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Kaylan Shehvik

Born out of wedlock to a human mother and raised by a narcissist priest of the Radiant Church - Kaylan never knew who her real father was. Only that he was elven and that she was an unfortunate mistake.

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Thu 19th Sep 2024 01:30


by Kaylan Shehvik

The darkness within me, I feel it calls to me in moments of weakness and fear, and in moments of doubt and defeat. It would’ve been so easy to end Father Silus’ horrible life with one snap of my fingers. How much the power balance has changed since those early days of lonely desperation and fear. My childhood was plagued with feelings of never being enough just for the very fact of my existence, losing what little friendship I could find as those innocent women were taken, their lives extinguished for a fake God. I shrink before the loss of all of these lives.
453. Mothers, Fathers, Daughters, and Sons of Lemish. Lives extinguished in the flame of draconic vengeance. The heat of their loss still burns in my eyes even as I close them tonight in an attempt to gain any rest.
Our journey to Lemish was uneventful, I kept myself busy with prayers to Mishakal and brewing potions of her blessing for my friends. I foolishly thought that we could save our home. What little I know of the real world, naive that I now realize I am.
Once we arrived at our destination Zy was able to scout ahead into the city for Madlyn’s home and guard patrol information as the rest of us stayed behind, reminiscing our fateful meeting around our beloved Booty Tree.
Madlyn decided to seek out one of the guardsman on patrol, a man that she apparently knew, and when volunteers for accompanying her were requested, I couldn’t help but raise my hand first. Madlyns interrogation techniques are….. well they’re singular, just like everything about Madlyn always is. She really knows how to make an impression.
We find out that people converted to the Green Dragon army mostly in self preservation, and that Arthur is not only still alive, but he will be returning from his current guard shift to Madlyn’s home soon. I sneak a glance at her, she seems relieved to hear this information. I am so very happy for her. She doesn’t seem to allow herself to be close to many people, and losing Arthur would have been so hard for her.
Arthur returns, and it is a sweet reunion. As sweet as a captain and a general can be I guess. He confirmed that he could help us get into the keep without suspicion and that he would mobilize the Lemish people still willing to fight against the Green Dragon army.
As we rest before our travels to the Lemish keep, Manon and I cannot help but be apprehensive to return to our home. The loss of Grandpa Mary is a pain that Manon will always hold within her heart, something even I cannot heal. Only time will heal those wounds, but how will time heal a time wizard's wounds? The best that I can do is continue to protect my sister and love and support her as she navigates this journey.
We arrive at the keep without issue, and make our way to our old home. The place is a ruin, bringing back terrible memories for both Manon and I. As we slowly walk around the shattered remains of a more simple and happy time, Zy finds a black journal on a chair in the corner of the main room. Grandpa Mary’s journal, and a letter to Manon. Such private messages and thoughts, I didn’t want to intrude, but Manon couldn’t read them herself and asked that I read them aloud. Grandpa Mary made many mistakes, but he did 1 good thing and that was saving and raising Manon. He warns of a red haired woman he called Fury, who attempted to kill Manon in the past. Don’t worry Grandpa Mary, I will protect Manon with everything I have, you can rest easy knowing that Manon is loved and she will not stand alone in that fight.
Manon finds the fireplace with the Gold Dragon bust, and the secret chamber behind, we walk down into the Gold Dragon lair only to find that it has mostly been abandoned - only 1 gold dragon remains, the rest dead - we frantically attempt to save his life. Eventually we come to realize that the water is the key to waking him and that he needs his scales shed in order to survive. We make short work of his scales and promptly wake the Dragon up.
He immediately takes note of his fallen family, and that most of the dragon eggs are missing. It does not take any convincing for this Gold Dragon to want to destroy the Green Dragons that have taken over his lair, stolen his eggs, and killed his family. Such loss and pain, when will it end?
As we rush out of the lair to help Kivone (the Gold Dragon) we are stopped by several Draconians and by Mayor Damion. Mishakal damn him. He killed Thersha without a second thought, a moment for him and her life was extinguished like it was nothing.
Manon, Zy, Laina, Bo, Madlyn - we all work together, each of us stronger together than we could ever be apart. We make short work of the draconians and Damion dies in the flames of his own creation, ever a follower of Takhisis to the very end. We were victorious but injured, Mishakal’s blessings were shared among us as we attempted to recover our strength.
We had but a moment until realizing that the Gold Dragon was crashing down into our tower, heavily injured. Not 1 but 2 green dragons in the fray.
As the Green dragons landed in the building, Manon cast a wall of force behind them, trapping them inside with us. Madlyn, Bo, Zy, and Laina bravely attacked the green dragons as I healed the gold dragon with every ounce of power Mishakal would lend to me. Recalling the poison spewing from the maw of the green dragon on our fateful escape from our home the last time we were here, I pleaded to Mishakal for something to protect my family from this poison. Mishakal delivered, a blue mist rising from the ground around me pulsed with each beat of my heart as I cast a poison protection Aura.
Every moment I had, I dug deep into the power Mishakal gave me, pushing harder and harder, pulling more and more from that celestial reservoir of pure love, giving all of myself to my family to keep them alive, to keep them from pain and from harm.
Madlyn, ever the observant warrior, took note of how battered I was and gave me words of reassurance as she ran towards the second green dragon. Knowing full well that I so often neglect myself in the face of choice.
Manon slayed the first green dragon, decapitating it with… well with time I guess. I have NO idea how she did it, and I am glad that she is a pure hearted ball of love, else I would be terrified of what I had just seen. Just as the last green dragon looked to be taken down by Madlyns blows, it took off trying to escape. The Gold Dragon looked back at Bo and I couldn’t hear what was said, but Bo was RIDING the dragon. Incredible.
When they arrived back, Bo was exhilarated with her recent experience, she too decapitated a green dragon today. But the Gold Dragon, Kivone, ominously perched at the edge of the building. I could see the rage in his eyes, the sadness of loss there.
I attempted to sooth him, to halt his inevitable rage, but to no good end. He took off, sending dragon fire throughout the city.
Bo and Manon were able to convince him to stop killing indiscriminately, but he demanded the traitors be rounded up for him to slaughter.
Madlyn worked with Bo and Zy to gather them all. 453 people. In the center of Lemish. Awaiting their death sentence.
Laina and I attempted to reason with the Dragon, even Bo attempted to reason with Kivone many times, but he refused to be swayed. He demanded their lives for the harm that had been done to his family.
They all burned.
The next day I decided to go on an errand. Time to take an old relic from the Radiant Church and make better use of it.
It would’ve normally warmed my heart to see my friends coming with me back to the Radiant Church. Manon knew full well how difficult this walk was for me.
The Church was untouched of course, spotless. I blew off that locked iron gate that had locked me away from living for so many years. Parts of that fence flew away like sticks. Shattering through the last amount of self control I felt I had today.
The church was empty but for the gaudy relic at the back of the church. No expense was spared on this hunk of gold. I have better use for it. So I pry it off the table. Manon tears up Father Silus’ gaudy chair, leaving a banana placed in a peculiar orientation in the center of the seat. Interesting.
The mansion that my mother…. that Clarissa and Father Silus live in is behind this church. My curiosity gets the better of me and I make my way to the main hall.
All the gold, all the expensive furniture, the useless materialistic crap overflowing from every crevice of this place. So soulless, nothing is cherished here. No memories are tied to the items placed around the rooms. All posturing, all fake decorative and useless. Not a single family photo, not a single cherished family heirloom, just gold. And then I see him, Father Silus. And my moth…. and Clarissa.
Clarissa yells her normal “half breed” and that I was probably better off dead. Yeah, she’s probably right. But here I am. And I am alive. And I am ANGRY.
I corner Father Silus. He has no explanation that will satisfy my anger. I feel tempted to end his life. It would’ve been so easy to do. But no. He will sacrifice his fingers, the same he removed from Thersha all those years ago, I will blind him with Mishakal’s power, so that he too lives blind like he demands of those who follow him. And I cast a spell on him. I compel him to do good, to donate all of his money to those in need, and to follow Mishakal.
My moth…. Clarissa goes to help him with his hand, and I don’t have much left in my heart for any more conversation. I turn and leave, nothing else to say or do. I never had a mother, and I never will. Mishakal is all I need. Motherless and Fatherless half-breed scared naive child that I am. But I am still alive. I will wear a smile on my face, a mask for the world to see. And I will protect my friends with whatever time left that I have.

  • Kaylan

  • Kaylan's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

    1. Radiant Church Sucks
      25 Nov 2023 03:37:15
    2. Met new friends, some imaginary
      22 Dec 2023 09:28:27
    3. The Color of A Soul
      07 Jan 2024 04:50:40
    4. Chartreuse
      20 Jan 2024 05:03:51
    5. Maybe Not So Imaginary?
      03 Feb 2024 03:13:41
    6. A Day in Solanthus
      19 Feb 2024 01:23:39
    7. Sudden Early Morning Musings
      24 Feb 2024 02:24:24
    8. Purpose
      03 Mar 2024 11:43:37
    9. Traveling Thoughts
      19 Mar 2024 01:15:27
    10. I Read Books Now
      01 Apr 2024 12:53:44
    11. The Weight of Leadership, and Plate Armor
      14 Apr 2024 06:06:34
    12. Of Sacrifice and Love
      28 Apr 2024 09:00:24
    13. The Spark
      14 May 2024 10:11:51
    14. Mysterious Strangers
      25 May 2024 08:21:42
    15. The Mystical Banana (Distant Memory)
      26 May 2024 01:19:20
    16. In the Moonlight
      22 Jun 2024 08:45:58
    17. Meetings and Maybes
      19 Jul 2024 08:38:48
    18. Dread Memories
      21 Jul 2024 04:36:04
    19. When in Tran
      04 Aug 2024 05:00:59
    20. 453
      19 Sep 2024 01:30:53

    The major events and journals in Kaylan's history, from the beginning to today.


    The darkness within me, I feel it calls to me in moments of weakness and fear, and in moments of doubt and defeat. It would’ve been so easy to end Father Silus’ horrible life with one snap of my fingers. How much the power balance has changed since t...

    01:33 am - 19.09.2024

    Return to Kalaman

    01:39 pm - 01.09.2024

    Return to Kalaman

    12:04 am - 01.09.2024

    Now what?

    12:39 am - 07.08.2024

    When in Tran

    It is with a heavy heart that I reflect on the last few days since our unfortunate dreadful trip into the shadow realm. Laina, who only just recently reconnected with her Klar family has suffered a terrible loss. One that also strikes close to home f...

    05:01 pm - 04.08.2024

    Now what?

    12:07 am - 04.08.2024

    Dread Memories

    Journal - as I try to rest after the events of the last 24 hours, my mind simply will not stop buzzing with the torment it received. I will try to describe what transpired, in an effort to help my mind heal. Mishakal, give me strength to worth through t...

    04:47 pm - 21.07.2024

    Meetings and Maybes

    Laina has a lot of important meetings to attend. I do not envy her this daunting task. Dwarven meetings are known to take a long time (or so I hear) so our group decides - after some deliberation on Bo’s part - to let her do her thing and we will prepa...

    08:40 pm - 19.07.2024

    The Old Gray

    12:57 am - 10.07.2024

    The Old Gray

    12:57 am - 10.07.2024

    In the Moonlight

    I wonder if Manon recently cast some powerful time magic? Time seems to have blurred past me since we walked through the threshold of the Copper Dragon’s lair. I now have beautiful gloves that even Mishakal would admire, Kravana has joined our team, and...

    08:46 pm - 22.06.2024

    Diplomacy ?

    11:44 am - 22.06.2024

    Diplomacy ?

    12:12 am - 22.06.2024

    Copper Dragons? Part 2

    01:47 am - 13.06.2024

    The Mystical Banana (Distant Memory)

    Song: Kaylan sat on the rough stone bench in the metal-fenced courtyard of the Radiant Church, her small frame hunched over as she hugged her knees to her chest. The cool metal of the fence pressed again...

    12:40 am - 12.06.2024

    The Mystical Banana (Distant Memory)

    Song: Kaylan sat on the rough stone bench in the metal-fenced courtyard of the Radiant Church, her small frame hunched over as she hugged her knees to her chest. The cool metal of the fence pressed again...

    12:38 am - 12.06.2024

    Copper Dragons? Part 2

    11:04 pm - 08.06.2024

    Part 2: Kaylan's gaze drifted to a nearby stall where a familiar pair stood out among the crowd. A little girl about her age with blonde hair and yellow robes, was chatting animatedly with her eccentric looking grandfather. He was a tall, thin man with a wild mane of white hair and a mischievous twinkle in his eye. Despite the lines of age etched into his face, there was a youthful energy about him. Kaylan watched as the little girl handed him a bunch of bananas, her face lighting up with a smile as he took them with exaggerated reverence. "Bananas, Grandpa! Your favorite!" she exclaimed, her voice carrying over the din of the market. "Ah, yes, the mystical banana," the old man said, holding one up as if it were a precious artifact. "A true treasure among fruits. Did you know, my dear, that a single banana can ward off a dragon if thrown with the right amount of flair?" The small girl giggled, and Kaylan felt a pang of longing deep within her chest. The warmth, the affection, the playful banter between them—it was everything she had never known. Her thoughts drifted to her own life, to the cold, harsh words of her stepfather, Father Silus.

    12:14 am - 28.05.2024

    Kaylan sat on the rough stone bench in the metal-fenced courtyard of the Radiant Church, her small frame hunched over as she hugged her knees to her chest. The cool metal of the fence pressed against her back, a constant reminder of the boundaries she could not cross. Beyond the fence, the bustling Lemish downtown market was alive with activity. Vibrant stalls filled with fresh produce and goods stretched out before her, a world of color and life that seemed so distant from her own gray existence. She watched the people of Lemish with quiet curiosity, her large blue eyes taking in every detail. There was the baker with flour-dusted hands, cheerfully handing out warm loaves of bread to eager customers. The flower vendor with her bright array of blossoms, smiling and chatting with passersby. The fishmonger calling out the day's catch, his voice booming above the crowd. Each person seemed to have a place, a purpose, a connection to the world around them.

    05:48 pm - 27.05.2024

    Mysterious Strangers

    Our Airship seems to be flying smoothly, I have decided it is safe to start crafting “Bless” potions so that I can further strengthen my allies in battle. I hand my first such potion to Laina, she can use this or she can give it to Thestral in battle...

    08:24 pm - 25.05.2024

    Copper Dragons?

    01:35 pm - 25.05.2024

    Copper Dragons?

    10:49 pm - 24.05.2024

    The Spark

    Song: The moons look beautiful tonight. The airship is a lot quieter than I was anticipating. The stars in the sky are bright, the temperature is moderate and the breeze slight. A more perfect night I...

    10:14 pm - 14.05.2024

    Of Sacrifice and Love

    Music: After some brief gathering of supplies, we decide to travel out of Tarsis, passing through the barrier into the desert. Like getting smacked in the face with hot sandpaper I realize that while it is easier to travel...

    09:48 pm - 28.04.2024

    Of Sacrifice and Love

    Music: After some brief gathering of supplies, we decide to travel out of Tarsis, passing through the barrier into the desert. Like getting smacked in the face with hot sandpaper I realize that while it is easier to travel...

    09:09 pm - 28.04.2024

    Of Sacrifice and Love

    After some brief gathering of supplies, we decide to travel out of Tarsis, passing through the barrier into the desert. Like getting smacked in the face with hot sandpaper I realize that while it is easier to travel this heat in lighter armor, it’s sti...

    09:01 pm - 28.04.2024


    10:21 pm - 17.04.2024

    The Weight of Leadership, and Plate Armor

    Dear Journal, No more refills? Never have I thought that we would be out of water of all things. My plate armor chafes in my… well my everywhere… as I finish up my bland and perfectly proportioned breakfast. Madlyn seems to think that I need to t...

    06:07 pm - 14.04.2024


    11:03 pm - 13.04.2024

    The session

    12:28 am - 10.04.2024

    The session

    12:28 am - 10.04.2024

    Its the destination, not the journey?

    07:12 pm - 17.03.2024

    Its the destination, not the journey?

    11:16 pm - 16.03.2024

    Solanthus - Now What? Part 2

    01:04 am - 05.03.2024

    Solanthus - Now What? Part 2

    01:04 am - 05.03.2024

    Sudden Early Morning Musings

    Okay journal. I just HAD to tell you about the weirdest dream I had last night. It is very early in the morning, all of my friends are asleep - though Manon seems to be tossing and turning a lot currently, I wonder if she had/is having the same weird ...

    02:47 pm - 24.02.2024

    Solanthus - Now what?

    04:46 am - 18.02.2024

    Solanthus - Now what?

    12:12 am - 18.02.2024

    Honoring an old friend, Welcoming a new friend

    12:36 am - 06.02.2024

    Honoring an old friend, Welcoming a new friend

    12:36 am - 06.02.2024

    Remembrance Tears, idle tears, I know not what they mean, Tears from the depth of some divine despair Rise in the heart, and gather in the eyes, In looking on the happy Autumn fields, and thinking of the days that are no more.

    10:01 pm - 03.02.2024

    Under Arrest

    02:24 pm - 21.01.2024

    Under Arrest

    12:42 am - 20.01.2024

    The session

    08:56 pm - 07.01.2024

    The session

    12:04 am - 07.01.2024

    Patty, Kasie, Corinne session 0

    02:32 am - 22.12.2023

    Patty, Kasie, Corinne session 0

    12:15 am - 22.12.2023

    Patty, Kasie, Corinne session 0

    12:15 am - 22.12.2023

    Post banana food coma Thestral in her sleepy lady corner. Her color palette choices are on point.

    04:09 pm - 17.12.2023

    Thestral doesn't want to share her banana with Gpa Mary, this could get ugly.

    04:06 pm - 17.12.2023

    Bored at church. Doodled the congregation all as different cats. Silus sucks.

    01:39 am - 07.12.2023

    My baby girl Thestral in all of her glory

    01:15 am - 07.12.2023

    like GPA Mary always says "people are like chocolates in a box, some of them make you happy, and some of them give you diarrhea"

    03:06 pm - 25.11.2023

    The list of amazing people following the adventures of Kaylan.

    Played by

    Other Characters by DestroyCaspian