Sklirotikos (sklee-roht-ee-kohs)

Sklirotikos is the process of a Vassic child becoming a citizen. It begins at the age of six and continues until the age of thirty when full citizenship is achieved, though it is broken down into three distinct phases. Sklirotikos transfforms children into hardened warriors and tacticians, and is responsible in part for Vas’s reputation as a society of discipline and violence. But it is not merely a training ground for monsters—Sklirotikos emphasizes camaraderie and equality among all Vassic people, and teaches them the value of teamwork. Citizens who complete Sklirotikos have a shared experience with their people, and it is common for traveling citizens who encounter one another on the road to act as family and trust implicitly, even if they have never met. The only exceptions to Sklirotikos are for the Vasili and their children—though in nearly all cases they perform it anyway and it is considered a great personal failure to skip it—and through divine decree by a respected oracle on behalf of a god.   Completing Sklirotikos bars one from some professions such as merchant or craftsman and more or less locks them into a life of battle. But between those battles one secures a guarantee of camaraderie and respect, never to hunger or need of anything. Citizens of Vas are clean, healthy, modestly educated, and command great respect both in their polis and across Koss, and all that is asked of them is that they serve.  


Pronunciation: nay-oh-miss-tees   The first phase of Sklirotikos lasts from ages six to fourteen. Neomistis includes an education in reading, writing, and wit. Athleticism in many forms is taught at this age, as well as the beginnings of combat training. Children are divided into groups of nine called Oikos who receive the same lessons, rewards, and punishments. Oikos often compete against one another in all aspects of their training and though they do not formally continue beyond Sklirotikos, the experience bonds the nine individuals for life, with marriage between those who served in the same Oiko extremely common. Each member of the Oiko is gifted a bronze dagger with the names of each of the other members on it which they are expected to keep throughout their life.  


Pronunciation: enn-eel-miss-tees   The second phase of Sklirotikos lasts from ages fifteen to nineteen. Oikos are disbanded and Enilmistis begin their integration into the culture of adult citizens. Physical training is dramatically increased including training in the phalanx and with all the tools of the hoplites. During this time each of the Enilmistis are assigned a citizen mentor through a lottery who they are encouraged to go to should they need help, advice, or just additional training. It is also highly encouraged for the Enilmistis to begin looking for a romantic partner, as marriage and the raising of the next generation (biological or adopted) are of immense importance to Vassic culture, with the unmarried often facing near pariah status, however physical relationships at this stage are strictly forbidden.  


Pronunciation: ee-row-miss-tees   The final phase of Sklirotikos lasts from ages twenty to thirty. At this point citizens in all but name, children born of Iromistis (who are now permitted to enter physical relationships) may undertake their own Sklirotikos and the Iromistis have most of the privileges afforded to full citizens. The last ten years of Sklirotikos are spent serving the polis, typically through military service, though other avenues do exist.   One such avenue is the Path of Exa, named for an Iromisti who saw a vision of Exa and left Vas, returning years later on a chariot made of dragon bones. Those who follow the Path of Exa, called Exiles, are permitted to strike out on their own and seek glory for Vas, though those who instead find shame or death are considered failures to their people and their names become like curses. Those who return triumphant, be it through the slaying of a mythical beast or some other great feat, are hailed as heroes upon their return. Despite this, Exiles may never again take part in a phalanx, as they could not resist the call of Exa, but are often assigned to specialty strike units during times of warfare where they can be used without the risk of harming their fellow citizens.
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