Skyfront Republic

A more democratic and liberal nation, advocating for the freedom of its people to explore and exploit the floating continents. The Skyfront Republic prioritizes individual freedoms and personal pursuits, leading to a thriving society of skyfaring entrepreneurs. However, their government is often accused of turning a blind eye to piracy and illegal Witchrock trade.

Public Agenda

Skyfront Freedom Doctrine: The Skyfront Republic champions individual freedom and exploration. They argue that Witchrock should be accessible to all, empowering commoners to rise above their circumstances. This ideology encourages risk-taking and innovation, but it also leads to a stark divide between the wealthy and the impoverished.
Government System
Democracy, Representative
Power Structure
Economic System
Mixed economy
Legislative Body
The Senate of Skyfront Republic is the legislative body of this nation. Made up of members from each district or land island, the propose is to enact the laws of the Republic.
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