BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Dell D'Joyeaux

Sailing's in the blood, rooted deep to me bones. Me Father took me to sea when Ma died, I never thought I'd leave the sea until I found my Beloved. Her eyes held me more captive than any squall ever could.

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we coming to Kalaman

As we ride the brass dragonelles away from Onyari, I'm stuck with little else to do but reflect on that days events. Flyings not terrible though, in a way its kinda like be being back at sea: the swaying, the horizon, the monotony and nothingness...   We travel from Paladine's rejuvenated temple to the tower we now know was the 'Threshold of the Heavens.' The others jump up from floating rock to floating rock to ascend, even with Aylins help it takes me almost twice as long as the others... I miss my sea legs. There are 3 flying dragonelles with riders patrolling the skies and 4 silver draconians at the door. Lord Charity steps forward to talk our way in, knowing his typical prowess with language I interceded, forgetting none of the draconians have been speaking common and even our friend Lerin has needed Kravlaks tongues (spell) for them to speak. Battle ensues, but between Lerin and Charity's sword n boarding, Aylins mastery of a refurbished dragonlance, Xanks' spell slinging, and even Kravlaks flail the villians dont stand a chance. So I deftly dip into the Threshold itself hopefully before the flying patrols take notice of us.   Inside the Threshold is a Green Draconian holding the leash of a boney, haunted looking dragonelle. Standard Dom rules inferred, I blast at the leash holder and kindly call for the others to stop playing around outside before the patrolling dragonelles and riders arrive. As they come in and finish of the Dom, Kravlak seems to get a vision about the bone-draggy sub and tells us to leave it alone. Feeling emblazoned by our success, I rush by high fiveing Xanks, ass slapping Kravlak, and getting a tail tap support from Lerin around the Boney Sub and into the next room. There's a sigil on the floor and console controls on the wall corners. The consoles were part of the flight control, I think, after we destroyed them there was a definite shift in altitude and some big Kachunks. Never did figure out why that sigil said banana on the floor though, I should ask Xanks about that, he and Kravlak were taking their time coming in and up the steps.   Those fucking steps. First there was a green flaming skull dropping fire balls. Wavecutter helped me hit it and I moved quickly up the steps, allowing my crewmates to finish it off. We've rung the bell, better to get a move on and not let the enemy prepare for our arrival. At least that was my thinking before I became a lightning rod in the next room. Smashed crystals, disabled robot, and everyone getting a little shocked seemed to have annoyed Kravlak enough that I decided to let him take the lead for a bit. He's slow moving, but the next few rooms certainly hurt a lot less. Still not sure what he was trying to show me with holding my face so close to the buttons and the robots.... probably some Mountain learning ritual based on the runes I couldnt read. I'd ask but he still seems grumpy about the whole endeavor.   As we pass rooms with comfy chairs, magical type maps, holographic displays I cant help but think it's like a captains quarters but on a larger scale. Here we meet Lozette from Khur by Kendamir. This sheep fucking opportunist thinks he's not responsible for his actions and how they affect others. (shut up Kravlak, im reflecting here) He's helping the Dragon and Cloud Giant get the city flying through some combination of Divine and Arcane magic. At least Kravlak got some solid kicks into the bastard's goodberries before he teleported away right out of my grasp. If somehow we survive all this current apocalypse, soul-saving-scale collecting, protect the timeline endeavor I intend to hunt down Lozette and help educate him on empathy. Permanently.   After a brief deliberation, we head up to the next level to face Belphian the Blue Dragon and the Cloud Giant. In hindsight, perhaps coming out into a grandiloquent, picturesque, and photogenic line was not the most tactically sound decision. But when the lightning blast hit us, I got to see my beloved again. In reality I'm sure it was only a second. But that moment lives in my mind as an eternity. Seeing her face again, surrounded by that blue light. Those blue phoenix wings. Bringing me back again. She's watching over me, she's guiding us. We are blessed.   The battle itself was impressive. At one point Lerin pinned the dragon to the wall with her sword. She even fastball specialed Aylin at the beast! And Aylin bravely leaping out the window to lure the Cloud Giant out and launching herself from out there somehow to get back onto the dragon. She truly is a Hero of Time. Kravlak pulsing healing for us and pain for the enemy out like a massive thunderhead from the Mountains. Lord Charity tenaciously attacked and parried dragon blows left and right. I was able to use a Big Arcane Hand to remove the crown of control from Belphain. The look she gave me when I wrested it off her dumb head... my bilge pumps emptied some. And Xanks was off after the crown and cleverly scampering away to make sure the goal would be achieved, even if the crew didn't survive. It was glorious, it was epic, it was exhausting...   Flying with their wings, Lerin carried Kravlak off the collapsing tower, Aylin scooped me up as she levitated us down, I had just enough wherewithal to use the big magic hand to let Lord Charity confidently, triumphantly ride down as the Threshold of the Heavens came crashing down to earth behind us.   Of course our success felt short lived as That Bitches Temple rose up, with death and decay filling our nostrils. Death dragons circled around and doom seemed to be coming. A black dragon was slain by our brass champion dragon-Mazlu. But for the Brass Dragons arrival, I dont know how we wouldve been able to successfully escape the devastated city. The crew seems to have some tension in it, but I'm not sure why. We won and whats more we're clearly a chosen crew of the divine. We've got a kender touched by all 3 moons. A man of the Mountain learning a gods wisdom. A noble Lord- hardworking and humble- that we can all believe in *clap clap*. A new powerful draconian friend. An ancient dwarf-inconveniently absent, but still a font of spells and skills. An immortal sailor seeking redemption. And the Hero of Fucking Time wielding a Dragonlance of yore.   That Bitch better watch her back, we coming to Kalaman.

such a carnal act

Demlyn's tomb is a decent place to rest, although if I'm being honest me body is so damn sore I'd probably even sleep on Kravlak's stone hammock just fine. It'd be great if the rest of the crew got acting a little faster when battle begins, its tough being the prow of the ship, cutting through the waves.   A big fuck off purple skeleton dragon is circling Takhsis temple, so sneaking that way seems a little fool hardy, but it could be an option for the future. We successfully sneak through the city despite Kravlak constantly stomping around and yelling at me. I think I got my point across to him, certainly the others all were watching our discussion with disgust at his perspective. I'm surprised they didn't speak up on my account, but I'm sure they were focused on being stealthy, I didn't even hear Lord Charity or Steve clanking as we eluded the dragonelles.   Paladines temple had a gnarly, corrupted, almost swamp-like smell and vibe to it. I felt Steves ring start to weigh on my hand. He pulled out the dragonlance and gave it to Aylin, who has wielded one before. Perk to being a warrior for thousands of years I suppose. Though I don't know how good that rusty old lance will be in a fight.   As we cross the bridge into the temple I can just glance the cursed looking altar inside the temple. Of course, that's when the purple trees awaken and start swinging. If I cure the altar maybe they'll turn back to trees, or at least be on the good side. With expected deftness and skill I use Wavecutter to avoid the biggest of trees and knock it on its ass (assuming trees have asses?) A quick swim and teleport via my shroud and I'm in the temple ready to save the day. Suddenly the water is less friendly, it forms around me and restrains me from being able to remove the curse. I can vaguely hear some battle happening outside the temple, I'm sure the crew is battling their way to altar also. I successfully slither out of the enemy waters grasp, get up to the altar; Dell finally gonna be heroic, Dell finally gonna start making things right, Dell finally gonna finish a battle not getting yelled at by Kravlak and needing healing...   I cast the spell.   There's a bright light and BAM, I'm back in the enemy water, more bruised.   The enemy water then pushes me through a wall. Ow.   Now outside the temple I see the crew has been doing work. Trees are ablaze and fallen, there is a blubbering, bubbling green nasty that Steve is beating the Absolute Shit out of and the enemy water is forming up to come hit me some more. I brace for another beating and suddenly feel tree branches... Aylin- oh gods bless her, a quick breath and now I can start helping from a safer distance. As the battle winds down, Kravlak and I get back into the temple, he is also victim to the bright light BAM (at least we fail together).   When we hear Aylin shout to move as she charges up, thrusting the throbbing lance. The lance is pulsating with veins of energy and light. As the tip hits the dark altar the corruption shrivels and shrinks away. A blinding light erupts from the tip of the lance and spews out a fresh and renewed Temple. A platinum dragon scale is on the altar. (wrong color, but nice to get another one). The lance is shiny and new.   I lay my head back. Will I always be failing as the group becomes more heroic? Everything hurts again. Aylin leads the heroics again. Xanks doles out massive damage again. Lord Charity skillfully maneuvers sword and shield against magical, mystical foes again. Steve utilizes magic beyond my ken again. Kravlak kept me alive again. As the divine power envelops us, heals and empowers us, I cant help but start chuckling...   Hard to believe Life comes from such a carnal act.

wait for the right current

Ness is dead. She took some scales off the Black before she died. If there's an afterlife I'll find her and thank her. Hearts Hollow will be in mourning. The people will need leadership and consoling to process their grief, to guide their collective thoughts, to distract them while some more morally gray and pragmatic minds quickly, stealthily see if Ness had any plans or secret journals or useful but not public information. Ness' room was less decorated than many a captains quarters I've seen, but her journals reveal a change in mindset over the eons... She disagreed with Paladine's Cataclysmic Decision and refused his call to be with the others of her kind. But she came to regret that decision, she seemed to renew her faith. Later Kravlak would mention seeing a draconic spirit, almost guiding us. Clearly redemption isn't just for humanoids.   A successful spin job and the celebration of life for Ness is well addressed in Hearts Hollow. Leerin opts to stay with us. Lord Charity catches back up with the rest of the troops, it had only been 3 weeks... (one could almost wonder if this is how I make Kravlak feel sometimes). Getting caught up with Darrit and some Elvish help (who are busy fighting a White dragon army) and learning about teleportation runes, a massing Red army to the north, coordinates, spare armor for Leerin, logistical things that help keep ships from sinking.   As we travel North Aylin has another vision of a blonde person using time magic. Aylin deems it a future problem, something she'll address when it becomes more pressing than the current issue. In an amazing amount of over sharing we also learn she has 200+ children and *everything* gets rejuvenated when she's reborn.   The encampment is well patrolled and heavily guarded. Stealth hasn't been our strongest suit, but with unexpected gear from Lord Charity (not going to reflect on it, Im a gods-damned delight and Kravlak loves me) we successfully get into the crevice by the stables. There's not much to say about the battling in there... I need to improve my aim, and maybe consider that others reaction time will be a little slower than mine and not put myself too much at risk. It was nice to be in the water again, even if it was on fire for a bit.   We learn that the city is named Onyari, and the Istari used dying metallic dragons to fuel their flying, luxurious city. The dragons attacked the city which is why it is crashed here. Demlin- this mysteriously trapped but not ghost wizard shares all sorts of good information for us. Including locations of Soth and his undead army, a Paladine/That Bitch temple, and the center of the city where flight will be controlled. Demlin also reiterates that That Bitch is well prepped this time and is still steps ahead. (I feel like this justifies my rushing and willingness to sacrifice, but all those actions tended to upset people or leave me battered and bruised) We find out another group has freed dragons as well. It's reassuring to know we've got a scrawny female half elf, a muscular woman, a White robed woman, a green haired dwarf and 2 read headed sisters on our side.   I still feel we're sailing at half speed... but be patient, wait for the right current

power and danger deserves respect

A successful heist of the camp, a successful hiding from that damn black dragon. Major props to Xanks hallucinatory spell to hide us. Some magic has more utility than just harm... probably worth considering some more if I'm going to keep learning more magic. Kravlak shows another annoying example of utility spells by being able to converse with the Canardog- who evidently thinks I tried to attack it?!? (but sure, I'm the dumbass) and gifting the Red Draconian, named Lerin, the ability to speak with us despite language barriers.   To sum up: the Canardog- Chase is a gold dragon who is related to the gods.... I cant even with these gods family trees and interwoven connections. Chase was able to get us past the barrier to the Brass dragons. (A deep shaft, that curved down and to the left). The record keeper (names himself Jacob after his son) gifts us secretly from dragons hoard (ugh, hoarded wealth is never a good thing). The biggest Brass Dragon, Maslu, upon waking felt the need to be extolled further and have us all bow to them. Taking my eyes off him and being subservient to a creature who all I've seen is death and destruction from their kind seems foolish, but Aylin and the others all seem to recognize it as a social custom. Far be it from me to not flow with the tide. The Brass dragons will help Kalaman (nice) but wish to remain secret from the other dragons (smart) and the 20 of them will go with Becklin to Kalaman- disguised as human (again- utility magic) refugees to Kalaman. Kravlak is given a big brass scale as some sort of beacon. While haughty, they are a fount of information- including a general idea of where Onyari is (the city of lost names) and Aylin is pretty sure she has an idea where that is/was. Perk to being ageless I suppose, you get pretty good at geography. Chase is sticking with us, Kravlak is utterly smitten. Lord Charity is learning fetch from the Canardog. I'm sure he'll be helpful, it certainly cant hurt to have a transformable gold-dragon-canardog on your side...   Lerin, the Red Draconian is only 6 months old and we find that Takhsis and crew is able to hatch draconians from dragon eggs. something like 20 per egg. Although the training is intense and Lerin says none of his other clutchmates survived. This is harsh, but maybe its a blessing that so few survive- 20 per egg and they could get as big and strong as what we've seen... I cant imagine we could raise an army strong enough to face all of them. But clearly there is some dissent, as Lerin shows. He didn't want to kill (more) at Vogler and subsequently beaten and tortured. Despite language barriers Lerin is ready and willing to help around the crew, (thank gods, because somehow Kravlak had me on the anchor end of a rope with his big ass going down a tunnel- I'm wiry not beefy) but we collectively discuss that maybe Hart's Hallow will be safer for him to go to then Kalaman. Lerin agrees and we part from the Brass Dragons and Becklin and continue North.   As we approach we see the Black dragon, then the mayor who comes out transforms into a Brass Dragon... it's a near even fight, at first- but the black dragon clearly has some right bastard in them, they feint and kill the Brass... This fight was epic- the speed, the power, the deadliness... it reminds me of the ocean. But we've figured out how to sail on the deadly seas, there is no mortal concept of containing, controlling, or sailing dragons to my knowledge. How the living fuck are we supposed to get 5 different dragon's scales AND a claw or tooth from Takhsis? These creatures have power beyond anything I've seen; faster than Aylin, more stalwart than Lord Charity, more cunning than Steve, more mystical than Kravlak, and more potent blasts than Xanks. We will definitely need everything we have and then some to take one down.   Maybe bowing to the Maslu was the right decision, that kind of power and danger deserves respect.

Despite the shitty doors

I miss the sea, the rocking of the waves, the surge of the tide, the steady noises of water on the move. This barren desert landscape sucks. But Kravlak has got gods-blessed vision and even an occasionally clear hint so we make it to the Crater. This small village of what I thought were cowards live part way down it, built into the sides and inside this strange circle of cacti. Their young scout Clystran gives us enough warning to get inside the circle of cacti as a GIANT PURPLE WORM almost swallows us whole. The village, "Hearts Hollow" has a tavern for Xanks to do what Xanks does, a kitchen for Kravlak to mountain-splain cooking about, architecture by Art-is-Nal for Charity to be impressed by, another stone teleportation circle for Steve and I to fuck around with, and a leader named Ness for Aylin to charm. (she really is good at it)   How the wind blowed: Xanks finds out making alcohol is tricky, but bad cactus booze beats no booze The crater goes deeper than we dare attempt to find out, and I rethink my judgement on the cowardice of these villagers. The portal now works... these could be exceptionally helpful for us, but also quite dangerous A combined army of Red, Black, and Blue passed to the East of here within the last 3 weeks!   We follow the lead of the enemy army and spy from a distance a band of about 20 moving quickly. We stealthily pursue into the night, but recognize the need for rest. The next day brings us to a fort with an unknown amount (more than the 20) of basic bitches and leader bitches inside it. They've got a palisade up around it and a single bridge crossing a purposeful moat surrounding it. There are cages in what looks like the back corner. We tactically divide into 3 groups: Distraction(Aylin, Charity, Kravlak), Chaos (Steve) and Stealth (xanks and meself). The sentry guards are spaced far enough apart that some clever Kravlak water walking spell allows Stealth to use a simple monkey head rope like a grappling line to up and over the wall. The 4 cages held a Bullette, the Canardog, a beaten and bloodied red draconian, and BECKLIN! Lord Charity might shit his armor if we can get her (and the rest of us) out of here.   I hear Distraction shouts out "For Knights of Somnia", the ringing axe of Aylin swinging through foes, the quivering ladle of Kravlaks justice gongs against enemy armor. I hear Chaos of Me-Fist-oh raising hell in the camp I see my arms as xanks invisibility spell drops and a GIANT APE stands where xanks once stood.   Well, that's one way to get a door open- I get out my lockpicks and immediately drop one. My fingers never did get all their dexterity back. Sweat pours as the sounds of battle are getting louder and closer. Inspired by the sweat I pour my water skin into the lock and cast a spell to freeze it- too quickly, I pour in again and wait the 6 seconds for the water to fill the cracks and SUCCESS! Nice Canardog, be friendly- we're allies... As xanksy kong has managed to rip open two of the other cages. Enemies are starting to pour into our back corner, I get Red Draconian and Becklin into xanksy kongs big hairy arms and tell him to get out, I run to Canardog, here's to trusting gods, thunderstep up out over the moat, try to shout as loud as that thunder boom to Chaos and Distraction: "Fly you fools" as the Roar of a Dragon comes barreling towards us. In a blur of wet Canardog and swimming (remember when I missed water?) we start retracing our steps. I hear more roars and what sounds like an acidic vomiting happening back behind me...   I hope the others are well, I think this was a success, despite the shitty doors

foiled by a damn door

This crap landscape has me missing mountains... to say nothing of the sea. Mesas, sparse vegetation, rocks, sand dunes... a general lack of water. The birds of prey overhead only serve as constant reminders for me to be patient, to stay true to the course. To trust Kravlak, and protect him as he protected me, now that his soul is literally at stake. (gods, I made some dumbass decisions)   We finally arrive to a metal quilt patched mesa, despite the illusory magic, disappearing tracks, and very real scorch marks to a path guarded by two fiery goliaths. They stand taller than Kravlak and quite frankly, more intimidating. Between Aylin's sweet talk, some double entendre mountain humor from Kravlak referring being a bottom, and, of course, my charm, we find that the twins Krathi and Kalane are willing to not directly aid their fire giant masters. Later we would find they have the sad 'captured and forced to help' the bad guy story. Gaining allies has never cost so little, how did I not see this before?   Up on the top of the Mesa waiting for us were 3 fire giants. The battle was intense. Aylin sprouting tree limbs out left and right preventing people from falling after being tossed off the edge. Charity making clutch athletic moves (even if it was just hitting Aylin with a javelin... again). Steve hitting with some extra spice and teleporting poor Charity off the edge (again). Kravlak throwing spells to slow and disrupt the giants left and right. Xanks dropping frozen ice limiting their lava drinking healing and hurting them all at once. Steve and I even got a 'bros blast together' moment as we sent eldritch power at them. I must say this fighting from a distance is certainly a safer option, but at least I could get a wave in their to help mitigate some fiery damage. When Kravlak fell I felt my heart drop also. We weren't the most tactically sound group working together, but I'm sure we could've handled double this amount. *fourth wall stare*   After the giants demise we found the forge could move and there was a force-field preventing us from getting down to a guy known as the record keeper who had 20 some Brass dragons with him. We were unable to get through the barrier, something about a divine scale (yet another reason to get a scale) to get through. Poor guy been trapped down there for hundreds of years. What is with these gods and their lack of respect for typical chronological lifespans? Between Steve and Aylin we've got thousands of years of history and experience, but still get foiled by a damn door.

Love persevering

I saw you again.... I was ashamed to be seen by you. I was not good. I was not who I was when you were. But of course, we don't get to grow together any more.   I don't know how to explain it all. The Blue Phoenix burned away the fog. Habbakuk has set me sail back on the right tacking. It hurt, like a hug from Kravlak, and there's still prices to pay. But at least our crew is better settled as we sail into the squall.   Continued investigation and journeying into this mess of a wasteland. But over the days we uncover some ancient teleportation portal guarded by a golem. A cave of enormous sapphire crystals which also had some damn draconians. We've got to get better about not letting some of those bastards escape. But amassing wealth and destroying enemies is just part of the current journey. There's forge smoke and indication of red armored giants ahead. (How do people travel without Kravlak Sonar?)     My beloved, my Drea... I'm sorry for my mistakes, my faults, my dark path. I understand better now. Pain and grief are not the opposites of love, they are not the absence of life or love. Grief is love persevering.

I'm tired of this fog

We sail the "Thoonder Koont" she's a lovely shallow draft sloop that certainly brings back memories. Or perhaps more accurately memories of memories. My body remembers running lines and the sway of the deck, but my mind cant recall. Things get foggy and hazed, I couldnt even recall Runemaster Steve at first. That damn Sir Sarlamir gutted me good, of course I got a solid hit on him first. Lord Charity and the others finished him well. Kravlak slapped me again. That one hurts more than my face but I cant quite figure out why. It's this damn foggy brain.   That's probably the most frustrating part of all this, sailing in the fog. There's no actual fog as we worked across Kalaman Bay and up the Anglerend. Considering we was against the current we made good time. But the fog is in my own head. It's like every time I get knocked down I find more fog and Kravlak seems more mad. The others have those looks at me too. Confusion, concern... but we're winning, right?   We eliminated the undead knight, learned of a City of Lost Names to the north. Old, mythic weapons are coming back into play. Aylin's memories are back and she clearly has plans to thwart Takhsis (that bitch). Got Marshall Vendri back in charge of the City with Darrett, have support troops working up the coast as we search. Kravlak even made a connection with a sea elf- Ishvern Stargazer (Tribal mates, theyre awesome) and we got information on the blue and black dragons. These are all successes... so why is it all foggy for me still?   So now we stand before the Blue Phoenix, their shrine to Habbakuk God of the Sea... And all I got is the fog. Kravlak and Aylins god has given them clarity to see, memories to re-establish their purpose. Xanks and Lord Charity continue to work for the future and a better hope. Even Runemaster Steve seems excited by the rotted old lance from ages past. Vengeance offers me some view in the fog, but its more like a focused spyglass view, the peripheral gets all blurred out. I'm tired of this fog.

Kravlak doesnt get it

Aylins blood and Xanks body- dead or alive. Aylins blood and Xanks body- dead or alive. Aylins blood and Xanks body- dead or alive.   Smaller dragons being ridden by warriors, well trained warriors. Fast, mobile and skilled with lances. We kept Xanks up, who continues to be exceptionally powerful and potent with his magic. Charity, Cudgel, Kravlak, Aylin, even the archers all maneuvered well and collectively we took down two of the three riders. Our new partner Runemaster Steve used impressive tactics and magic. I did nothing but run around and miss. But they got Aylins blood. The dark lady continues to get wins and gain power. How can we keep?   Speaking of keep, it is established as a safe location. By the end of the week I'm sure it'll become official and Sir Charity will likely be known as Lord Charity and probably start getting peasants and works around to clean up the place. Not that theres much to clean, Aylin is a one woman swabbing crew. With her and Kravlak around him, the mighty knight Sir Charity could actually become a force unto himself. Now if only I can convince him to actually carry his sword with him and stop throwing it thinking it magically returns. I stopped even being sneaky about it. No Charity, the sword is not magical, the only thing compelling me is to keep you armed is common sense. Xanks resting a lot- the magic seems to take a lot more out of him. Even during the fight he looked... ragged.   I've gotten us more power. A nameless Runemaster Dwarf who is from pre-calamity time and has been living in the ring Boreas found. He seeks the Silver Arms for his clan, a deal with power to help others- I hear it, but its different. We agree to work together for the downfall that bitch, the Dark Lady, Takhsis. Runemaster Steve knows so much about the Gods. Sardonnas, my condor, god of flame, vengeance, and wrath. Fitting as we will soar to kill Takhsis. Zivlyn, Aylins and Kravlaks tree, God of Wisdom and the world tree. Obviously perfect, as those two will build a better world when Takhsis falls. Runemaster does seem familiar, almost infatuated with Aylin. We even find out that Charity's knighthood has a history of dragonslaying. This crew is gaining in power. We need it.   Kravlak doesnt get it. I see the disappointment, the distance, the struggle in his eyes. "Takhsis is around, the time for secrets is over." I hear you Kravlak, but this isnt a secret, you just refuse to believe it. Kravlaks faith blinds him in ways that are endearing, but naive. He is always the selfless leader, the builder of community, the protector of people. When ships face deadly storms- you jettison dead weight. I'm already dead, there's nothing left saving. Kravlak doesnt get it.

Fully Mortal

Pragmatic planning for Boreas Keep, a kind concept from Lord Charity if a little naive. The symbol of Boreas being made into a banner and possibly representing a platinum dragon is too on the nose to be coincidental. But if these gods are getting involved passively no wonder they get mortals who challenge them.   Not that I am in any sort of agreeance with Soth, Mr. Lord of the Rose and perfect example of being so evil people just leave you be. Fucker kills first wife and child after betraying first wife only to marry the second wife whose already with child and then murders them too. The red eyed fuck-nut clearly has got an albatross hanging about his neck. Of course this all is only first hand knowledge because of our own mysterious delightful murder bird; Aylin.   Kravlak and her went off to dreamland, which is actually the world tree, and their God restored her memories. She is the "Hero of Time" and has (some number of) kids and past lives and is thousands of years old. Kravlak also wants kids?!? Aylin has lived and died multiple times (same) but continues to comeback to protect time- meaning magic can manipulate time! (dont even dare to dream or hope Dell) Aylin's last death and our current minor battle seems to be against Soth and King Priest and some now aged or dead Arch priest Sinclair. More importantly and THE major battle- Aylin has defeated Takhsis before. Plus we heard that the White is fighting the elves, the Green is in Lemmish, the Black and Blue are to the East, and the Red is right here by Kalaman. We know where they are at, the scales and claw/tooth are near.   But there's also a flying citadel of some sort a half a year out, oh and we need to get Metallic dragon allies. Why does the 'to-do' list only get bigger after these people talk to their Gods. What lines are the gods pulling? What riggings are they running? Why are we running around getting hit by the jib constantly as they batter us with storms. We can do it, we can keep the ship afloat, we're learning and growing, we just need to keep improving.   This last attempt from Runemaster Steve and I to ride a dragon left me stiff and less charming. We saved the retreating troops but the last I recall before waking up in the stream and getting slapped by Kravlak was sticking the landing on the dragonelle then getting gutted like a fish. Next time I need to make sure the rider doesnt get such an easy opening. I cant remember as much about life before this quest for vengeance. Had Kravlak and I discussed his desire for kids? He has, or had a family of some sorts. A tribe. Did he have someone special? I know I did. My Beloved. Vengeance will still happen.   Back in Kalaman the council was killed by some undead, handsome son of a bitch that SOTH GAVE POWER TO!! This means us mere mortals can achieve powers to fight, hurt, maim, maybe replace the gods. Which Soth clearly aims to do and needs to be stopped (but at least he has the power to act). But in the meantime, Aylin is clearly the one that'll get us close to Takhsis and my best chance for Vengeance. Charity is a perfect figure head for leading troops, Kravlak keeps us fed, whole, and together, with Xanks bringing the hurt. The crew is growing stronger, but what can mortal strength do versus Gods?   Well, not be fully mortal

"Assault on Wheelwatch Keep" episode 6

There are moments in life that in memory are more watched and seen then experienced... like watching a drama on stage unfold in front of your eyes. Even though you know whats going to happen you end up... separated... distant... just a passive participant in your own life. This is how the Assault on Wheelwatch Keep is in my mind   *Scene opens showing Wheelwatch Keep* Camera pans showing outer wall and gate mechanisms then quickly traces a path around the outer wall and into the fort proper. Generic Red Dragon Army guards maneuver around the fort.   The point of view camera moves down stairs where the tone and lighting change to a more eerie, sinister tone. Eldritch greens light the typical stone fort basement. There is a barred door the camera goes through, then a picture in the wall, then a tunnel and then settles on Dell keeping watch over the crew.   Flashback in Dells mind shows our group sneaking in the secret entrance to open the gates for Cudgel and her mercenaries. Kravlak will be staying with them, we plan on getting the gates open at dawn.   The crew sneaks into the fort through the secret tunnel and out the aforementioned picture. Boreas casts light on Dell's new, Sauron-inspired longsword. A pile of mangled, week old corpses wearing Kalaman colors lie at one end of the room. Boreas pulls a ring off of one of the bodies. Charity and Aylin rip the barred door off the hinges. Oops, obviously much louder than intended. A noise in the darkness, a mass of groaning and gurgling. Tense music erupts. Boreas moves forward to the edge of the light from Dells sword. Charity and Aylin take flanking positions. Suddenly the massive hoard of undead is within grasping reach and then fire, all encompassing fire. Boreas is scorched, torched, and unconscious. Xanks reappears, fingers smoking from the fireball spell. Dell pours a potion into Boreas mouth. There are no remaining enemies.   A side door get opened by the crew. A necrotic magic circle with 4 dead bodies arranged around it. The zombie making station. However, the 5th body in the center has chunks blown out of it, a clear warning sign of over-used magic powers and the cost it can take. Close ups of Xanks and Dell show clear defiance, knowing they wont succumb to that temptation. Boreas' face shows thoughtful concern, a warning has been headed.   The crew goes up the stairs. Xanks and Boreas wait at the door to the main hall. Aylin, Dell, Charity sneak up the stairs further up the tower to get a better tactical view and ensure safety. Xanks turns invisible and sneaks out into the main hall, adroitly avoids the guards, and stands under the large ship steering wheel locking mechanism for the inner gate.   Xanks jumps up and pulls down on the wheel, the music crescendos and the wheel doesn't budge. He falls down, the guards look around see nothing and continue their trivial conversations. Xanks positions himself under the wheel, setting himself up for a strong squat to lift the wheel and turn it, he pauses, the music crescendos, he pushes and the wheel doesnt budge. [allow actors to adlib and create other hilarious attempts]   Meanwhile up the stairs Aylin's axe blade just gently taps the wall barely making a sound. The camera shows the guards not respond until she yells out "Stupid ass stairs, I'm great at sneaking dont fuck this up for me." The guards up top begin marching down. The guards in the main hall begin moving towards the door Boreas is vulnerably standing by. Tense battle music ensues.   On the stairs we see Dell blast eldritch condor energy out his wrist into the guards coming down the stairs while Aylin chops and slashes every living being in front of her. Charity pulls javelins off Aylins back (and once out of) and throws them at the doomed guards. The battle is one-sided and clearly in the heroes favor.   In the main hall Boreas sees the guards coming toward his door, he closes it. Takes a deep breath and readies himself for a 1 on 6 battle when he hears a large woomph and sees flames curl under the door. Boreas comes out and sees hauntingly familiar scorched and torched bodies littering the ground and Xanks smoking fingers standing under the steering wheel lock mechanism.   Up in the tower the trio moves to the top and the last guard dives away and blows the warning horn alerting the castle to the intruders. Dell dashes downstairs to help the other two. The music of a bad decision gets played. The camera pans to some guards on the outer wall looking toward the tower where the horn was sounded and blotting out the sun is a leaping shadow with a rainbow of death arcing over her head. Aylin lands chopping into the guards on the outer wall. Sir Charity, in full platemail, also makes an incredible leap and while less graceful just as deadly as the two barrel into the hapless guards of the outer wall.   Down in the main hall Boreas and Xanks approach the steering wheel locking mechanism, both flex, grip the wheel and give it a mighty pull, the music crescendos, the wheel doesnt budge. Dell comes rushing in from the tower door, guards come rushing in from all the other doors. Boreas and Dell face off against the 8 or more guards, a platinum dragon wing and an eldritch condor wing help protect Dell while he tries to parry and thrust against so many. Swiftly surrounded and overwhelmed it doesn't look good for those two. Both heroes make eye contact with Xanks and give him a knowing nod. Xanks changes elements, his fingers go the cold white of frostbite and out comes a cone of ice binding, freezing, and biting into the entire group including Dell and Boreas. The music pauses briefly.   The tension is broken as Dell breaks free of the ice, goes to the wheel with Xanks. There is no fanfare, the music crescendos, Xanks and Dell grab the wheel and it spins about half way. There is a moment of hope, light shines through a window, hearts are stirred. Then the minor key sounds, Boreas bravely holding off 5 guards goes down. The press of guards pushes Dell into the side room next to the wheel. He's bleeding from a dozen different wounds. Sounds of the wheel turning, bright hypnotic lights, and Xanks come from outside the room. Dell is dashing around, slashing at the 2 guards who are working to corner him down. Dell jumps between them, off the desk slashing at one and as he turns to face the other we see the guard's sword pierce into Dell's chest. Abruptly the music ends, abrupt camera cut to black.   Action music and camera alights on top of the wall. Charity and Aylin deftly slay the last remaining guards. From below, in a stunning background shot, we see Xanks come tumbling out the inner fort gate, finally open. Guards chasing him. Charity heroically drops down, light gleaming off his armor as he places himself between Xanks and his pursuers, they fall under the power of these two longtime friends and compatriots. Aylin charges to the main outer wall gate, the steering wheel locking mechanism looms menacingly, the music crescendos... she absentmindedly spins it as if it was nothing, the gate opens. Victory music plays.   The scene shifts back to a standing Dell. His clothes and armor are still torn and rent, but the blood and wounds are closed and healed. He has a confused look on his face as the sound of a condor scream echos faintly in the background. The two guards are dead with clear peck marks that have killed them. A laughing voice follows Dell as he walks out the room, "We aren't done yet." A stunned looking Dell picks up Boreas' body and heads to the door. Charity and Xanks enter and help Dell carry Boreas' body around to the front where Aylin is waiting. Somber heroic music is playing as the crew is contemplating their victory and its cost when suddenly the Dark Lady theme plays.   That tall, Adonis-like, black clad bitch appears, arrogantly stating she wants Aylin's blood and Xanks captured: dead or alive. Triggering deep seated distrust and questionable motives, Aylin swings on Xanks, Charity showing previously unseen reaction time blocks and protects Xanks. At the same time Dell rushes the Dark Lady and swings, his blade passing right through her. She laughs as her illusions fades and flying into view are two dragonic creatures with riders on their back approaching the heroic band.   Cue ending theme song, fade to black.    

lessons in humility

The past week, week and a half has been a bit of a blur... not the same blur as when me beloved died, more a blur of activity, fights, and discovery.   The first mission was out at some burning farmstand and damn that Xanks is as potent as a full typhoon. That cold magic is brutal and debilitating, friendly fire be a risk in any battle, but im glad to have Kravlaks connection with the ring to shake off some of that hurt. The fight was one sided and over quickly. Aylin is now wielding a brightly colored ax from the enemies and the opponents are looking for soldiers not thugs... this is disconcerting. Back at Kalaman Kravlak brews potions, does work on his healing and cooking plans. I find theres no news coming from the North East.   The second mission was a blockade of sorts out of town. Xanks again shows his potency with that ice spell. Boreas literally turns men into gas... I dont even know what to do with that information. and Aylin's rainbow ax explodes a guy. She seems way to happy and comfortable bathing in the blood of her enemies... Charity's concept of saving her may end up getting him killed. When one of these draconic monsters died they exploded lightning all over me, again blessed by Kravalk and that ring. Aylin possesses the ability to mend materials with magic and we are able to return to Kalaman with nearly 2 months worth of rations. Which will likely be useful as these raids, attacks, and lack of news seem to be increasing around us.   The third mission had Charity, Aylin, and myself charge in against those draconic monsters but spells are faster than steel and their blood literally turns us to stone. Magic is power, and we are certainly in need of more power. The scout informs us about a split in the Red Dragon army over to Hinterlund and Nightlund. Talking with Vendri this certainly seems like the best opportunity to strike and eliminated some of this invading force. They've clearly been planning and coordinating long before any of us had ever set eyes on each other. We obviously need all the help we can get.   Which is a major part of why I agreed with Condor Sargonnas. Power in return for a scale from green, red, white, and blue dragon. A claw or tooth from that bitch Takhsis. I'll gladly tear her apart to chum pieces and scatter them across the land and sea. He marks my arm with new ink, a condor in flight. My soul, its already spent and gone with my beloved. Condor Sargonnas bargains for material scraps while giving me an avenue to enact my utmost desire. It'd have been an easy deal had the Condor not asked for Kravlak also. His soul remains clean, free, and unfettered, soaring in the mountains. Kravlak is not mine to barter with, these gods dont seem to understand consent. Now that we are gathering power, maybe us lowly mortals can give them some lessons in humility.

The coming storm

Swab the deck, journal the events, burn the soul, hunt the gods...   I been in a fog, sometimes a red hazed one, but fog nonetheless. Between the grief, the nights staying up watching Xanks, or the radiant church, or grasping at straws for personal vengeance... It's like coming out of a fever, like the wind is shifting and the fog is lifting some... dont know if it was getting laid out by Vendri, the talks with Kravlak, this journalling shit, or just the passage of time. Heres a list of whats been happening, so I cans look back and remember, not even sure if my order of events is correct:   Charity trained and knighted and 'liasoned' as our connection for Vendri (still a fan, maybes I just been a bad sailor) Vendri clears crimes, sets us up as crew for special tasks- assigns us to go get gnomish tinkerer 3 moons are actually, literally real-not just Kravlak's mountain superstition and xanks draws power from them, is influenced by them, or some shit I dunno its mystical Keeping an ear/eye out for High Priest Beldinas Pilofiro and/or Archmage Marwart Sinclair... whoever the fuck they are Aylin's shop run by Palmer- clearly not an embezzling scoundrel, just a virgin shop keep, glad she's got someone good in her past Aylin is industrious, talented and likes to keep busy, Xanks is imaginative and can be fun to work with, poor Palmer City of Lemmish is under Green Dragon control, Red dragon destroyed Vogler-likely coming here (kalaman). We definitely afloat in a current bigger than just us Takhisis is dark lady, also tattooed xanks, also stole my vengeance, also trying to conquer the world, also maybe a god whose brother is opposing her (brother maybe can help us?) I dont know this gods being back and magic being real thing is way beyond my understanding Gnome tinkerer exhilarating "rescue," she didnt need it, but she's fun and brilliant. Captured a prisoner, encouraged them to share knowledge, practiced knot tying, enjoyed gnomish ingenuity. Getting Tatiana set up to build defenses for Kalaman, it was good to be on a clear task and target AND be able to accomplish it The big goal will be to kill Takhisis...   The Crew: Charity is trying and training, he's raw but has potential. He's got the bruises and heart to keep trying- its endearing.At least he fills out his new armor, even if his attempts at being a lordly knight is like a cabin-boy captain. Boreas is watching, listening, piecing information together and considering all angles. His connection with his god seems to be a positive influence and steady breeze guiding him along. He'll be a strong navigator and source of knowledge. Aylin is a whole ass crew unto herself. The Raging Phoenix (held together by slightly pathetic Palmer) is a steady source of basic function, but when called upon for action she leaps, she thinks, and she succeeds. Certainly not my style of crewing, too unruly, but I'd be a poor seaman if I didnt recognize it takes different ships to build an armada. Xanks... is a kender through and through... She wouldve loved him. The carefree, the excitement, the energetic optimism, the reckless disregard for consequences of actions... Maybe Kravlak is right, I've focused too much on this tear in the rigging instead of what caused it. Xanks is true to Charity and hooked on grog, but certainly the Dark Lady is connected, maybe we can use that Kravlak is me true first mate. Even facing his own storms (lost tribe, new gods, giants, lowland cooking) he checks in with me, calls me on my biases and helps me adjust the sails.   The Crew is better than solid, theyre good. We've got our guiding point and destination in mind. Having some action put wind in me sails. But can we weather the coming storm?

Better Gods

I dont think this is helping the way Kravlak says it is supposed to... Fuck it, duty and repetition gives purpose on long voyages. Journaling is just swabbing the deck   Dock in Kalaman, get Leroy Dockins to keep us slipped and find where Govner Miat is at. Use old smooth talk skills to help get refugees better comfort at cost of Lord Dickless, whose son now may know enough to stay out of sight. Gov bringing in all refugees and supporting the bedraggled crew of the capsized and burned Vogler Marshall Vendri knows the cut of a person's jib. Charity and Darrit are in good hands Fell asleep staring at Radiant and where Father Williams was.... was... was... Radiant... was a keel-cracked, mast snapped, sail torn wreck. Williams already dead, almost certainly by the Dark Lady. We got the papers we could, but guards showed and Aylin (long story with even more questions) and I couldnt get any chance for more questions. Kravlak and Boreas under house arrest, at Castle Kalaman- will get in morning. Xanks comes in drunk with new ink, and a new story..He's such a typical Kender [in over their heads] But he seems genuine even if he's addicted to the grog.   ***The following is scrawled heavily, pressed into the paper deep, beer and tear stains the paper*** 3 claws marks.... gaping, dried wounds... 3 days dead... Fucking Ispen again, even after death he's impacted my beloved, what a gods dammed hero... gods gods gods, they keep turning up... how do gods die? can they die? Can they bleed? Can I make just one bleed and bleed bad? She's strong, She's Magical, She's Draconic... I'm not ready for that Squall... barely tacking with the winds as is... The crew is good, but I need better bearings, a better craft, and better gods

A larger current

Festival festivities ripe with revelry and fun. Drinks and talents, ease and excitement. They all seem to enjoy themselves. Then the turn from a rigorous exercise to an actual deadly encounter. Cudgel's men's mutiny was costly, and painful- I need to move faster, but was squashed and Cudgel appropriately dealt with investigating and ferreting out the mutineers and their origin, which led to a colorfully armored, spiky bearded man- I think I recall rumors of that to the east, but not 100%.   Charity is raw, but has some skill with a blade. I gave him Ipsin's sword. Kravlak has the shield. I need nothing else from Ipsin, the memories of my beloved far outweigh anything he couldve done. The Kender, Boreas, Kravlak all have... magic. They seem to feel Xanks is something different, maybe worse. I cant really tell. Evidently theres a connection there with the Dark Lady as well, maybe I should've finished the Kender last night... Kravlak wouldve hated me. It wouldnt have been right, but I dont know that I care.   That night at watch we find out an army 1000 strong is within marching distance. Hiya is... exceptionally capable, dangerously so. She is also now sporting new ink- curiously similar to Kravlaks. The town is woefully unprepared for disaster, with a little rigging work we sped up the process. Cudgel intends to be a last stand for delaying the army for the town to escape. And the rigging all went to shit. A fucking flying dragon person hit Charity, with enough hits died and EXPLODED INTO ACID. A Dragons Roar, flying dragons people, impending army... a free boat for us all to escape.   The current takes this hodge podge crew toward Kalaman and sweet vengeance for my beloved, but I cant help but feel we are all involved in an even larger current.

Universal Injustice

Back aboard a ship should be pleasant. Even on a small river craft with a quick trip it should allow me to not think on my Beloved but rather attend to the riggings, the trim, the port line... At least that was my expectation, but that was before I knew the Kender and faux-knight were on board. Not in the mood for that Kender shit, I know they cant help themselves, they dont even realize it. I know they tend to be light hearted and fun. I know they even make good dock hands and crew mates (provided you check your packs before shore leave). But Im sick of funny, Im sick of jokes, Im sick of fun. The sun isnt as bright, the river not as swift. Even the boat rocking isnt as soothing. Then the fucking Knight-errant boy. Motherhenning over the kender. At least he didnt bother asking more questions and trying to talk with me. Kravlak was better about chatting, learning, and befriending. It used to be an easy skill set for me... maybe when the world isnt so heavy I can be again.   Vogler... has not been what I expected... Mayor Raven was, kind enough to bequeath Ipsin's fucking gear to me. I'll gladly give them to Duncon or Gwendolyn if I ever see them. The fuckknot had been through Kentrell recently! Didnt stop or say nothing. Fucking daughter lived there... what a hero, everybody loved him. Scoff. Clam's Balls aint nobody what they seem. But we find out hes murdered by magic ice. Block of ice exploding out a lizard man. No, the energy of freezing froze Ipsen into a block. I mean, whales shit with seagull feathers what the actual new hell shit is this?!? Do I believe it... well yeah, mostly. I saw Ipsin- colder than the depths below, much colder than death. No wounds that shouldve killed. But whats more we met Boreas and Her. Boreas told the story, and evidently does some magic heself also. Oh and dipping should Kravlak he's doing the damned magic shit too. Tattoos but not matching on their forearms... Not like my sailor ink, theres is fresh, bright, almost vibrant. Boreas tells a honest tale and carries no lies in his intimidations, fears, and accurate self measurement. He had gone to help Hiya but found she was the more capable. Kravlak was of course quite taken with her appearance as well, not often you see deltoid definition and flaming hair combined with an utter disregard for contempt and suspect. She does not recall anything before sorrowlessly murdering her captor. To watch her move and help in market its obvious she knows battle and weaponry. But to talk with her is to realize how innocent, how childlike and new this world is to her. I mean no insult when I say I was terrified both of wanting to protect her but also never to need protecting FROM her. I'm sure she'd cut us all down.   Ipsin's funeral will coincide with damned festival so we cant leave with carriage and horses of boreas until ferries are back running. They could certainly be valuable crewmates on this vendetta for vengeance, but also I know Hiya will need some help finding herself. And Kravlak and Boreas have their own tattoos and championships to find in Kalaman. Dolphin balls the kender and sir-faux-knight-errant boy are also heading to Kalaman. I swear they are the universes curse on me to plague around me people who my Beloved wouldve loved, laughed, and brought into our home for beer and fish.... There was an actual high elf at Ipsins, he sang a song fully in elvish... it sounded like me mums...Which reminded me of ye... how ye learned the language of me ma just to sing to me, to swear at me in it, to tell the crass jokes. To be with me in all the ways we could... and yer gone now... snuffed out too soon...     It all hurts. All the time. I just see too much of you in this world around me. And it reminds me yer not here. That I'll never hear your laugh, see your eyes, smell your scent or feel your hair... It aint right. It all be wrong.   And there will be blood to pay for this universal injustice

A thoughtful approach

Kravlak is a blessed friend. His support, steadiness, and calmness help keep me on an even keel. Even if he is an idiot sometimes. We will find his tribe... after. Divine interventions, old bearded men who give dreams of tall trees and leave new tattoos with ominous warnings. And warnings that come true with that terrifying dark lady! I've never seen anyone move him around like such a rag doll. There's something amiss here, I can smell it like a change in the air. Troubles brewing.   Personally the blackness hasn't lifted. The burning, the rage- its more filling than the emptiness that threatens to swallow me whole. But it's clear this is no quick summer squall. This will be a long trip. An arduous one. One that will require a more thoughtful approach.


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Mar 23, 2024 18:18

broody devil