Holy Order of Veremund

Founding of the Holy Order

  In the year 2100 B.C., the Waramunt Imperium declared their fealty to Veremund, God of Law and Order. With this decleration, the Waramunt Imperium became the first theocratic monarchy. The newly appointed king would establish the Holy Order of Veremund to help guide and protect the nation of Waramunt. The 13 noble houses, who pledged allegiance to the original monarchy, would volunteer a son/daughter to the Holy Order as a sign of fealty to Veremund. Veremund himself would declare one of the thirteen as Supreme Justiciar, who would lead the Holy Order. The remaining 12 became High Justiciars that work directly under the Supreme Justiciar. Each Justiciar would handpick recruits, and command entire regiments. The Holy Order of Veremund would become one of the strongest military in the Old World.  

Influence of the Holy Order

As the nation of Waramunt Imperium expanded, the Holy Order's influence grew exponantially. In the year 1966 B.C., with the sudden death of King Asturias III, Turian I, his heir, would take the throne at the age of 10. Public unrest started to rise, until the Holy Order stepped in. The Justiciars would "carry" the burden of the king until he became of age. The Supreme Justiciar would be in charge of state matters. The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Justiciar would be in charge of public safety. The 4th and 5th would be in charge of foreign affairs. The 6th and 7th would be in charge of agriculture. The 8th and 9th would be in charge of commerce. Finally, the 10th, 11th, and 12th would assist in religious affairs. This dependency on the Holy Order would continue until the fall of the Waramunt Imperium. It is due to the inervention of the Holy Order that the nation of Waramunt was prosperous up until its final days.


  • Supreme Justiciar - Chosen by Veremund to lead the Holy Order
  • High Justicier - Takes direct orders from the Supreme Justiciar. Each one in charge of their own regiments
  • Paladin - Elite guards of the Justiciers
  • Knight Commander - Highest military rank within the Order
  • Arch-Cleric - Highest religious rank within the Order


The Holy Order of Veremund had a strong belief that a society built on the foundation of Law would become prosperous and everlasting. Freedom in a society would allow crimes to flourish, and lead to chaos. Education to the masses was mandatory to ensure none were ignorant of the laws. Regardless of status, none are above the law.   Justiciers had to follow a strict code. They must completely renounce their name, and all documentation mentioning their name are destroyed. Justiciers must at all times wear their mask and never reveal themselves to anyone. The choosing of predecessor, and ritual to passing down the title of Justicier is a closely guarded secret.

Public Agenda

To ensure the nation thrives under the foundation of Law & Order.

Mythology & Lore

The Scale of Veremund

  Veremund played an active role as civilizations grew and nations began to form. He went around disguised as a knight, while only carrying a scale in his hand. He weighed the hearts of those in power and judged if they were righteous or corrupt. Those he deemed corrupt met an unfortunate end, while those with righteous hearts gained prosperity; however, he never found anyone worthy of being judged righteous. After a few years, he tried a different approach. He educated rulers on maintaining Order and establishing Law. He would return a year later to measure their hearts on the scale again, only to be dissapointed in their corruption. This would eventually lead to the alleged fateful encounter with Cassius, which would give fruition to Waramunt Imperium's theocratic monarchy.

In Order, Growth. In Law, Understanding. In Chaos, Heresy.

Solarius 5, 2100 B.C. - Auroralis 17, 350 B.C.

Religious, Holy Order
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Leader Title


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