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Dell D'Joyeaux

Sailing's in the blood, rooted deep to me bones. Me Father took me to sea when Ma died, I never thought I'd leave the sea until I found my Beloved. Her eyes held me more captive than any squall ever could.

Campaign & Party

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Sat 7th Sep 2024 04:46

we coming to Kalaman

by Dell D'Joyeaux

As we ride the brass dragonelles away from Onyari, I'm stuck with little else to do but reflect on that days events. Flyings not terrible though, in a way its kinda like be being back at sea: the swaying, the horizon, the monotony and nothingness...
We travel from Paladine's rejuvenated temple to the tower we now know was the 'Threshold of the Heavens.' The others jump up from floating rock to floating rock to ascend, even with Aylins help it takes me almost twice as long as the others... I miss my sea legs. There are 3 flying dragonelles with riders patrolling the skies and 4 silver draconians at the door. Lord Charity steps forward to talk our way in, knowing his typical prowess with language I interceded, forgetting none of the draconians have been speaking common and even our friend Lerin has needed Kravlaks tongues (spell) for them to speak. Battle ensues, but between Lerin and Charity's sword n boarding, Aylins mastery of a refurbished dragonlance, Xanks' spell slinging, and even Kravlaks flail the villians dont stand a chance. So I deftly dip into the Threshold itself hopefully before the flying patrols take notice of us.
Inside the Threshold is a Green Draconian holding the leash of a boney, haunted looking dragonelle. Standard Dom rules inferred, I blast at the leash holder and kindly call for the others to stop playing around outside before the patrolling dragonelles and riders arrive. As they come in and finish of the Dom, Kravlak seems to get a vision about the bone-draggy sub and tells us to leave it alone. Feeling emblazoned by our success, I rush by high fiveing Xanks, ass slapping Kravlak, and getting a tail tap support from Lerin around the Boney Sub and into the next room. There's a sigil on the floor and console controls on the wall corners. The consoles were part of the flight control, I think, after we destroyed them there was a definite shift in altitude and some big Kachunks. Never did figure out why that sigil said banana on the floor though, I should ask Xanks about that, he and Kravlak were taking their time coming in and up the steps.
Those fucking steps. First there was a green flaming skull dropping fire balls. Wavecutter helped me hit it and I moved quickly up the steps, allowing my crewmates to finish it off. We've rung the bell, better to get a move on and not let the enemy prepare for our arrival. At least that was my thinking before I became a lightning rod in the next room. Smashed crystals, disabled robot, and everyone getting a little shocked seemed to have annoyed Kravlak enough that I decided to let him take the lead for a bit. He's slow moving, but the next few rooms certainly hurt a lot less. Still not sure what he was trying to show me with holding my face so close to the buttons and the robots.... probably some Mountain learning ritual based on the runes I couldnt read. I'd ask but he still seems grumpy about the whole endeavor.
As we pass rooms with comfy chairs, magical type maps, holographic displays I cant help but think it's like a captains quarters but on a larger scale. Here we meet Lozette from Khur by Kendamir. This sheep fucking opportunist thinks he's not responsible for his actions and how they affect others. (shut up Kravlak, im reflecting here) He's helping the Dragon and Cloud Giant get the city flying through some combination of Divine and Arcane magic. At least Kravlak got some solid kicks into the bastard's goodberries before he teleported away right out of my grasp. If somehow we survive all this current apocalypse, soul-saving-scale collecting, protect the timeline endeavor I intend to hunt down Lozette and help educate him on empathy. Permanently.
After a brief deliberation, we head up to the next level to face Belphian the Blue Dragon and the Cloud Giant. In hindsight, perhaps coming out into a grandiloquent, picturesque, and photogenic line was not the most tactically sound decision. But when the lightning blast hit us, I got to see my beloved again. In reality I'm sure it was only a second. But that moment lives in my mind as an eternity. Seeing her face again, surrounded by that blue light. Those blue phoenix wings. Bringing me back again. She's watching over me, she's guiding us. We are blessed.
The battle itself was impressive. At one point Lerin pinned the dragon to the wall with her sword. She even fastball specialed Aylin at the beast! And Aylin bravely leaping out the window to lure the Cloud Giant out and launching herself from out there somehow to get back onto the dragon. She truly is a Hero of Time. Kravlak pulsing healing for us and pain for the enemy out like a massive thunderhead from the Mountains. Lord Charity tenaciously attacked and parried dragon blows left and right. I was able to use a Big Arcane Hand to remove the crown of control from Belphain. The look she gave me when I wrested it off her dumb head... my bilge pumps emptied some. And Xanks was off after the crown and cleverly scampering away to make sure the goal would be achieved, even if the crew didn't survive. It was glorious, it was epic, it was exhausting...
Flying with their wings, Lerin carried Kravlak off the collapsing tower, Aylin scooped me up as she levitated us down, I had just enough wherewithal to use the big magic hand to let Lord Charity confidently, triumphantly ride down as the Threshold of the Heavens came crashing down to earth behind us.
Of course our success felt short lived as That Bitches Temple rose up, with death and decay filling our nostrils. Death dragons circled around and doom seemed to be coming. A black dragon was slain by our brass champion dragon-Mazlu. But for the Brass Dragons arrival, I dont know how we wouldve been able to successfully escape the devastated city.

The crew seems to have some tension in it, but I'm not sure why. We won and whats more we're clearly a chosen crew of the divine. We've got a kender touched by all 3 moons. A man of the Mountain learning a gods wisdom. A noble Lord- hardworking and humble- that we can all believe in *clap clap*. A new powerful draconian friend. An ancient dwarf-inconveniently absent, but still a font of spells and skills. An immortal sailor seeking redemption. And the Hero of Fucking Time wielding a Dragonlance of yore.
That Bitch better watch her back, we coming to Kalaman.

Dell's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. A thoughtful approach
    30 Dec 2023 03:18:11
  2. Universal Injustice
    16 Jan 2024 12:03:01
  3. A larger current
    30 Jan 2024 01:03:17
  4. Better Gods
    10 Feb 2024 11:21:59
  5. The coming storm
    25 Feb 2024 03:19:41
  6. lessons in humility
    09 Mar 2024 03:14:55
  7. "Assault on Wheelwatch Keep" episode 6
    23 Mar 2024 04:12:42
  8. Fully Mortal
    06 Apr 2024 04:00:06
  9. Kravlak doesnt get it
    06 Apr 2024 04:00:06
  10. I'm tired of this fog
    09 May 2024 02:07:40
  11. foiled by a damn door
    07 Jun 2024 05:38:16
  12. Love persevering
    07 Jun 2024 05:38:16
  13. Despite the shitty doors
    02 Jul 2024 08:48:30
  14. power and danger deserves respect
    13 Jul 2024 02:50:01
  15. wait for the right current
    12 Aug 2024 01:09:34
  16. such a carnal act
    24 Aug 2024 02:49:01
  17. we coming to Kalaman
    07 Sep 2024 04:46:46

The major events and journals in Dell's history, from the beginning to today.

we coming to Kalaman

As we ride the brass dragonelles away from Onyari, I'm stuck with little else to do but reflect on that days events. Flyings not terrible though, in a way its kinda like be being back at sea: the swaying, the horizon, the monotony and nothingness... We...

06:46 pm - 07.09.2024

such a carnal act

Demlyn's tomb is a decent place to rest, although if I'm being honest me body is so damn sore I'd probably even sleep on Kravlak's stone hammock just fine. It'd be great if the rest of the crew got acting a little faster when battle begins, its tough bein...

03:29 pm - 24.08.2024


03:33 am - 24.08.2024


01:01 am - 24.08.2024

wait for the right current

Ness is dead. She took some scales off the Black before she died. If there's an afterlife I'll find her and thank her. Hearts Hollow will be in mourning. The people will need leadership and consoling to process their grief, to guide their collective thoug...

02:32 am - 12.08.2024

The aftermath

04:48 am - 10.08.2024

The aftermath

12:15 am - 10.08.2024

power and danger deserves respect

A successful heist of the camp, a successful hiding from that damn black dragon. Major props to Xanks hallucinatory spell to hide us. Some magic has more utility than just harm... probably worth considering some more if I'm going to keep learning more mag...

03:49 pm - 13.07.2024

Brass Dragons

01:56 pm - 13.07.2024

Brass Dragons

12:18 am - 13.07.2024

Despite the shitty doors

I miss the sea, the rocking of the waves, the surge of the tide, the steady noises of water on the move. This barren desert landscape sucks. But Kravlak has got gods-blessed vision and even an occasionally clear hint so we make it to the Crater. This smal...

10:51 pm - 02.07.2024


01:44 pm - 29.06.2024


12:47 am - 29.06.2024

foiled by a damn door

This crap landscape has me missing mountains... to say nothing of the sea. Mesas, sparse vegetation, rocks, sand dunes... a general lack of water. The birds of prey overhead only serve as constant reminders for me to be patient, to stay true to the cours...

02:29 pm - 15.06.2024

Black smoke

04:20 am - 15.06.2024

Black smoke

12:32 am - 15.06.2024

Love persevering

I saw you again.... I was ashamed to be seen by you. I was not good. I was not who I was when you were. But of course, we don't get to grow together any more. I don't know how to explain it all. The Blue Phoenix burned away the fog. Habbakuk has set ...

06:17 pm - 07.06.2024

Operation Desert Storm

02:38 pm - 01.06.2024

Operation Desert Storm

11:29 pm - 31.05.2024

I'm tired of this fog

We sail the "Thoonder Koont" she's a lovely shallow draft sloop that certainly brings back memories. Or perhaps more accurately memories of memories. My body remembers running lines and the sway of the deck, but my mind cant recall. Things get foggy and h...

02:57 pm - 09.05.2024

The Champion of Time

08:51 pm - 20.04.2024

Fully Mortal

Pragmatic planning for Boreas Keep, a kind concept from Lord Charity if a little naive. The symbol of Boreas being made into a banner and possibly representing a platinum dragon is too on the nose to be coincidental. But if these gods are getting involved...

08:49 pm - 20.04.2024

The Champion of Time

11:09 pm - 19.04.2024

The session

08:33 pm - 09.03.2024

The session

08:32 pm - 09.03.2024

Kalaman Elite Platoon

12:57 pm - 24.02.2024

Kalaman Elite Platoon

12:18 am - 24.02.2024

The aftermath

04:16 am - 10.02.2024

The aftermath

12:15 am - 10.02.2024

SotDQ session 1

11:41 pm - 15.01.2024

SotDQ session 1

11:41 pm - 15.01.2024

A thoughtful approach

Kravlak is a blessed friend. His support, steadiness, and calmness help keep me on an even keel. Even if he is an idiot sometimes. We will find his tribe... after. Divine interventions, old bearded men who give dreams of tall trees and leave new tattoo...

12:26 am - 01.01.2024

Brendon and Dave session 0

02:53 am - 29.12.2023

Brendon and Dave session 0

12:43 am - 29.12.2023

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Dell.

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