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The party leaves the refugees in the safety of the valley, finding Skullcap. It's a large, skull shaped structure / terrain. The party finds a frozen bronze dragon named Blaze that they free - the dragon has been frozen for 350 years. The party is at first hesitant to trust he creature, but the party realises he's genuinely good, leading to them updating him on all he's missed.
  At one point, Alphy breaks off from the party and Pernicious follows. Whilst wandering, Alphy finds an Altar with a skeleton holding a sword and map. Usually, Alphy doesn't grave rob, but he wanted the map as it looked ancient and he loves pre-cataclysm things. He tried to grab it but needed to move the sword first, so he discarded the sword and took the map. He didn't care for the sword at first, however Perncicious tried to grab it and Alphy didn't trust them with it, so took it instead. This was a vorpal sword, and Alphy attuned to it.
  They rejoin the party and continue exploring Skullcap, finding a shadow dragon at one point that kills Alphy - Goldmoon manages to revivify him however, and the party defeats it.
  Eventually, the party travels further. Alphy gets bad vibes and decides to stay and keep watch. The rest of the party finds a demi-lich, presumed to be Fistandantilus. The party wisely chooses to remain peaceful, and the demi-lich leaves them be and goes back to rest. The party finds a room behind him full of treasure where they find the Helm of Grallen, the Prince of Mountain Dwarves and son Derkin. Diesa puts the helm on, causing Grallen to possess her and tells the story of his death. He was killed by Distandantilus and forgotten by time - he requests that if he shows the party how to get to Thorbardin, they tell the council of Thanes of his feats during the war with the wizard and allow for him to have a proper burial in the dwarven Valley of Kings. The party agrees, grabs Alphy and they head back to the refugees to share news of their findings and celebrate.

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