The One Faith

The One Faith, alternatively called "Mother Church," is a monotheistic religion worshipping The Allfather. It has become the dominant faith, replacing worship to the old gods, particularly after Starfall's surge of Arcane energy separated people from their pantheon of dieties. Worship of the old gods endures in small pockets of believers - pagan tribes living in backwater regions far inland from the coastlines lining the aerial Expanse.   One Faith followers believe in a Holy Dyad consisting of the Allfather and his son, The Prophet - who evangelized the faith in the year 516 A.D. (Astral Descent.) The Prophet performed miracles such as casting magick without Witchrock and claimed to be able to commune with his father in heaven. At the time, many believed The Prophet was Veremund returned, helping the One Faith gain followers from amongst those still pining for the return of the old gods.
  The Prophet was betrayed by Jorvandir, an elven disciple of The Prophet, a trusted member of his inner circle of followers. The Aetherian Dominion considered The Prophet a heretic, using sourcery without a source (Witchrock), and Jorvandir's treachery resulted in his capture. The Prophet was martyred - cast off the edge of the landmass, falling to his death in the undead wasteland far below. Jorvandir's act stained elf-kin for generations, their kind widely considered to be shifty and untrustworthy.  
  The centre of the faith is the Ach Gayatso , atop Mount ZHIDI'YA, currently led by High Lector TASHI.     HIERARCHY:
  His Eminence, the Exalted Patriarch.
TASHI who resides in the centre of Faith ACH GYATSO
  Luminary – chosen from specific bloodlines.
  Abbot – wealthier believers who can afford to keep up expensive and demanding ritual practices
  Lector – commoners chosen by their peers or accepted for their steadfast faith and moral fiber

  Tithe regularly and give secular obedience to the clergy
  Marry exclusively within the faith
  Never associate with elves (a call-back to Jorvandir the Betrayer)
  Convert or eradicate non-believers
  Be generous and selfless to those in need (a call-back to the Monarchs giving their lives to restore the lands)
  Religious war vs Supernaturals

First came the Prophet, then his Divine Word. The Word is sacred and holy.
  His Eminence, the Patriarch, along with the Luminaries and Prelates receive the Word. It is the path to righteousness.
  Together, in suffering, we journey the pilgrim’s path. The Word is the way.
  The Clergy guide us towards grace. The Word is salvation.
  There are no other sanctities, only the Word of the Prophet and His will.
  Do not waiver in faith. Devoted service will be blessed and rewarded.


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