BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Boudica Burwitz

A stubborn, headstrong farmer with a protective instinct for her younger sister and a terrible knack for letting her temper get the best of her.

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Everyone else decide to go to the council with Lania to talk about the Hammer and the War with Takhisis. Very important, but Bo doesn't like words nor sitting for a long time. I decide not to go. They take Kravanna instead (which I don't like but whatever). I know I can be more help elsewhere. We need to know more about dragon metal. Even if we have the hammer and the arm, we need to know how to craft a rare metal. Since I am the blacksmith, need to know how it is done to help whoever chops their arm off later. I go to town and watch the blacksmiths.   Then I see smoke and fire in the distance. All the dwarves stand and wonder what it is, but I already know. It is most likely, nearly certainly, my friends.   I run to the fire.


We now know where the hammer is. Nordic and Lania's-King-Grandpa let us go to it. It is guarded because they do not want others knowing they have it. Something about starting a war with all the dwarves, but I don't really know much about history. Madlyn and Manon are nervous that something will happen to Nordic while we are gone. I can see that it make Lania very nervous too. She just found her family. She can’t let something happen to it.   Bo do something that may be stupid, but it felt right at the time. I give Kravana my Great Club. Since she doesn't have her weapons. I wasn’t using it anyway, but at least she can whack people if Nordic is attacked. I know Zy will be mad so I do not tell her. She always mad at me now-a-days.   I do remind Kravana that I do not trust her, just in case she forgot.   We go to the hammer. The dwarves have made a big metal door in front of it, to keep it locked away. The Guards are nervous to let us through, but do. We make a secret knock to let them know to let us out and enter.   It dark. in the cave. Cold, Bones everywhere. But there it is. I don’t believe it. That hammer can make dragon lances. The one weapon to kill Takhisis.   I sense Zy want to touch it. I grab her. Don’t be dumb. Don’t touch it. Kaylan say we should all hold hands and then Zy touch it. It work, but the hammer is magic. It take us somewhere different. It look the same as our world, but no dwarf door. And the air is…cold. I just feel gloomy, almost hopeless. But we go forward. The farther we go, the worse it feels. Like I want to lie down and do nothing. But Kaylan take it the worst. She has so many feelings, why she helps others. But her skin turns ashy and she walk funny. She isn’t smiling, she isn’t talking as much. She doesn’t seem right. Manon help her, Madlyn leads the way and checks on her. I stand close. In case she needs help. Zy also start to act strange. It make me nervous.   But we find a tower. Big tower run by a wizard. He let us explore. I find lots of dragon metal. Metal we need, especially if we get the hammer. We all go to the top floor and I want to ask for the metal.   But of course. He a bad guy.   He try to take Manon. Manon is more important than I think she knows. Takhisis wants her, this bad wizard does too. Being a time wizard must make her super important. We all fight these big shadows and I use my shield to protect people. I use it whenever I can. To see my Mom whenever I do just makes me feel like a better fighter. We have to run from floor to floor to escape the tower. There are spider webs, evil shadows, all sorts.   But then there is the metal…I can’t leave it. Everyone is trying to run but I have to stay. I drink all the potions I have and use the bottles to get as much as I can. I know I may be left behind, but I have to do this. It only take a little time and I get it all in 2 bottles.   I come downstairs to Zy with soot all over her. She look angry. More like herself, which make me happy. I hear she leapt through a wall of fire to hurt the wizard. She is so cool.   Madlyn finds the wizards power. It is a dark orb, clearly full of magic. It keeps him immortal. It is the souls of all others that have fallen for his trap. All the innocents who are trapped. We agree we cannot leave him with this much power and must free the souls. Madlyn decides to destroy it. I go with her and think of Mom’s shield. And thank god I do because that sucker explodes. I give some protection to Madlyn but it burns me bad. Zy mad at me, again, but I am glad I could help madlyn a little. She is our leader.   We return to the hammer. Touch it as a group, and return to the real world. We did it. We got the hammer. And my pockets are heavy with dragon metal. Takhisis is in for a fun surprise.


We found the dwarf cave. The guards outside have same hair as Lania and whn they say the word ‘Klar’ we all gasp. Klar like Lania and the one armed guy. Lania tells them who she is and they let us in. At first, I thought it would be a small cave, but it is not. It one large city carved into the rock. It is beautiful and as large as the entire mountain. I get to see lots of blacksmithing. They are so fast! Ef-if no no no. Ef-is-ee-ant. (Manon teach me this word. It hard). But they move and hammer the metal the perfect way every time. I have much to learn.   We meet Nordic. He look like Lania. He call Lania a princess. We learn that Lania’s parents were supposed to be king and queen, but when the Klar clan was exiled, they left. So Lania is a real princess. Who would have thought! Lania very happy to be home. This is her home. Her Heckle.   Nordic also have a sick crib. He have lots of food. Hot springs. New clothes. None look like Moms, but are nice. Zy find new clothes for herself. I happy for her, but I don’t need any new clothes. Wait…when did I last wash these?   Nordic take Lania to an important meeting. I watch more blacksmithing and make arrows for Zy. We need to be busy. We were all worried about being separated, but turns out it was super boring. Lania look like she would fall asleep standing. But Nordic help her. He seem like a good guy. Always hard to judge people now. Like Kravan seemed cool at first but she sucks.   Speaking of which, she is currently naked in the water with Manon drooling all over her. What a weirdo.


Day 1 of spying on Kravana: She jsut sit in the corner. Eyes closed. I watch her from afar, axe in hand. She do not notice. I tell steve she a bad lady. Zy watch her with her arrows. We will know if she tries anything suspicious.   Day 2 of spying on Kravana: She do not do much but sit and med-it-ate. It boring. But at least she stay away from my friends.   Day 3 of spying on Kravana: I found new favourite game. I tell Manon that Kravana needs education. Manon like to read and has lot of knowledge. Kravana does not like to talk or be talked to. So Manon talk to her about bananas for 2 hours. Make Bo happy to see Kravana twitch whenever Manon pulls out more books. If I cannot physically hurt her, I can emotionally hurt her. Keep her in line.   Day 4: Game has to stop. Big bird in the sky fly above us. Then another big bird jump off it. It tells us to follow. It need our help. I am nervous, but the bird do not attack us. So we follow. The airship go up to top of mountain. Very cold here. We have to take turns in the ship to stasy warm. Their home is in the top of mountains, too cold for Bo to live. But, they want us to fly with them.   Fly you say? Well. What a co-inky-dink.   I am ready to fly. I tap the boots (need to to turn them on) and carry Manon. Manon smart and can use magic. I strong and can fly. We can be a good team. It hard to fly with legs, but it is like running. Bird takes us to a bird statue. Bird statue that look like a soldier. There are lots of other real birds there, watching the statue. They ask us to change rock-bird back to normal-bird. Manon say he was petrified, a magic that make people a rock. Manon know what to do, but do not know the spell yet. She try to explain to them. But they have a hard time. They do not know magic either. I try to explain it, because I still don't know that much magic. You can't learn to fly if you don't have wings. Just like you can't learn magic unless you were born with it.   Their general, Raz, understands. He decides to come with us. To help us until we can free their leader. But they want something of ours to keep until we come back. Manon give them Grandpa Mary’s book. She has it memorized, but I can see how she struggle to let it go, like her fingers don't work for just a moment. It is important to her and she is risking a lot for this. I can do that same. I give mom clothing. Zy will be mad, I know already. But if Manon can do it, Bo can do it too.   (I do tell bird that if something happen to it I will skewer him like a turkey dinner, just in case)   Raz now with us. A part of the circle of the booty tree. He sits outside on the airship and like the cold. He do not say much, like Kravana. But he seem nice, unlike Kravana.   We now fly to unite dwarves. I got back to annoying Kravana. Zy goes back to hiding food from me. Kaylan try to get Madlyn to spend time with her. It remind me of Zy and Tristian sneaking off into woods, but Madlyn is completely oblivious. Manon all giggly and I carry her to fly around and help Kaylan try to get Madlyn to dance with her. It do not go smooth but Kaylan look happy. I like seeing Kaylan happy. She help others so much I do not think she help herself.   I learn to fly with boots. Golden-turd-monger/gerbil/supposed-dragon teach me how. He hit me in air, but I quick to bounce back. Kravana meditate on the deck and I fly around her. Just to make sure she don't get too comfortable and remind her I can get her even though she is tall.


I don't belong here. 29 dragons (I think? I only have 10 fingers) sleep on piles of gold. I am a big person. But here, I feel very small. This must be how Lania feels.   Man at the lake is nice. He give me fish and welcome us. He have red hair like Lania and he say his name is krazymlie (?) Klar and he 351 years old. He look good for 351 years old.   Lania very happy to see someone who is from klar clan. I am happy for her. Her family is important to her, but riddled with bad things happening. She don’t say much about them, but the little we know isn’t good. This man nice and proud to be Klar. Lania’s eye shine a little for the first time. He is a record keeper, looks after dragons while they sleep. And most importantly, he is the only family Lania has seen in a long time.   He gives us each a powerful item. I get new shoes that fly. Yes, FLY. Bo very happy. Bo wished she had these when fighting those giants. No more chopping off knee caps. I can now go for the jugular.   Mr. Klar say he will wake the dragons. We nervous, but he tells us not to be afraid. I try not to-for Zy. I know she nervous when her fingers touch the quiver of her bow. She do it now. But we both know we need the dragons to defeat Takhisis. And Madlyn do not look scared so I try not to.   They yawn, roar, stretch. Gold falls off wings. They are powerful without trying. They large, strong, their scales like steel. I see their claws as big as my head. We do not know what to say (except Manon, she always has something to say). A dragon talk to us. His name is Nithibar. But he do not stay like a dragon. He turns into a dwarf. For a big scary animal, he is very kind. Not like what Manon had read to us to prepare us. He agree to help us, but says we should get the dwarves on our side first. Then call him. Finally, we have taken a big step in our plan. If this is all it takes to get dragon on our side- should be easy.   Lania talk with the other Klar man. They go for a few minutes to be alone. When she come back, she say he is gone. She very sad. I think she miss her family and he was as close as family as she had seen. Bo not good with words. But Bo know how Lania feel. All of us do this for family. Manon for her grandpa. Zy and Bo for mom. Lania for the Klar clan. Madlyn for Lemish. Kaylan for…well…who is Kaylan family?   We go back out. Kravana is there. That evil woman who lead my friends to near death. Who did nothing when we were attacked. Zy and I ready to beat her down but everyone else lose their mind. They forgive her. That is right- forgive her. Why?! She hurt us! She say Takhisis has her family, but Takhisis has mine and I don't do that!   Zy and I outvoted. Kravana come with us. We take her weapons. I tell her I don't like her. I will watch her. She cannot be trusted. I think about my shield and my new wing boots. I will fly up to her head and chop it off if she do anything I do not like.


Life hard on airship. No grass, no land, and constantly worried about falling off the edge. Even harder when your little sister is mad at you. Zy want me to leave Steve behind. She say it not safe for Steve where we go. But Steve is a strong horse. Why leave Steve? It is not safe for Zy to be here, but I let her come along. I am sure Mom will be mad I let my little sister hunt dragon, but Zy strong. Steve is also strong. And Steve talk now. Steve say he wants to stay with Bo.   Zy mad at me again because I eat too much. She say we need to ra-sh-on. I do not know that word. I do not like that word.   The airship fly over mountains. They are booty-full, not like the hills near Heckle. I had never seen a mountain before, but now I got to see one like I was a cloud. We are looking for dragon lair. We use Steve because if Steve start to talk, that means they are near. Another reason to keep Steve- not that Zy liked it. Magic is weird, but I happy to talk to Steve. When Steve talk, we are close to dragons. We climb down ladder onto snow. The snow is deep. I carry Lania and we move through mountain. Don’t know where to go, but we see a campfire in the distance. Maybe they know the way? A woman there. She big and tall, taller than me. More important- she has food. Not a ra-sh-on, real food. M.E.A.T. She cook a giant lion and it look yummy.   Her name Kravana. She do not talk much and the meat good- I like her. She take us to the dragons. We find the entrance to the cave, but Kravana leaves us. She led us to a trap.   Giants attack. Bo never seen giant before. They are…well...giant… and their hits send us flying. Hard to fight with my axe because I have to get so close and hit their legs. I wish I could get higher, but cannot. Zy gets thrown but then kills with an arrow.   Manon magic strong but her body not. She gets hit hard then thrown into sky. I know if she fall she will probably break a hip, but luckily Zy catches her. Manon needs to train with Madlyn more if she is going to get hit like that.   It get worse. Kaylan can heal, but does not heal herself. Madlyn slaughtered one giant, but another one hit her from behind. I don’t like my friends get hurt. The more we fight, the more I feel that anger. It different than the rage my Mom taught me, but it feel similar. I get so angry I throw my arm out when Madlyn get it. Images of my mom appear. Like she was there, running forward to save Madlyn, but almost look like she was she drawn. She act like a shield and help Madlyn. Only there for a second or two. But when I use it, I remember why I here. To protect my family. To find my Mom. To save her from Takhisis.   I hold onto that ancestral power. I channel my mom. She saves Lania twice and the shield knocks out the boulder that the giant throw at her. I like this new power.   We enter dragon cave. It beautiful. There so much gold and a beautiful lake in the water. But there are so many sleeping, deadly, fire breathing creatures that it is hard to actually enjoy it.   A man sit in the middle of the cave. He fishing. I get nervous. Is he like Kravana? Or is he a friend? Either way, I notice one thing.   He missing an arm.


What a long day.   I thought it was bad at first. We left the nice place of Tarsis (a lot had changed since I left the bathroom) and walked right back into desert. Sand is course, rough, gets everywhere. No like. It was so hot and Myza kept marching ahead. She know where to go but do not care if we are there to follow.   Steve did well in the sand. Despite the heat, he carried both Zy and I there. There was first a mountain. Then became a canyon. I still don't like this magic stuff, not unless it is Kaylan and Manon magic. That is good magic. But this magic make it so you do not know what to believe. Or if what you see is real.   We climb down. I have climbed trees, not canyons. But there are ledges. There is rope. There is horses. But not Steve. We have to leave Steve behind.   "Steve needs a strap on." Manon say this. Everyone start giggling- especially Kaylan and Lania. But I think if we had something big and hard to hold Steve, we could carry him down. But no strap on for Steve. Steve have to stay behind. Zy able to speak to Steve. I dunno why I didn't think of it before. I could have asked her to talk to him. I could have learn more about him. What kind of apple he like. What he wanted to do. But now I never get the chance. I want to carry him down the mountain, but too risky. (And Madlyn said no. She know best.)   It only get harder. We find big airships, but all have holes in them. Myza does not seem sad. She walk ahead to one far away.   But then she came. Takhisis. She stood right there. The one that take Ma and kill Pa. I get so mad I grab my axe, but Zy shoot her first. Straight between the eyes. But it go through her. It like that magic. She isn't here. That makes me even angrier.   She challenge Manon. At first, I feel scared. Manon is family. Takhisis use big words, try to make it like she wasn't resp-on-cib-ill for what happen in Heckle. Try to paint it differently. I hate it. I hate how some of it make sense. But Manon show me new strength. She do not listen to her. Not even when Takhisis threatens us. Manon know what we are capable of, and what we are willing to die for.   I sharpen my axe. Hell yeah.   We fight dragons. Four big ones with riders. They swoop down and target one person at a time. Madlyn, Lania and me have hard time fighting them. We cannot reach sky. I see Madlyn try to jump on one, so I do too. I want to ride dragon. I could definitely ride dragon.   But nope. Too fast. Will need to practice again.   Takhisis do not relent. She go for Kaylan next. Our healer, our friend. I see blood and anguish over her, but she keep fighting. I do not know who this Mish-ick-all is, but I know why she pick someone so strong. She live, but just.   Then they went for Zy. I hate not being strong enough. Zy took out 3 dragons like it was nothing. All I could do was give her potion Kaylan made. She was mad at me, but she will get over it. I'd rather her be mad at me for eternity than gone.   Takhisis- coward- left. She gone. We have to find dragons to defeat her. Myza get airship ready and off we go. I do not like flying. I do not like that Kaylan and Zy and Lania so hurt. I do not not not like that Steve is gone. But I do like we together.   P.S. --I guess Gerbil fight good today. Not bad for a bacon stealer.   Bo


One thing Bo good at: eating. Bo can eat anything. Ate the pie under the bed. Ate all of Ma and Zy's food. Bo ate it all. Bo can eat.   But Zy made something different with the new plants she read about. I like food so I eat.   **Pages are torn from the book in a rather sharp, quick way**   Now tummy hurt. Hurt bad. Hurt too much to help others. I tell them to take Steve if they need him and leave me in the bathroom.   I may be here a while...   If I die- please bury me far away from the skore-pee-ons. Please tell Zy I love her and drop kick that god-damn dragon/gerbil into next tuesday for laughing at me on my way out.   RIP Bo.


Last entry I write: "I hope it is a plan we live through....and have no books on the other side."   What a dumb-dumb.   Myza had a plan. A bad plan we barely lived through. Plan involved fighting scorepions (skorpions?) of many sizes. We were covered in those tiny bastards. They stung and clawed our skin while we fought giant ones. Myza was no help. She made a metal box around her to protect her while we did all the work. We barely lived through this plan. In fact, if it wasn't for Lania riding a new creature and finding a way, we would have died. Oh, and that 'way out' was by being thrown into a giant sinkhole in the desert by a big score-pee-on.   Again, Bad. Plan.   Even worse, we land in library. LIBRARY. Library have books. Bo hate books...   But this library was different. There was lots of magic. It felt...odd. Like how the pillar felt in Solanthus. Like something was in the air. A man stood by the entrance to the library. Myza walk right past him. Starting to not like our small friend. She do not help.   The man tells us to learn something. Only the truth. I like the truth. I don't care for people's excuses, just the facts. Makes it all easy. But learn something? Ugh. Normally, I would be furious, but this time, I have a plan. We have plan. We each decide to look up different stuff. We have many questions. Who is Grandpa Mary? Who are the knights of the rose? What are all these gods and why are they wasting our time? Zy wants to learn about the land. In Heckle she knew every tree and plant. Here, very different. She want a map. She want to learn the land. Kaylan need to find information on unicorns (horse like Steve but with horn), and Madlyn want to know more about the Knights of Rose.   I want to make a sword. A sword that will chop of Takesis's head. I take the dragon metal to the strange altars in the library. They show us where to go. The man follow us, which is weird but I ignore him. I try to read a book...or two... it take me time. I read about dragon lances. They were used by warriors that rode dragons to kill other dragons. I get excited. This is what I want. I want something strong enough to kill a dragon. I learn that a Paladin called Adam Caladen had a special sword called Oathkeeper. It was made for knights of the rose- which is pretty much what Madilyn is- to kill Loren Soth. We have heard his name many time before...I don't remember why. I doubt he will be a problem.   The metal we found is part of the sword Oathkeeper. I am sure. In the room is a ball of swirling liquid. It is dragon metal. I remember I had healing potion from Kaylan. So I quick drink it, then use the bottle to capture the liquid. Big brain thinking. The books say the sword can be fixed with a special hammer of catharsis and a silver arm? I dunno who's arm we have to take, but I am ready to chop it off if it means we can make a dragon-killing-tahkisis-beheading blade. Can find it beneath the silver dragon mountain in the fog haven veil. More metal in Khaloris mountain. I write this down quick with the book open in my lap because I know I forget and spelling hard. With this, we can kill Takhisis. We can save Ma and avenge Pa.   Maybe library ain't so bad. Gilean ask what I learn and I tell him. He nods. Seem like decent guy.   My second goal was to find out about the clothes I found. They were Ma's but I never see her wear it. I could not show Zy. Not yet. What if they were bad? What if... No. I am sure our Ma would not be involved in anything bad. She was always strong, kind, honest. She couldn't be bad. But I need to know more. The library alter lead me to another room, one with many statues in old clothes. There is one that looks exactly the same, just a different colour. It say Kalaman nobility.   My jaw drop. Nobility? Ma? The Ma the shoveled pig shit and cooked with Zy? Our Ma can't be royal. But how did she get this? It smell like her. It is her size. Must be hers, not someone else's. But why? Why didn't she say anything. I have lots more questions, but one was answered. Ma didn't do anything bad. I can't believe I doubted it. I'm mad at myself for even thinking it. But watching her fight when Heckle was attacked just didn't make sense at the time. It was like fighting was second nature. But I had never seen it. I would train alone. In the fields long after Pa had gone to bed. Still, should not doubt Ma.   I find Madilyn and Lana. Mannon is nose deep in 500 books so we leave her be. Happy for her- she love book. Zy is making a map and Kaylan is learning about Unicorns, so Lania and Madlyn and I decide to run a race. Madlyn is fast. Too fast. She beat me easy. Lana is also fast, especially for someone so small. But, I beat them both at push up challenge. I can see anger in Madlyn eyes that I won and it make me happy.   The man returns. We all meet back in the middle and the man say his name is Gilean. He a God. I confused. He look a like a man. But I say nothing. Magic is all new and dumb. He tells us about the past. About the dragon wars that plagued the land between Paladin and the metallic dragons and Takhisis and the chromatic dragons. Loren Soth was sent to Istar to kill their King, because he wanted to be a God. But Loren then decide to join him so Paladin threw a mountain on the entire city and killed them all.   I gulp. A mountain? Like big rock? Bo strong. Bo like a boulder...but Bo cannot lift a mountain. We need Paladin to be our friend, but Gilean say he is near impossible to reach. UNLESS you have a small golden dragon key. And guess who it was? That little waste of space. That tiny gerbil king of napping. Of course, Thestral turns into gold dragon. Whole time he could have helped.! Instead he eat my bacon and point at me. Now he a dragon. Typical.   We leave library with new purpose. Myza had a airship. Zy has read the manual. We good to go. We need to wake up good dragons, make sword, and kill bad dragons.   What could possibly go wrong?


  Much happen. But main points: Writing hard, books bad, school VERY bad.   We went to Magic school. Did not want to. Books at school. Seen too many books. But Manon now a big wizard. We need her to keep getting stronger, so we go. MISTAKE. They make dragon. Actual Dragon. I tried to fight it but did terribly. Like my legs turned to jello. My axe hit nothing. Dumb. Dumb. Dumb. At first, felt like we were being tested. But then the dragon was ruthless. It did not stop. It did not show mercy. It killed Kaylan like she was an ant under its claws.   Died. Dead. Like Thersha. Like Pa. After all we had gone through, I didn't think losing another friend would hurt more, but it did. These people are like family now to me and Zy and to see her fall changed something. It hit me (but not actually 'cause I block good). I wasn't fast enough. I wasn't strong enough. And now she was gone. Madlyn delivered a final blow-again-and killed the beast. If it wasn't for her, maybe the Dragon would have killed more.   Then things got weird. Kaylan was somehow alive and all the students were clapping. They were happy with what they saw. Happy? We nearly died. Kaylan did die...but she didn't? (Magic hard). They said it was fake, just magic, but Kaylan's wounds looked real. I was so angry I nearly sliced them all in half. How dare they smile at friend death! Then the Teacher said I didn't do great... Made me mad but she was right. Kaylan 'died' in that fight. I could do better.   So I train with Madlyn. She is strong and always does well in fights. She do strange workout but they do work my muscles. It felt good to practice. I only learn to fight by hitting things hard. I sliced at barrels of hay growing up. They big targets. Just whack and done. But Madlyn has per-sis-shone...per-sciss-sion (??). When she hit, she hit a certain spot. Their weak spot. I tried that on the practice dummies and it was helpful. The magic school made small dragons to fight, like what attacked out village. It made me feel better. It was a new skill, one that can help me keep the others safe. Also- I killed 17 fake dragons and she only 11. She say hers were harder but I do not listen. Size does matter.   After magic school, we go on long travel. All the way south. Farther than Zy and I have ever been. It so happens that Heckle was on way. I have thought many time that maybe I lift Zy, take her away from this, and return to Heckle. She'd be safer there. We wouldn't be fighting more dragons. But the town is all ash. A ghostown of what I used to know. No laughter. No birds chirping nor wind blowing. Everything grey and dead. It isn't the same. The pile of bodies I made was still there. The fire, melting flesh, it was all there. I was relieved to see their resting place hadn't been destroyed. but a part of me wished I didn't have to see it again. I can't look at the eyes of my old teacher or the farmer across the road. I hate to see the flowers aren't growing any more. Pa's didn't seem real. I waited for him to call me out to work on the field but it is just silent. So silent the. I couldn't take it.   Zy couldn't take it either. She ran off. I know where she was going- to see Tristan. I don't have words to say to her. So I sat nearby. I hate that I don't know what to do. I don't cry like her. Do I just tell her it will be okay? But will it? Do I know that? Kaylan help. Everyone on this team complete each other, like the different parts of a blade. Madlyn and I are sharp, Lania too. But Manon and Kaylan are the grip, what holds and wields. I cannot soften Zy's wounds, but Kaylan can.   I hate to say, but I trust her with my life. All of them. Madlyn, Lania (and her animals) and Manon too. They are good for Zy and I. They all help us get through Heckle. Then onto our long journey to the south.   On the way I think a lot about what I found. In Ma's dresser, there was old clothing. Did not make sense. Too fancy for Heckle. Too fancy for her. But, I didn't imagine she would wield an axe like she did. It almost like she was someone else beforehand. Make me nervous. What if who she was is involved with the bad hat lady? What if that is why she want her? Manon talk about dragons and her Grandpa. Was my Ma like that?   I didn't have much time to think about it because our new companion talked the entire time. A nome, Myza, hell bent on making flying ships talked the entire time. Poor Lania got the brunt of it but we were all subjected to her ramblings. She speak of things I do not understand. I just say nothing. Lania did teach me a new game where you hold hands and try to push the other persons arm down. Arm wrestle? Me like arm wrestle lots. That was fun   Myza say the sword pieces we have are made from dragon metal. It is used to fight dragons. I never knew such metal existed. If we can mend the sword, we can use it to kill Pointy hat lady. Madlyn gave me a new axe- a vicious one. Maybe we can find mroe dragon metal and make a vicious-dragon-slaying axe.   All our thoughts and travels. Through ports, Solus, Northgate, Thorban. Mountains and deserts. All new land Zy and I have not seen before. It give us hope. Eventually, we land in Tarkis.   Tarkis has a secret library. Did not want to see it (remember- books bad), but it would give clues on Dragon lady. Maybe on Ma and her new clothes? But we find salvage company. They work with ores and metals, but are no help. They have some information about the library, but not much. Myza on the other hand....well...she has a plan.   I hope it is a plan we live through....and have no books on the other side.


A better day?   We arrive in Solanthus. Big city. Big walls. With two big rocks in the centre that cut through the sky. I seen many rocks in my life. They are not normal boulders... Many questions and unsure, but already better than Lemish. Actually organised and not full of shady creatures or- better yet-Dragons. We hope to find Kaylan's mentor's friend (whoever he is) and answers to find the bad hat/horny lady while we are here. I pray we get answers.   Zy is still quiet but better. She has a glint in her eye, like she has something planned. It may be troublesome, dangerous, or dumb, but make me happy. She is more like herself. Like before this all happened. Before we enter Solanthus, we go through a field of wild horses. Zy like horses. We had horses at the farm. It does not take long for me to tame one. It is like home, with father there to guide me through. He said horses deserve respect. They carry kings into battle and queens across the land. Though we have plenty, I think one more might make Zy happy. I find one that looks strong, hopefully strong enough to take Zy far away if she need it.   His name is Steve. He is brown. A good horse. Strong and wild, yet manageable. I should have mentioned the respect thing to Kaylan before she whacked it. But I think she learned her lesson in the end.   We follow Kaylan to a big place in city. Soldiers training. They move good but look weak. Their sword made of wood. Wood do not cut but I say nothing. In fact, we let Madlyn do all the talking. She is very confident and persuasive. Well....most of the time.   At the top of the watchtower in the training ground was a true warrior. Bald, red beard, fierce eyes. The anger there remind me of Ma. Madlyn approach him and give him message from her friend Arthur. We are told to wait at the bottom of the tower. We do not hear what is said. Next thing we know, Madlyn is trapped, surrounded by a ring of soldiers with the bald man watching her. He sends in warrior after warrior and Madlyn destroy them quickly. I am physically stronger than her, but Madlyn is a warrior no doubt. She fight well. Maybe one day, I may ask to join her session. But I think Kaylan need more help than me. Yet, her tongue was not sharp today. She challenge bald guy. Bad idea. Never challenge bald guy with sword. Sure enough, he nearly slaughtered her. He was fast, strong, and relentless. Madlyn fought bravely and he spared her for that. I was ready to jump in but glad I didn't need to.   We were welcomed into Solanthus. First we needed to find shelter. Zy and I went to the Dirty Unicorn. Cheap place with small bed. I would stay there, but Madlyn already voiced not wanting dirty place. She did fight a general today, so we decided not to stay there. The only nice thing about the Dirty Unicorn was the stick on top of the Horse statue to make it a unicorn. Steve would like that stick. Maybe it make Zy laugh. I want to make Zy laugh. But too many eyes watching. I do NOT want to end up in a jail again. So we stay in fancy place. They have good breakfast there.   Much happen. Manon took us to the library. It was full of books. Book I do not read. Book I do not like. But there was a ladder to climb where I go upside down but don't. Magic is...confusing. But I am learning more. Manon had seemed as grey as her robes. She didn't say much. Any thing related to her grandpa or Thersha broke her like glass. But today she yelled at a rude magician and her robes turned white. She is growing. It give me hope. Even Manon can become stronger with time. Maybe we do have a chance against the bad hat lady.   Lania learn to cook good food. She stay up with the chef to cook. Others giggle and tease- I do not understand why, cooking is a good skill- but I think she enjoy her time. At first, I thought she would be sad in Solanthus. Mott left us. He stay in the forest. I wanted to go with Mott, but knew I had to fight my fears and enter big city. Yet, a big red hawk joined her and became her friend.   One thing has been bothering me. Well, not true. Two things. You know the second. He point at me too much. He say he fall from sky and has a family. It made me think if he fight for his family too. But I care not. It does not help still and I do not like the way it look at me. Steve could squish it like a bug but I dare not. It is at least harmless. I guess that is something.   The thing that really bother me is what Madlyn say at breakfast. She tell us that a spider talk to her. Spiders do not talk. But this Spider a God. Do God spiders talk? I guess. This one does. It told her that killing the horny lady is not right. It want to contain her. It make me so angry I nearly threw my breakfast. We have to destroy her. Not kill-destroy. I want my axe buried in her skull for what she did. If she has harmed a single hair on my Ma's head I want her to suffer. Not survive. Not be in jail. Destroyed. I do not trust this God. It does not seem to care what it has done. They tell us to awaken another God- Gillian- but I do not know if these Gods will help us. I am afraid our friends listen to them too much. We have to stay together and fight the bad hat lady. Zy happier now. Manon stronger. Lania learning. Madlyn braver. Kaylan healing. We are not the same group that ran from that green dragon. If what Manon says is true, then the gold dragon may be hiding in Lemish ruins still. It will be dangerous to go back, but what other choice do we have? Otherwise, we have to travel far south to find more information. Both options are dangerous.   We need to prepare for whatever is to come. I found someone who can help. Her name is Darma. She is a dwarvish blacksmith in Solanthus. I studied her work when I visit her shop. It looks clean, solid, sturdy. I know I want her guidance and supplies. She gives me small tasks to complete, which I am sure I can. Once I do that, I can make my weapons and armour stronger. As I try to write, smushed in this tiny room with that pesty gerbil snoring too loud, I try to think about how to strengthen Zy bow, Madlyn's sword, Lania's weapons, Kaylan's shield. Maybe armour for Manon? We need to prepare. If the Gods to not want to kill the Dragon Queen, then we may have to fight the Gods to get to her.   Tomorrow, we prepare to slay Gods.


What to do? Where to go? Too many questions, but today, we finally had an answer. We rode away from Lemish. Hear the roar of the dragon, but we dare not turn back. We had to find a place for Thestral to be buried and get out of Lemish.   Zy couldn't handle the horses. I helped, which she did not like. As usual. But she needs to understand I am here to help her. But words are not my specialty so I just sit there. She is losing it. Slowly. I can see her grip slipping. All of this death is tearing her apart and I can only watch. She ask me if we are cursed. If all these deaths are happening because of us. But these deaths are not our fault. We did not set dragon on Lemish. I didn't even know dragons were real. Whatever this is- that bad hat lady- is something bigger than us. I try to explain that but I do not know what to say. Ma would have known what to say. I miss her. I dunno what Ma got us into, but this is serious.   Manon sad all day too. I watched her. She is like Zy. There is sadness in her eyes and she does not know what to do with it. Nor do I- but I tried to be of some use. Manon say that this Hat lady is an evil queen of dragons. She has a book with words in it that says that... I guess? If she is the Queen of Dragons- we need to be stronger. That other dragon was not a Queen and we barely survived. Though I do not understand Madlyn and her strange exercises, maybe I should join to get stronger. I will need to be to protect Zy.   Kaylan talked to her imaginary friend (Lord knows what that means) and used the magic to make a burial site for Thestral. It was nice, I guess. I think it was a good place to bury her. Near her home but a nice place. I wonder where we will be buried one day.   The journey continued. Zy and I stayed with the horses. It felt good to be useful. Without having any of that magic stuff, all I can do it hit things. We don't have time to farm or make weapons, so there isn't much I can do. Sad. I don't know where we are or what we are up against. I don't even know if I am strong enough for the task.   We meet new lady today. Laina was a short fighter-but a good one. Good to see other fighters, though I could punt her like a football if needed. She has a mushroom friend too. I was unsure about it- but had seen all sorts of crazy things in past few days so why not. At least it is better than that rodent...Zy told me that it is not a Gerbil. In fact- he not rodent at all. I do not understand it, but I am watching it closely. It pointed at me. AT ME. The audacity. I could destroy it with one finger and it tries to challenge me! Nothing make me madder than that little thing! It does nothing! It did not help Grandpa Mary. It does not fight bad guys. It just twitches and points! I DESPISE IT!!   **Smudges appear on the page in random, angry swirls from a broken pencil that clearly snapped from being pressed far too hard into the parchment**   It take all my power not to crush it. I respect Kaylan. I will not crush it...for now...Anyways- Laina. Laina saw the hat lady with our Ma. I hate to hear it. Make me mad. But give me hope. Ma is alive. When Grandpa Mary died, I was worried our Ma faced the same fate. But Ma is strong. Stronger than me. She is still alive. We can find her.   I now rest with my belly full (had a great entire pie today- very happy) and the magic flashlight again. We are learning more about dragons and how to save Ma. We have a new fighter and we are rested. We must be ready to fight. I am ready to try, but I fear for some of the ones behind me. Kaylan, Manon....Zy.... They need to get it together, but I know that is not nice to say. Bo needs to be nice (except for not-gerbil.).   Bo need to be ready to slay dragons.


It's always hard to write. Today, it's even harder.   I've seen cattle die. I've seen monsters die. It didn't affect me. The death of my town did. My Pa’s death hurt. Like a burn, it makes my heart taught and stings. But they were dead when I woke up. Pa was long gone when I found him.   Today, someone died in front of me.   We make it to Lemish (city, not country) and was not impressed. 0/10. Cramped, loud, smell bad. Too many eyes. We go to big tower where Thestral and Grandpa Mary live. Look like fortress with all the Walls. But it turn to fire when we get there.   It smelled like Heckle under attack. But little time. Grandpa Mary dead, on the floor, in his own pool of blood. Manon sad. She look like Zylah when she brought back Tristain body. I tried to carry him for her, but guards show up. The Mayor had us arrested, but Madlyn say we need to follow. I hope she had a plan.   They put us in cell. I hate cell. Small. Nothing to punch. Nowhere to go. I hate it.   It could not get worse, BUT IT DID. I saw small mouse. In way of my view. I want to look for black dot on moon but it got in my way. I held it and brought it in so it could move.   Then Kaylan say the mouse is Thestral…The wise. The strong. The fighter.   IT IS A MOUSE. Mouse do not fight. Mouse do not speak! The four others happy but I MAD. How will mouse help us find Ma?!   Before I kicked door down, a friend of Thersha help us out. We try to escape the flames but are attacked. A giant creature. Perfect for my anger. I let it out and swing but…I saw her. She was there, staring at me. Pointy hat lady, the one who took Ma. How did she fit under monster, I do not know. But she did something to me. Like I couldn’t move. Like I could only hear the screams and the fire and what she said to my and Ma. Like my heart beat too fast but didn’t at all. I never felt that way before.   Zylah helped me. Then we run through Lemish to escape.   I saw a big scale creature. It sounded like what I hear in Heckle. That one spew fire. But this spew green cloud. Like acid. It burned people alive.   We ran on rooftop. Zylah led the way, to avoid the mist. Madlyn fought through the rubble. Manon make doors appear in floor (doors don't go on floors but I didnt day anything.) Kaylan tried to save people but nearly burned. I pulled her away. Mad at the stupid mouse, but Kaylan saved my sister many times. I owe her more.   We escaped. We were so close. But the Mayor yelled out and magic came our way. It killed Thersha. She died right there. Cold. So quickly. Is that how Pa died? So quick? Is it better to die that way? People say quick death better, but Thersha didn't get to say goodbye. Or tell her secrets. She's just gone.     I'm struggling to go forward. It's like walking through the mud. but now its getting thicker. heavier. deeper. I have to keep Zy afloat. Do I tell her that it isn't her fault? That I was the one that didn't kill the pointy lady twice now. I didn't save Pa. I didnt save Heckle. I let her take Ma. Thersha didn't get the chance to say her secrets. Will I have time to tell Zy mine?


I try to write with this...flashlight. It is like a torch but made of magic. Ugh. long day.   We follow monster track to find Ma. May be feet of pointy lady or the scaled things- don't care. Must lead to her. We walked for days in the woods. Trying to ignore that the tracks were fading. Exhaustion hit but we had to find Ma. I *have* to find her. I couldn't save her. I need her. Zylah need her. She don't sleep good now. She always mad at me now.   Things outside of Heckle make no sense. Why tree look like ass? Is that common? Why do people pick poison mushrooms to heal old men? Make no sense. Neither do our new...ack-kway-ten-ses.   They do strange things. Manon is one. Makes sparkles come from hand. Is it Magic? Ma talk about it, but never seen. Kaylan has magic too. She fight with it but can protect and heal. wounds wind together without touching. Thersha I must watch. She do not say much- has secrets. Not a threat but saw her fight. Do not underestimate her. Madlyn also good fighter. A knight. Wears armour had shiny sword. She seem like the leader of the group.   They came again. Scaled creatures. Like what destroyed our home, killed our Pa. But they look different. Like people look different, but are the same. But this time, their blood turned others into stone. I let the anger take control. The rage feels good. Easier to change into. I fight like hell but I can’t stop looking for Zy. The others fight well (well...some of them) but they held their own. Zy can hold her own, but I won't risk it.   It was my fault. I attacked a monster and it exploded. It turned her to stone. It was accident. I know she can fight but I can’t lose her. I can’t risk it. But me protecting her made her turn to stone. Kaylan saved her. Turn her back to human with the sparkles. I won’t forget that. She ask strange questions, but she saved the only family I have left.   Not interested in making friends. But they've seen her. Point hat lady. She was with Manon's grandpa. He may know more. They help us fight monsters and they saved Zylah. Their home- Lemish- is in the same direction as the tracks. Kaylan speak of Thestral. A wise advisor, she may have knowledge of Pointy hat lady. Thestral is a good fighter, strong, and smart. We need that. She may know where to find Ma.   Zylah and I join them. They may have the answers we need. Maybe they can comfort Zylah more than I can.


Zy run off with boy...again. Make me do all chores. Sad. But I know it make her happy. So I don't say nothing.   Today bad day. I smell flames. Fire. Town burning. Everyone scream. No one scream in Heckle. We know how to use a fire safely. Why scream now? Why flame?   Strange beasts. Fire and sword. They look like big snake. Scale, fire, blood that burns. They killed my friend. My people.   Ma say something wrong. Look scared. Gave me axe. Gave Dad bow. Ma told me to let the anger go. I can't. You can. She showed me how to turn my eyes red and let the anger run. Felt good. Felt stronger. I hit the big snakes. Easy kill. Bam Bam.   Funny hat lady attack me. Look like black deer and a ghost. Felt wrong. Dangerous. She said I was too young but the right type. Don't know why she mean. Don't know what most people mean. Her hand became claw. How? Lift me up off the floor. No man/woman has been able to do that before. Threw me like a pebble in water. She attack Ma. Said something, but I don't remember.   Zy woke me up. Town was gone. Tristian dead. Dad dead...   I buried them. I buried them all. I still smell flame. I still hear scream. I have to keep Zy safe.   We must find Ma.


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