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Skullcap is a magical fortress built near the Dwarven kingdom of Thorbardin and the Plains of Dergoth. It is shaped like a giant skull. It is commonly known as the grave of Fistandantilus, but stories have been told of some of his artifacts being found and taken from his resting place, notably the Bloodstone of Fistandantilus and his skull.


Shadow Dragons Lair

A large cavern that is filled with treasure and the remains of a shadow dragon the party defeated.


Crystal Maze

A large invisible maze that occupies 3 floors, filled with invisible stalkers. On the bottom floor, there was a large iron construct hydra that has been melted into a puddle. This once magnificent construct was defeated by Diesa. When functional, it was an impressive sight.


Rites of Passage

This hall had multiple statues representing Nuitari's aspects. The first set matched their aspects of Might and Wealth. Anyone who walks between these two will have all metal on them turned to wood. The second set represented Youth and Passion, dispelling magic on those who walk past. The final set represented Death and Chaos, and had an unknown effect.


Chamber of Fistandtilus

This room is the final resting place of Fistandtilus. There are 3 circlets sitting next to a broken human skull among shattered bones in the center of the room. If approached, the skull will rise into the air, forming a body from swirls of dust. This is the demi-lich form of the mage.


The Treasure Rooms

There are numerous treasure rooms in skullcap. This is where the helm of Grallen was held before the party retrieved it and returned it to the Valley of Kings. The party left the treasure mostly alone as they did not want to invoke the wrath of Fistantilus.

Parent Location


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