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Sirens Are said to be creatures of great beauty. They are completely amphibious, when in water or completely wet, they grow fins and webbed extremities (this includes rain or partial submersion), when on dry land and when they themselves are dry, they appear as nearly Human outside of their faint body and facial markings and slightly webbed fingers and toes. Having their the Lady of the Bay taken from them by the greedy people of Seadora and their overwhelming fervor. Sirens tend to be a little xenophobic and tend to shun outsiders from their settlements.   Siren Traits Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity increases by 2, and two other ability scores increase by 1.   Age. Sirens reach adulthood in their late teens but often live up to 100 years.   Alignment. Sirens, like humans, tend toward no particular alignment. Many tribes have a balance of lawful and chaotic elements, so are often perceived as neutral.   Size. Sirens come in a variety of lengths and weights, ranging from 5-7 feet, and from 100-300lbs. Your size is medium.   Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. You have a swim speed of 40 feet.   Amphibious. You can breath both air and water.   Sirens are known for their beautiful songs. You have proficiency in the Performance skill.   Keen senses. You have proficiency in the Perception skill.   Languages. You speak, read and write Ocean Common, and Common.

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Jul 7, 2019 03:18

I like the idea that there are tell-tale signs when on land. Some of the markings and patterns of the header image carry over. A siren could pass for human using makeup or hooded clothes, but under close scrutiny might be discovered.