Minisession 2 - Escape from Limpani

General Summary

Ionessa has arrived in Limpani, but her captain has been accosted by some thugs and has been taken away. An old sailor friend, Nemus, imparts this information and tells her she needs to leave the city, and to get on a boat called the Evlogimenos (ev-loh-gee-men-ohs).   Agapitos spotted a piece of jewelry worn by a noble and broke into their house to get a closer look. He found himself having to hide in an office room, and collected a scroll with some draconic and unknown writing on it, as well as breaking into a well protected lock box which contained a severed head and a belt with some markings on it.   Kestor awoke in a gutter and had a conversation with a bugbear living in the sewers, Gylippus, who has sworn off all earthly possessions. He reminded Kestor that he had challenged Tidas, apprentice philosopher to Parmenion (leader of Limpani) to a debate. Kestor argued that Limpani was still living in Rheo’s shadow, and embarrassed Tidas. Parmenion left, ominously saying it was time to get out of Rheo’s shadow.   Kestor and Agapitos arrived at the docks both looking for the boat, The Zephyr. Unfortunately it was gone, and Ionessa told them she had arranged for passage on another boat. Before they could leave, they were accosted by Tidas and some thugs who tried to kill Kestor. They fought together and defeated the thugs!   Ionessa revealed that she had adopted her drake companion, Kovu, after his parent died in some sort of cave-in or trap under the water?   Agapitos is looking for Mourionos, which Kestor recognized. The two endeavored to be taken to the mainland and investigate further.   Our passage was booked on the Evlogimenos, commanded by Captain Eryxo. She’s setting sail for Cherianto (cair-ee-an-toh) in Western Vas. We get free passage thanks to Ionessa. The captain and first mate are stone; she was crafted by someone called Hyypia in Rheo and given life by Kallipilos.   Agapitos inspects the shrunken head, it’s been burned with fire from the inside out and is slightly shrunken. Does not seem like something a Fytanke worshiper would do, they would burn the whole thing. The belt is a belt of false tracks, Aga stomps around in grain. Ionessa puts us to work.   Ionessa inquires about Eryxo’s past, she came to life and learned sailing from watching people. Then we are attacked by Merrow but fight them off without casualties.   After a few days on the water, we spot Cherianto and move to make port. On the opposite end of the city Xanthos, Neophytos, and Ophia arrive through the gates.

Rewards Granted

Belt of False Tracks   Shrunken mystery head   Draconic scroll

Missions/Quests Completed

Escaped from Limpani

Character(s) interacted with

Parmenion - Leader of Limpani.   Tidas - Parmenion’s apprentice.   Captain Eryxo - Living statue who captains the Evlogimenos. Brought to life by Kallipilos.   Gylippus - A bugbear living in Limpani’s sewers, having forsaken all worldly possessions.   Nemus - Ionessa's old sailor friend.
Report Date
13 Apr 2022
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