
When a fiery meteor smeared across the sky and cratered the planet, delivering Witchrock and High Magick to the world, it blasted continent-sized landmasses into the air and suspended them in place, where they hover to this day. The fiery fallout and resultant ash transformed the surface beneath the aerial continents into a shadowed Wasteland of magical mutation where the dead rose from their graves. Fragments of the meteor, known as Witchrock (required by sorcerers to power their arcane and dark arts) are scattered abundantly here but difficult to retreive based on the harsh, inhospitable environs.

The Wasteland is a desolate, barren land - parched, molten, and unstable. It suffers from near perpetual volcanic activity and is prone to earthquakes and landslides. The blasted surface is covered in a grey, silt-like ash which can bake into thin shells obscuring boiling tar pits or cavities of molten rock. These ash-sheets crack like pottery when trod upon, sometimes collapsing under the weight of an occupant, leading to their sudden scalding death. The ash is often stirred into great duststorms and is rumored to have mutagenic effect, possibly the source of the restless dead.

The Wastelands are home to undead of every conceiveable variant, for all those who perished during the Starfall and any who've died in the region since are re-animated into undead leagions known as the Wretched, led by the Ashen Lord. Cadaver beasts of every kind - whitetail deer, boar, and bear inhabit the region alongside walking corpses, wraiths, shadows, spectres,wights, and ghouls.

The Ashen Lord
Overlord of the Wretched
Dread Sovereign of the Wasteland


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