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Dragon Highlord Feal-Thas

Feal-Thas was a Silvanesti dark elf who was once a respected wizard that walked the halls of the Tower of Wayreth, and was most well known as the Dragon Highlord of the White Dragonarmy. He was described as being unusually dark-skinned for his race, having white hair and haunting gray eyes. Feal-Thas was particularly slender as well, and was normally garbed in white, even though he was a mage of the Black Robes.

He was said to have a hint of madness about him, especially if one looked into his eyes. Feal-Thas also possessed the arrogance of the Silvanesti, and treated most he dealt with, with a measure of disdain and contempt. As one of his many magical skills, Feal-Thas was able to transform himself into the form of a Great White Wolf at will.


The party first encountered the White Dragon Army Highlord whilst battling his army alongside with the icefolk. He would be riding an ancient white dragon, and would not interact with the party any further.

The party ended up going to Icewall castle, where Alphy and Pernicious ended up in his chamber. Here, cloaked in an invisibility spell, he charmed Alphy who ended up having a brief chat with him and learning the man was insane. Pernicious and the party ended up realising this, attacking him. Alphy refused to get involved until Perni hit the mage after realising he was a Silvanesti, an oppressor of her species, causing Alphy to grow upset by his 'new friend' getting hurt. Due to Pernicious being an elf, Feal-Thas ended up flying into a blind rage and fit of madness, stopping his spells and going into melee with Pernicious. She ended up beating him up badly, but Alphy stopped her and suggested they tie him up and question him.

Pernicious was escorted out as she still wanted to end him, and Diesa ended up doing good cop - bad cop with Alphy. Feal-Thas was not helpful and was on deaths doorstep. In the end, Bryk's familiar, Percy the canary, flew into the room. Diesa left and Feal-Thas attempted to convince Alphy to free him as they were friends. Alphy was going to, however Percy attacked the Highlord, and as he was on 1HP, he died. Pernicious came in and was furious at 'Alphy killing him', grabbing his corpse and destroying it and his head. Alphy ended up getting mad and upset, and stormed out further into the castle. Eventually, when the charm wore off, he was furious and ended up killing the Highlords ancient dragon single-handedly as he couldn't slaughter the Highlord himself.

Whilst Alphy did not actually kill the Feal-Thas, he has been tokened as the one who did. He has accepted this, as trying to tell people a fearsome Highlord was killed by a little canary has not been working for him. Whilst the encounter with this Highlord was brief, Alphy has notably been left shaken by it.

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