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Sirelle Featherfall

Sirelle (otherwise known as Si-Si) was the most recent fiancée of Alphy before the two amicably split. She is a Kyrie based on Mithas and has two kids. Prior to her relationship with Alphy, her first partner was killed by Minotaurs - Alphy has suggested his dislike of Minotaurs is based on this event and the aftermath.



Ex-Fiancé (Important)

Towards Sirelle Featherfall


Sirelle Featherfall

Ex-Fiancée (Important)

Towards Alphy



Alphy, Losa, Sirelle, her first husband and infant kids where friends and would do work together. As Alphy specialised in research on monstrosities, he would assist the Kyrie on Mithas with their Minotaur problem and coming up with ways to stop their invasions. Sirelle's husband would be slaughter in a conflict with Minotaurs, and shortly after, Alphy had his accident then was divorced by Losa. Alphy would run off from Cnidaria and hide away on the blood isles, eventually visiting Mithas where he ran into Sirelle.

The two would get along, and Sirelle would request that Alphy stick around and help with her kids, as they had lost their dad as infants, and needed someone familiar around - She didn't want them to grow up without a dad. She explained that Kyrie age fast, whereas Alphy aged slow as an elf, so sticking around for the duration of their childhood would be a blink of an eye for him and give him something to do whilst he processed his grief. Additionally, Sirelle expressed concern with his mental state, believing that the relatively peaceful lifestyle of the Kyrie could be good for him, and potentially give him some time to heal away from Cnidaria. Alphy agreed, and eventually the two would grow to like one another over time, leading to Sirelle proposing. Things went relatively well until the their wedding, where Alphy would panic and and break things off with her. He'd run off for a few months with no contact before returning to apologise.

Sirelle would forgive Alphy, and he'd agree to stick around and help her out as a friend, but refused to revisit the relationship. Sirelle's kids, by this point young adults, no longer need Alphy, and he would decide to leave to sort himself out, as he felt terrible about the whole ordeal. As of now, he still sends gifts to Sirelle and her kids, remaining on relatively good terms with the pair, though they weren't impressed with him running off.

Alphy (Ex-Fiancé)


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