Minisession 1 - We Didn’t Start the Fire

General Summary

Neophytus, Xanthos, and Phaedra see smoke in the distance and start travelling north to investigate. They meet each other along the way and start travelling together. As they follow a river, they spot two Vassic soldiers dead in the water.   The smoke leads them to a town called Prodendros. The Mayor there, Proclus, seemingly hasn’t done anything productive to deal with the orchard on fire and the townsfolk are angry. Xanthos and Neo bring Proclus to a tavern, the Harpies Rest, to confront the mercenaries he hired. Both of them aren’t doing their jobs, but are still getting paid. Through talking, Neo suspects that they were the ones that killed the soldiers. After an accusation, the mercenaries attack. One of the mercenaries kills Proclus and then gets killed themself. The last mercenary surrenders.   Neo and Xanthos investigate the burning orchard and fight a group of charred elementals led by a dryad. The elementals are defeated and the dryad is knocked unconscious. The fire isn’t spreading, so Neo and Xanthos head back to the tavern.   The mercenary, Ophia, admits that the deceased mercenary, Clyon, was the one to set the fire and she was just going along with him because she was scared of him. Neo and Xanthos consult the deity Vasithari and are given instructions for the mercenary’s punishment. Neo uses the scythe on Vasithari’s altar to cut Ophia’s palm and vines sprout from the cut, then drop a Sídero tree seed. Ophia will become the Dryad of that seed as her punishment.   Neo and Xanthos speak to the orchard Dryad and relay her message to the townspeople that they are to let the Dryad deal with the damaged orchard in peace.   The next day, Neo uses a spell to make it rain and put out the fire.

Rewards Granted

  • 8 Gold
  • Sídero Tree Seed
  • Missions/Quests Completed

  • The mercenaries resposible for the orchard fire are dealt with
  • The orchard Dryad will no longer be a threat for the townspeople
  • Xanthos aquires a Sídero tree seed
  • Character(s) interacted with

    Phaedra- Xanthos' mentor
    Proclus†- Mayor of Prodendros, killed by Clyon
    Stila- Prodendros citizen Neo and Xanthos relayed info with
    Lobon- Owner of the tavern, The Harpies Rest
    Stesimbrotos- Patron at the tavern, told many stories including one about the elementals at the orchard
    Clyon†- Mercenary that started the orchard fire, killed by Xanthos
    Ophia- Mercenary, accomplice of Clyon, turned into a Dryad by Vasithari
    Report Date
    11 Apr 2022
    Secondary Location
    Related Characters


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