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Return to the Stone Dragon


After Vinoth and Alphy have healed, the party prepares to leave again. Alphy approaches Cinder and thanks him for the aid, and admits he's terrified of dying alone, so Cinder even coming to sit with him was a huge help. He apologises for trying to murder Cinder, and the two agree to attempt to be civil. The party continue through the stone dragon, where Vinoth vanishes, and find a room with statues that shapeshift into party members - these statues come alive and attack. The party ends up defeating them and continuing, where they find a map of the stone dragons layout - they take note of if which drastically speeds up the process of exploring. Whilst the party is exploring, they find a dead old man on the stairs, who is actually alive - His name is Fizban, and he's a reoccuring figure throughtout the campaign (Note: H has popped up numerous times which were not tracked). The party is surprised to find him here, and with him are dead silver draconians that were capable of shapeshifting. Vanderjack believes these were his party members. Fizban spots Silvart and gets mad, yelling something at her which casues her to panic and flees. As she flees, her form changes and she became a silver dragon and flies away. Alphy tells the party off for not believing him, as he told them he suspected something was off with her - he also tells Fizban off for scaring her away as she was an ally, with Fizban simply going oops and hobbling off. The party continues to the top of the tower where they end up fighting a guardian guarding a room of all kinds of lances. Upon its defeat, the party realises they are dragon lances. Lauran takes one, and then Cinder runs off to go explore more. He finds a room with a forge, and a pool of silver liquid - Theros and the rest of the party go downstairs to help whilst Alphy stays behind to grab the lances. Theros finds out that this liquid is what's used to make lances, and the forge is the place they can be created. Before he gets a chance to finish, the party is attacked by a giant stone creature, which they defeat. The party confronts Alphy who was upstairs and tell him off for not coming to help, and he tells them it's only been 2 minutes, and there were a lot of lances to grab. To his credit, he did grab 20 and shove them into a bag. The party returns to the forge with him where he says they need the hammer of Khasis to craft more lances - the party turns to Alphy, Laurana and Elistan and asks them where it is. Alphy remembers that it was with Diesa, who got eaten by dragons... which means it's still at Icewall castle. He buzz's his necklace to let the Vedalken mages know, but the party realises they'll just need to use the ones they have now. The party explores more and decides to leave. Upon exiting the Stone Dragon, they are attacked by 3 white dragons. Silvart returns and reveals her full dragon form, allowing Laurana to ride her and use the lances to help kill the dragons. It is easy with the lances, they almost immediately take out the dragons. Once the combat is done, the party thanks Silvart. The party bids farewell to her, and decides to head towards the land of the knights to work out how to get to Sancrist. They are stopped by knights of solamnia who recognise Aaron and Derek. They take the party back to the knights outpost where they stay for a bit, discuss with some of the commanders and seek aid.

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