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The Wilds


The party continues to flee, heading towards the mountains of Ergoth. Pernicious ends up leaving. The party don't stop, as they are being actively pursued. They end up in Kagonesti land, where they request the aid of the Kagonesti, who agree to help as they do not like the Qualinesti or Silvanesti. They help to throw the other elves of the parties trail and hiding their tracks, allowing the party to travel at a nice pace. They continue towards the mountains. They end up finding a sprite who tells them not to kill anything, so the party has to find food that is not living. At some point, they find a hermits hut. Here, they stay with the hermit who gets along with Alphy and Vinoth especially. The hermit is named Bensoldi, and he has a sabre tooth tiger cub named Whitestripe. Alphy falls head over heels for the cat and spends most of the time feeding and playing with the cat whilst talking to Bensoldi. The hermit gives Alphy 20 pieces of candy. The party thanks him for his hospitality, and Whitestripe ends up wanting to go with Alphy, which Bensoldi allows. Alphy thanks him and takes the cat, much to his chimera's disapproval. The party continues to the mountains where they end up going through one of the passes, ending up in contact with some ogres who they fight and finding a weirdly scorched - and glassy - land. They continue, making it to Foghaven Vale. At some point, Alphy activates the dragon orb, though nothing seemed to change with him. From this point on, every long rest, Alphy would activate the orb and talk to it.

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