge what they please.
Large city
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