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Goldmoon of the Que Shu

Goldmoon is the daughter of the Que Shu chieftain Arrowthorn from teh Plains of Abansinia and is married to Riverwind. She was the holder of the Blue Crystal Staff and the Disks of Mishakal. She was exiled from her village with Riverwind, which led to them traveling to find further proof of the gods. Here, they encountered the party and joined, as both groups shared the same goal.


Goldmoon would go on to be an invaluable member of the party, providing knowledge on the gods and acting as the first cleric of Mishakal after the magic of gods was rediscovered. She would aid both Elistan and Alphy finding faith as well. On multiple ocassions, she saved the lives of party members with her healing magic and blessings. Other feats involved helping the party to escape from imprisonment, free the prisoners of Pax Tharkas, guide the refugees through the Abanasinia wilderness, find the hammer of Khasis and defeat Highlord Verminaard. Eventually, once all this was done, she chose to marry Riverwind and stay with the refugees.



Goldmoon grew up in a life of luxury. She was pampered as a child and spoiled beyond belief. In the Qué-shu tribe, the chief and his wife or daughters were known as the ones who spoke to their Gods. Goldmoon was raised with the belief that upon her death, she would become a goddess of the tribe.


Her beliefs were tested when she met Riverwind, a shepherd whose family was banned from the tribe for their devotion to old and supposedly blasphemous gods. Riverwind did not view Goldmoon as a goddess, but as a vain and spoiled girl. Goldmoon didn't want Riverwind to view her like this and wanted to be beautiful in his eyes. Riverwind and Goldmoon's hearts were sealed together when Riverwind gave her a steel amulet of two teardrops.


Although Riverwind won Goldmoon's heart, he could not claim her hand in marriage without Arrowthorn's consent. Arrowthorn considered Riverwind's beliefs to be an affront to the tribe, and decreed that Riverwind may only wed Goldmoon if he found proof of the old gods' existence. Riverwind and Goldmoon promised to wait for each other until the quest was completed. Goldmoon was furious with Arrowthorn but could do nothing about the situation. While Riverwind was gone, Arrowthorn grew very ill and Goldmoon took over as Chieftain of the Qué-Shu in all but name.


Riverwind returned from his quest in the summer of 351 AC bearing the Blue Crystal Staff. Goldmoon was delighted to see Riverwind again, but he was very delirious and thought he was only gone a short time. Riverwind gave Goldmoon the Blue Crystal Staff, which she then used to heal Riverwind of his malady. They were attacked by their own tribe and forced to leave.

Lawful Good
Current Status
Long, Blond


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