BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Kaylan Shehvik

Kaylan Shevik

Mistrusting of established religion and relying on her friends to escape her old life, when divinity arrives will Kaylan heed the call?   Also she really wants to ride a unicorn. into a sunset preferably.   This my jam friends, and not-yet-but-soon-to-be-friends!!!!!   XD

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Short of stature and light of weight, Kaylan's insight still packs a punch.

Body Features

Piercing blue eyes, slender short frame and almost platinum blonde hair.

Apparel & Accessories

Usually in various bright colors, as long as every color of the rainbow is currently present in her eyesight things are swell.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity





Home schooled in the Radiant Church, so INT is her dump stat.

Mental Trauma

She feels like a cosmic mistake, like her life has been a lie when she starts to see the truth about Silus and the farce that is the Radiant Church

Personality Characteristics


Wants to make amends for all of the "good work" she thought she was doing as a servant of the Radiant Church. She also wants to know who her father was/is. She also wants to ride a unicorn. very very badly.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

She's very laid back and understanding, very insightful and empathetic. But she is NOT smart. like. just NOT smart.

Likes & Dislikes

Loves rainbows and unicorns. The more sparkle the better. Huge animal lover.

Vices & Personality flaws

Very mistrusting of religion, very conflicted about "Gods"   Trusts her friends to a fault   will go to great lengths to save an animal


Hobbies & Pets

My beloved pet gerbil Thestral. She's just the most beautiful gerbil in the world.

Born out of wedlock to a human mother and raised by a narcissist priest of the Radiant Church - Kaylan never knew who her real father was. Only that he was elven and that she was an unfortunate mistake.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Good
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5' 2"
115 LBS
Quotes & Catchphrases
Like GPA Mary always says - "stay true to yourself, unless you can be someone cooler than you are Kaylan, then be that"


The darkness within me, I feel it calls to me in moments of weakness and fear, and in moments of doubt and defeat. It would’ve been so easy to end Father Silus’ horrible life with one snap of my fingers. How much the power balance has changed since those early days of lonely desperation and fear. My childhood was plagued with feelings of never being enough just for the very fact of my existence, losing what little friendship I could find as those innocent women were taken, their lives extinguished for a fake God. I shrink before the loss of all of these lives.   453. Mothers, Fathers, Daughters, and Sons of Lemish. Lives extinguished in the flame of draconic vengeance. The heat of their loss still burns in my eyes even as I close them tonight in an attempt to gain any rest.   —------   Our journey to Lemish was uneventful, I kept myself busy with prayers to Mishakal and brewing potions of her blessing for my friends. I foolishly thought that we could save our home. What little I know of the real world, naive that I now realize I am.   Once we arrived at our destination Zy was able to scout ahead into the city for Madlyn’s home and guard patrol information as the rest of us stayed behind, reminiscing our fateful meeting around our beloved Booty Tree.   Madlyn decided to seek out one of the guardsman on patrol, a man that she apparently knew, and when volunteers for accompanying her were requested, I couldn’t help but raise my hand first. Madlyns interrogation techniques are….. well they’re singular, just like everything about Madlyn always is. She really knows how to make an impression.   We find out that people converted to the Green Dragon army mostly in self preservation, and that Arthur is not only still alive, but he will be returning from his current guard shift to Madlyn’s home soon. I sneak a glance at her, she seems relieved to hear this information. I am so very happy for her. She doesn’t seem to allow herself to be close to many people, and losing Arthur would have been so hard for her.   Arthur returns, and it is a sweet reunion. As sweet as a captain and a general can be I guess. He confirmed that he could help us get into the keep without suspicion and that he would mobilize the Lemish people still willing to fight against the Green Dragon army.   As we rest before our travels to the Lemish keep, Manon and I cannot help but be apprehensive to return to our home. The loss of Grandpa Mary is a pain that Manon will always hold within her heart, something even I cannot heal. Only time will heal those wounds, but how will time heal a time wizard's wounds? The best that I can do is continue to protect my sister and love and support her as she navigates this journey.   We arrive at the keep without issue, and make our way to our old home. The place is a ruin, bringing back terrible memories for both Manon and I. As we slowly walk around the shattered remains of a more simple and happy time, Zy finds a black journal on a chair in the corner of the main room. Grandpa Mary’s journal, and a letter to Manon. Such private messages and thoughts, I didn’t want to intrude, but Manon couldn’t read them herself and asked that I read them aloud. Grandpa Mary made many mistakes, but he did 1 good thing and that was saving and raising Manon. He warns of a red haired woman he called Fury, who attempted to kill Manon in the past. Don’t worry Grandpa Mary, I will protect Manon with everything I have, you can rest easy knowing that Manon is loved and she will not stand alone in that fight.   Manon finds the fireplace with the Gold Dragon bust, and the secret chamber behind, we walk down into the Gold Dragon lair only to find that it has mostly been abandoned - only 1 gold dragon remains, the rest dead - we frantically attempt to save his life. Eventually we come to realize that the water is the key to waking him and that he needs his scales shed in order to survive. We make short work of his scales and promptly wake the Dragon up.   He immediately takes note of his fallen family, and that most of the dragon eggs are missing. It does not take any convincing for this Gold Dragon to want to destroy the Green Dragons that have taken over his lair, stolen his eggs, and killed his family. Such loss and pain, when will it end?   As we rush out of the lair to help Kivone (the Gold Dragon) we are stopped by several Draconians and by Mayor Damion. Mishakal damn him. He killed Thersha without a second thought, a moment for him and her life was extinguished like it was nothing.   Manon, Zy, Laina, Bo, Madlyn - we all work together, each of us stronger together than we could ever be apart. We make short work of the draconians and Damion dies in the flames of his own creation, ever a follower of Takhisis to the very end. We were victorious but injured, Mishakal’s blessings were shared among us as we attempted to recover our strength.   We had but a moment until realizing that the Gold Dragon was crashing down into our tower, heavily injured. Not 1 but 2 green dragons in the fray.   As the Green dragons landed in the building, Manon cast a wall of force behind them, trapping them inside with us. Madlyn, Bo, Zy, and Laina bravely attacked the green dragons as I healed the gold dragon with every ounce of power Mishakal would lend to me. Recalling the poison spewing from the maw of the green dragon on our fateful escape from our home the last time we were here, I pleaded to Mishakal for something to protect my family from this poison. Mishakal delivered, a blue mist rising from the ground around me pulsed with each beat of my heart as I cast a poison protection Aura.   Every moment I had, I dug deep into the power Mishakal gave me, pushing harder and harder, pulling more and more from that celestial reservoir of pure love, giving all of myself to my family to keep them alive, to keep them from pain and from harm.   Madlyn, ever the observant warrior, took note of how battered I was and gave me words of reassurance as she ran towards the second green dragon. Knowing full well that I so often neglect myself in the face of choice.   Manon slayed the first green dragon, decapitating it with… well with time I guess. I have NO idea how she did it, and I am glad that she is a pure hearted ball of love, else I would be terrified of what I had just seen. Just as the last green dragon looked to be taken down by Madlyns blows, it took off trying to escape. The Gold Dragon looked back at Bo and I couldn’t hear what was said, but Bo was RIDING the dragon. Incredible.   When they arrived back, Bo was exhilarated with her recent experience, she too decapitated a green dragon today. But the Gold Dragon, Kivone, ominously perched at the edge of the building. I could see the rage in his eyes, the sadness of loss there.   I attempted to sooth him, to halt his inevitable rage, but to no good end. He took off, sending dragon fire throughout the city.   Bo and Manon were able to convince him to stop killing indiscriminately, but he demanded the traitors be rounded up for him to slaughter.   Madlyn worked with Bo and Zy to gather them all. 453 people. In the center of Lemish. Awaiting their death sentence.   Laina and I attempted to reason with the Dragon, even Bo attempted to reason with Kivone many times, but he refused to be swayed. He demanded their lives for the harm that had been done to his family.   They all burned.                                   The next day I decided to go on an errand. Time to take an old relic from the Radiant Church and make better use of it.   It would’ve normally warmed my heart to see my friends coming with me back to the Radiant Church. Manon knew full well how difficult this walk was for me.   The Church was untouched of course, spotless. I blew off that locked iron gate that had locked me away from living for so many years. Parts of that fence flew away like sticks. Shattering through the last amount of self control I felt I had today.   The church was empty but for the gaudy relic at the back of the church. No expense was spared on this hunk of gold. I have better use for it. So I pry it off the table. Manon tears up Father Silus’ gaudy chair, leaving a banana placed in a peculiar orientation in the center of the seat. Interesting.   The mansion that my mother…. that Clarissa and Father Silus live in is behind this church. My curiosity gets the better of me and I make my way to the main hall.   All the gold, all the expensive furniture, the useless materialistic crap overflowing from every crevice of this place. So soulless, nothing is cherished here. No memories are tied to the items placed around the rooms. All posturing, all fake decorative and useless. Not a single family photo, not a single cherished family heirloom, just gold. And then I see him, Father Silus. And my moth…. and Clarissa.   Clarissa yells her normal “half breed” and that I was probably better off dead. Yeah, she’s probably right. But here I am. And I am alive. And I am ANGRY.   I corner Father Silus. He has no explanation that will satisfy my anger. I feel tempted to end his life. It would’ve been so easy to do. But no. He will sacrifice his fingers, the same he removed from Thersha all those years ago, I will blind him with Mishakal’s power, so that he too lives blind like he demands of those who follow him. And I cast a spell on him. I compel him to do good, to donate all of his money to those in need, and to follow Mishakal.   My moth…. Clarissa goes to help him with his hand, and I don’t have much left in my heart for any more conversation. I turn and leave, nothing else to say or do. I never had a mother, and I never will. Mishakal is all I need. Motherless and Fatherless half-breed scared naive child that I am. But I am still alive. I will wear a smile on my face, a mask for the world to see. And I will protect my friends with whatever time left that I have.  
  • Kaylan
  • When in Tran

    It is with a heavy heart that I reflect on the last few days since our unfortunate dreadful trip into the shadow realm.   Laina, who only just recently reconnected with her Klar family has suffered a terrible loss. One that also strikes close to home for my dear sister Manon. Laina’s grandfather was murdered by the claw of a treacherous green dragon. No doubt at the request of our enemy, Takhesis.   I was so excited to be allowed into the council chamber of the Klar clan. As so many other dwarves joined us in the balcony, Laina’s grandfather announced to the crowd our success at reclaiming the hammer for the dwarven people, the arm and hammer both together once more. But my hopes were crushed almost instantly as an advisor started to rush towards Laina’s grandfather, the Chief, and thrust his hand (now claw) into his chest and tore out his heart.   The green dragon finished transforming into its true form, then made quick work of flying away with our hard earned spoils.   The ensuing battle was quite different from battles in the past. I used Mishakals power to dispel a fiery wall that was keeping innocent people in what seemed to be a burning building.   Wizards sprouted out from just about nowhere and started raining down fiery hell into the crowds. Many innocent lives were lost, but Manon and Laina were able to shepard several to safety after I dispelled the fire wall blockade.   Kravana showed her true colors today. She is a valuable member of this team, and there can be no doubting her intentions now. She fought valiantly and saved Laina’s cousin's life. She also attempted to save different council members but they all died in another fireball attack from a treacherous wizard.   One of the wizards turned into a T-rex….. I didn’t know this creature existed but Manon seems to have been in awe but not in disbelief - so this creature must live someplace in our world. I can’t help but have this give myself a small glimmer of hope that I will one day get to ride a Unicorn, if T-rex’s exist then a Unicorn surely must.   Kravana did a number on this wizard turned T-rex, but Zy was able to hurt it enough to make the massive T-rex turn back into a wizard and then the small wizard promptly died at the hands of Kravana thereafter.   Once all of the wizards were dealt with, Norduc and our group worked to clean up the mess and take stock of the damage. Laina and Manon stood for quite some time with Laina’s grandfather, I cast Gentle Repose on his body to help him rest in peace.   Norduc gave a moving speech to the gathered dwarves, and we decided to celebrate Laina’s grandfather's life in a traditional Dwarven fashion. As Gpa Mary always used to say - When in Tran, do as the Klar clan do. That makes MUCH more sense now.   I don’t remember much from the celebrations….. I think my staff zapped me? Wonder what that was all about. But Dwarven ale is delicious. Maybe Laina and I can get a few barrels on our airship…… Madlyn insisted on eating extremely spicy peppers instead of drinking the Ale. I thought this was very endearing, she always finds her own way to both fit in with the moment, but not lose sight of her own moral compass.   The next day was a sobering one. Manon and I woke up feeling - some sort of way. And of course Zy has her perfect hair post rolling out of bed hungover. So jealous. I look like Thestral after a weekend buffet binge.   Again, moving words were said, Laina eloquently spoke while abdicating her claim to the Klar throne. She gave everyone hope for the future. I feel a sense of renewed purpose for our cause. I prayed to Mishakal to give these Klar clan dwarves a small sign of hope. She answered my call in a respectful way with a subtle royal blue of the Klar people.   Laina received a special weapon from her cousin, he states that he is not much of a warrior, but the Axe of the Dwarven Klar Chief has always helped in dragon wars of the past, and should help in the days to come as well. Laina seems empowered once she grasps this ax, like it was destined to warm to her touch. Her beautiful red locks, hair that proudly displayed her Klar heritage, started to turn a bright green - similar to the green dragon that slayed her grandfather - starting at the roots and unfurling like a green sickly fog.   We decided to make plans to disembark tomorrow, our destination a familiar place; Lemish. This will be a very emotional return for Madlyn and Manon, I am sure. But we know Gold Dragons are sleeping there. If we are to win in this war we will need their help. The green dragon that almost killed us those months ago is surely still patrolling the skies around the city. We must take care.   Bo and Zy also stress the importance of going to Kalaman to find out more information about their mother. Once we secure the Gold Dragon’s assistance, this is as good of a lead as any to further our cause.   To Lemish! And then, on to Kalaman!  
  • Kaylan
  • Dread Memories

    Journal - as I try to rest after the events of the last 24 hours, my mind simply will not stop buzzing with the torment it received. I will try to describe what transpired, in an effort to help my mind heal. Mishakal, give me strength to work through this trauma.             With some hesitancy we headed to the dark cave that held the object of our quest. My gut told me that this quest could not be this simple. There must be great danger ahead. These dwarves are a resilient bunch - if they could not solve this puzzle for such an ancient and powerful object, then we will surely be facing a great challenge ahead.   We explain to the guards to only open the doors for a secret code - two knocks and three scratches. They seemed to take in this instruction well, but doubt clouded their reactions. They do not seem to think that they will ever need to use these instructions. This boded ill for our chances of returning alive. As we walked into the room we were surrounded by a thick darkness, pressing greedily against our skin. We reached the center of this chamber to see a long dead skeleton reaching out to the object of our quest - the Hammer. We were all on edge, we discussed possible ways forward, and decided that maybe we can speak with this skeleton to gain some insight into what lied ahead of us. I closed my eyes, sunk into the darkness that surrounded me, opened the air in this room to the whispers of the dead as I cast aside my mortal shell and threw my soul into the conversations of those long since gone. When I opened my eyes - they were an eerie sort of green/blue, when I spoke it was with the voices of the dead. The skeleton came to unlife and answered several of our questions. Who he was, what he was doing, where he was going, how he died. As I felt the power of unlife start to slip away from this unfortunate soul, I returned to myself - blessedly alone in my body again.   Holding hands, we decided to grasp the hammer together, Zy reached out and touched the hammer as we all held each other close - we were instantly transported into a dark realm.     *the following words are smudged with tears, several entries started but erased or crossed out*   The air in the shadow realm was thick and oppressive, pressing down on me like a physical weight. Each step I took seemed to pull me deeper into a suffocating darkness that gnawed at my mind. I felt an overpowering dread, my thoughts spiraling into the depths of my worst memories. The atmosphere itself was attacking me, dredging up nightmares I had long tried to bury.     A memory flashed into my mind:     Kaylan stood in the dimly lit hallway of the Radiant Church, her small hands clenched at her sides as she approached her mother. The flickering candlelight cast eerie shadows on the walls, mirroring the turmoil in her heart. She could hear the distant, sinister chanting of Father Silus, his voice a constant reminder of the evil that permeated this place. "Mother, please," Kaylan's voice was a desperate whisper, her eyes wide with fear and urgency. "You have to do something. Father Silus... he's hurting people. You can't just let this happen." Her mother turned slowly, her expression cold and detached. She looked at Kaylan with a mixture of disdain and weariness, as if her daughter's pleas were a burden she could hardly bear. "Kaylan, you don't understand," her mother said, her tone dismissive. "There are things you can't change. It's best to stay out of it." "But he's taking those women," Kaylan insisted, her voice cracking with emotion. "They're disappearing, and no one ever sees them again. We have to stop him." Her mother's eyes hardened. "Enough, Kaylan. You should be hardly seen, and never heard. Go to your room." Kaylan felt a crushing sense of helplessness as her mother turned away, leaving her standing alone in the darkness. The weight of her mother's indifference was a wound that would never heal.       The memory shifted, and Kaylan found herself sitting on the cold stone floor of the church's basement, her heart heavy with sorrow. She hugged her knees to her chest, tears streaming down her face as she thought of the women who had been kind to her, who had treated her with a warmth and compassion she rarely experienced. They were gone now, taken by Father Silus for his dark purposes. Their laughter, their smiles, the way they had made her feel safe and valued—it was all lost to the shadows. She remembered the last time she had seen one of them, a woman named Elara. Elara had always been gentle with Kaylan, brushing her hair and telling her stories to keep the darkness at bay. "Where did she go?" Kaylan had asked Father Silus, her voice trembling. "She is where she belongs," he replied with a cold smile. "You would do well to forget her." Kaylan buried her face in her hands, feeling the crushing weight of despair. She couldn't forget them. She couldn't forget the kindness they had shown her, and she couldn't forgive herself for not being able to save them.       The memory shifts again, and now a much older Kaylan lay on the cold stone floor, a pool of blood spreading around her. The knife she had used was still clutched in her hand, its blade slick with her own blood. The pain was fading, replaced by a numbness that crept through her body. She stared up at the ceiling, her vision blurring as darkness edged in. She had felt so guilty, so helpless. The disappearances of the young women, the knowledge that she couldn't stop Father Silus, had driven her to this point. She couldn't bear the weight of it anymore. The idea of disappearing as they did, of suffering the same fate, was too much to endure. "I'm sorry," she whispered to no one in particular. "I couldn't save them. I couldn't save myself." As her consciousness faded, her last thought was a desperate hope that this would end the suffering, that she would no longer be a pawn in Father Silus's evil plans.         Just as the darkness threatened to overtake me entirely, a bright blue light seared its way through my mind - just as it had that day.           Once I had gathered my senses enough to understand that this was all in my mind, our group realized that there was now a force field surrounding the hammer and we couldn't get back to our only way home. We then decide to walk outside the cave to get oriented to our surroundings, see in the distance a tower that seems to be slightly less shrouded in shadows. We traveled 2 hours to get to this tower, the dread was unrelenting.   Another memory flashed into my mind, unwelcome but undeniable, but my sense of reality started to fade and real memories started warping with Dread.   Kaylan stood before a large mirror in her room, her reflection distorted and twisted by the dark magic that permeated the church. She was older now, her eyes hollow and haunted. She reached out to touch the mirror, and it shattered, the pieces falling to the floor like raindrops. In the shards, she saw fragments of her past—her mother’s cold indifference, Father Silus's cruel smile, the faces of the lost girls, and her own haunted eyes. Each fragment cut into her soul, reopening wounds that had never truly healed. She felt as if she was falling apart, each piece of her life broken and scattered. As she tried to pick up the pieces, her fingers bled, the pain sharp and real. She couldn't put them back together. She couldn't fix what had been broken. All she could do was stare at the shattered remains of her life, feeling the weight of her failures and the overwhelming sense of dread that she would never escape this nightmare. The worried looks of my family was all I needed to know about what was transpiring. We needed to escape this place before I went wholly and truly mad.     *the writing slowly starts to become more clearly written*       Once we reached the front door to the tower, Bo forced the door open and we saw a mage in dark robes standing in a warm bright room. He introduced himself as Jordan, stated that we are welcome to rest and eat, he had been in this place a long while and was working on a personal project. He handed out chocolate to us (how nice, and delicious) that should reduce the dread that we are feeling, so we decided to eat and rest there.   After much conversation, and many questions, Jordan left to go to his room on the top floor, stating that we are welcome to stay as long as we need, and are free to roam about his tower.   We start to investigate the second floor - it is a library, Manon seemed ecstatic, but we felt a sense of urgency as we continue to walk up the floors.   The next floor was an alchemical laboratory - there were potions and ingredients everywhere, I was able to write down several new recipes, and Bo found a large supply of Dragon Metal on a pedestal.   We kept moving, next we got to a personal study - there was a desk at the center of this room, it had some documents and notes - Manon said there was writing on them but it looked like a perfectly good blank sketchbook paper to me. Laina and Zy informed us that the desk had fake drawers that didn't open. We got a little nervous to further poke and prod into these nice hosts' things and continue on our path up the tower.   When we got to the fifth floor there were runes all around, Manon said these were simple runes that helped the tower function, there was a large dark book on a pedestal, and Jordan seemed to be walking back and forth working on his personal project.   Jordan does say that Manon could help him with his project - and after much reluctance, and some mistrust on my part, we allow Manon to have this private conversation with Jordan.   Almost as soon as we leave the room, the door behind us disappears and we start banging on the ceiling and trying to locate a way back up - mist fills the room making it difficult to see anything.   I heard a voice yelling out the general location of the stair up, and I ran up to try to find Manon only to get grasped roughly by black tentacles, most of the rest of our party ran up and some dodge the tentacles and some got caught. I try to use Mishakal's radiance to destroy the tentacles but they seem immune to this tactic.   We struggle with these tentacles for a while but manage to break free and start our race down the tower, spider webs everywhere trying to hold us back.   I can hear my family yelling out the location of different stairwells - they were not located where we last remembered them. Using this information I am able to get to the ground floor rather quickly, however there are tentacles here too - I see that Zy opens and closes the front door rather quickly - says there’s a wall of fire outside and should she try to run through it?   I do the only thing I know to do to help - I send Mishakal’s healing power to Zy to strengthen her for this impressive task ahead of her. Once restored - Zy opens the door and fearlessly charges through the wall of fire. I cannot hear what occurs on the other side of the massive wall of fire, but a small prayer to mishakal escapes my lips as I hold fast to my trust in Zy’s determination and strength.   It takes but a moment before the tentacles and wall of fire disappear. Zy rushes back in, more burnt but thankfully very much still alive.   As we rushed to locate the rest of our team, Bo exclaimed happily about how much Dragon Metal she was able to gather from the tower on her way down. Ever focused on her quest to fix Madlyn’s sword or to smith a dragon lance herself.   In the center of this room stood a large necromantic orb of power captured within a machine. Manon studies this intensely and informs the rest of our group that this is the captured souls that the mage was using to power his long life. I instantly feel a sense of dread and sadness for those souls forever trapped. I try to send Mishakal’s healing power into this energy but it seems to have no effect. I try to commune with my God but her voice is barely a whisper here in this dark dimension. I feel alone again - not unlike when I was a child.   It becomes clear to me the path forward - this apparatus must be destroyed. These souls must be set free.   I state that I wish to send Mishakal’s radiant power into this machine, but Madlyn instantly shuts my idea down. Madlyn shrewdly looks at the sorry state of our group, and declares that only she has the strength to do this task. I spend several minutes casting remembrance on her to heal her to full strength as I also send out a prayer to Mishakal to protect Madlyn from this evil.   I hesitantly walk back down the steps as I take a final glance at Madlyn - proudly preparing radiant energy as her plate armor shines brightly, reflecting the radiance of both her spellcasting and her spirit. Please Mishakal, protect her.   I hear a large popping noise as what must be Madlyns spell landing on the apparatus, but I do not hear anything else. I am about to walk back up to check on her as a large explosion erupts from the floor above, I see Bo fly backwards, necromantic energy flaking off her skin like dried black paint. I rush upstairs.   Madlyn stands, though hunched, as her eyes drift from the destroyed soul battery to me she states that we need to run back to the cave now, as we have little time. I can see that the necromantic energy clings to her as she starts to walk towards me, dropping off her in sheets of black effervescent flakes.   I heal them as much as I can as we run back to the cave, the Dread still pressing into my mind, the horrible memories of my past flashing again and again and again.   Once we reach the cave, we all grasp hands - Zy seems determined to leave this place as she is about to grab the hammer first. But we all manage to reach out to each other before she takes the only route home and strands the rest of us here to our dark demise.   Laina impressively intimidates the guards to let us out and make our way back to Tran. Shockingly little to no time has passed here in the material plane. Nordac is still on his way back to Tran, only a few minutes away from where we last saw him. Laina trusts him, tells him that we need to meet with their grandfather right away. But alas - as all things dwarven are it seems we need to be patient and do things on their timeframe. So we will rest tonight. Prepare for tomorrow’s grand meeting - I am happy to hear that we will be able to attend this meeting, so that Laina does not need to go alone. I doubt that tonight will be a good rest, but it is much needed for all of us.  
  • Kaylan
  • Meetings and Maybes

    Laina has a lot of important meetings to attend. I do not envy her this daunting task. Dwarven meetings are known to take a long time (or so I hear) so our group decides - after some deliberation on Bo’s part - to let her do her thing and we will prepare for her return.   More recon to do and information to gather on Dragon Metal. Why not? Bo thinks that she can get information from blacksmiths in the area. Zy will join her so she is not alone.   Madlyn wants to try to speak with the local guards to see about any information on their training and tactics, maybe to give warning and help them prepare for what is to come.   Manon wants to find more books in this house we are crashing in - what a great idea because she found me MORE literature about unicorns. Though I think the words are familiar, maybe this is the same text that I've read before? Oh well, a good reminder.   Madlyn seems to be taking a special interest in clearing a path for me as we make it through dense crowds. Does she seem more….. Clingy lately? I glance back at Manon who winks at me - okay so I am NOT on the wrong track here. My heart flutters in my chest as warmth spreads from my heart to my face, now in full blush.   When Laina returns to us she has mixed news to give us. We will gain the respect and support of the Klar clan, but we must help them retrieve this fabled hammer. Cursed? Who knows, anyone that tries to retrieve it never returns. Surely that’s exaggerated right?   As I lay down to prepare for what is to come, I cannot help but smile as I think about what small wonders are in store for me, now that I know Madlyn may have a special place for me in her proud heart.  
  • Kaylan
  • In the Moonlight

    I wonder if Manon recently cast some powerful time magic? Time seems to have blurred past me since we walked through the threshold of the Copper Dragon’s lair. I now have beautiful gloves that even Mishakal would admire, Kravana has joined our team, and we have Raa with us—a singular ranger with a very peculiar trait: his dry sense of humor. How fun.   Kravana enjoys sitting at the front of the ship, meditating, I think. I decided to join her. An arrow is pinned into the ground right in front of her. How did that get there? Madlyn joins us, of course—she’s the best at everything, including meditation. Manon sits facing the other way, giving us some space. How curious.   “Would you like to talk about your family? Do you have a sister? Do you miss anyone? Just know that this is a safe space to talk about painful things, whenever you feel like you want to get it out. Or if that person is Manon, you can talk to her.” All I get from Kravana is the same emotionally repressed grunt. Challenge accepted. “Mind if I talk about my family?” This gets more of a response, but not much. “If you must,” she says.   I gush about my sister, Manon. Kravana better appreciate her like I do. Manon is so special, kind, compassionate, and brilliant. I mention how she’s one of the strongest people I know, and the leather bits between the plates of Madlyn’s armor creak loudly beside me. Huh. Maybe she’s just getting a little stiff sitting on the hardwood floor. Or maybe I struck a nerve. Interesting. Additional challenge accepted.   This meditation stuff is harder than praying, so I stand as quietly as I can and walk back towards Manon. She smiles and reaches out to squeeze my hand. Anything for your happiness, sister. Kravana better not hurt you.   We decided as a group to take the safer but longer route around the mountain ranges. Laina suggests stopping at Tran, a city before the major dwarven stronghold of Thorbadin, to top off our supplies. We plan to petition the Dwarven clans to join our cause and warm up the welcome for the Copper Dragons. That should be easy enough, right?   I have time to craft another Blessed potion, which Laina gladly receives again. I may need to ask her not to smash them after she drinks them, or I’ll run out of containers. Though I’d hate to disrupt a time-honored Dwarven tradition, glass bottles are easy enough to come by.   Somehow, Bo has this incredible ability to fly! She keeps tapping her heels together and almost skating through the air. It’s amusing to watch as she competes with Raa, who is politely giving instructions, and Thestral, who goads her into more complex aerial maneuvers, holding his breath as Bo just barely catches herself time and time again. Madlyn yells out battle tactic ideas to Bo as they all train together.   Zy seems very impressed with Raa. They’re doing more skillful trick shots with their bows, and Raa doesn’t need any arrows at all, shooting wind from his bow.   Myza seems to be steering us in the right direction, Steve is happily chomping away at his hay, and all is well. What a troupe we are. We must seem so absurd to anyone who sees us in our airship in the sky. I wouldn’t change a thing.   Madlyn takes a brief break from her training with Bo—now is my moment. I’ve been planning something ever since my night alone on the top deck of the airship during our first flight.   “Hey Madlyn, I want to show you an ancient Elvish battle style—it focuses on dexterity and dodging your enemy’s blows instead of withstanding them.”   Of course, she has to throw logic into this obviously made-up thing.   “What are you talking about? I already know how to dodge attacks.”   “Believe me, Madlyn, it’s a very impressive battle style—so beautiful, too—almost like dancing.”   She is not convinced. So I go for the finishing move.   “I challenge you to learn this fighting style. I think I can do it better.”   Bingo. Instantly, her demeanor changes. “Huh, well in that case, let us do this now then!”   Oh, no. I thought it would be so much prettier at night, just the two of us.   “Well, you see, it is tradition to only train in this battle style at night, under the moon’s faint light.”   She seems convinced and replies, “Ah, yes, makes sense. Less light, so more of a challenge.”   Oh, Madlyn. You human. Sunlight or moonlight, it wouldn’t matter for Elves. But I let her roll with it as it clearly benefits me.   “Yes! Exactly, Madlyn, so it’s a date, right?”   She doesn’t seem to understand the importance of this sentence and replies, “Yes, it is a date—today is indeed a date, and tonight will be the time.”   Ugh. For the love of Mishakal, this woman will be the end of me.   I start to walk away, an obvious spring to my step, Manon knowingly smiling at me, when I hear Madlyn speak to Bo.   “Hey Bo, do you want to learn a new fighting style tonight with me and Kaylan?”   Bo seems interested until she spots me behind Madlyn, frantically waving at her and mouthing, “Say no—SAY NO.”   She stumbles into an excuse about why she can’t. Bless your bottomless pit of a stomach, Bo. Bless it. Endless rations to you, my friend. Or molded under-the-bed pie, or magic slop, or whatever your heart desires.   As the day fades to night, my excitement gathers. I walk to the top deck of the airship to see Madlyn already there, armored with her hammer and shield. Dancing mage lights illuminate the perimeter of the airship. What a beautiful touch. I cannot see Manon, but I have a feeling this was her doing.   “Are you ready to begin, Madlyn?” I ask hesitantly, suddenly very nervous. “Here, stand in front of me, closer, there, and then take my hand here and here.”   Madlyn looks very confused and responds, “Wait, I can’t defend or attack if both my hands are occupied with yours.”   Sigh.   The moonlight reflects off her rose armor as I ask her to try to attack me. She attempts a strike (I can’t help but notice she’s holding back), and I dodge out of the way. As I dodge, I grab her hand and raise it above my head as I twirl around to end up facing her, much closer.   “See? Isn’t it a lovely dance? Now I’ll try to strike you back.”   I make a half-hearted effort that Madlyn easily dodges. As she turns her body to dodge my blow, I twirl her around, bringing her closer yet.   It is at this moment, when I am looking lovingly and deeply into her eyes, that I realize my mistake. Her eyes take on an edge as she seems determined to win this “fight” just as I lose focus. She manages to land a “very light” blow.   Ouch! So, of course, I ask her to kiss it to make it better—a time-honored half-elvish healing tradition.   Madlyn seems confused by this. Sigh. A little too much too soon. I can be patient. I change the subject, and we train a bit longer under the moonlight and stars. One day, Kaylan. One day.   ---   The next day, we made it to the city of Tran. It seems completely closed off. Madlyn strides proudly up to the guards, expecting to be allowed through, but there’s a “no outsiders” policy here, and no matter what she says, they refuse to budge. I make a note to soothe her ruffled feathers later.   It is in this moment that Laina speaks up. Ultimately, not only are we let in, but we are bowed to (which Madlyn seems to absorb into her very being) because we are in the presence of royalty! Laina is a princess of the exiled Klar clan! She never mentioned this very small detail, but I think I understand why, as she is obviously uncomfortable with Manon’s obvious awe and the “princess” this and “princess” that statements. So I help Laina relax a little with a new nickname for her—Shit Stain. That seems to do the trick.   We travel to the Hall of Ancestors and see a statue of Laina’s grandfather, the current leader of this clan. We try to get an audience with the council, but the guards stand firm. After some tense words, we decide to just name-drop Laina and where we are staying, figuring that someone will seek us out instead. Dwarves. I tell ya, so touchy with tradition. I am so glad that Laina is much more laid back about things.   We go to an inn in the artisan district—loads of blacksmiths around as I see Bo’s eyes light up. But not nearly as much as Bo’s eyes light up at the sight of two roasted goats the size of horses slapped on our table for dinner. We’re sharing a feast with everyone in this inn, as there’s no way we can eat all of this (though Bo and Thestral seem determined).   Laina’s cousin introduces himself. He was second in line, but now that Laina has returned, she is the heir to the Klar throne. He suggests a more private setting to speak, so we follow him back to his place.   It has a hot spring.   No one else is here but us. Laina and her cousin seem very comfortable stripping and getting into the water. I am not nearly as comfortable, so I keep my night shift on as I sink into the water. Huh… where’s Madlyn?   About ten minutes later, Madlyn strides in confidently, naked—GHGUYAWHJK.   I quickly avert my eyes. The water bubbles are very, very interesting for both Manon and me.   Laina’s cousin confirms that they have the arm under lock and key and know where the hammer is. But it is sealed off and surrounded by shadow enemies that have been killing anyone who tries to get to the hammer. Huh. It also doesn't sound like the dwarves are interested in helping fight against Takhesis. They’d rather sit in their mountain and wait for things to blow over, as if Takhesis won’t then pick them off after everything else is destroyed. How idiotic of them to think she would just ignore them in their mountain. But there’s enough infighting that uniting the dwarves seems unlikely now. We brainstorm some ideas, but ultimately, Laina will need to meet with her grandfather alone to solve this issue.   Once we have relaxed enough in the hot springs, Bo and Zy decide to forge some things at the blacksmith, Laina, Manon, and Laina’s cousin go to dinner with Thestral, and I want to find an apothecary shop—Madlyn seems eager to join me. Interesting.   I discover an enchanting area of this city, all lit up with fluorescent fungus, and an apothecary shop comes into view. The shopkeeper is a young dwarven woman who is part of the same alchemist guild that I am! She is more skilled than me, and we exchange recipes. She gives me a recipe specific to her culture and the materials they have. It’s a beautiful memento of this place, and I happily scratch down the instructions in my journal. She allows me to purchase enough supplies to make ten of these Glowshroom-style potions. I give her my strongest recipe—the Blessed potion—in hopes it will help her people should the need arise. I ask about any way I can help heal these people and teach her about my God, Mishakal.   It starts to get late, so Madlyn and I begin our journey back to our friends. I wonder how their dinner went? And did Bo make anything at her forge? I can’t wait to hear all about it.  
  • Kaylan
  • The Mystical Banana (Distant Memory)

    Song:   Kaylan sat on the rough stone bench in the metal-fenced courtyard of the Radiant Church, her small frame hunched over as she hugged her knees to her chest. The cool metal of the fence pressed against her back, a constant reminder of the boundaries she could not cross. Beyond the fence, the bustling Lemish downtown market was alive with activity. Vibrant stalls filled with fresh produce and goods stretched out before her, a world of color and life that seemed so distant from her own gray existence.   She watched the people of Lemish with quiet curiosity, her large blue eyes taking in every detail. There was the baker with flour-dusted hands, cheerfully handing out warm loaves of bread to eager customers. The flower vendor with her bright array of blossoms, smiling and chatting with passersby. The fishmonger calling out the day's catch, his voice booming above the crowd. Each person seemed to have a place, a purpose, a connection to the world around them.   Kaylan's gaze drifted to a nearby stall where a familiar pair stood out among the crowd. A little girl about her age with blonde hair and yellow robes, was chatting animatedly with her eccentric looking grandfather. He was a tall, thin man with a wild mane of white hair and a mischievous twinkle in his eye. Despite the lines of age etched into his face, there was a youthful energy about him. Kaylan watched as the little girl handed him a bunch of bananas, her face lighting up with a smile as he took them with exaggerated reverence.   "Bananas, Grandpa! Your favorite!" she exclaimed, her voice carrying over the din of the market.   "Ah, yes, the mystical banana," the old man said, holding one up as if it were a precious artifact. "A true treasure among fruits. Did you know, my dear, that a single banana can ward off a dragon if thrown with the right amount of flair?"   The small girl giggled, and Kaylan felt a pang of longing deep within her chest. The warmth, the affection, the playful banter between them—it was everything she had never known. Her thoughts drifted to her own life, to the cold, harsh words of her stepfather, Father Silus.   Just the day before, Father Silus had found her in the hallway, her small hands clutching a piece of parchment she had found. It was a simple drawing she had made, a little sketch of a bird she had seen outside her window. Father Silus had snatched it from her, his face contorted with disdain.   "What's this nonsense?" he had spat, crumpling the paper in his fist. "Worthless scribbles from a worthless girl. You should be hardly seen, and never heard. Do you understand?"   Kaylan had nodded silently, tears welling up in her eyes but refusing to fall. She had learned long ago that tears only made things worse. Father Silus had shoved her aside, muttering under his breath about her being a constant reminder of her mother's past mistakes. She had watched him walk away, the drawing now a crumpled ball in his hand, her small spark of joy extinguished.   Now, as she watched the little girl and her grandpa, Kaylan felt an ache in her heart. She longed for the kindness she saw in the old man's eyes, the gentle touch of his hand on the girl's shoulder, the laughter they shared so easily. She imagined what it would be like to have someone who cared for her like that, someone who saw her as more than a burden.   The girl and the old man moved on from the stall, their figures gradually blending into the sea of people. Kaylan's gaze lingered on the spot where they had stood, a wistful sigh escaping her lips. She hugged her knees tighter, her small body a fragile shell holding in a well of unspoken dreams and unvoiced desires.   The market continued its lively dance, oblivious to the lonely girl behind the fence. Kaylan watched in silence, her heart a mix of sorrow and hope. Perhaps, one day, she too would find a place where she belonged, where she was loved and cherished. Until then, she would remain an observer, a quiet, scared, and lonely half-elf girl in the courtyard of the Radiant Church.   _____________ Several weeks pass _____________   Music:   Kaylan sat in her usual spot on the rough stone bench in the courtyard of the Radiant Church, her small hands clasped together as she peered through the metal fence at the bustling Lemish market. The vibrant colors and lively sounds seemed like a different world to her, a world she could only observe from a distance. She watched as people moved from stall to stall, their faces filled with joy.   Today, her eyes were drawn to the familiar figures of the little blonde haired girl and her grandfather. They were making their way through the market, and as usual, the old man was regaling the little girl with some fantastical tale, his hands waving animatedly in the air. The little girl’s laughter rang out, clear and bright, and Kaylan couldn't help but smile a little despite herself.   As the little girl reached up to grab a bunch of bananas from a fruit stand, she happened to glance over towards the church courtyard. Her eyes met Kaylan's, and for a moment, they both froze. Then, Manon's face lit up with excitement, and she tugged at her grandfather's sleeve.   "Grandpa, look! There's a girl over there!" she exclaimed, pointing towards Kaylan.   The old man followed her gaze and nodded with a gentle smile, but he did not hold the little girl back as she skipped over to the fence. Kaylan's heart raced as the little girl approached, her shyness pulling her back like an invisible hand.   "Hi! My name's Manon. What's your name?" Manon asked cheerfully, her hands gripping the bars of the fence.   Kaylan hesitated, her voice barely above a whisper. "K-Kaylan."   "It's nice to meet you, Kaylan! Do you want to play with me? We can run and play tag or hide and seek. It'll be fun!" Manon said, her enthusiasm undimmed by the barrier between them.   Kaylan shook her head slowly, her eyes dropping to the ground. "I can't. I'm not allowed to leave the courtyard."   Manon looked around, considering the situation. "How come you're behind that fence? Why can’t you come play with me? You have to meet my Grandpa, he's silly and loves bananas! You want this banana? I have plenty of them, here this one is yours now.”   Manon thrusts a single banana through the bars of the fence and into Kaylan’s little hands as she continues to chatter, oblivious to the effect that this gift of food and friendship has had on Kaylan.   “You remind me of all the colors, do you like coloring? You know what? I’ll just come in and play with you! We can have fun in there too."   Panic surged through Kaylan. "No!" she cried out, the word echoing louder than she had ever spoken before. Both girls fell silent, stunned by the intensity of Kaylan’s outburst.   From the corner of his eye, Grandpa Mary had been watching the exchange. Grandpa Mary’s expression turned serious as he saw Father Silus emerge from the church, his face twisted in a scowl. Without a word, Grandpa Mary gently took Manon's hand and began to lead her away from the fence and towards the market.   "Come along, Manon," he said, his voice calm but urgent. "Let's find your favorite fruit stand. I think I saw some fresh bananas over there."   Manon allowed herself to be led away, but she glanced back at Kaylan, her eyes filled with sadness. Just as she turned her head, she saw Father Silus reach Kaylan. His hand shot out, striking Kaylan across the face with a resounding slap.   "Get back inside, you worthless girl!" he bellowed.   Kaylan stumbled, her small form crumpling slightly under the force of the blow. She cast one last, forlorn look at Manon before she hurried inside the church, her heart pounding with fear and shame.   Manon's eyes filled with tears as she clutched her grandfather's hand tighter. Grandpa Mary squeezed her hand gently, trying to distract her with a warm smile.   "Look, Manon, there are the bananas we love so much," he said, pointing to a stall filled with the yellow fruit.   Manon nodded, but her heart wasn't in it. She couldn't stop thinking about the sad, scared girl behind the fence. As she picked out a bunch of bananas, she silently promised herself that she would find a way to help Kaylan, no matter what. _________ Several days later _________   Manon tugged eagerly at Grandpa Mary's hand as they made their way through the bustling market of Lemish. She had pleaded with him to go much sooner than their usual weekly visit, her mind set on seeing Kaylan again. The memory of the lonely, scared girl behind the metal fence had haunted her thoughts, and she couldn't shake the desire to befriend her.   "Are you sure you need more bananas already, Manon?" Grandpa Mary asked with a knowing smile, his eyes twinkling with amusement.   "Yes, Grandpa, we really need them," Manon insisted, her voice filled with determination. "Besides, I want to see if my friend Kaylan is there."   Grandpa Mary nodded, his smile softening. "All right."   They arrived at the metal-fenced courtyard of the Radiant Church, Manon's heart racing with anticipation. But as she scanned the area, her excitement waned. Kaylan wasn't there. Manon pressed her face against the fence, peering inside, but there was no sign of the quiet half-elf girl.   "Maybe she's just not out yet," Manon said, more to herself than to Grandpa Mary. "Can we wait for her, Grandpa? Please?"   Grandpa Mary glanced at the sky, noting the darkening clouds, but he couldn't refuse his granddaughter's earnest request. "We can wait for a little while, Manon."   They found a nearby bench where they could keep an eye on the courtyard. The minutes turned into hours, and still, there was no sign of Kaylan. Manon fidgeted with impatience, her eyes never leaving the fence.   As the first drops of rain began to fall, Grandpa Mary gently placed a hand on Manon's shoulder. "I'm afraid we need to go. The weather is turning."   Manon looked up at the sky, disappointment etched on her face. She nodded reluctantly. "Okay, Grandpa. But can we come back soon? Please?"   "Of course, Manon," Grandpa Mary assured her, guiding her away from the church and towards the market stalls. "Let's get those bananas and head home."   Manon cast one last, longing glance at the courtyard before following her grandfather. Her yellow robes fluttered in the growing wind, and she clutched his hand tighter as the rain began to fall more steadily.     Inside the Radiant Church, Kaylan sat stiffly among the congregation, her small hands folded in her lap. Father Silus stood at the front, his voice echoing through the chamber as he delivered his sermon. Kaylan's mind was elsewhere, her thoughts consumed with the image of Manon waiting outside the fence.   "...women should be subservient to men," Father Silus intoned, his cold eyes sweeping over the assembled crowd. "Women should be seen but not heard. This is the will of the Radiant Church, and it must be upheld."   Kaylan's heart sank further with each word. She wanted so desperately to escape, to find Manon and experience even a fraction of the joy she had seen in the market. But she knew better than to disobey Father Silus.   As soon as the sermon ended, Kaylan bolted from her seat, her small form darting through the crowd. The rain was coming down harder now, but she didn't care. Clutching a brown and rotten banana that meant everything to her, she sprinted towards the courtyard.   She reached the metal fence, her breath coming in ragged gasps. She scanned the market, her eyes searching frantically for the familiar yellow robes. In the distance, she caught a glimpse of Manon and Grandpa Mary walking away, Manon's head turned sadly back towards the church.   "Manon!" Kaylan called out, her voice drowned by the rain and the market's noise. She pressed the rotten banana against her chest, tears mingling with the raindrops on her face. She was too late.   Manon and Grandpa Mary disappeared into the crowd, and Kaylan stood alone in the rain, her heart heavy with sorrow. She would just have to wait for another chance to talk to Manon again, to explain why she couldn't come out, and to find a way to bridge the gap between their two worlds. Until then, the memory of Manon's kind eyes and hopeful smile would keep her going.   _____________ Some Time Later _____________   Kaylan sat on the worn stone steps of the Radiant Church, her small frame huddled against the chill of the early morning air. She liked these moments of quiet before the city fully awakened, when she could observe the world without being noticed. Her blue eyes followed the patrol of Lemish city guards as they made their way through the market square. The rhythmic clinking of their armor and the purposeful strides of the guards were a stark contrast to her own stillness.   Among the guards, one figure stood out to her: a young girl with brown hair tied back in a neat ponytail. She moved with a level of discipline and focus that seemed unusual for someone her age. The girl’s eyes were sharp and alert, scanning the surroundings with a determination that was almost palpable.   Walking alongside the girl was Arthur Brightenhook, the Lemish city Captain of the Guard. His presence was commanding yet kind, his instructions to the guards firm but fair. He was clearly a mentor to the girl, guiding her with a gentle hand but expecting nothing less than excellence.   Kaylan watched as the girl adjusted the straps on her armor, her small hands moving with practiced precision. The sight of such discipline in someone so young filled Kaylan with a mix of admiration and curiosity. She had seen this girl before, but with a different family. What had changed recently? Why was she now in the care of the city captain?   As the patrol continued, the girl’s concentration never wavered. She kept pace with the older guards, her head held high. But as they approached a cobblestone path, her foot caught on an uneven stone, and she stumbled, falling hard onto the ground.   Kaylan's breath caught in her throat as she watched, her heart aching for the girl. Arthur was at the girl's side in an instant, his face etched with concern. He extended a hand to her, his voice soft. "Are you all right, Madlyn?"   The little girl, Madlyn, looked up at him, her eyes shining with determination. She shook her head and pushed herself up without taking his hand. "I'm fine, Sir," she said, her voice steady. She brushed off her scraped knees, blood trickling down her legs, but she showed no sign of pain or distress.   Arthur nodded, a hint of pride in his eyes. "Very well, but remember, it's okay to accept help when you need it."   Madlyn fell back into step with the patrol, her movements just as precise as before, as if the fall had never happened. Kaylan couldn't help but feel a pang of envy mixed with respect. Madlyn had a strength and resilience that she herself longed for.   As the patrol moved out of sight, Kaylan's thoughts lingered on Madlyn. She wondered what it would be like to have someone like Arthur in her life, someone who believed in her and taught her to be strong. But such thoughts felt like distant dreams, as unattainable as the freedom beyond the church's walls.   Kaylan hugged her knees to her chest, a soft sigh escaped her lips as she turned her gaze back to the bustling market, the distant laughter and chatter a reminder of the world she was so often excluded from. Yet, in Madlyn's resilience, she found a flicker of hope. Maybe one day, she too could find her own strength, her own place where she belonged. But for now, she would remain on the outside, watching and waiting.  

    Mysterious Strangers

    Our Airship seems to be flying smoothly, I have decided it is safe to start crafting “Bless” potions so that I can further strengthen my allies in battle. I hand my first such potion to Laina, she can use this or she can give it to Thestral in battle!   Myza seems to be very helpful to us, she has an odd personality with some obvious flaws, but she has been nothing but true to her -perception of- her word.   I wonder if we can do anything to strengthen our airship? So much focus I put in strengthening those around me, I wonder if we would benefit from strengthening our new home.   As we get closer to these massive mountains, we decide to go around the highest peaks instead of over them. It may be a slower route, but it seems both warmer and safer to do it this way. As we start to penetrate deeper into the mountains we notice that the animals here are massive! What I thought was a friend of Steve’s was actually a goat. Madlyn and Laina looked a bit pale as we passed by a herd of them. File that thought for questioning later I think.   Steve starts to talk as we get closer to the Copper Dragon lair, we know this is a potential sign of proximity to a copper dragon due to Manon's research and advice from Gpa Mary. Steve loves Bo very much and this brings me much joy to hear. I think that people should be more vocal about their love, like animals seem to be once given a voice. If only we were more like them, I think this world would be a happier and safer place.   Myza points out smoke below as we are attempting to use our new conversationalist Steve-dar to triangulate the lair.   We drop down to investigate this smoke and find a tall and beautiful woman, gray in skin with tattoos. She seems gruff, doesn’t much want to speak with us, but I convince her to introduce herself as Kravana. She seems quiet. To the point. But maybe sad? And so so lonely. I know that feeling. I want to get to know her more, but she is quite guarded.   She is cooking a delicious meal. It seems, Bo wants to eat it but we head quickly to what we presume is the location of the Copper Dragon lair that she agrees to show us very quickly. She wasn’t leading us wrong, it was the lair.   But there were other things here too.   Large mounds of rocks surround a single opening that has a massive boulder in front of it. There is a paladine statue and a copper dragon statue on either side of the massive boulder. I hear Kravana say that she is sorry and I immediately cast a warding bond on Manon as 4 giants burst from the piles of rubble and ambush us.   They’ve surrounded us almost completely on all sides, as we try to get our bearings. I hear Zy yell out as she shoots her bow, it seems one hit landed but another arrow was caught midair and snapped in half!   **Mishakal please give me the strength to protect my family. Take whatever you need of me to make them stronger, my life has always been in your blessed hands**   As I pray to Mishakal in my heart and mind, I bless all of my family except Laina. Knowing this simply isn’t sufficient I yell out to her to remember my potion gift. I see that she has heard me and nods her head slightly. We really have grown much as a family, we work together well.   I summon my protective urges as a spiritual weapon that looks like a spectral gerbil joins the battle and slaps the same giant that Zy had shot before. There’s nothing more I can do for now as I stay planted in place.   The giants don’t play nice. Madlyn takes a few close calls, deftly dodging their attempts at grabbing her. Galliently dodging and leaping and yelling advice and …. Sigh.   They try to target Manon and she takes a heavy hit, but she too jumps out of the way of the giant's grasp in time - for not training much she sure is a quick learner! She teleports away from the thick of the enemies and attempts a powerful time spell. I see her concentrating hard - but I don’t see time slowing anywhere, she then glances back at me with concern in her eyes. These foes are not going to be going down without a fight it seems.   An almost blinding light seems to erupt from the giant closest to Madlyn, her fierce features victorious as she seems to make childsplay of that giant’s defenses with her blade. I stare incredulous as she even has a brief moment of time to wipe off a speck of dirt on her armor before yelling out timely advice to our group. Incredible.   From the corner of my eye I notice that Laina is trying to taunt one of the giants to throw its rock at the boulder blocking the entrance to the copper dragon's lair. How clever! She’s always thinking on her toes. Fire erupts from Thestral as he flies around the battlefield targeting giants.   As I focus back on the giants around me I notice that one has decided to target Manon again and walk towards her. She takes another blow, I feel through our bond that it was a heavy hit.   SISTER!   I channel Mishakal’s divinity as I send powerful healing magic to Manon and I, but I need to be there for her. She’s too far away from me. What if the worst were to happen and I wasn’t there. Without thought or care for myself I ran to her. The giants next to me both swing and hit me, but my concentration stays as I focus on my sister. I pull more healing energy into myself as I run to her. She will never stand alone in the face of an enemy. Not while I still breathe.   Madlyn sees me take those hits, and she knows of my bond with Manon. The concern on her face is evident as she yells her encouragement to me, I feel stronger for her bolstering words.     Manon teleports yet again, and sends a powerful spell to two giants in the center of battle, deftly weaving her spells so as to not harm anyone else.   But alas, the giants seem to be zeroing in on her - they will attack others, but if given an option almost always prefer to pursue Manon. Interesting.   As the giant passes by me, darkness takes over. I feel it eroding the light inside me as it bursts through me and into the giant that chases Manon. Pure necrotic hate. It’s jarring. Terrifying. And it almost overcomes me. I feel for a moment that there’s no going back, I am no longer in control. But this moment passes as I feel Mishakal’s balm wash over my soul once more bringing me back from the brink. I swear I heard the bells of death in the distance calling to me.   That was close.   It grabs Manon this time - she wasn’t quick enough. NO SISTER. I see her get thrown from my vision and our bond fades. SISTER. NO. NO.   Panic seeps through me as I run headlong towards the direction she was thrown, up to and through the legs of the Giant standing in my way. I pay little to no attention to anything else at this point, the darkness pours out of my heart as I hear the bells of death, louder this time. Coldly and detached I take note that I have once again allowed the darkness to strike my enemy. It comes easier to me each time. But again Mishakal’s warmth returns to me as I run closer to Manon’s general direction.   As I round the corner I notice her atop a 15 foot hill of rock - ZY! You caught her! I could almost cry out in joy. She put herself in harm's way to help Manon. She DID trust Manon. Manon looks focused, hurt but very much alive. The darkness fades away.   For a moment I was brought back to a dark time before Manon. Before she noticed me watching the world but not taking part. Hardly seen, and never heard. Alone. Afraid. With nothing to live for.   I shake the thought as I smile at her and Zy standing tall. I can hear Bo in the distance yelling out, almost like she’s having fun toying with the giant that had previously thrown Manon. Our family is strong.   I see Zy shoot more of her acid arrows and then a massive green cloud forms behind her as she takes calculated steps back and becomes lost to the clouds.   I panic.   I had just seen Manon jump down from the rock pile, and chug two of my strawberry cotton candy potions. But that wasn’t nearly enough - without our bond I cannot protect her from harm. I cannot sense where she is in this fog.   I close my eyes. I push away the darkness. I focus on the light, on the blue warmth of Mishakal’s love. As I start to worry, I suddenly begin to feel Manon’s presence, less than 30 feet away. I release Mishakal’s divine blessing, sending my love to Manon as I heal her. It goes off without a hitch, and once I settle back down and open my eyes I notice that the fog remains. A perfect place for them to hide. Zy you genius!   Knowing that Manon is safe with Zy, I turn my attention back to the remaining giants. Only 2 remain now. It seems that Madlyn and Bo tag teamed one and Zy shot down another.   Laina seems to have been quite successful in tempting one of the giants to throw rocks at the boulder, it looks the worse for wear. Hardly a boulder now at this point. I see another rock get thrown through the air - it looks like it’s about to land a heavy hit on Laina, but I see the ghost of a woman that looks just like Bo and Zy with a mighty ax slice the rock apart just as it’s about to hit Laina - causing much of it to miss her. INCREDIBLE. Bo seems to have called upon a Goddess that I know nothing about. I’ll have to talk to Bo about this Goddess of hers.   Before I have much time to think, I see a flash of Gold hurtling towards me…. Wait…. Is that…. Thestral? I have but a moment to think as I subconsciously and reflexively open my arms wide to him, not even a fleeting moment of a thought to dodge this dragon projectile. He hits me and the impact is heavy. (Maybe he should chill on the rations goodness) We take a barrel roll down the narrow pathway between rocky mounds and skid to a halt at the base of one. The dust settles slowly. Thestral seems pretty unphased and he shakes himself off and takes flight again. I’m a bit more phased as I had to take the brunt of the bludgeoning damage and his scaly butt landed right on my face. Ugh. Mid-battle dragon butt smell, not the best aroma.   The last two giants take several more hits and then go down. We all gather to check in with each other - I curiously look around to see if our “guide” remains in the area. But do not see evidence of her presence any longer. Curious. I wonder what she will do now. Where she will go? Were these giants her family? Will she be angry that we killed them? Were they her captors? Will she be happy for her new found freedom? I guess we'll never know. Or maybe only time will tell.   Bo goes to walk into the now open gateway into the lair and is stopped abruptly, Thestral can enter without issue. So we all grab hands, and enter together with Thestral.   20! Not 1 but 20!!!! Sleeping copper dragons are slumbering in this lair. There’s a dwarf with one arm seemingly fishing in a pond in this lair as well. How curious!! A second mysterious stranger today!   Zy doesn’t seem overly curious though - she states abruptly that she needs a nap and anyone else that would like to join can. Cuddle sesh later Zy, I wanna talk to a dragon!!! (sorry Thestral, but you’ll always be a little lady corner baby gerbil in my heart).   *to be continued*

    The Spark

    Song:   The moons look beautiful tonight. The airship is a lot quieter than I was anticipating. The stars in the sky are bright, the temperature is moderate and the breeze slight. A more perfect night I can’t think of. But why am I not happy?   For some reason I couldn’t sleep very well tonight. After waking up for the third time, I decided to take the chance to gather some inner peace on the top deck of the airship and reflect on our journey thus far.   What a makeshift family Manon and I have found. Losing Gpa and losing Thersha in such a short amount of time changed us both forever. I can sometimes catch a hint of sadness in Manon’s eyes in those brief happy moments we still find. I know she hurts, still waits for the worst to happen. I think the best thing that I can do for her is to show up every day, and to bring those happy moments whenever I can.   I can be that spark, to keep us going.   Everyone here has had their own loss and pain. But here we all are, fighting to make this world a better place. Fighting for each other too.   I feel powerless in the face of Takhisis and the Gods. So I will focus on the things that I can do and let go of everything else that’s out of my control.   The pain of loss and abandonment, the constant inner monologue of thinking I am not enough - it’s still there. Just as strong as it was on my darkest day. But I’m not afraid anymore. I have hope when I think about my new family. Change doesn’t happen overnight, but it will happen. We will get stronger, learn more, build friendships, and strive for the life that we choose.   As always Mishakal, I end my meditation thanking you for giving me this second chance.  
  • Kaylan
  • Of Sacrifice and Love

    Music:   After some brief gathering of supplies, we decide to travel out of Tarsis, passing through the barrier into the desert. Like getting smacked in the face with hot sandpaper I realize that while it is easier to travel this heat in lighter armor, it’s still not comfortable.   There’s a mountain in the distance, but as we walk closer suddenly the illusion falls away and we are standing at the edge of a great canyon.   Myza whips out a paraglider and says she’ll meet us down there. We tie up the horses except for Steve, who Bo tells to run back to Tarsis if we take too long.   Madlyn draws upon her God to give Manon extra strength, I ask Mishakal to guide her way down as we make the climb down the canyon without a trail.   We finally get to the bottom of the canyon and there is only 1 intact airship left, the rest in pieces.   And something else seems to have been waiting for us here too.   Takhisis - or the illusion of her - stands atop a ledge and speaks loudly enough for everyone to hear but has eyes only for Manon. She has a way with words, smithing her statements carefully crafted to make herself seem like the true hero of this story.   4 dragons with dragon riders swarm us, Takhisis seems to be teasing Manon, deciding randomly which of us she will have the dragon riders divebomb.   Laina takes several heavy hits, Thestral boldly flying into the fray. Laina attempts to fend off attack after attack but I can see it’s taking a heavy toll. Mishakal whispers to me, now is the time. Release myself - give into the pull of the heavens - unleash this power inside of me held too tight for too long. The infinity symbols rapidly spread from my wrist across my entire body as I become a blue beacon of power, suspended in the air as I channel Mishakal’s divine power from my soul to Laina’s. She will not fall. She will not. She cannot.   Tahkisis takes the opportunity to turn her pawns upon me. Good. Let them come, let them test Mishakal’s warrior. I hear Manon yell that I am her champion. Words have never felt so right to me as they did then. My sister - you will never be alone, you will always fight your battles with my love supporting you. Sister I have given a part of my soul to you, and so it will always be, no matter what comes.   My shield held high as my muscles recall Madlyn’s training over these past weeks. HA! That’s all you have?   Bold of me. My strength starts to falter as a heavy blow lands across my back. Not fast enough. Another claw attack rakes itself across my open flank. The damage is severe, the laceration will bleed out if I do not call upon Mishakal once again. This time for myself.   Takhisis seems to have decided that it is Manon’s turn to fend off the dragons. I haven’t much left in me. But my warding bond stands. There is no pain that I won’t endure for her. I will protect you sister. I give sanctuary to Manon, SHE WILL NOT LAY A CLAW UPON MY SISTER. NOT. WHILE. I. STILL. DRAW. BREATH.   Each breath burns my lungs as I try to keep living. I will not fall.   Manon is so strong, but for some reason when she looks at me, Manon looks scared. Don’t be scared sister. This too will end, and we can laugh together over Thestrals antics again. We will whisper late into the night about these metallic dragons you so love, me listening quietly as the stars reflect themselves in your eyes, your fascination with their stories infecting my curiosity too.   What is my life but yours to give or to take Mishakal. You were there that night, weren’t you Mishakal? You knew Manon would need me. You knew that my life still had purpose then. If that moment is now then I come to you willingly Mishakal, but please I BEG YOU. Protect my sister.   My vision blurs as I start to lose focus on Mishakal’s Blessing cast upon my family. Just. A few. Moments. Longer. I feel the impact of the dragon striking Manon, Mishakal’s sanctuary has been overcome temporarily - I feel Bo’s presence now. But how? She’s not nearly close enough. Somehow the searing pain of the dragon’s claw scraping through my flesh feels numb. Huh. no more pain.   Wait. is that her? Is that Mishakal? Reaching her hand out to me, holding me up. Warmth fills my body as the fire within me rekindles. Oh. It’s Madlyn. She seems concerned, but as I come back to my senses and start to see more clearly, I can see her face relax slightly as she says something to me I cannot hear. These dragons roar at the worst times, I swear.   With renewed purpose I see that the dragons have turned their attention to Zy - so far away, she is taking heavy hits too. I know just how you feel Zy. Hold on - I see Bo give me a scared look now. Don’t worry Bo, I won't fail you, and I won't fail Zy. I focus what I can on healing Zy from so far away, but I know I’m not close enough should the worst happen. I won’t let you down Bo. I won’t fail you Zy. I knock Mishakal’s staff atop my shield as I feel the pulse of divine power rapidly accelerate - and my fear of losing Zy propels itself like lightning from my soul, down my staff, arching through the sky into the heart of the dragon closest to Zy. YOU WILL NOT LAY A CLAW UPON MY FAMILY. Not enough. It’s not. Enough. Just as my horror starts to fill the space of silence that overtakes my senses - I hear Madlyn shout out. Zy seems suddenly much more comfortable now and is starting to run back to us. What did Madlyn just do?   I turn to look at her briefly, dirt sweat and blood on her face, concentrated on the battle at hand. I am sorry Mishakal, nothing could be a more beautiful sight. I see the bracelet I made her poking through the armor close to her sword. It has a matching pair around my wrist, several colors arranged in no particular order, each one recharging my resolve to keep fighting for them. My chosen family. The people I love.   Just as my attention turns back to the battle at hand, it seems that Takhisis withdraws her pawns. Bo immediately runs to Zy, health potion I made her in hand - forcing Zo to drink its contents. Ooof, that was one of my earlier trials - the taste probably isn't the freshest.   I am asked how I feel, if I am well. But I walk to Zy, casting Thersha’s Remembrance on her until the bruises start to fade. Thank you most cherished friend, your memory lives on in the people I heal in honor of your memory.   Over the next few days we help Myza rebuild the broken airship - undoubtedly the poor horses have died in this heat after these days of hunting for parts and rebuilding the ship. Hopefully Steve made it back alive. I make note to ask forgiveness for our catastrophic oversight. A great loss of innocent life.   Dear journal. The last few days have given me clarity and purpose. I feel a resolve like none I've felt before. We will survive this ordeal.  
  • Kaylan
  • The Weight of Leadership, and Plate Armor

    Dear Journal,   No more refills? Never have I thought that we would be out of water of all things. My plate armor chafes in my… well my everywhere… as I finish up my bland and perfectly proportioned breakfast. Madlyn seems to think that I need to tidy up my diet. But I love ice cream :( Stupid food pyramid, stupid delicious carbs.   Seems as though terraforming Tarsis would help with the drought that these people struggle with. The images of these poor people parched and thirsty flash before my eyes as my mind becomes made. Priority number 1 is to help these people, as I am sure Mishakal would want me to do. Helping others will surely lead to help for our cause. The more love and aid that our group provides to the people, the more they’ll be able to help protect their own in the coming dark days that are surely ahead of us.   Madlyn speaks to the inn keep, she has such a way with words, and we find out that the RTS leader named Galnu stays about an hour away and may know more about this terraforming device and the drought. Our gnome friend Myza is not easy to convince, she doesn’t see the value of love and compassion. But if we dangle a carrot of whatever it is she wants, she seems easy enough to work with. I’d say that I’ll be keeping an eye on her - but I think Laina has that on lockdown.   It’s heartwarming to see that Laina and Thestral have become such close friends. His cute little fluffy face getting covered in bacon grease, adorable. Wait. He’s a gerbil again? Huh. I'm sure Laina will get to the bottom of how THAT happened. She has such a way with animals! I’m glad that she’s willing to share her time with us. I have to agree that sometimes animals are kinder, have more compassion, and more capacity for love than some people do. Of course, Thestral isn’t an animal. Unless I really read too many books yesterday, I’m pretty sure he is actually a gold dragon.   Bo doesn’t seem well this morning, and I have a feeling it has to do with an acute overdose of the literature variety. Alas, not something my divine abilities can help. Only with time, reflection, and acceptance of past trauma, can this ailment be overcome. I have a feeling giving Bo some space and easy access to a private bathroom is the best way to navigate this situation. That and not asking too many questions. Poor woman.   On the other hand our library adventure seems to have changed Manon for the better. She is radiating energy and knowledge like a beacon of hope. The stark difference looking at Manon sitting next to Bo this morning couldn’t be more comical. There are worlds in Manon’s eyes now. Entire generations of knowledge and history. Magical secrets kept for ages reside in her fleeting thoughts. She’s becoming something entirely different from the girl I first met. At first, I initially felt really sad, like I lost another person in my life, left behind just to be forgotten like I always have been. But then I still see her kind soul, her warm heart, her white robes. The knowledge gained by my friend will be used to help others and to save the world. I hope only to be there by her side to protect her and to help elevate her to the place in history that she most surely will reside.   As we decide on the best course of action we realize that Myza has already left. That gnome. She makes her mind up and that is that. It’s admirable in some ways. I wish I was that confident. She’s very smart, quick to make decisions and stick to them. She doesn’t often think beyond her own desires though. I think that’s her biggest weakness. But she is so clever with her inventions! She had this hat with a fan and climate control. Amazing.   We decide to grab our horses and travel to the RTS headquarters to speak with their leader for some direction. Plate armor in the heat is just not a good idea. Madlyn seems unphased, but I AM DYING. Sweat pouring out of just about everywhere on my body as I am trying desperately not to get cooked in this metal oven that I’m wearing. Thank Mishakal for the horses doing the walking because I simply could not put any additional effort into anything other than regretting having put this armor on.   When we arrive, there’s a group of individuals seemingly having just returned from a day of scavenging. A floating disc holds up piles of junk, or maybe treasure? There’s a goblin, a hobgoblin, a red robed woman - I immediately turn to Manon excitedly, a new mage friend! There’s a 7 foot tall gray looking gentleman that has kind features, and another gnome! Great! Oh. and there’s a 9 foot tall fiery…..goddess…. That seems to think clothes are optional in mixed company. Wowza. Manon seems enthralled by this woman’s hair - asking all sorts of (sorta uncomfortable to be honest) questions. But I cannot stop staring as SHE CONTINUES TO DISROBE! Thankfully she is wearing underclothes. Thankfully. Very thankful for that.   I must’ve been rude staring, Madyln kinda shoved me out of my thoughts. Always keeping me on the straight and narrow, Madyln. I close my open mouth as Madlyn begins to converse, attempting to figure out if they know anything about what we’re looking for. Surprising no one, Myza yells out “goat fucker” in the direction of the gnome that we don’t know. Seems as though they’re related.   Galnu doesn’t know anything about a terraforming device but she does ask us to help with the lack of water. Promises a reward if we go down into the old water ducts to figure out what caused the water to stop flowing. It does seem pretty cramped and small down there, makes sense that she wouldn’t fit. Once we work out how the horses won’t die in this heat while we do the things (Bo would be very displeased if Steve died of heat exhaustion) down the hatch we go.   Zy takes the lead scouting ahead - and is it just me or does she…. Disappear????!!!???   WHAT? I can’t see her! How am I going to protect her? How will I know if she’s okay? How will I know if she needs me?? This scares me. I end up leaning into my trust in Zy. She is a capable woman. She is strong and smart. I keep telling myself that she is strong, she is smart, and she is sneaky. Over and over in my head as we continue to walk down this ancient water pipe. I’ve cast light on Madlyn’s shield and Manon has cast light on her spell book so that they can see in this darkness. I notice that if we walk too close to where I think that Zy likely is, she is suddenly visible. Ahhhh - so she just goes invisible if she’s shrouded in shadows. Very interesting.   I’ve learned today that Laina doesn’t like walking past a hatch without at least taking a looky-loo. Thankfully she did because she discovered the terraforming and water control room! Myza just immediately shoves her way past us all and barrels into the room touching EVERYTHING and moving things she probably shouldn’t. Also there’s a dead body in the room. Everyone is trying to figure out how this person died and for how long they’ve been dead, which is likely a good thing to know - but I cannot stop staring at his cowboy hat. Just seeing myself riding a unicorn off into the sunset wearing my cowboy hat as my unicorn rears up on its hindlegs and I grab the hat in my right hand and wave it back and forth… WOAH Myza hits a random thing and there’s a room that reveals itself. I am snapped out of my reverie as I try to subtly ward Manon from danger - she seems to be looking at the dead person's clothes and thinking very hard…. YOINK. My hat. Warding bond for cowboy hat. Fair trade right? I’ll share. I’m a sharing person. I just need it for that particular moment (that is 100% going to happen). Then it’s allllll hers.   Myza decides that she doesn’t want to investigate the new room (shocker). So we line up and head down the narrow passage into the new room. Madlyn reaches back to grab my hand.   Ijfeowap hbnliujknbwrgka   I think I black out for a moment. But then there are scorpions - and then there’s just a single scorpion. Zy obliterated it with laina’s help - and Thestral is a dragon again - a mighty blast of dragon breath clears a path of roasted baby scorpions. Madlyn is boldly dodging the second scorpion's attacks - Manon is fire blasting things to oblivion. An arrow comes out of literally nowhere and utterly destroys this other scorpion. I have only about a moment to get my thoughts together enough to send Mishakal’s blessings to my friends before it’s all over. Wow. Madlyn held. My. hand. She voluntarily reached out to hold my hand. She was afraid that I’d get lost in the dark. She thought about me. She wanted to protect…. Me.   Everyone gets busy making sure there’s no more scorpion surprises in store for us, and I just can't snap out of my shock. There’s another dead body in the corner, and I revert back to my base instincts as I kneel next to his body as I start to pray to Mishakal, gently protecting his corpse from the effects of necromantic magic. This offers me enough time to recover my wits.   Madlyn found some cut cords - guess it’ll take some time to get this fixed. Laina decides to fetch Myza from her metal “you got this” pod. IDK what happened but then Thestral returns with a frog and a squinting Myza. Moments later the frog morphs into a very disgruntled and unimpressed Laina. Huh. I’m sure I’ll hear about how that happened later.   Myza has a difficult time fixing the cord with one functioning eye. I gave a small boon to her from Mishakal to help expedite the process. Zy seems to be taking a nap - she did end up taking a lot of hits in that last fight - but I just couldn’t see her to know or to heal her. I’ll have to keep this in mind. We get things up and running - water flowing - rainfall and wind. Myza had put the settings maybe a little too harsh, Laina calls back her sand friend who helps dig us out of this building - Manon has a hard time climbing out and does a double check of Myza’s work. I think she must’ve made a few adjustments before leaving because it did seem like the rain got slightly warmer. By the time Manon got out of the tunnel that Laina’s critter friend dug for us, it was a muddy disaster. Her white robes were blindingly white but her face and hands were dirty beyond recognition, except for a small spot on her forehead. Did she get hit with something there? I didn’t think I felt any hits in battle from our warding bond - but now that I think about it, I did have a slight itch on my forehead just a few moments ago.   Myza dips back to the Inn, and we return to the RTS headquarters for an update. They seem beyond excited by the rain and water, they reward us with 2 gold! I still can’t believe that Madlyn entrusted me with the ENTIRE gold reward. I’ll have to work really hard not to give it all away.   Of course Madlyn brings up the airship and that seems like a trigger word for Galnu. Madlyn fumbles with a lie and things start to get awkward. Galnu decides that we must wait out the rain and wind in their headquarters. What started out as a friendly offer turned into a stern request. She stands and I notice that everyone else is paying attention, the 7 foot tall gray man walks around and sits next to us. Things are getting heated - we accept their gracious offer of waiting out the storm together.   The delicious smell of cooking fills the air and the Gray man, who we learn is named Kravlan, hands out some of the best food I’ve ever eaten. I will most definitely be making Manon’s magic slop taste like THIS in the future. Laina and Kravlan seem to bond over cooking, and it sounds like it is a very important part of Kravlan’s culture. He says that he has siblings and each sibling has a different role in their society. How fascinating!   I can’t help but notice that Madlyn got pretty upset. She doesn’t like how disregarded she feels. I think she really wants people to respect her, and to respect her friends. I try to reason with her - Galnu is very much like Madlyn - both leaders, both care about their people. I can see why they’d butt heads. I reassure Madlyn that she IS more attractive than Galnu - I don't know why I thought that would make her feel better. Whoops. Need to keep those types of thoughts inside my head.   Watching Galnu work is very interesting. Her people do respect her. I think they love her too. She seems to be a good person. A strong leader and a compassionate individual. I decide that I will try to mend a little bit of the discordance that I feel in the air and walk up to her when she isn’t otherwise occupied.   I am worried about telling too much, but I think it’s important that the people of this world understand the incoming threat. The more they know and can prepare the better I think we all will do in the upcoming battles. So I tell her, she listens intently and with an open mind. She seems to be sad by this news of Gods and of Takhisis but for a reason I was unprepared for. She is half fire giant, and wishes not to fight against her own kind. I can respect that. And so I ask for her to allow us to use an airship if we find one to help us balance the scales of good. She seems to accept this, I also offer that should we find any more, that we will let her know.   Manon and her talk for longer, but I feel as though my part is done. Manon is always such a good information gatherer - I wonder what more she learns!   Laina finds me in meditation. She has many followup questions to ask about Gods. I think she feels drawn to a particular God due to a cultural connection. Madness. But creation and inspiration! What a tradeoff. I advise her to lean into her creativity and inspiration when she cooks to help attract the attention of the God she admires. And that she may not need to worship them directly, but to pay respect to that God's most prized qualities will only help gain their favor. She hit close to some tough things for me to speak about. Mishakal really did save me just as much as Thersha and Manon did. I have much that I owe my Goddess.   Thestral has lived so many lifetimes. I ask him how old he is and he cannot say. It makes me think about my father, and how he has no clue I exist. And it makes me think of my step father, who is likely glad to think I am dead. And my mother - who never had a kind word for me, always ashamed of me, she probably doesn’t have a single thought for me in her heart. It makes me feel alone again, reflections of my lowest low point start to rise to the surface. But before I feel overwhelmed by that darkness, Thestral assures me that he won’t forget about his love of me. Madlyn seems to be quite upset about him forgetting her name. I wonder if she feels this same lonely abandonment that I do, but reacts in that way instead of wallowing in self despair like I do.   Much reflection for me. I see that while I have grown stronger, I will still always have that darkness threatening to rise to the surface again. To be surrounded by such good friends has been a balm to my heart. Mishakal has brought to me much life and love, more than I ever thought I would have, or deserved.  
  • Kaylan
  • I Read Books Now

    Dear Journal,   Turns out shoveling sand in the desert was much less boring than I was anticipating. I was unhappy with Madlyn insisting that I wear my armor for this boring ordeal, she said something along the lines of “You must always wear your armor, you never know when a fight may break out and you must be ready at all times. You still look like you can hardly stand while wearing it, you must become stronger. It takes you forever to put your armor on, you’re a huge liability while donning your armor, so be DISCIPLINED and wear it at all times” UGHHH. AM I GONNA WEAR MY ARMOR WHILE I SHOWER MADLYN? AM I GONNA WEAR MY ARMOR WHILE I’M POOPING MADLYN? AM I GONNA WEAR MY ARMOR WHILE WRITING ABOUT HOW PERFECT YOU ARE IN MY JOURNAL MADLYN???? HUH???   Why is Madlyn always right? LIKE. ALWAYS. ANNOYINGLY. RIGHT. ugh.   So a massive fight broke out, and sand started falling away beneath our feet - scorpions came out of nowhere by the hundreds. We were fighting for our lives. The sand was so hard to navigate I couldn’t reach Manon to help protect her. I’ve not felt that helpless since my Radiant Church days. I need to remember to be close to her, to be there for her. When a fight like that breaks out, I shouldn’t be so far away that I can’t ward her with our bond of friendship. In reflection, while the spell technically works on others, there’s something special about the divine magic that pours from my soul when I use it to protect Manon. It’s almost like she uses part of her own magic to help augment mine, and it makes that bond feel stronger in some way. Every new day with her as my friend is more astonishing than the last. She is truly a great mage, but even more special is her kind heart and her pure soul. I think Mishakal would love Manon just as much as she loves me.   At one point during the battle, the stick Mishakal gave me started vibrating with energy, I could see Zy in the quicksand having taken a heavy blow in the fight, and I somehow knew that I needed to focus that energy within my stick on Zy. And what would you know! Another massive boon of healing power. It brings me such joy to protect my friends.   Eventually the massive number of scorpions was just too much. Laina had the clever idea that there must be something below that quicksand, and that we should embrace the dive into the unknown. The absolute bravery in that Dwarf’s heart. Well. It could convince me to charge into any battle. To have her at my side in the coming days is of great comfort to me. As I looked at all of my friends, relaxing their postures, and giving in to the pull of the sand, I closed my eyes, said a small prayer to Mishakal, and embraced the unknown.   Laina was right!! We were unceremoniously plopped into a rather large room. In front of what looked to be the grand entrance to the very ancient and magnificent library of Tarsis! But furthermore, there was a man in simple off-white robes standing there, almost as if waiting for us to arrive.   Our gnome friend Myza didn’t seem to give a rat’s behind about the dude. She just un-deployed her metal “you guys got this” pod, stood up, and walked off without a word. You’re welcome by the way Myza! Sheeeeeeeesh.   I don’t think I’ve ever seen Bo less enthused by a room than the one we were standing in. There, at the great gates of entry into a labyrinth of books and knowledge beyond anything we’ve ever seen before, or probably will ever see again. I heard her groan and mumble something about hoping there’s lots of pictures. I feel you on that one Bo.   Gilean. That was the man’s name. We asked if he was a mage or a dragon but. I got the impression that he was something much more than a mere mage. Well, he said that we passed the first trial and that we needed to pass the second before we would be able to ask him any questions. Guess we needed to go into this massive library and learn us a thing or two. Shouldn’t be too hard, I feel like I hardly know ANYTHING.   We were shown into the main entryway and there were statues everywhere we looked, books all over the place, more than I could possibly hope to count. And I can count pretty high. Manon has taught me much about the ways of the mystical language of “Math”.   Laina starts talking to a statue. I thought that potentially she had struck her head on something…… until I realized that she had cracked the code on how to get directions around this place! You had to just ask the statue and it would give you a map to your destination in your mind!!!! Turns out, no matter how hard you push, you cannot transfer this knowledge from your own mind to someone else's. I tried pretty hard, and concluded it was an impossible thing.   Thestral seemed VERY excited to learn something too. I can’t imagine what a tiny little gerbil wanted to learn in this massive library, but I have no idea why I would be shocked to find him directing me to a cooking section. We found Laina there! And I was quite pleased with being the test dummy on her new recipes she learned and cooked with Thestral. Those two make quite the pair! It brings me great joy to see Thestral so happy with all of his new friends. And Laina, her carefree smile as she cooks with Thestral, the more I see of that the better.   Laina and I had many interests in common as we both headed towards the room of Gods. Beautiful depictions of all sorts of Gods in this room. A great marble statue morphing to a different God depending on what angle you looked at it. A marvel to behold. I learned about how Takhisis was brought down with the help of other Gods working together. We didn’t learn about why or how. But that the Gods were involved and that she has been detained more than once before. Laina’s questions on the Gods of the Dwarves were very interesting. But, I also had an ulterior motive for coming into this room. Embarrassed as I am to say….. I had to know more about Madlyn’s God Majere. Only for research purposes of course. One must know about the Gods closest to the other party members. Purely research reasons. ALSO I almost forgot, my puberty stick is going to blossom into something truly incredible. A Blue Crystal staff! Something Mishakal only bestows upon her most favored “clerics”. I feel at a loss of words for what this means to me. Something so precious, something so powerful. Bestowed to me? What have I done to deserve this? How am I worthy?   I did fail to mention that these rooms were not the first rooms that I went to with our precious limited time in this library of all knowledge in the ancient world. I have confirmed that unicorns are real, but very rare to find. One must use a specific locate animal type spell to find them. They’re rather elusive, and there’s not any documented migration patterns, likes or dislikes. Just a description of a unicorn seen from afar. It is at this moment that I realized that I will rely heavily on Zy’s incredible tracking skills and Manon’s powerful magic to help me achieve my heart's most precious desire. Also I need to time it correctly, because ideally I’ll be riding this unicorn into the sunset.   I learned that I am likely a half “high elf”. Those types of elves reside in Silvanesti. I sure hope that we travel there in the future at some point. I’d love to meet a high elf. I wonder if my dad would recognise me? I wonder if I look like him at all. I don’t look very similar to my mother. I often wondered if that was why she was so distant with me. That I reminded her of her “Great Sin”.   I best not let my mind dwell back on those dark thoughts.   I learned a few new potion recipes! That was very fun. Can’t wait to try them out on Bo. She can eat or drink ANYTHING. That woman is a medical anomaly. Literally nothing upsets her stomach. Except for too many books, I guess. I do often wonder what Manon’s magical slop tastes like to Bo. Is it REALLY Zy’s gamey rabbit stew? Personally I think it’s probably either bacon or maybe that pie she had early on in our travels, the one that she found under some random bed that was growing its own ecosystem on it. More flavor I guess?   Gilean came to each of us after all the learning happened. Very matter-of-fact that guy. Well, God actually. I just knew he had more up his sleeve than a spellbook! Turns out he knows a lot of things about. Well. everything. He doesn’t like to guess about motivations of events though. He sticks to the facts like a non-fiction history book. Yawn. Manon was erupting with excited energy talking to this God and reading all her books and gaining all of her knowledge. Frankly, I am surprised that she could pass this trial. She knows so much already, she’s so amazingly smart - how could she learn anything new! I open a picture book about animals in a zoo and my mind is blown. She mutters about more in her sleep than I could possibly learn in a lifetime.   We learned about Paladine. And how he got upset with a King Priest of some place called Istarr for trying to become a God. Guess it would upset the balance of this world. He threw a mountain at that city for what that King Priest was trying to do. Changed the world, killing countless people. Caused something called the Cataclysm. Then the Gods left this world, thinking us all unworthy. Causing the Dragons to go into hibernation. Unfortunately Manon also learned more about Gpa Mary. Things that maybe she didn’t want to hear.   Well. After this all happened, Takhisis must’ve escaped her confinement, getting up to no good. Which then started waking other Gods too. The Chromatic Dragons were awakened by Takhisis . But the Metallic Dragons are all still asleep! Someone must wake them. Why not Paladine? Why is he unable to wake them? Gilean mentioned just waking, and that he is not yet able to remember things, maybe Paladine is similarly affected?   Gilean confirmed our suspicions. That we need to somehow wake the metallic dragons to help balance the scales of this fight (see what I did there - I am so clever now that I read books).   I think that finding this “airship” that Myza keeps talking about will help us travel to different Dragon lairs to help wake them. Gilean said that the only way into these sealed lairs is by having a divine scale or something like that? And then he said that there was one already in our presence. Huh? I don’t have anything like that.   Then Gilean grabbed Thestral, started petting his little gerbil head, and he turned into a small GOLD DRAGON. THESTRAL WHAT DID YOU EAT IN THAT COOKING ROOM MY GOODNESS.   Turns out Thestral was a gold dragon this whole time. Something about being a “canary” for a wizard named Fizban. Guess that’s another name for Paladine. He says that he helps Paladine keep a level head when he gets overly emotional. I am slightly nervous that he is not currently doing this great service for the world. BUT. Guess we can get through the sealed dragon lairs with Thestral on our side. What good fortune for us!   Another great gift from Gilean is that there is some way to terraform the climate in this area. We can help everyone of Tarsis get out of this crazy dry desert! We plan to find this terraforming creation and fix this land for the people living here. That will help us find the airstrip Myza needs more easily, and then when we find an airship we can travel the world and wake all of the metallic dragons to help fight on our side in the coming war.   As I look over at Thestral cuddling close with Laina, both so warm and happy, I can’t help but feel such a powerful surge of love for them. This only proves more to me that this was destiny for us to all find each other.   What a time to be alive!  
  • Kaylan
  • Traveling Thoughts

    Dear journal, lots of constant travel and not much time to reflect and be mindful so here are some thoughts.   Madlyn likes roses now. I’ll keep that in mind. Roses, spiders, and very bland chicken and rice meals even if offered the opportunity to have literally any flavor in the world. Guess she’s part of a special group of knights called the knights of Solamnia. Sounds pretty glorious to me. She fits right in.   Manon seems to look at me like I died or something. I remember fighting a simulation dragon, an acrid taste in my mouth, sudden burning in my lungs, and then…. Warmth and love welcoming me home. But then I woke up back in the training facility, hurt but fine.   Xander or whatever angry library man’s sister’s name is, seemed very interested in Mishakal, interviewed me even!!! Oh boy I can’t WAIT to hold that one over Madlyn.   The sages academy had a library without a single book on unicorns! Manon asked for me, cause she’s my bestie, and they told her nada. Nothing. Zilch. Idk if that last one is a word. But my disappointment cannot be measured. I guess my quest continues.   We’ve decided to go to one of the largest libraries in the history of forever in tarsis. I’m sure that library will have a book on unicorns. Oh and on dragons, that’s also important.   Zylah is impressive. This girl can navigate let me tell ya. Madlyn prides herself on always being the best but- Zy has her beat on navigating.   Come to think of it- Bo also beat Madlyn in a challenge to kill the most dragon-people-creatures in the simulation chamber. I should probably subtly check in on Madlyn and see if she’s okay. She’s not used to losing.   It’s super odd that these dragon-people-things are metallic and they’re evil. I thought metallic dragons were nice guys. Manons Gpa Mary book calls them draconians I think. Kinda sad how they’re made.   I don’t want to think on that any longer. Sad business.   We’ve decided to cut through heckle on our way south to Tarsis. Sounds like we will be traveling through dwarven country too. I wonder how Bo, Zy, and Laina will fare.  
  • Kaylan
  • Dear journal,   We went through heckle today. I’ve never seen so much emotion on zylah before.   I was creating a sanctuary on the mass graves of the remains of her and Bo’s village when I heard Zy scream.   I found Bo by what must’ve been their house, or what was left of it, she seemed sad. But determined. Strong. She asked what I was doing and I showed her the bracelet for Zy.   When I found Zy she was bowed over the grave of someone who obviously meant the world to her. Zy hasn’t talked much about the people she’s lost. Only really her father and mother. But this felt different. I saw she was holding a bloodstained necklace in her hands. I knelt with her, wordless, and handed her the friendship prayer beads. We sat together in silence, remembering our lost friends and family. Together. Never alone.  
  • Kaylan
  •   *greasy tiny paw prints scatter the next page, left intentionally blank*   Dear journal,   Thestral decided to try his hand at journaling. I think he felt left out. So I didn’t write yesterday, I let him write instead. When I was setting up to just write over his little prints he got quite upset. Whatever he wrote is very important to him. I apologized profusely, offered him a shiny rock that I found, and I think our friendship is mended.  
  • Kaylan
  • Dear journal,   Horses don’t like me. Steve 100% gives me the evil eye. Saddles don’t like me. My butt has a butt right now. But Mishakal PLEASE let me be a unicorn whisperer.  
  • Kaylan
  • Dear journal,   Madlyn doesn’t trust me with money BUT Manon has a hard time saying no when I ask her to expend all of her magical energy to help me feed hungry people in these towns we travel through. I honestly think that she gets more exhausted making all that magic slop than she does riding her horse and camping in the woods. I shouldn’t ask as much of her next time. It’s not nice of me to exhaust her so. But she makes the BEST magic slop. Better than anyone else. I’m so proud of her. Shes a white robe mage. No wonder why we’re besties *hearts and rainbows and bananas are drawn in this gap*  
  • Art by Kaylan and *written in much more eloquent cursive* Manon
  • Dear journal,   My stick is turning blue, the top has a blue crystal on it and blue is starting to crack through the wood at the top. It’s soooooo pretty. Well…….it kinda looks like it’s going through stick puberty right now. But the potential future beauty is there. I can see it.  
  • Kaylan
  • Dear journal,   I think Madlyn is trying to convince thestral to start a fitness routine. This outta be good.  
  • Kaylan
  • Dear journal,   Laina seems to be getting nervous as we travel towards her old homeland. Something about not leaving on the best of terms. Our gnome friend who joined us in our journey to Tarsis said something that really upset her. I don’t want to upset her further by bringing it up but. I hope she knows she’s safe with us. We aren’t here to judge her. We are her friends.  
  • Kaylan
  • Dear journal,   Laina seemed at peace in the dwarven city of Thorbadin. I noticed that the crest she wears is not seen on any other dwarves. And it seems like all of the decor is missing a clan crest. This must’ve been quite the falling out.  
  • Kaylan
  • Dear journal,   I saw elves on this trip! Can’t believe I didn’t mention that before. But they don’t look much like me at all. I wonder if my dad even knows I exist. I wonder if he did, would he even really care?  
  • Kaylan
  • Dear journal,   Finally!! We are in tarsis! And there are actually people here. It’s not all ruins. Though things look the worse for wear. Our gnome friend wants us to get some early shuteye and wake up at night to start our search for the hidden library of tarsis. I’m super excited to dig sand in the desert to find books.   That was sarcasm thestral. It’s gonna be so boring! I could almost wish for some action to liven things up. Almost.  
  • Kaylan
  • Purpose

    I don’t think I'll go wandering off on my own again anytime soon. I didn’t realize just how much my friends care about where I am and what I am doing. And here I thought leaving a letter for Manon and Madlyn would be super helpful! How wrong I was! But wrong in a good way. It warms my heart knowing how much they care. Even if Madlyn tries to make it look like she’s all business and no friendship. I think deep down inside, Madlyn always wanted friends like us! She just needs a little time to warm up to the idea, and Manon and I can be patient.   I hope I didn’t worry Manon too much, I was trying to avoid that with the letter and the friendship prayer bead bracelets. I find that it is very hard for me to speak about how I feel, but it is easier to write these things down.   What a wonderful morning it was though! Thestral really didn’t enjoy waking up early but he sleeps in my pocket most of the time anyway. I snuck out of the room, walked downstairs, and spent almost all of my gold on bread, cheese, and water to hand out to those in need. What use is gold anyway if you’re not doing good with it? For far too long the Radiant Church gathered gold from the people and hid it away to be spent on material things for men who lived outside their means. I think I hate gold. It has corrupted so many people. I realize that I do need this horrible substance in order to conduct trade and continue my good work, but I will probably just give all of it away one way or another. Probably best to let Madlyn hold all of my gold for the foreseeable future.   Outside the East gate of Solanthus was an encampment of nice folks that were in need of some food and water. After handing out as much food and water as I could, and healing cuts and bruises, I heard a horrible scream. A little boy was not breathing, he had no pulse. I could see his tiny purple soul starting to leave his body and I was overwhelmed with a sense of purpose, a sense of calm. My fear and my anxieties were stripped away from me one by one as I focused all of my healing powers on this small child. I watched as the beautiful blue aura of Mishakal enveloped the child, I saw his soul halt its progression as blue flowers started to sprout up and cover his body. For a moment I was worried that I was too late, and Mishakal was giving him a burial like Thersha. However, after a few moments the blue flowers receded and he started crying! What a relief to hear that sound. Normally children crying makes me cringe, but this could’ve been the best sound I have ever heard. His mother was so thankful, but I worried for the child. I had not found out what caused such a sudden decline in his health - no choking, no injury. So I gave his mother half of my remaining gold to seek out a healer to evaluate the child more thoroughly. Something like that could happen again when I am not around to help!   Well, in the meantime it seems my friends were quite worried about me and some of them headed toward the Dirty Unicorn in search of me. Honestly, that wasn't a bad first place to check considering the name of the place. I still think that it wouldn’t have been THAT bad of a place to stay. I think Madlyn could use a little bit of humble-living to help her gain a perspective she may have yet to truly understand. While she is an amazing fighter and a talented wordsmith, she tends to have a blinding pride that one day could lead her down a dark path if she isn’t careful.   Manon accepted my friendship prayer bead bracelet! For 18 years I’ve lived without hope of friendship or love. If not for Manon offering me her home as a way out of the Radiant Church, I would still be stuck there. Alone and hopeless, faithless and maybe even… to disappear. Horrible memories of all of the different women Father Silus took. The bastard.   I am sorry Mishakal, for there is hate in my heart that I do not know if I can overcome, even with your love.   I must focus on those around me who give my soul color. Yellow Manon. Green Madlyn. Grey/Purple Laina. Red Bo. Black Zy. All new friends. Never have I felt less alone than now. That’s why I felt so strong, filled with so much purpose to go out on my own this morning and help others. The love of my friends and the strength and confidence that they’ve given me to help others.   After meeting up again with everyone at the Enchanted Harp, we all decided on a game plan. Manon would bring her apology cake to her red robed wizard friend in the library and also look for any information on the metal of the broken sword that Madlyn had been given. The rest of us went to the merchant district to find an apothecary shop. The shopkeeper was a very fun Kender woman who originally said her name was Fritz, but decided after Bo mistook her for Fizban, that her name was now Fritzbeau. She had very sticky fingers. At one point she even stole Thestral!!! Poor little guy looked absolutely scarred from that experience. But she made the grave mistake of stealing Zys amulet. Zy hasn’t spoken much about the necklace, but the way she looks at it makes me know that it is very important to her. I knew that she would be irate at someone having stolen it from her. After only a few broken potions and odd smells, I was able to de-escalate the situation enough to ask Fritzbeau if she would teach me a few things. There’s more to this Fritzbeau than meets the eye let me tell you! Fritzbeau gave me a sealed letter and asked that I deliver it to a specific person in the northern district. She then dressed up as a wealthy merchant and walked up to me in the street and offered me 10,000 gold for the letter. Little does she know that I don’t trust gold, 10,000 gold or not - I gave my word that I would deliver this letter safely. Even if it would’ve just gone back to her anyway. It was probably a test? It was nice to see Madlyn stand up for me there though, after I said that the merchant was making me feel uncomfortable.   She then also dressed up as a different man and was standing in front of the very house I was directed to find - claiming that she was the person that I was supposed to meet. I had Thestral hand her the letter, and she revealed herself finally. Madlyn seemed shocked for some reason? Did she really not know it was Fritzbeau the whole time? I’ll have to tease her about that later.   Guess Manon’s apology didn’t go over very well, who could hold a grudge against Manon? He’s probably just not a very friendly person.   I finally worked up the courage to ask Laina about Thestral. She gave me some good insight, and I think I still have much to learn from her about communication. I struggle enough as it is to communicate with people, let alone a gerbil! And let's not even START to talk about Steve. She accepted a bracelet too! I wanted her to know that even though we’ve all lost loved ones and we’re all pretty low about that, she’s a vital part of our team, and she’s a welcome sister to the Circle. It seemed to make her quite happy to hear. Nothing feels better than speaking your inner thoughts to someone and seeing that it makes them happy!   As we retire for the evening I cannot help but let my mind linger on my last interaction of the day. After planning our morning, we retired to our rooms for the night. But I decided that I wanted to ask Madlyn a question. I walked to her door, alone and without anyone knowing, and knocked on it. I can’t help but notice how strong Madlyn is, which is a good thing! But also sort of sad. Maybe she’s had to be so strong because she’s never had anyone else to count on. I wanted her to know that she can count on me. I wanted her to know that I consider her a friend. I gave her the prayer bead bracelet I made for her. I don’t know how well it was received though. She seemed very conflicted about accepting the gift. I guess time will tell if she’s willing to open her heart to new friends.   Well, that’s quite a lot of information already - and I am exhausted from how early I got up this morning, so goodnight journal. Tomorrow we are heading to touch base with Madlyn’s knight friend on our way out of Solanthus, and then going to the wizard school that Manon was so excited to see! I really do love to see her excited again. She wakes each morning with such a troubled look on her face.   Mishakal grant me the ability to find grace in my mistakes, the courage to test the unknown, and the strength to overcome the challenges we discover.  
  • Kaylan
  • Sudden Early Morning Musings

    Okay journal. I just HAD to tell you about the weirdest dream I had last night.   It is very early in the morning, all of my friends are asleep - though Manon seems to be tossing and turning a lot currently, I wonder if she had/is having the same weird dreams as me.   So - here I am, in the middle of some forest that I don’t recognize at all, surrounded by people that I do not know, but every time I try to focus on their features their faces blur and I cannot actually see their face. Like, so weird - staring at people shaped objects and for some reason my dream brain is like “yep this is totally normal, carry on”.   So here I am with my people shaped object friends on horses riding in this completely foreign forest and for some reason it’s totally normal. Then I see that there’s a small battle going on - and this part was pretty accurate - which I still don’t know how to work through what I saw honestly.   There is a human in armor similar to the armor of the horny lady’s fighters, along with about a dozen other people. They were attacking a small woman’s odd looking home - she was throwing things at them, she seemed to enjoy it?   So - I started fighting these things attacking the tiny lady's home and then metal chickens pooped out death bombs? And then I woke up. IDK journal, I think I ate something yesterday that did NOT agree with me. Make note - don’t follow Madlyn’s dietary advice 100% of the time.   I might as well start my preparations for the morning plans, I better be quiet. I would hate to wake my friends, everyone could use a little extra shut-eye.   Mishakal guide me, and also show me the right path - in this particular moment, I suddenly would appreciate a clear path to the bathroom.  
  • Kaylan
  • A Day in Solanthus

    Looking around this single bedroom I still can’t believe my eyes. All of these people here are my friends! I can NOT believe that this many people like me. Maybe they just don’t know me well enough yet? Either way, I know Manon likes me for real. Hopefully everyone else does too! Madlyn seems to have really taken on training me seriously. I have gotten SO much stronger since meeting her. I think she’s pretty. THESTRAL STOP LAUGHING I SWEAR TO MISHAKAL IF YOU TELL HER I WILL STOP FINDING SMALL SHINY STONES TO GIVE YOU.   We are all getting ready for bed, I see some of my friends are also writing in their journals. I super duper wonder what Bo writes about. One of these days I’m either going to sneak a peek or just ask her, she seems like a straight shooter. If I had to guess, she’s probably keeping a detailed record of how many different ways one can consume breakfast meats. I’ll report back once I know for sure.   Poor Zylah - she’s so woodsy and nature….y. She must feel absolutely squished in here. No open sky, no campfire, everyone’s farts just kinda…. Linger. I have NO idea how she’s adjusting to this. Bo is gassy in her sleep and she INSISTS on sleeping right next to Zylah. Poor soul.   The Enchanted Harp is quite the establishment, though I am very curious if the Dirty Unicorn actually had a unicorn or if it really was just a stick tied to a horse sculpture like Bo and Zy said it was. I feel like they’re pretty good with fauna identification, so I will trust their reports.   This reminds me, we did go to the library today. Manon disappeared for a brief moment that somehow felt like it was likely much more than that for her and her “friend”? And now Manon’s robes are WHITE! I have literally no idea what that means, other than it won’t stay white for long cause Manon gets very excited about eating. Anyway Manon’s not-friend-man directed me towards this very hard to locate area of the library called the “Children's Section” with all sorts of very detailed records of different fantastical creatures. I found a particularly detailed account of a unicorn that some adventurers were trying to capture in a zoo. I’lll need to refer to this text again soon if I am to be successful in catching a unicorn. Way too much knowledge to keep all packed in the steel trap of a mind that I have……   Laina and Zy were busy copying maps of the area, Bo found a ladder somewhere and was climbing up and hanging out with some gravity defying books. She’s quite spontaneous.   Of course, an accurate account of the day is not complete without discussing the fact that Bo caught and tamed a wild freaking horse in a matter of a few minutes. Incredible. Farm girls are super handy to have around. We now have a horse, Steve, who hates me. I swear, most animals love me, but Steve sees me and I think he goes through some sort of PTSD flashbacks and then decides I belong on the ground. Who knew that slapping a wild horse on the butt would end so poorly. I just wanted to tell Steve he did a good job, positive reinforcement is an important part of social bonding.   Madlyn had one heck of a day. She HAS to be in pain right now, but you wouldn’t know it. She even insisted on training this evening before bed. She took on a bunch of Solanthus warriors in combat, first 1V1 then 2V1 then 3V1 then, she literally goaded the bald-shiny-head man with the annoying whistle to fight her himself. WOW. what a woman. COUGH I MEAN. VERY IMPRESSIVE. SKILLS. SHUT UP THESTRAL SHUT UP SHUT UUUPPPPP. Guess this captain had some broken sword to give her, IDK how a sword that is broken will help us? But Manon said it used to be magical. Either way it seemed to make Madlyn happy, so it couldn't be a bad thing.   Madlyn also said that she had a dream from her God. Seems as though killing our dear Horny Lady is not the best route to take, and that we should pursue a way to trap her. Interesting. I think I like the way this God thinks too. Also, something about a God that isn’t waking up? How many Gods are there? I am starting to get very overwhelmed.   Our new friend Laina had to say goodbye to her fungus friend Mot, but she didn’t seem overly sad. I think she probably knows it’s safest for Mot to be in the forest and not in a city. She shortly thereafter acquired another friend of the bird variety. But let me tell ya, this bird could eat most other birds for breakfast (and probs just did). It’s absolutely massive and red and looks like it means serious business. Laina seemed to bond with it almost instantly. She has quite a way with critters. I will 100% be asking her for tips on how to train Thestral to actually do the things I ask of him. DON’T EVEN WITH ME RIGHT NOW THESTRAL. PUT. THE. BANANA. DOWN. AND FOR THE LOVE OF MISHAKAL STOP POINTING IT AT BO THAT ONLY EXCITES HER.   Laina’s favorite color is gray, but a purple gray that reminds her of the mountains of her homeland. I wish to ask Laina of her homeland more. It seems like a beautiful place. Laina seems to have a muted sort of happiness about her. She was gone for some time tonight in the kitchens, seems like she may have met someone? They were in the kitchens for quite some time. Must’ve been a very work intensive dish they were cooking together. Can’t imagine why else it would’ve taken that long.   This leads me to my plans for tomorrow. I hope not to upset my friends. But there is something I must do. Something I must find. My purpose. I feel as though I finally have an idea of what that is. I haven’t talked to Manon or Madlyn about it. I know they would try to dissuade me or insist on joining me. But I feel as though I must do this myself. Thestral can come if he so chooses.   Mishakal guide me, guide us all.  
  • Kaylan
  • Maybe Not So Imaginary?

    Haven’t had a chance to write in this journal for a few days. With escaping a Lemish now poisoned by when i’ve come to learn is an Evil green dragon, and then suddenly losing a close friend to a dark magic in the name of some Evil Queen, we found a lone young woman fighting against 6 well armed soldiers, a run down goblinoid village to deposit 50 or so refugees, and a general direction to go to the next largest city that’s close by. Lots of traveling.   With the shock of losing Thersha fresh in my heart Zylah yelled out a warning having sighted enemy warriors down the road. It seemed there was a lone young woman fighting off 6 heavily armored foes in the road a ways ahead. With Bo and Zylah’s impressive animal handling abilities (farm girls, amiright?) we were able to rush the cart over in time to help.   Journal, I was lost in my grief and pain. Darkness still in my eyes and soul, I set Thestrals spiritual weapon upon the closest enemy and during the course of the battle…. it ate a man’s head. Clean off. That moment still plays back again and again in my head. I was so angry, sad from my loss, angry at the world for taking Thersha away so soon. When I saw this woman, alone and fighting, I didn’t think. I just attacked. I think I was hallucinating a little because at one point I SWEAR I saw a banana go up a man's buttcheeks. I have NO IDEA where something like that would come popping into my head though. Maybe this magic I have is starting to drive me crazy?   Once the adrenalin started to wear off, I did try to subdue one of the enemies to get information from them, maybe help them if they were trapped? But as soon as the fight left his body, a trickle of blood dripped down his face from his nose and he was dead. Just like that. Who would fight for a leader who treats their warriors like that? I’ll have to ask Madyln, she seems to know a lot about warfare, traditions, and etiquette. Maybe that’s a normal thing?   Well, come to find out this woman is quite a warrior and she was never alone! She had a friend fighting by her side that I confused for normal fungal flora by the name of Mott. He was quite ferocious! But what came as a larger surprise was the fact that this woman, Laina, actually had a literal small village of refugees in the woods that she was helping find a safe haven. Sure would’ve thought somebody would’ve tried helping her against those 6 enemies seeing as there were 50 of them. BUT they were mostly children and the injured so, they probably couldn’t do much anyway.   Manon and I wanted to bury Thersha close to a city or town so that we could know where to visit her again in the future. We were heading in the same direction as this Liana and her gaggle of 50 refugees. It was quite late so we made camp that night.   Madlyn has continued to train me, she brought up a good point in that I need to focus on defending myself - I have a shield now (I will add more color to it, it’s a little boring) and I must learn how to effectively use it. That and I must continue to get stronger, maybe I can start wearing more effective armor. If the enemies focus on hitting me, they’re not hitting my friends. I’d like to be able to protect them like that one day. Madyln wants me to use a sharp sword. I feel as though anyone swinging a weapon like that must be at peace with extinguishing life, which I am not. So, I will never carry a sword, or an ax, or a war hammer. I will carry this stick. Given to me by one who embraces life, so that I may help protect my friends and maybe even save an enemy from an evil path.   Shortly after my training session Thestral came galloping over to me in some distress. It seems Zylah had cast a “Speak with Animals” type spell and was trying to talk to Thestral, but something wasn’t working. Maybe she cast something wrong? But Zylah claims that Thestral is not what he seems. WELL DUH - HE’S A BOY GERBIL NOT A GIRL GERBIL. Old news Zylah. Old news. Anyway - Thestral and I cuddled and went to sleep.   Mishakal. That is the beautiful blue woman of magical mystery’s name. She woke me up, her and Thestral, and she guided me to a beautiful place in the woods. I didn’t give a second thought to following a stranger into strange woods, it was as if my mind had already been made and I was just following the script. She was so kind and understanding, being in her presence was like a balm to my hurting soul. I could feel the darkness evaporating from my heart with each passing moment with her. She’s absolutely incredible. I haven’t felt this weightless in my life. I wish to share with the world this feeling, so that others may feel the balm of her presence as I do. Somehow she knew JUST what to say to me about my loss. She told me that Thersha’s spirit has gone back into the world, and that death gives meaning to life and is a necessary part of the cycle. She honored Thersha with a place of remembrance, a beautiful blue flower garden in the woods. This is a place for Manon and I to come back to feel close with Thersha once more. I will be forever grateful for Mishakal’s act of kindness to a mortal whom she may not have known well, but meant so much to me.   Religion as it is practiced in this age is only a tool to control the masses and transfer power and wealth to those who are willing to ignore the tenants they preach to exploit those most vulnerable. I stand resolutely in opposition to this establishment, this “Radiant Church”, but to tear it down violently would only harm those it claims to protect. I must be patient, and I must infect this giant parasite from the inside, one church at a time. At least until the last man standing, Silus, sits alone on his empty throne of LIES and answers to THE PEOPLE about his actions. He will live the rest of his days in service to those he lied and cheated. He will NEVER be able to repay his debts to society but he will DIE in the endeavor to live up to those false expectations he so brazenly promised. This Mishakal, Goddess of kindness and love and forgiveness, she is too good for him, but I will make him pray to her.   Well, we gathered the party of adventurers and refugees after that and set off to the closest “town” we knew of which happened to be a goblinoid town that has maybe seen better days (or maybe this is the best it's ever looked I haven't a clue). The guards at the front gate, if you can call them guards and there really wasn't a gate anywhere to be found, were definitely on drugs. But they gave surprisingly clear instructions (to Zylah- I had no clue what general direction the guard pointed to) and we set off to speak to the head of the village. We’ve secured safe haven for the refugees here for the time being. We will set off tomorrow to the next city in order to send aid back here.   Mishakal Guide Us   ~Kaylan


    The wagon I’m in creaks and groans as the horses labor to pull my weight to the next town.   My mind is far away. At a campfire a few days past. Confiding in a friend a dark secret. Walking down a forest path as she checks in on me the next day.   I keep thinking her chest raises as I stare at her empty body. A trick of the mind. The longer I stare the more I think she’ll wake and give me another one of her slight smiles and shake of her head as if I’ve done something particularly foolhardy. Which let’s be honest, thestral always convinces me to do the silliest things.   The darkness within my soul grows darker. I’m afraid to see it. Afraid to know what more I’ve lost today.   As I hold Thestral (who I recently discovered is a male gerbil- oops) close to my heart I do feel the warmth start to return. It’s a slow beginning. But I still feel the emptiness. A dark emptiness that Thersha would know how to brighten. If she were here. If I was strong enough to protect her. If I didn’t fail her.   I almost died myself today. Almost caught in an acid spewed from a beast I’d only read about in fairytales. I don’t know why I hesitated. Why I was so slow. Maybe I couldn’t believe my eyes. If not for the heroic actions of Bo I’d be dead. I owe her a great debt. Nothing in this life seems to come without a price. I hope Thersha wasn’t that price.   Gpa marys unmoving body still haunts my waking mind. When I close my eyes I still see him in a pool of blood. How can I be “chosen” if all of the people I love die around me. While I do nothing but watch and stand powerless to change their fate.   I feel my darkened soul will find no brighter day again. Maybe this is for the best.   The symbol on my wrist glows slightly, taunting me. It whispers of great power. Power over life and death. Power to save Thersha. To save gpa Mary. But I’m still too frail to wield it. Not good enough. Not yet.   I feel as though my prayers to Mishakal go unanswered tonight. But who am I to seek favor with a God I don’t even entirely believe exists. She would be ashamed to see what little I’ve done to protect my family.   Two beloved souls were lost today, joining what had to be many many more lost lives. Thersha once said that her favorite color was chartreuse, a bright but yet solemn color. In my heart I still see her sly tricks of the hand, nimble steps as she sneaks up on Manon, warm smile as she welcomes Thestral into her pocket. Always more than meets the eye with her. I wonder if I’ll ever know what she really went through, the things left unsaid. I surely hope she’s found peace now.   There will be no peace for me, not until this mayor and this “queen” get the justice they deserve.

    The Color of A Soul

    Sitting down to write tonight as the fire burns low and the muscley but night-blind human who goes by the name of Bo holds the “flashlight” I somehow am able to make for her- you know - after I met my imaginary friend who gave me weird powers and a stick and a tattoo.   The last few days feel like such a weird blur.   The good things first. Two new friends!!! They call themselves “Bo” and “Zy”.   Bo likes the color red which seems very fitting. She’s super strong, gets angry, and then hits stuff. It’s impressive. Red seems like a passionate color- a righteous fury. I don’t think Bo’s red is of the bloody hue, but more like the bright red love that Bo has for her sister. The red rage of a warrior protecting her family. I think Bo is a good person.   Zy- her favorite color is black. She’s an amazing shot with a bow and she did some fancy goopy nature mojo to heal her sister Bo. Black is an interesting choice, I guess it’s sorta like a rainbow but in reverse. Manon said something once about how colors are really only just our perception of light and its reflection. She was talking a lot and I don’t remember most of what she said but I think that black looks black because it holds all the colors within it. And our eyes don’t catch any reflection. That must mean that Zy is pretty special! Black is a very complex color.   It got me thinking. Does our soul have a color? And is it our favorite color or is it a reflection of the deeds that we do?   Journal I killed someone today. I’ve never hurt anything before. And in the moment I didn’t really think, I mostly was just afraid for manon, she was very close to this lizard dragon fighter creature. I think my soul turned dark in that moment. I don’t know if I’ll ever feel the same as before.   Thersha told me that it never really gets easier. But that I shouldn’t want it to be easy. She’s a good friend. I think her kind words made my soul a little bit brighter again. She tends to be quiet, but she always seems to know just what to say to make me feel better.   Madlyn has been training me. She’s so strong! A very good fighter. And her armor is so useful in battle! I want to get stronger. Be a little more like her. I don’t think she realizes just how much it means to me that she’s taken me under her wing. She’s so confident! While mostly annoying, it’s also its own sort of armor. I wonder if she’s ever afraid of the color of her soul like I am.   Manon is so smart. I don’t understand half of what she says, but the half that I do understand blows me away. I don’t know what I did to deserve such a good friend like her. But I will protect her. Something has changed. With all of us, but I feel as though something powerful is happening to Manon. Something I will probably never understand. I think her strength is connected to her book from gpa Mary, I most certainly don’t think it relates to melee combat though. Whatever happens, I’ll always have her back. Whatever these new powers I’ve been given do- I’ll use them to protect her. Protect all of my friends.   Maybe I was born a mistake. A faithless half human failure. But my imaginary friend seems to think there’s something worthy about me. Maybe if I keep trying, keep training, one day I’ll make up for the things Silus made me do.   It’s nights like this that I really miss Thestral. She’s the best listener. Her warm cuddles and big heart would make even the darkest soul brighter. I hope her and Gpa Mary are okay. I miss them both so much.   ~Kaylan

    Met new friends, some imaginary

    Dear journal,   wow. what a day! I have to say that it's not often that I get to meet some new friends. But today I met 3! well, one was most definitely NOT a friend. An armored woman with a short sword showed up demanding to see GPA Mary, of course Manon immediately said yes, because who wouldn't comply with an obviously nonthreatening demand like that. Turns out she's on our side though so that all worked out in the end. She stood up to the black horny lady that was stroking GPA mary's head in his sleep. does that sound weird? IDK she had horns okay. NOBODY IS GOING TO READ THIS BESIDES THESTRAL ANYWAY SO IM NOT GOING TO REWRITE IT. She said something about Gods and some weird stuff about things and said that GPA Mary's brain was weird but we all kinda knew that part already. Anyway she's the NOT-friend that I made today.   the 3rd friend i made today is 100% imaginary. I think I might be crazy. I know this comes as a complete surprise because I am such a balanced and sane person normally, but I think I'm having very vivid dreams of a very pretty lady in blue who thinks I'm special somehow. Anyway I woke up with a tattoo on my wrist and a new.... stick .... thing? IDK this stick feels important somehow. I can walk JUST FINE on my own though so.... IDK what purpose the pretty blue lady had in giving me this stick but I'll hold onto it for now. It does have a pretty blue/gold design on the top. I'll maybe add some more color to the stick portion. Because what doesn't benefit from MORE colors.   Anyway, the black horny lady spilled GPA Mary's night night juice so we are all going into the forest to gather supplies to make him more.   OHHHH I almost forgot the most important part. Our new armored short sword lady friends name is Madyln (IDK she didn't spell it for me), and her favorite color is GREEN. not a bad choice. not as pretty as blue in my humble opinion.   Anyway, we left Thestral behind to guard GPA Mary while we are all gone for a few days. I'm gonna miss her!  
  • Kaylan
  • Radiant Church Sucks

    I can tell that I've completely fallen out of favor with Silus. I just don't believe the garbage that he preaches anymore, I keep looking around at our congregation and wanting to SCREAM that this is all a lie. I need to get out. I wonder if Manon can help me? She seemed so friendly, she even gave me a banana. It was actually pretty good too. Anyway - journal I have to admit I ended up getting bored and doodling the congregation all as different cats.     Kaylan


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    Mar 23, 2024 18:21

    The int dump from the radiant education- full laughs