BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Kravlak MountainSpeaker

Mountainous, inquisitive, insightful, and occasionally brash. A towering man who seeks order to promote peace amidst the turbulent world of Krynn. Behind his piercing gaze and intimidating figure lies a fun and caring soul.

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As we prepared to leave the Temple of Paladine, I spoke with Fourth Floor:   "I spoke with Zivilyn, or rather, he spoke to me. He emphasized the need to keep this city on the ground, and that we must. not. let. Kalaman. fall.   He also said he'd provide assistance for the latter, 'look to the sky'.   I feel renewed from the grace of Paladine--it's time to end our journey here and *finger jabs toward the ground between each word* KEEP THIS CITY ROOTED."   Little did I know what it would take to do that. I recap today drained--mentally, physically, emotionally, magically... entirely.       We made it to the tower with no interruptions, and see that our path upwards requires climbing. The team goes ahead and offers a rope to us heavily armored folks to follow. At the top of the climb, we encounter four silver dragonelles with three flying above with riders. So it begins.   We quickly drop a few of them when Dell rushes inside, right into danger, again. Chase and I storm in after him, as always praying we’re not too late. He encounters a guard with a leashed undead.. dragon? Lerin comes into the fray, and we quickly dispose of the guard inside.   I get a vision from the undead dragon. It shows me its past of pain, abuse, torment. Weighing heavy on my mind, I ask Lerin to call out to it to let it free. “It just wants to be free, which we all can relate to. Let it go.”   I hear the commotion pick up outside. Shit. I run back out yelling at the rest to get in the tower. The silver dragonelles are gone, but the riders have done a number on Aylin.   “Get inside!!!”   I hold the line at the door, while Xanks and Lord Charity rush inside. I heal Aylin, and yell at her again, “let’s go!!”   She plunges the dragonlance into one of the dragonelles and drops it. After suffering another whirlwind of blows she finally relents and gets inside as I smash a dragonelle flying by to grab a wounded rider to fly away. It falters but continues on, grabbing the rider and flying off. Not today, I’ve had enough of this—I blast it with some magic and it falls from the sky.   I duck inside and close the door behind me. A sigil appears on the door and I summon Xanks to look at it. He determines that it’s an arcane lock, which could’ve been useful to keep the riders out—classic. I’ve depleted some of my magic to get folks inside the tower, and we’ve not even started our ascent. Ugh. Xanks and I agree to keep the door open behind us in case we require a hasty escape. Chase flies in and we have a moment of peace to regroup finally.   “OH SHIT”   FUCKING DELL   I sprint towards the sound of the explosion I can only assume he caused, and find scorch marks in the stairwell with a dead flying skull at his feet. Lovely. Everyone looks battered from it. I conjure some magic to patch everyone up, when Dell rushes into the next room and gets blasted with electricity. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD     Unsurprisingly, everyone follows. I run in, again praying I’m not too late. Lightning arcs throughout the room eminating from some crystals inside. Two were destroyed by the time I got in, and I also get blasted. I shoot off more magical energy to restore my companions, feeling my reserves deplete. I channel my connection to Zivilyn to restrain the metal monster that appeared, funneling it through my flail to further heal my companions. I run through the lightning room, opening a door to a room devoid of electricity. Noticing that my party of masochists has remained for their kinks (they did drop another crystal, stopping the electricity), I saunter back into the room and smash the construct squarely in its glowing red.. eye?   Incensed at this point by Dell’s rashness, I order him to wait while I investigate the next room. More consoles and constructs. The two share glyphs, and it seems like the console will disable them. I (literally) grab Dell, shove his face in front of the glyphs, carry him over to the constructs, show his face in front of the corresponding glyphs, return to the console, take his hand, and deactivate each construct one-by-one. I’m not convinced that instruction sank in.   Next up the stairs is room with four more consoles, and a black-robed man interacting with one of them. Before I can say anything, I hear casting from behind me, turn to see Xanks chanting, follow a dark, indigo bolt shoot towards and strike the robed man, culminating in seeing him transform into a mouse. Well that’s one problem taken care of.... shit I need to catch him. Quickly I snatch him up and put him into a bottle, only to realize he may know how to prevent the city from flying. Damnit Xanks, you’ve been drinking too much with Dell. Well intended, but just too hasty.   After releasing the spell, we pin the man down and interrogate him. When he gives suspect answers, Dell instructs me to kick him in the testicles, to which I happily oblige. I’m over this shit.   We find out that they’re using Giant Magic to help the city fly, due to their lack of divine energy. Seems like Takhisis should/would/could be able to offer some..? We also find out that the crown is the key to getting the city to fly, which naturally rests on the head of the adult blue dragon above (and her cloud giant friend hanging next to her). Lovely. The day is catching up with me, and judging by the looks of Atkin and Lord Charity, we could use this time to rest before that confrontation.   Ever the influencer, Dell seems to have rubbed off on Aylin and Lord Charity, as they both (figuratively) say “full sails!” and march upstairs. Why rest when we’re wounded and facing a dragon? Kravlak will patch us up!   Atop the stairs, we’re greeted by the blue dragon. We fan out, ready to strike, when she says, “thanks for taking care of the thorn in my side”. What? I haven’t done anything for you… *zap*   She moves with sickening speed and breathes heinous electricity on all of us, dropping Lord Charity and Dell. Dell’s pendant glows, explodes in a blue burst, and Dell stands with some wounds mended. He can’t keep doing this, and I’m nearly tapped out. I don’t have much left.   The fight ensues with Xanks failing to remove the crown telekinetically, though it inspires the cloud giant (!) to do the same. WHAT? The dragon attempts to deal with this betrayal, but Lerin intercepts and says, "not today". Meanwhile, Aylin moves in for the kil... wait. Where is she going? She just jumped over the side?!? First you can't stop fighting, now amidst the biggest battle we've faced, you just run?   The dragon scares off the giant who leaps off of the tower, and I expend the rest of my main healing as I look around at the battered team. They look how I feel inside. Battered, bruised, exhausted. Dell summons a spectral hand that removes the crown from the dragon and gives it to Xanks, who deftly escapes with the artefact. Well done, but the dragon didn't like that. It charges Dell and crushes him. While I expend the last of my secondary healing, I see Aylin... fly? back into the fray. With my magic drained, I run to protect Dell with my flail.   After some maneuvering and swipes from the dragon, I stagger and accept that this is likely it for me. I won't let Dell die before me though. I shoot out my last spell, attempting to slow the dragon which shrugs it off unceremoniously. Standing in front of the beast-bruised, bloodied, battered, and drained, I prepare myself to return to the mountains (at least my body anyways, thanks Dell) when Lerin grabs Aylin, who loads up the dragonlance, and expertly thrusts it into the heart of the beast (where I presume it is). The dragon finally falters and I nearly collapse from the relief...   ..nope, that's the tower. The tower beneath us begins to crumble as Lerin grabs me as Fourth Floor flutters down to safety (I see Chase follow shortly after us-phew). As we land, we realize that it's not just the tower that's falling apart, but the whole city. Here we are, trapped in this crumbling city as we see the Temple of Takhisis rise above the soon-to-be ruins of Onyari. Death dragons (yes the "s" is correct) circle the skies protecting the temple as it looms overhead menacingly. Devastated and depleted, all we can do is look on as we sit on the ground when brass dragonelles land near us, urging us to ride them to safety. We quickly climb aboard, looking back at the destruction behind.   Settling down in the aftermath of the trauma, we hear a familiar sinister roar. This fucker again. The black dragon from Heart's Hollow appears and charges up for another blast of its acid breath. Fine. Whatever. Fuck this. I'm tired of this shit. I get ready to shoot a feeble bolt of energy when a sudden flash rises from below with an equally impressive roar. Another large brass dragon? Ness? No, this looks different. No matter, the two battle and just like last time, the black dragon performs its patented feint and the brass dragon gets drawn in... BUT DODGES. It slams its claws into it chest and fells the evil black creature. Finally we can relax.   Relax. That sounds nice. I'm just so tired though.   Tired of expending mind, body, and soul to keep this team up and together.   Tired of chasing after Dell, praying this isn't the time I'm too late.   Tired of Aylin's independent heroics, coldly discarding the rest of us.   Tired of putting my body and energies on the line for a team that refuses to work together.   Tired of incomplete answers from a god I'm championing.   Tired of having to remind myself I'm not the pile of trash Kravsephone brainwashed me into believing.   Tired of chasing after whispers of my clan just to be the pawn of these gods and dragons.   Tired of seeing visages of Kravlon and Kravanna, only to reach out and grasp nothing but this toxic, empty air.   I'm just.... drained.

Second Conversation with Zivilyn

"Seems like the tree has taken a liking to you, my gray friend. Have a seat. " *Zivilyn points to a seat created on the world tree*   "...what just happened? I see we're on talking terms again, with a chair even! This must be serious."   *I sit in the chair--at least he provided a proper chair, I miss sitting without worrying the furniture beneath me will collapse   "Ziv, I don't think we can stop that... dragon. Is it alive? I'm leading, and have united this party as you requested, but I'm not sure it'll be enough. As it is, that blue one likely won't let us stop this city from flying without a fight."   "It also appears that you have misinterpreted the goal. Not that you're to blame--the future is always fuzzy. The goal here is to stop the city from rising. Seems like you're on the right path. But victory doesn't always correlate to success. Takhisis has her plans. After your victory, I am sending reinforcements to Kalaman. Look to the sky, it must not fall."   "How do we inhibit the source of power to prevent the city from flying? How many armies are invading Kalaman--more than the red dragon army?"   "Entering the tower will give you answers, you will face the brunt of the red dragon army."   *A, what would be to many uncomfortably long (you get used to it with Ziv), long pause ensues*   "I'm traveling with such incredible adventurers. Why did you choose me? What of my clan? My siblings..?   ..You said 'the tree has taken a liking to me'. Am I championing *you* or the tree? What am I to Aylin then? Why does Takhisis want her blood, and my companion Xanxian?"   "I chose you because you have always thought about the bigger picture. You seemed to have an inkling for the future. Your clan is scattered. But I see a reunion coming. And I don't think a new champion, more of an ally, in terms of the tree. Takhisis always has schemes. I was assume the power Xanks can wield will be great, being able to harness all three moons. Aylin's blood must have some special properties to it."   "What of the Runemaster 'Steve'? Does he have a name? What other help can we enlist to defend the city? There were talks of awakening other dragons, where are they? What role do Habbakuk and Dell play in this? What of the Radiant Church and their machinations/plots/assassinations?"   "All knowing is not something I wish for you. All will be revealed in due time."   *I reappear in the Temple of Paladine, adorned with a new tattoo on my other arm, radiating a feint, earthy glow. I feel more connected to Zivilyn, and my magic seems to have changed. Interesting...*


Today we woke, eager to dive into the City of Lost Names with the hope of preventing it from flying and assaulting Kalaman. Ziv, I know you said this was coming from what you'd seen in the future, but maybe you could leverage the world tree to hold the city down with its roots? No? Just a thought.   No sooner than we emerge from Demlyn's lair, we hear the most sinister sound: a corrupted dragon emerging from the Temple of Takhisis roaring to celebrate its awakening. Wreathed in dark, purple, necrotic energy, it soared into the air chilling everything within the area the bone. Its evil roar even caused the rocks to shiver (okay, maybe it's just really fucking big and terrifying but it's my journal and I can paint the picture as I'd like, capice?). With its undead, viole(n)t eyes it was scanning for... something as it patrolled the skies before landing, perched upon the Temple of Takhisis daring anything to stand before itself, the living nightmare.   ...well fuck. This will be fun. To the Temple of Paladine, I guess (we miss you Boreas, hope you're doing well, friend). I rub my tattoo in memory of the one who taught me how to channel my magic.   "DELL WOULD YOU QUIT BEING A DUMBASS"   "KRAVLAK WOULD YOU QUIT BEING SUCH A BUZZ KILL, MY GOD. I KNOW YOU'RE A STONE GOLIATH, BUT YOU'RE SO UPTIGHT I'M SURE YOU SHIT LITERAL ROCKS"   "MAYBE IF YOU WOULDN'T KEEP RUNNING OFF AND TRYING TO GET YOURSELF KILLED, YOU WOULDN'T NEED A BABYSITTER"   Normal banter between Dell and myself, though perhaps he and I were a bit loud as we "snuck" through the city. Ayl-Murder-You was quite annoyed, and even Xanks and Charity were giving us looks of "could you keep it down, please?". We saw some dragonelles flying above, having clearly seen/heard us, and looked down with a glance saying, "as long as they're not interrupting the main plan, we can let them go I suppose. I don't really feeling with an old married couple right now".   Our argument completed, we finally reached the Temple of Paladine. What a... beauty. It's been completely desecrated, with some vile energy permeating throughout the campus. It's as if someone captured the energy of Dell's cooking and willed it into existence, corrupting what could have been beautiful wildlife surrounding a now destroyed temple. Undeterred (seriously, we're going to need anything from Paladine to deal with that death dragon out there--Ziv, I know I give you a hard time, but even with our partnership I'm not confident we can handle this), we set forth pondering if we can remove this curse (is curse the right word? Magic? Divine energy?). No sooner than we cross the bridge that the evil awakens. Here we go.   Trees animate and come to life around us screaming with a heinous shrill, "You don't belong here!" Not completely wrong, but we are proceeding in. They come at us with massive branches, and amidst the chaos Dell brandishes his water sword and *checks mental notes* knocks a *tree* prone. Where are we and where did we leave Dell? Holy stones! He then proceeds to dive into the water in front of us and swim/warp to the inner sanctum, when a blubberous creature appears and summons a water elemental that grabs Dell and slams him into a wall. Ah, found him.   The fight ensues as expected (mostly). Ayl-Murder-You and "Lord" Charity hold their respective lines and keep the trees at bay, punishing them with grievous wounds from their blades. Fueled by my excellent burgers, their blades appeared to be more potent. Not just them, but "Steve" and perhaps the MVP of the fight, Xanks. "Steve" stood toe to toe with Blubbering Bubbles, while Xanks came alive. Spewing magical fire like a miniature brazier, he burned down the trees (really hope they were evil and not possessed by something) while weakening Blubbers McGee (seriously, what in the lowlander hell is that thing?).   Elsewhere in the fight, I attempted to inhibit the trees with some Ziv magic, and to no one's surprise, it didn't work. They shrugged it off like it was nothing, as if there were three consecutive rolls of a mathematical stone all yielding high results. Continuing with the success of the Dynamic Duo, Dell escaped the clutches of the water elemental and attempted to remove the curse blighting the temple. As expected, it blew up in his face (literally) launching him back into the wall and right back into the elemental. Death, Taxes, and Dell's slapstick comedy.   I attempt to dispel the evil with my magic as well, only for the source of it to absorb my spell (Temple: 2 Kravlak's Magic: 0). I finally trudge through the water and (after activating my flail) smack it. I feel it connect with something hard, then the energy propels me backwards a la Dell (stones of a landslide roll together, I suppose) who has been forcefully extracted via the water elemental back out into the watery "moat" that surrounds the sanctum. The fight outside dies down courtesy of the real heroes of the team, while Dell and I gather around the necrotic source. Whilst pondering the orb (unsuccessfully, mind you), we hear a "look out!" and turn to see Ayl-Murder-You charging in with the corrupted dragonlance. Reminds me of our late gnome friend yelling "INCOMING", but nostalgia aside, we dive aside (Tatiana's training paid off) as she rushes in.   She thrusts the lance into the gaping, black hole and this bright, white energy squirts out of it. A hissing sounds creeps out of the mix as the divine energies struggle, culminating in an explosion of white, radiant energy. The corruption dissolves away as the entire temple is reborn anew in the radiance of Paladine's blessing. Aylin (yes I spelled that correctly) stands before the recreated alter triumphantly holding a brilliant, reforged dragonlance pulsating with divine light. She looks down to the altar and grabs what looks like a platinum dragon scale? Boreas?   The energy still overwhelming, it envelops us and heals our wounds. I feel rejuvenated and stronger than before, almost more connected with Zivilyn. I look to see the rest of Fourth Floor showcasing similar sentiments, including Aylin amidst her divinity.   As large as I am, today reminded me how small I am amidst this conflicts of dragons and deities.


After some time I was finally able to pull myself to my feet after mourning the death of Ness. We proceed over to her fallen body and I inspect, hoping, praying, that there is some way that I'm mistaken and that she's still with us (Ziv, it'd be great if you could help me out with this one bud). Sadly, Ness is gone. I guess I should just Onett... huh, strange. Why did my hand write "own it" like that? I feel like my Giant Steps have something to do with it--I guess I'll keep Rockin' and hope the police force doesn't come after me.   I say some funeral rites (a mix of mountainous ones and the best I know of that pay homage to Ziv--don't ask me why, it felt right I guess) and we return to Heart's Hollow. Upon entering the city I see the devastation on the faces of the citizens, who've crowded the gates seeking... anything to cling onto.   Unite them, lead them...   Damnit Ziv, I hate when you're right. I emit magic from my tattoo and attempt to soothe their worries. I console them and reinforce the fact that they. are. strong. Outsiders cannot create a healthy commune like this one without inner strength. I remind them of that, encourage them to be stronger together, and that we are going to celebrate Ness tonight. I turn that duty over to the Master of Ceremonies, Xanks. As expected, he took his duties seriously and Ness was honored properly. During the night, I attempt to redeem myself after what happened in Vogler by challenging him to another drinking contest. After numerous rounds, things got fuzzy and I wake to him mischievous grin looming over me patting me on the head. HOW DOES HE DO IT? WHERE DOES HE PUT IT ALL? BAHHH I can't let Kravlon know about this or I'll never hear the end of it. Worse yet, Kravanna, as we know how she is with people who can't hold their booze.   ...if I ever see them again. Sigh. Maybe someday.   After shaking off some aches that can't be cured with a fine bowl of chili... DAMNIT CHASE THAT'S MY COOKING POT LEAVE IT ALON.. *writing trails off*   "Lord" Charity made contact with the contingent (note to self, hire someone to or write his speeches myself. I believe in Lord Charity *there are two marks two musical notations symbolizing claps appear on the page*) from Kalaman and we find out that they've made contact with Sylvani elves. The elves have their hands full with a white dragon army and cannot lend any aid to our cause. At least someone else is out there attempting to stop Takhisis besides us. Derrit informs us that they've found another magical circle of stones that point northwards, and that they've traced the red dragon army to spot in the north. Coincidentally, these magic circles point towards the same spot. This might be the city we've been looking for! We make preparations to head north.   Along the way, I recruit Xanks to help with meal prep. Maybe I can spin the "loss" in the drinking contest as a "trial" for his position of being my sous chef. Ugh, how does that little body hold so much fluid?! Xanks' supernatural liver aside, it's a good thing I recruited him. Chase is extremely hungry all the time, and apparently "Steve" has quite the appetite now too? After two days of travel, I tell the rest of the group about his appetite and Dell tries to remove a curse on him. Hopefully now Xanks can get back to training and not full-time meal prep (good thing too, his burgers were... close but not quite there. Major progress compared to when we started though--it took a bit to convince him that most food should not feature alcohol as the main ingredient).   We make our way north to find the area as described by Derrit's team: swarming with patrols, guards, and dragonelles flying overhead with riders. We see an entrance that's thoroughly fortified and walled off naturally by... hills? mountains? The "mountains" around the city appear to vary in size, or perhaps it's just my eyes playing tricks on me. In any case, we agree to scout around the perimeter to see if there's a way in that involves less bloodshed. We can only hope.   Whilst scouting, we spy some stables with an opening beyond. This is it. This is the opening we've been waiting for, a chance to go in and finally get ahead of *handwriting subtly changes* Takhisis. *handwriting returns to normal* We discuss the best way to sneak in, and discover that "Lord" Charity has a Ring of Silence! When and where did he get that? Do I want to know? This seems like a dark avenue to go down, so let's just end that thought right there. Perhaps our belief is paying off (not with you Ziv, though thanks for the help with the Tongues spell), as this ring seems to provide us sufficient audio coverage to allow us to sneak past the guards at night and into the cave. Good think too, as I stubbed my toe on a rock, swore, and my pots were bouncing around all over the place. Dell is many things, but he is quiet when he wants to be (certainly loud and dumb when he wants to be too) as he gets me moving and into the cave quickly before guards notice my folly.   As we proceed inside, I see a dragon spirit in the Ethereal Plane navigate its way into the cave. Surely that can only mean good things right? I mean, my luck has never faltered as I have: a best friend who would never sell my soul, a companion who only believes in peaceful solutions, another who would never steal anything, another who is honest and like an open book, and finally one who is the most capable and inspiring noble. Most importantly, I serve a deity who provides clear and direct advice and never leaves me stranded!   ...fuck.   Surprisingly, upon first entering we find it empty until we see green flames alight and warn us with something in draconic (apparently this was a warning regarding some betrayal in the past... Lucky Kravlak strikes again!), and a magical aura overcomes us and we feel compelled to hit each other. Good thing I was still able to pull my punch, as I'm not sure Miss "Pacifist" would take too kindly to being struck by my flail (did you see the way she sneered when she had yet another vision of someone casting time magic and messing with the timeline? BIIIGGG yikes. Though she was able to get a clearer picture of the culprit this time--blonde hair). I see that dragon spirit go further inward.. coincidence?   We approach a fork and I see another one of those golems down the way. Before I can say another word, "sir" Dell (apparently he thinks he's a knight or something now by his ignorant approach to every battle) charges in and engages the beast. After a couple of rounds we bring the thing down (Xanks did a nice job countering magic with magic I might add, and Miss "Pacifist" did what she does best). We make our way further in to find an alcove that perks Xanks up. He and I do some investigating and find bottles of wine in here! This must be an old cellar! He opens a bottle and (despite my warnings, though after The Second Great Tragedy of Heart's Hollow, I'm not sure anything can harm his insides) sampled some. Judging by the look on his face--looks like this wine did not age well. As we leave, I see an invisible orb behind us with my true sight and successfully use my magic to dispel it. Who's creeping on us?   We thrust in, penetrating deeper into the cave (yeah, better not show anyone that line. Sometimes it feels like my journal is becoming a book of smut. My thirsty siblings always did have a thing for... "passionate" literature), this time coming across more bones. To no one's surprise, the bones begin to move... lowlanders and their lack of proper burials... and form into a undead dragon. Fortunately we make short work of it and, amidst more accusations of betrayal, I see the dragon spirit again. This time I call out to it and inform it that we don't know what it's talking about but that we come in peace. I feel a peaceful aura overcome all of us. I feel like I should nudge Dell and Pacifist to show them that not every conflict needs to be resolved with a beheading or stabbing. I'm sure they'll learn from this moment.   Ahead, we see a sinister looking frog-like creature and as I open my mouth to speak to it, Dell charges ahead and attacks it. You knew this was coming from the last line in the previous paragraph. The creature sets the water ablaze by burning oil on top of it, and I send Chase (!) in to help Dell. Three rounds later, it drops (though it seemed to shrug off Chase's breath weapon--hm). The oil burns up shortly thereafter and we proceed further inwards.   We find the remains of some sort of alter/chapel dedicated to a ritual to channel dying dragon's blood into magic to power the flying city, or so the runes say. I see a large dragon skull and can't help but get the feeling that we'd be looking death in the face if I hadn't said something to that dragon spirit earlier. Strange.   We open the door nearby and find an alchemical lab inside. I inspect the potions and it seems like a lot of acids in here. Someone has been busy! We also find some scrolls and notes on Onyari, which helped us understand the purpose of the aforementioned alter. So that's how this thing flies. How will they get it in the air this time? We learn that the city was brought down after the third dragon war after it refused to stop harvesting blood despite the plea of the metallic dragons. So, they brought it down albeit with many casualties.   After some time in the lab, a masked robed figure emerges and calls to us. Certainly not ominous. We speak with him (note that we did not attack first), finding out his name is Demlyn and that he's trapped here. He's been here since the city fell though he "doesn't know why" he's trapped. Sounds sus. We find out that Demlyn is a divination wizard and has been spying on us (that's one question answered) as well as the rest of the city. He tells us that the blue dragon has taken residence here and that they're gathering in the center of the city preparing to get it to fly again. He also informs us of temples dedicated to Paladine and *another abrupt scribble* Takhisis. Very odd that there's no temple to Zivilyn here, wonder why that would be?   He informs us that the red and black dragon make appearances, but only the blue dragon has taken up residence and has stayed for about a week. The blue dragon, along with some giants and black robes individuals, are the ones attempting to get the city to fly again. We also find that Lord Soth is here with an army dedicated to him as well. Swell. Sounds like we have our work cut out for us.   Curiously, he congratulates us on awakening the brass dragons though informs us we're behind Takhisis in terms of time. "How can we catch up?" He tells us that another group (!) has awoken copper dragons and that we need to continue to awaken the metallics if we are to be successful. Another group? We inquire about them and their whereabouts:   "They are south of here. One is a scrawny half-elven woman, another a muscular human woman. There are two sisters, one muscular and one slender, both with red hair. There's also a white robed woman and a green-haired dwarven woman in their midst."   ..No half giants. Sigh. Well, I can't give up hope.   We agree to rest here before we make our way into the city. According to Demlyn, if we destroy the source of flight, the city will come down. If we work quickly, perhaps we have a chance of saving Kalaman.   Save them. Kalaman must not fall

Fifth Prayer to Zivilyn

"I don't know, give it a shot?"   Deep words Ziv. Only the God of Wisdom could provide such profound insight. I'm glad I took the time and resources to ask if our newly acquired Canardog could dispel the force field surrounding the brass dragons. Unite Them, Lead Them, Save Kalaman... "'s some obscure nonsense to help save the world. Cheers!"   Xanks has become quite the ally (don't tell him I said that). Shortly after our escape with the Canardog, the black dragon was flying presumably looking for us. He conjured up a spell that made us look like the natural landscape so the dragon couldn't find us. It's funny how our enemies can't shrug off his magic but have no issues saving against mine--anything you want to say about that Ziv? Probably something cryptic and nonsensical, I'm sure.   Xanks helped out with the draconian he and Dell rescued, suppressing the fever he was afflicted with. Furthermore, he's come to really understand the culinary arts and is now a proper sous chef. I need to come up with some sort of ceremony for him, perhaps when we're not being chased by acid-breathing dragons. thoughtfulness--a wild characteristic to possess, huh Ziv?   Along our way back to the forge, the Canardog has become quite a good friend to me. He loves my cooking, is always so playful, and is just the sweetest thing. I've always wanted a mountain dog! I think I'm going to adopt him. Additionally, the draconian seems to have recovered but doesn't speak our language. Lord Charity approached it and calmed its nerves surprisingly well despite the language barrier. It continues to accompany us towards the forge.   The next day we arrive back at the forge. I cast a spell to allow us to communicate, but first I cast it on myself to speak with the Canardog. Why the dog first? BECAUSE LOOK AT THE BOI   a crude, yet clear drawing of a dog appears in the margins   He informs me that his name is Chase, he's the son of Paladine, and the nephew of *an odd, yet sudden pen stroke appears* Takhisis. Doesn't that make him your nephew too, Ziv? "Yeah he's my uncle. He's always talking in cryptic riddles. It's a bit annoying really" WHAT A GOOD BOI   I cast a similar spell on the draconian so all of us can speak with it. We find out his (pronouns are important lowlanders!) name is Lerin. He's only six months old and was hatched from a chromatic dragon egg instead of a metallic dragon egg. Apparently, the chromatic draconians have a more mellow and less aggressive temperament than the metallic draconians (does this mean Aylin is part metallic draconian? Charity a chromatic one?). This likely explains why he objected to the army's missions and was ultimately apprehended near Vogler (which still stands! As does Beclyn! We did some things right!). It sounds as though the army is heading north towards the City of Lost Names for... something. I could probably ask you Ziv, but I'm willing to bet this six month old gives better answers.   We assure Lerin that he is free to do as he wishes, and he follows us up to the top of the... mesa? The forge is gone, as it looks like a dragon picked it up and flew off with it. Fucking fantastic. I grab THE BEST BOI an arrow points to the above drawing and we make our way down into the hole. I hold on tightly as we make our way towards the force field hoping that we can penetrate it with Chase. Sure enough, he and I walk right through it! In fact, stairs appear beneath our feet aiding our descent. So much for the rope in case we fall, though the look on Dell's face when he realized he'd be responsible for holding onto me if I fell was priceless. Thank goodness for the twins. Speaking of, Kalane (female fire goliath twin) really seems like Kravlon's type. He always preferred them hot and large. In fact, Kravanna was also a fan of heat as well. Odd that my mountainous siblings were so attracted to such hot things despite our frigid climate. If they only knew that all I wanted for them is a great partner, someone who cares. Maybe some day I'll see them again. Sigh.   The other are unable to enter through the force field without Chase, so we double back and they can come through. We descend to the bottom and meet with the record keeper (who's named himself Jacob, after his son). Jacob is excited to see us and greets us with gifts. He gives me a necklace of prayer beads (which are wrapped around my finger as I write this), and I somehow feel more connected to you. Maybe you'll provide better answers now, though I'm not holding my breath (besides, this dense air wouldn't be good for holding my breath--I'd feel like I'm drowning). He gives gifts to everyone else and says "it's time". He dunks his arm into the water pool in the lair, and AWAKENS THE SLEEPING DRAGONS. HOLY STONES ZIV WE DID IT.   I stand by the largest of the brass dragons as they awaken and he informs us his name is Maslu. He insists that we bow (I do after a moment--sorry, I'm new at this. Damn, is Lord Charity rubbing off on me? Dense air? Bahhh). Everyone else follows suit, though Dell... is fashionably late with doing so. It only took some threats to motivate him in the form of fireball. Damnit Dell. Despite the slight, Maslu informs us that he helped bring down the flying city of Onyari in the war against Istar. Sounds like Soth and the dragon army are heading there... Given the warning I've had about the siege of Kalaman, perhaps they mean to revive the flying city for the siege?   The brass dragons agree to help our cause but don't want to be discovered until the last possible moment. They set out towards Kalaman disguised as refugees. Before they leave however, they're confused as to how we were able to descend through the barrier. We mention that Chase, the dog, is a "canary" to which Maslu responds by telling us about these "canaries". Paladine apparently made seven of these smaller gold dragons called "canaries" based on their appearance next to him. But, how is Chase a gold dragon? He's a dog? Perhaps it was a curse? Operating under this assumption, we summon some magic to attempt to remove a curse on him and SWEET HEAVENLY BOULDERS CHASE IS A GOLD DRAGON. MY BOI IS A DRAGON ZIV I REPEAT MY BOI IS A GOLD DRAGON LOOK AT HOW SWEET AND BEAUTIFUL AND MAGNIFICENT HE IS. Apparently he can shift back and forth between dog and dragon form!   I HAVE A MOUNTAIN DOG THAT CAN TURN INTO A DRAGON I COULDN'T HAVE EVER DREAMED OF ANYTHING SO WONDERFUL I'M CRYING SUCK ON THAT KRAVSEPHONE YOU ABUSIVE BITCH YOU COULD'VE HELPED RAISE THIS WONDERFUL BOI BUT INSTEAD OF LOVING YOU... writing becomes illegible after this point   Sorry, what a surge of emotion there. As we set for Heart's Hollow, we see Beclyn off with the brass dragons to make for Kalaman. I hope she can provide some leadership and stability to the city. Ziv, you could help here you know. Lerin comes with us to begin his new life in the crater.   After a few days we crest over the cliff to look down upon where Heart's Hollow is only to hear it. Infernal roars, as I see that fucking black dragon again. To my surprise, Ness (the leader and mayor of Heart's Hollow), transforms into a brass dragons and rises up to meet it in the skies. OH MY WHAT A FIGHT. After seemingly ages, with the battle going back and forth, the brass dragon gains a clear advantage. The black dragon, seemingly defeated, retreats...   ...wait, no, no don't fall for that Ness... please, you have to see the taunt...   ...The black dragon feints....   Turns....   Bites Ness' neck.   Crunch, twist, snap.   Thunder booms, the black dragon roars.   I fall to my knees and cry.   Please Ziv. Help us.

Fourth Prayer to Zivilyn

Ziv,   For how long have we been journeying together now? Months? The multitude of ways I've changed due to your influence are apparent, though I'm not sure our partnership has altered you at all. That tracks.   What an eventful few days these past few have been. We set out from the forge towards the crater my *Krav-dar* senses detected a couple of days ago. What an odd feature amidst these wastes. Our journey there is uninterrupted, allowing me to work on another potion for Aylin and test our strengthened connection. Thank you for (actually being transparent, for once, by) alerting me to the lack of danger within the interior of the crater.   As we approached the crater, we see a young man who introduced himself as Klystran "scouting" for a village up ahead. Apparently people have settled inside of the crater. Interesting.   Before we can dwell on it (though again, perhaps the warm air is having an influence, but it's still remarkable to see Ayl-Murder-You being diplomatic), a massive tremor interrupts our conversation with him as he responds to the quake with, "Purple worm! Run!" Not to look a gift-stone in the mouth, we heed his warning.   We sprint as the tremors increase in magnitude and just pass a line of... are these cacti..? when (uncomfortably close) behind us an enormous purple worm erupts from the ground and plunges back in. That... might be the largest creature I've ever seen outside of Kravsephone's fury. Damn her, I don't think this rib or cheek bone have healed properly--damn Kravanna for being right about her. Hopefully Kravlon learned from my mistakes and doesn't pursue such a partner.   Seeing the relief on Klystran's face, we relax a bit and head into a remarkably well hidden town, called Heart's Hollow. Once we pass through the concealed entrance, it's obvious to recognize Art Is-Nal's work in designing parts of this town. I'd put it in his Wood Era, but I wasn't much of a student of architecture. Kravanna was always fond of that which, as I write that, might help explain her obsession with her physique. I could see feeble individuals being infatuated and curious as to how she obtained such a figure. Proper diet, stupid lowlanders.   We immediately set out for the bar, as we could all use some libations (some more than others--poor Xanks is beginning to shake) and we seek to speak with Ness, the leader of this establishment. We arrive at bar and speak with proprietor, Elara, a half-elven woman who... needs some help preparing food (her kitchen might have more layers of dust then Ayl-Murder-You has layers of blood on her axe---yikes). I immediately set to work and show her how to prepare a meaningful meal of chicken using local spices/herbs. Crisis averted.   Meanwhile, the rest of Fourth Floor (loudly) converses with Ness, finding out that there are dwarves inhabiting the village that may be of royal lineage to a Klar (?) clan of dwarves given their red hair (I bet Ayl-Murder-You got kinky with some dwarves in a previous life. Eternity is a long time, eh Ziv?) and some Kender and other humans. Klystran noted that he'd seen an army pass by nearby so we make plans to set out after them in the morning. Xanks and "Steve" decide to go spelunking down deep into the depths of the crater I hope they have gloom-resistant gear and light sources. 40ish minutes later, they return to the surface with nothing to show for it. HOW DEEP DOES THAT GO? Being curious, I ask the wisest being I know if they know anything about what lies below and if it'll help us in the fight against   *a noticeable twitch appears on the page*   Takhisis. Fortunately, the wisest of beings answers with "only ruin". Ah, such transparent wisdom. Never change Ziv, never change.   The next morning I come down after my prayers to find Ayl-Murder-You visibly distraught. I wonder if a thirsty, feeble, half-giantess-lusting, smut-reading time wizard cast a spell to alter the flow of time and disturbed her. Wow, what an oddly specific thing to write in here. Must be the cactus brew.   We set out after the army and I'm able to locate a company of around 20 soldiers or so. They were a bit ahead of us though it appeared as though they were traveling by night. We press on to close the gap but we all agree to rest as exhaustion sets in. The next day, we track them to a camp garrisoned with 100+ soldiers. Sigh, perhaps we should've pursued more aggressively. I do hear a dog howling within the camp. Could this be our Canardog?   We discuss a plan to infiltrate and settle on Xanks/Dell sneaking in while the rest of us cause a distraction. It's like they're profiling me--JUST BECAUSE I'M BIG AND LOUD AND CAN GLOW DOESN'T MEAN I'LL MAKE A GOOD DISTRACTION. Now that I write that, maybe it does mean that. Huh.   Distraction engage. Lord Charity and Ayl-Murder-You run up to the gate after the alarm sounds and the entryway guards break off the bridge. Don't they see us walking on water? The battle ensues with magic and swords flying everywhere. "Steve" flies up and summons a demon in the interior of the palisade. I'm not fluent in Abyssal (though I imagine a princess in a far away land having this fluency despite her tutor not speaking the tongue--again, such oddly specific things keep coming to mind. These lowlanders and their exotic beverages), but I could've sworn it said its name was "Me-Fist-Oh".   I summon my spiritual utensils to keep the soldiers at bay while a giant ape appears deep within the camp. Ah. Xanks and Dell must have gotten in. Me-Fist-Oh blinks out of existence while "Steve", having landed, blasts away minions and we (Lord Charity, Madame Chainsaw, and Mountain's Kitchen) press inwards. Some time into the fighting, I hear Dell yell "Fly you fools!" which I hope means they were successful. I tell the distraction team that it's time to leave. Good thing too, as a monsterous roar comes over the loud speaker within the camp. Fucking dragons.   I see Dell and Xanks-y Kong grab prisoners and leave. Time for us to be off as well. I set off my last burst of charming hurt/heal energy and run off after Charity (wow that beast closes ground quickly). Ayl-Murder-You can't quite shake old habits as she presses further inwards before reason takes over (perhaps they are growing--Lord Charity fought quite well at the gate and retreated at the appropriate time "I can't save you this time Aylin!").   I dart off in a different direction than Charity and Aylin, looking back to see the dragon breathe this vile cloud of acid that visibly melts their skin. Ugh. They spread out and run away, and the dragon returns to the tower at the center of the camp and transforms back into a human. Sigh.   We reconvene and Xanks/Dell inform us they were successful in extracting not only what we think is the Canardog, but a red draconian and Beclyn! She lives! I'm sure Lord Charity is glad to see her!   Thank you for keeping my comrades safe and for channeling your power through me to dispatch so many soldiers (though they seem to be resistant to a lot of y0ur magic, as if some polyhedral stone keeps protecting them--damn cactus brew), but would it hurt to be a little more transparent with advice?

Forged by Fire

Today was an eventful day. We made our way towards the acrid black smoke that had been disrupting the landscape. Something wasn't right about such a thick plume, and I'm glad the party agreed to investigate. As we approach the mesa (more like wanna be mountain), we find two... fire goliaths? Goliaths? Here? I've heard of other clans, but have never met them. They seemed... perturbed. They must hate this air as much as I do.   They fail to give us their names (must be the air) and tell us to leave or we'll die. I glance at Dell to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid. I know Habbakuk purged a lot from him, but Dell is well, Dell. I get ready to try and diffuse a tense situation when, wait let me check my notes again, AYLIN used diplomacy to gain us entry to the path to climb the mesa. AYLIN. What did I put in that stew last night?   Apparently Ayl-murder-you decided today she was going to use words to help us get to the bottom (top?) of this smoke fiasco, though apparently there were three fire giants waiting for us at the top. Fire giants? Why are they here? Why do they want to kill us? Why have they enslaved these goliaths? Ah. Classic Takhisis.   I assure my brethren that we will be victorious over these fire giants and we will set them free. I understand the pain of separation from your clan, and the lengths you would go to in order to protect them. After a brief embrace (it was good to feel a proper embrace again) and quick remark about Dell (speaking of "bottoms"), the male twin lead us up the path.   At the top were the giants, as promised. The male twin left us alone and we began our dance. Ah, better air up here, but would be better without these barbarians polluting our sky. Time to die.   An intense. fiery (pause for effect) battle ensued. We felled one quickly (that... might have been the biggest sword I've ever seen in my life), and turn our attention to the other two. Terrific teamwork!   Spoke too soon. Fourth floor needs to be unified if we are to defend Kalaman Unite them.... Shut up Ziv, I know. We struggle against the other two as one masterfully used their shield while the other battered us around and off the mesa. Charity at one point was flung off, and seconds later he's hanging onto a rope that's attached to... a javelin stuck in Aylin? What in the Lowlander is going on here? Then "Steve" teleported with him over the hammer-wielding giant... which promptly moved out of harms way. Classic Charity.   I can't be too hard on him, he sliced brilliantly which helped bring down the hammer giant. We summoned everything we had to bring them all down: Ayl-murder-you wasn't chewing through them as quickly as befitting of her but was able to use the world tree to keep people on the platform (myself included), Xanks deftly conjured ice to cover the lava (which heals these fiends?!) and freeze the giants (ultimately bringing two of them down I might add), Dell and Steve "bro-blasted" everything that moved, and I feebly attempted to use my magic to inhibit them. The fiends seemed impervious to my magic as they'd either shrug it off immediately or shortly after it affected them. It almost felt like there was a higher power protecting them, likely one with a disgusting moustache.   You may have noticed that I neglected Charity. He was knocked all over the battle field but after a brutal stab by the sword-and-shield giant, I awoke to him stuffing kelp into my mouth. My head was spinning and throbbing from the ordeal. I haven't been hurt that badly since Kravsephone and one of her... episodes. Probably the time she came back after hearing about me defending Kravlon and cracked my rib... Another time, and not for this time. There was a reason Kravanna didn’t like her.   With the giants down, we were able to focus on this forge. With the press of a button, we were able to move it off of the hole that leads down into the mesa. We set to head down, only to find that it's covered by more steel. Fucking fire giants and their obsession with steel. Sigh. Xanks, after a healthy rest (I needed it too little man), summoned some magic to crack the grate, to which the twins (named Krathi and Kalane) helped me raise the giant's maul to shatter what remained of the grate. Aylin makes her way down as I spot DRAGONS down in the hole… OH COME ON. DAMNIT ZIV YOU COULD’VE TOLD US ABOUT THIS   There's a force field that prevents us from descending further. Leave it to the gods to not have their shit together.   We chat with a person down in the hole (how'd they get in there?) who claims to have been in there for hundreds of years (ah). He tells us that he's waiting for people (we just so happen to be people) to arrive with a key (le sigh) and awaken these dragons (this would be great). Well, turns out we don't have one of those (damnit Boreas, I feel like you had something to do with this). He suggests a "canary", and we seem to think there may have been one with the army (remarks about a strange canine? Lowlanders....). So, we have our new destination.   Before we leave, we weren’t done with the fire. This mess forged a new alliance between us and the twins, as they agree to help us on our cause. Thank goodness, we only have months until Kalaman is attacked, and we need all the help we can get.   Unite them, lead them...


We entered the shrine of Habbakuk and my enhanced vision allowed me to view the water spirits that live in the ethereal plane. Perhaps not all is wrong with this toxic water.   We cleanse ourselves in a cleansing pool and drink from it. Surprisingly, it’s quite refreshing and lacking the toxins present in the other water. Curious indeed. “Lord” Charity then approached the altar and as he utters the name of Habbakuk, a presence appears in the room and some magic sweeps the door shut. We turn around to see… Her. The one who started this all for Dell. The woman who captured his heart and unintentionally rendered his soul asunder.   Drea.   My dear friend and Dell’s beloved. Before us again. How? We both saw her dead body. The blood everywhere. I can never forget the unbridled rage and darkness that consumed Dell that morning. How is she… wait. Something was off. She’s a bit shorter, and the eyes aren’t quite the same. My heart settles back down into its depressed state. Pain. How cruel for us (mostly Dell) to see her face again, but not have it be her. My dear friend, we will avenge her.   This Drea-esque figure claims she knows Ayl-Murder-You and identifies me as a representative of Ziv. Must be the irresistible charisma. She introduces herself as “H” and begins talking to Xanks and Dell. “I see you’ve brought two evil presences into my shrine. This one (Xanks) appears to have been unintentional. Typical of my aunt. Meanwhile, it appears that you (Dell) have allied with my nemesis. What brought you to this state? Power? Lust? Greed?”   “Revenge”   Wow. Dell finally opened himself up, but it’s too late. He’s embraced the darkness. I’ve tried to turn him away time and time again but he falls further and further into despair. It’s hard to call him Dell anymore…   “I can remove this for you if you’re willing. There are other ways to seek the power you need to defeat my aunt. I can help you.”   “Okay”   WHAT THE FUCK DELL. I’VE BEEN SAYING THIS SHIT FOR WEEKS. WHAT AM I? WEAK ASS LOWLANDER STEW?!? FUCKING DELL. LOVE HIM, BUT GODDAMN HE’S DUMB. Unless it’s a woman who’s his type. Sigh.   A surge of divine energy consumes him. Blue flame engulfs his form and purges the condor from his person. He screams in pain but the flames go out. He stands before us, anew. Wait, is that? I see it. The light has returned to his eyes. I think my friend has returned to me! I embrace him in a proper embrace (“Kravlak, I missed you too buddy, but my ribs are beginning to crack”). One last test though, I poke him squarely in the forehead. He responds by punching me squarely in the weak spot above my left hip (damn you Kravsephone, but worth). Gods it’s good to have him back. I cried that night. I couldn’t contain my joy. Hope has returned to me.   With renewed vigor we set westward to find the slumbering dragons, perhaps the City of Lost Names, and perhaps Soth.   We happen upon a strange looking circular structure (of course I see it first, these lowlanders have no sense of vision) and “Steve” claims it’s a device used to teleport from place to place. He speaks some words and it begins glowing. A whole lot of that going on lately.   Before he’s able to do that though, he takes a punch from a rock-like creature (abomination more-like) which we quickly dispatch. “Lord” Charity is beginning to earn that noble title more and more as he laid into the creature with no fewer than five strikes in rapid succession. Perhaps his training is paying off. Perhaps he’s closing the gap with Ayl… nope. She’s still just a murderous as ever. Ziv, I understand choosing me as your champion, but a bold choice in having her be the Hero of Time. I’d hate to meet anyone who messes with time…   Despite my objections to the contrary, we continue westward to find an enormous cavern which we discern to be the lair of a blue dragon. Apparently Ayl-Murder-You was accosted by some critters, but rather than call for help, she murdered them all herself. A real “protector of time”, that one. Nothing screams “defender of order” like returning to the party covered in blood. Ziv, might be time to lay off the “magic leaf”.   We venture further into the lair only to find draconians digging. Before we can react, Xanks and *Dell* conjure some glowing and eviscerate the minions. There’s a winged one amongst them, and sadly it was able to escape despite “Steve”’s efforts to fly and shoot it down. Sigh.   We comb the lair to find a large sum of wealth and Xanks being Xanks, blow apart a sapphire vein to uncover even more. At least this time he didn’t hurt anyone.   Lastly, we head further west and find another landmark with… Giants? Those are larger beings than I’ve ever seen, larger than me even. We make camp and will set out for them tomorrow.   I cannot put into words how elated I feel having my companion, one of my remaining friends left, to return. While he has much to learn (again, toxic water), I wasn’t the same without him. With him by my side, I feel renewed and confident that maybe we do stand a chance of defending Kalaman.   My hope is reborn. Come Dark One, see what happens when the unrelenting tide smashes you upon the unyielding mountains!

The Bottom of the Deep Blue Sea

How many times has it been now? I told him that toxic water would slowly rot his brain, and lo, here he is. Another sword through the neck yet he stands before me, though he seems... different? More charismatic? I slap Dell harder this time to get my point across. We both know what's at stake here-his soul and mine to fulfill his stupid pact for vengeance. Sargonnas, you're a clever one for preying upon such a feeble-minded (and toxic-water-exposed) individual. That's four times now? When will he learn? I may have to beat this lesson into his head the Krav-way...   We dispatch the reanimated knight (how many times do I need to tell these lowlanders that the proper right of passage is to bury the fallen deep within the earth to initiate the cycle of life?) despite his body being aglow with purple flame and his sinister sword donning the same coating. I can't believe I'm putting these words to paper, but it was Lord (yes, as much as it pains me to write it, he's earned the title) Charity who dealt the mortal blows that crippled the... "creature". Miracles never cease to happen. An interesting note, my newly discovered flail can glow and it interacts with my ability to command foes to obey me. It provided magical healing to my comrades who are near me. Truly a blessing.   "Steve" searches the sarcophagus to discover what we believe to be a Dragonlance. I thought these were merely myth; shows that there's still so much to learn. "Steve" thinks he might be able to repair. Good, because we'll need all the help we can get. As we return from the catacombs the crippling weight of reality cuts short the elation of our victory--Kalaman has no leader.   We converse with Derrett about the state of things and agree to empower Vendri to lead the city amidst the instability. Hopefully she can install new councilmembers quickly and prepare the city for the impending siege in six months Lead them...   Upon her return, we brief her with the goings-on and lay out our plan to proceed. We suspect that a metallic dragon is asleep north of us in the Northern Wastes, perhaps near the City of Lost Names, where Soth had instructed these minions to head towards. We make plans to set out bright and early, with some troops departing later to support us on our expedition.   Dell procures us a vessel so we can, despite my vehement objection, sail on the toxic water to the north. What's worse, these wastes become flooded whenever one of the three moons is full. Fortunately, I have some magical ability through Ziv to allow us to temporarily walk on top of the water, but I believe it's best not to tempt nature. We can't breathe that vile substance! Again, Dell, why would you choose to spend your life on top of it?!? Ugh.   As we progress into the wastes I notice a sea elf by the name of Ishvern Stargazer. He gives us some info on what's transpired on the northern seas. The blue and black dragon armies have been active, so his tribe avoids them. He's eager to be rid of them, so he agrees to help us awaken the metallic dragon. First, he invites us down to a shrine dedicated to Habbakuk. His tribe makes a pilgrimage to this shrine to worship.   The only problem? The shrine lies at the bottom of the chasms that flood during high tide. Fortunately a low tide just started, but still, I can't help but feel like we're tempting fate like Dell being down here. Ironic isn't it? Dell is drowning in his obsession of vengeance and tempts Sargonnas with his reckless actions, yet I'm down here visiting a shrine that's inviting my demise.   Both of us flailing at the bottom of the deep blue sea.   Lead them, unite them, save Kalaman.

Third Prayer to Zivilyn

Ziv,   Thank you for granting me the power to guide Aylin through her memories and restore The Hero of Time. Please help me guide her to regain that lost power and maintain the flow of time. Terrifying though it may be, she was able to vanquish Soth and was one strike away from dispatching the archmage Marwort Sinclair, along with the evil high priest, Beldinas Pilofiro. Permit me the wisdom to find a counter to the double-casting nonsense they used to finish her. Grant me the patience to work with Xanks on something like this deep breaths Kravlak, you're praying, remember?.   Help me to restore the mercy that she showed when the archmage defended that poor child. Wanton murder disrupts the natural order, and I must continue to help her understand that her power should only be used to preserve time's flow. Allow us to find the courage to train and fight, despite our foes' renewed strength. Let us hold onto that resilience as we face dark days ahead, having seen some of the power of both Soth and Takhisis. Ziv, we should really talk about why you're letting these lowlanders just shrug off death like it's nothing... What are we Kravs fighting for?? BAHHH. Focus Kravlak. Deep breaths. try to retain that pious aura... GOD DAMNIT THAT BETTER NOT BE XANKS IN MY KITCHEN. HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I TOLD HIM THAT WINE IS FOR COOKING   *an odd spacing appears in the journal*   Grant me the wisdom to look after my comrades (especially Dell and Xanks... obviously Charity too... and I should probably check in on "Steve"), the strength to support them when they falter, and the presence to Unite Them. Please keep Dell safe as he's grown more reckless after partnering with Sargonnas to achieve his vengeance Is it the air? do these lowlanders really struggle to learn? Is it toxic-water-poisoning? Why would he let "Steve" take him up on yet ANOTHER dragon? I don't know how he survived, and I apologize for the fit of rage, but hopefully that slap will smack some sense into him... but I'm not holding my breath.   Unite them. Lead them.   Guide me to see through the evil that Soth brings. I was able to see through the facade that his minions fronted in the castle, but not fast enough to stop them from killing the Kalaman council. Lead them... Help me find a way to lead this city amidst this political instability, particularly with only six months to prepare for the oncoming siege from the flying citadel.   Ziv, I've done everything you've asked to this point, but this... this is a lot. A city with murdered leadership, red dragons, Soth, and a flying citadel, all to be addressed within six months. Why? Why me? Why not someone with more influence? Am I even doing the right thing? It feels like every problem we solve only reveals two more, each of which carry more weight and destruction with them. I worry that I cannot be the champion you need me to be; I can't live with another failure like that. Kravlon...   *the page begins to look wavy and the ink blotched in spots*   Help me prevent Dell from going down the corrupt path of Soth, whose anger led to the blight that plagues us today. How can a man kill his own wife and child? His own child??? Not only did he do it once, but he did it again with the wife he cheated on the first with! Lowlanders!! BAHHH   Please look over the Krav tribe and grant them the wisdom to stay away from this terrible war, especially Kravlon, whose.. "wandering gaze" for larger women has gotten him into trouble. Help him find happiness wherever it may be.   Lastly, help me support Aylin and help her reclaim her... family. What a wonderous thing to have, and such a beautiful thing must be preserved.   I'm afraid I will never experience such a thing. Please help me find the strength to accept this and help those appreciate this beauty. How could she choose the tribe over love? Did I really mean nothing to her? Kravlon, if you only knew the sacrifices I've made for you. Know I will always care for and love you.   ZIV HOW DO YOU DO THIS? HOW DO YOU WITNESS THIS PAIN AND SUFFERING AND HARDSHIP AND REMAIN SO CALM???? IS THIS PAIN HOW I LEAD THEM??? WHAT IF I DON'T WANT TO SUFFER THROUGH THIS ANYMORE? WHAT IF I CAN'T DO IT ANYMORE??   It has to start now. I must find a way to come to grips with my past, or I can't help Aylin do the same. I can't lead them in this state. I can't guide them if I can't guide myself. I CAN'T BE STRONG FOR THEM IF I'M NOT STRONG FOR MYSELF.   *what remains whole amidst the water stains is written shakily*   Look after Kravseph... beautiful... pain... strength... her eyes...   ....Rooted in your goodwill....   Amen.


Finally, the gates were opened, but it was too late for Boreas. I’m sorry friend, I’ve failed you. You were the one to lead me into this realm of glowing, and I couldn’t return the favor…   …yet.   I would not and could not let another go. Damn these lowlanders, their toxic water is making my eyes water.   I turn to see the incoming dragons, and for the first time since being unofficially exiled, I feel genuine fear. Dragons with riders, and we’ve already lost Boreas. The others look ragged (except for Dell, who made yet another dumb call), and exasperated. Panicking, I close my eyes and reach out to the only stable thing I know:   “Zivilyn, help me. Help me lead them and unite them. I fear I may not be enough to stop this threat”   Zivilyn responds by gracing the party with renewed vigor. Bless him.   Before the dragons arrive, I go to ward Dell and he puts on the platinum ring I saw him loot off of Boreas’ corpse. Emerging from the ring is an odd-looking dwarf, demanding an agreement with Dell. He immediately consents to a deal he knows nothing about, without consulting me first. You’d think after the magically-enchanted talking fish plaque he purchased from that sailor he’d have learned. Damn lowlanders.   The dwarf (didn’t say a name, though “Steve” comes to mind and I’ll refer to him as such) vows to vanquish the Dark Lady and sets to aid us in the upcoming battle. Finally, another kindred spirit who appreciates fine air…? Or is he a delver…? Regardless, to battle.   I summoned radiant energy from the world tree to slow the enemy, though two of the dragons seemed to shrug of my glow. Xanks continues to test his… magic..? which puts severe strain on his body. Hard to argue with the results though, he can really make magical things happen. Hopefully his body doesn’t fail him… I should look over him when I have time. I’ll admit—that’s one of the toughest lowlanders I’ve met.   One of the riders was able to land a strike on Ayl-murder-you-with-my-axe and per the Dark Lady’s orders, retreated with her blood. A loss, but that only leaves two dragons and a better chance of survival.   “Steve” took Dell and glowed/teleported onto one of the other dragons, whereupon Dell immediately fell. Fortunately the fall wasn’t that bad (the ward splits his pain with me), and the two of them were able to defeat that dragon and its rider.   The other dragon succumbed to the onslaught provided by Ayl-chop-your-head-off and the archers. That rider lay there, crushed under the both the weight of the fall and the now-deceased dragon, writhing in pain. I conjured some glow to put him out of his misery—Zivilyn, I’m sorry to disrupt the natural order, but mercy demanded it.   In the aftermath, I learn more of “Steve” and his history. Apparently he “lives” in the ring, which has attached itself to Dell. Sigh. When will he learn?!? We can’t continue to just take shortcuts to power!!!! This is how mountain passes and mines collapse. (Unite them…). I’ll have to take extra care to make sure he resists, but I’m going to need some time. Between Ayl-lick-the-dragon-blood-off-my-axe and Xanks’ feud, Dell’s impatience, this “Steve” and his incessant negotiations, and the energy required to deal with our new Lord Charity (owner of this keep apparently—tell me you’ve had too much toxic air without telling me you’ve had too much), I needed some time alone. Sigh. I needed to bury Boreas before that.   I pick up my late friend’s body and find an appropriate spot for his burial—next to the tallest tree outside the fort. I do my best to invoke what I believe to be Zivilyn funeral rites, and say goodbye. When the ritual completed, a platinum draconic symbol appeared on his grave. “Steve” mentioned there were metallic dragons that were good and fought in wars in years past, against Takhisis. Apparently “Steve” is thousands of years old, but doesn’t experience the flow of time whilst inside of the ring. Huh. (Lord) Charity then thrustedhis magic sword atop of the grave? Yep, that’s enough (Lord) Charity for now.   Secluded, I meditate under a tree and say a prayer to Zivilyn, which I’ll mark on another journal page. Ugh. I end my meditation to discuss the accord(s) Dell has struck.   He’s not only committed his soul as collateral to gain his powers to defeat She-who-wishes-she-is-with-Kravlak, but in his latest defeat, his patron has demanded my soul as collateral or his death.   DAMNIT DELL WHAT THE HELL HAVE YOU DONE   . . . Unite them, lead them. . . .   I agree. We cannot afford to be more splintered than we already are. Zivilyn help us.

Second Prayer to Zivilyn

Zivilyn,   Thank you for your grace as we prepared to vanquish those dragon riders and for keeping the rest of the champions safe. Thank you for creating a temporary peace between Xanks and Aylin and for keeping Dell safe.   Please help Dell as he continues to struggle amidst this unrest and do… something… with Charity. Please guide Charity has he continues to stumble into positions of power (Lord..?).   Forgive me for killing, for I know the importance of the order of life.   Lastly, please help Boreas be absorbed into the world true and made anew.  

Trees provide shade, but can't stop the sun

Save them. Save the city of Kalaman. The other gods are awakening, but we're not fully back. There are five armies that must be stopped. Takhisis must be stopped. Unite the champions and defend the city, or all is lost.   Your tribe is on another continent looking for giants. Takhisis has interest in them, and they are looking to convene with them. I do now know what their intentions are.   Ugh. I grow tired of this lowlander air, but Zivilyn needs me down here. I miss my tribe, but my Rockspringa is not yet complete. I don't think I can say I've achieved mastery of the healing arts just yet. Try though I may, I can't even create something to protect us against that infernal fire or alleviate my comrade's skin from turning to stone (mercifully it returned to normal on its own, but I'm concerned that it may return). Fortunately, it seems that the stone is a superficial coating on the skin that isn't permanent. I don't know how to cure it aside from letting it just fall off though. Can I return to my tribe knowing there's a prevalent ailment that exists and my only resolution is to shrug? Am I any different from these lowlanders at that point? Even if I find a cure, is there a tribe to return to? Will I have to choose between giants and Zivilyn? Kravlon and Dell? Save those you can save.   Marshall Vendri (she still won't say what the deal is with that Moon Rose...) believes Tatiana has finished her work on the ballistae. Furthermore, she even created a new, impressive shield for Charity (thank goodness, because Zivilyn knows he'll need it). I laugh and shrug it off, because these lowlanders need all the help they can get, but my personal confidence is waning. It feels like I'm stuck in an avalanche while the others are sledding down the mountain. Even Ayl-chop-your-head-off has a brand new rainbow axe and MAGIC now. Seriously, an unchecked murder queen with spell casting? Which god thought that was a good idea?!? Unite them...   We succeed in accomplishing our three missions. First, we eliminate a small group of enemy trainees only to discover that the lovestruck (can you blame her?) evil one is recruiting (though not so desperate for help that she doesn't "dispose" of "thugs" that are deemed to be unworthy for her cause) and is preparing to surround Kalaman Save Kalaman.... I need to find a way to save this city. Fast.   The next mission involves eliminating some highwaymen who serve my troubled admirer. While I was expecting more acidic blood like we witness while fleeing Vogler, we instead encountered lightning and that stone affliction. Draconians across the river already. Sigh. I don't have answers for the fire and acid, now two more hazards appear. It was here where my companions showcased how far they've come, and how little progress I've made: Aylin's axe exploded in a draconian in a rainbow flash, Boreas turned two of them INTO MIST, Xanks was able to conjure an enormous cone of frost that seemingly surpassed his current magical capacity (I noticed he strained on this one--yet another physical anomaly I have yet to understand), and lastly Aylin can mend as well as slaughter, channeling her magical tattoo (still of Zivilyn's tree, but he said she's not his champion... so how?) to repair one of the broken carts. Even the murder queen has found a way to provide for the defense of the city. Charity was struck with the stone, but he shook it off. Fortunately Dell escaped unscathed. Zivilyn, if you exist in all times, couldn't you have alerted me earlier and blessed me with more time? Save them...       The other gods are awakening.. WHY CAN'T YOU AWAKEN FASTER???? WE NEED YOU NOW. I CANNOT DEFEAT A DRAGON AND HOLD A CITY TOGETHER. I AM NOT A GOD I CANNOT DO THI...   *water stains blur the rest of the ink*   *next page, dated the following day*   Lastly, we cross the river back to the Vogler side to rescue some missing scouts. More Draconians, more stone. I need to work faster. This time they were able to afflict Dell, and there I was, powerless to help him. Thank Zivilyn and the mountains he too was able to shed it. The scout we were able to rescue informed us of a small contingent that broke off to the southwest of Kalaman and were beginning to ravage the land. The assault is coming soon. I'm running out of time. Kalaman must stand against the upcoming rockslide. I must be the one to save this city and unite the champions. Mercifully, the other champions seem capable.   Kravlon. I am sorry. I must break the order of our people to defend these people. I must be the chef you were meant to be and the healer I must become. These champions and the city need both of me. Forgive me brother, I will relinquish that role to you when (if?) I return. Wow. I guess I've decided then. I am with Zivilyn if we must fight my clan.   *the handwriting noticeably worsens* Kravlon, I love you my broth... *more water stains blur the ink and the writing stops midway down the page*   *next day, dated days later*   Dell came to talk to me today. We discussed his new tattoo he had placed on his forearm. An angry condor. I remark how vivid it is, not unlike my world tree.   I find out where he got it.   Did I side with the wrong team?   Zivilyn help us.

(Kala) Man in the Tree (again)

Protect them and lead them. Yet another tall task asked of me. Is it because of my stature? HA!   Why me though? I get that I should be the one to lead this crew (especially until Dell regains his head), but why do these requests continue to accumulate? Kravlon, my Rocksspringa of healing, finding my tribe, Dell, Vogler, Father Williams. Now we add the city of Kalaman the city must not fall, we cannot lose the north against DRAGONS. I've seen many things in my travels, but nothing like that. Save those whom you can How do I save anything against that? Even Zivilyn didn't have an answer for stopping the dragon. If I am to be capable of stopping it, why now instead of before Vogler?? Why couldn't I save them???   He also asked me to lead this group. Again, who better, but how do I keep everyone together? Xanks with his mark of the Dark Lady, Dell on his vengeance quest, Charity (now a knight?--these lowlanders and their silly titles) who would probably ride into the toxic water and drown if no one stopped him (not intentionally mind you, he's a good soul), Boreas who never experienced proper cooking and doesn't appreciate fine conversation (do you know he tried to convince me that a magic man without armor chose to fight a direwolf instead of flying away? HA!)? Not to mention Aylin/Hiya/Rising Phoenix/Murder Queen who owns her own shop, yet beheads people so callously? I could not keep my tribe of cultured individuals together, how am I supposed to keep this group together, let alone LEAD them against a DRAGON?   After some work in the city, where I teach the blessed cook, Noah, how to make chili (bright lad). In return, he provided me with utensils, spices, and showed me how to make a proper filet from fish (needs more spice, but the lowlanders like it). Good man. I also encountered a small man by the name of Vesstin, who is a potion master in the city. Apparently this fine art is to be kept a secret? I'll never understand these lowlanders--these are the arts of creation! They should be widespread to save everyone, not tucked away like some scoundrel in the night! Bah! Strangely, Vesstin asks me to deliver a Moon Rose to Marshall Vendri... both were very odd about the whole thing.   Our first mission from Marshall Vendri is to go and recruit Tatiana, a gnome who lives outside the city, to repair the ballistae defend the city. Those might give us a chance against those dragons... That and my cooking! HA!   We set out at first light (I'm impressed that Charity is up this early, maybe there's hope for him yet) and we let Charity lead (builds confidence). We set outwards from the city heading southw.... Well, south. I correct Charity and we turn to head southwest (that lasted long). Lead them Zivilyn better appreciate this.... After a decent ride we arrive at the forest and Tatiana's... "Fortress" only to find that she's under siege. We dispatch the invaders with ease (and when I say "we", I mean her metallic chickens with projectile eggs). Surprisingly, Ayl-murder-you lead them didn't immediately lop off the leader's head and allowed us to question him. He said that the leader of the red dragon army is named Kansaldi. Tatiana informed us that Kansaldi tried to recruit her to make metallic dragons for her, but she only gave them the blueprints. As if we didn't have enough to deal with. save them Sigh. At least Tatiana agreed to return to the city with us.   We arrive back at Kalaman without any further issue aside from the pestering from the gnome. It's impressive how annoying that one is, almost like it's in her nature. Anyways, she agrees to repair the ballistae and I can rest at least knowing we've improved our odds.   Save those you can save, protect the north, Kalaman must not fall. We, the gods, are awakening. I, Zivilyn, exist in all time, but the future is hazy... It's unclear   Kravlon, even if I can find you again, will there be a future left for us to exist in?


While it's hard to push the heat of the flames, the screams of the people, the smell of the ash and melting flesh out of my mind, I need to press onwards. Our tribe has a saying, "Always forwards, never backwards". Today is a difficult day to live out these words.   We make our way down river to Kalaman, where we pass by the refugees camped outside the city. Focus on what you can still save. Those are one of the many tenets of my tribe's healing order. I need to do what I can for those who still live.   I convince Dell that we need to help those people before we call upon the dear Father, and reluctantly, he agrees. He suggests we begin by securing them safety within the city walls (marvelously sculpted, I wonder where Art Is-Nal came up with the design for the ballistae?).   We dock and (finally) step off the parchment-thin vessel that separates us from that toxic water. Good riddance. Dell calls upon the Dockmaster, Leroy Dockins, to inform him of our vessel and to inquire about an audience with the governor. We immediately set for Castle Kalaman and to our surprise, are informed by the guards that someone has begun the process of procuring asylum for those poor displaced souls. Save what you can.   Inside we find the little blond rat, whom Dell greets with his fist. The guard scolds us for this behavior, though something tells me he wouldn't appreciate being told that's a traditional greeting in the Festival of the Tri-Lunar Light. After a brief chuckle as Xanks uses his magic to pull Draco's pants down (Xanks is growing on me), I pat the guard on the head and we proceed in. Draco's father was the emissary, and we quickly correct him and twist his words into procuring the aforementioned asylum for the refugees. Mercifully, Governor Miat agrees and immediately dispatches help, under the condition of our agreement to aid Marshall Vendri in operations that may require our assistance. I agree, noting that I do not wish to fight as it is beneath my station. I don't think she heard that. Alas, she provides us a lodging in the castle for the evening (FEATURING A PROPER BED--FINALLY SOMEONE UNDERSTANDS THAT THESE OVERGROWN PILLOWS THEY CALL MATTRESSES ARE INSUFFICIENT).   The next day, we find out that the entirety of the refugee camp has been relocated to within the walls by Marshall Vendri, and we proceed to book rooms at the Wanderer's Rest before heading to the Radiant Church.   At the Radiant Church, Boreas and I proceed in while Dell scouts the perimeter. A clergywoman stops us, but is distracted by a young, female.. Xanks? The two head into the streets to look for his/her/their "missing mother". After she leaves, I knock on the door to head into the... "In-Axe-Able" area of the church (Choppy Lady won't like that). A scrawny little boy stops us, but I merely say "boo" and he leaves. We proceed upstairs, where Dell rejoins us, to find that Father Williams is dead.   Dead. Deep, large, slash marks (Dark Lady? I'll never forget those claws...) across his chest, and I'd wager he's been gone for about three days. Why was the door locked? Why was his bedroom locked? How did they get in/out? There are no keys on his person, so perhaps she/they locked after she/they finished with him. I step out to keep lookout and notice a sizeable commotion going on outside. I wonder if Xanks is showing them that he's a "drinking god". Alas, we need to be off, so I grab the two and we set out. Dell hangs around, but Boreas and I duck out of the church before deciding to inform the Marshall of the murder.   When we arrive at the castle, the guard-with-the-nice-head-to-pat stops us. He agrees to inform the Marshall of our arrival and lets us in. I pat him on the head (he grunted... is he offended?). We inform her of what took place, including how I "gently, yet firmly, repositioned" that poor little boy out of the way. Boreas also mentioned that another city, Lemish, was destroyed by a "Green Dragon Army". First, is there another army? Second, how does he know this (apparently it came to him in a dream)? Disturbed by the news, Marshall Vendri says she'll take care of my alleged "trespassing" (what kinds of manners do they have in these cities? It's a crime to impose your will to resolve you business? Well, kind of, but still. Rude.) but that I'm to stay under house arrest for a few days. I agree, provided that I can cook in the meantime. There are worse things to do to pass the time.   The discovery of the murder only leaves us with more questions. Focus on those you can save... How do I save those when people keep dying? What was Williams' connection to everything? Why did she off him, if he was working for her? Was he working for her? Why was the door locked? There were no keys on his person, so did she take them and lock the door behind her? Did no one notice he was dead for three days? Did that clergywoman know about all of this? Perhaps most importantly, how will Dell respond to this? Sigh. Damn lowlanders and their politicking.   During my "arrest", I continue to cook and converse with Boreas. I discover that I can glow and "convince" him to do things. Interesting... Where's Xanks?? I HAVE MORE GLOWING TO DO

Good Glow, Bad Glow

These irreverent fools. Their toxic minds could not process the beauty that is the tribal drum ceremony for a mere parlor trick of tossing balls in the air. FAKE ONES AT THAT. Perhaps these people have been overexposed to this air. Sigh. Charity and Scary-Axe-Lady were both impressive with their "ball tossing" and dancing. Well done to them.   Finally, the day of the reenactment! I can demonstrate the proper shield-bearing form passed down through generations while living through a piece of their history. My journey requires more of these interactions. How fortunate am I that I get to don the fabled Greenshield for such an occasion? I hope Dell is okay with me using it...   The reenactment was a miserable failure. We were assaulted by a rogue faction of Cudgels crew who were paid off to turn what shaped up to be a magnificent display of shield technique into a bloodbath. Many were lost on this day. Finally after Mrs. Chop dispatched a few of them, their leader appeared to confront us and dispatch us. I quickly stepped up and told them enough was enough and to lay down their arms, to which they obliged (who can resist my glowing?!). Phew, maybe now I can tend to those wounded and finish up my presentation. First let's see to those folks over her.... AGAIN WITH THE HEAD CHOPPING! IS NO ONE ELSE CONCERNED ABOUT THIS?!?   After the unarmed scoundrels witnessed the murder of their leader, they retreated and thusly ended the bloodshed. A short time later, we relayed the news to Cudgel who took ownership of the betrayal and set to make this right. Later we found that the big fellow (larger than I--HA!) named Gregonis was bribed by a man in colorful armor to interrupt my ritual. No honor among these lowlanders.   While I was tending to the wounded amidst the aftermath (how do these people live without knowing proper bandage application??), a scouting party was dispatched to investigate the origin of our bloodthirsty employer. What we failed to realize was how immense his backing was, as the scouts happened upon an entire army (estimates put it at ~1,000 soldiers strong). Truthfully, I'm surprised that the scouting party didn't let Slicey McGee have at them. 1000-1 ratio? I might still bet on Senorita Slasher. Additionally, they discovered that the symbol of the army matches what Madame Murder woke up to in the carriage. Disturbingly, this symbol matches the tattoo of Sir Drinks-More-Than-He-Should-Be-Able-To. I noticed that he was able to conjure up a potent spell through that tattoo, so much so that it appeared as though it was going to protrude from his skin. I call this "Bad Glow". Maybe that's why he wears bandages? I hope he has nothing to do with this army, though one can never be too cautious...   One more thing--after a good nights rest, we discovered that Verfehlt Violence is covered in one large tattoo, that somehow matches my tattoo and bears resemblance to the tree in which I met the Old Man in my dreams. My only guess is that she'll glow a deep crimson, the source of which will undoubtedly be additional murders. What have we done?   With wounded being mended, we met with the leaders of Vogler and agreed to evacuate knowing the army was encamped nearby. While Dell and I prepared things at the docks (for all the grief I give Dell for standing upon toxic water, he certainly knows his business). Dell was able to improve their rigging to expedite the passage across the river, while I tried to persuade folks to proceed orderly. Stupid lowlanders and their inability to comprehend a simple thing such as order. Sigh.   While this was happening (a whole lot of party splitting going on--Art Is-Nal would've been proud), some messengers appeared at the gates informing the city that they were to quarter the army that evening. Expeditious evacuation it is then. While sending the third wave of citizens out of town, we heard the cry of a dragon. Faster, we need to hurry. We agree to flee on another smaller vessel with this wave. Good thing we did, as midway across the river we look back to see the aforementioned dragon lay waste to the city of Vogler. Old man, stars, tree... whomever is out there, please help these poor souls.   Sadly, we proceed onwards to Kalaman. Ironically, helping Dell fulfill his vengeance pact (and a bit for me too, that asshole stole my friend as well) might provide a mercy to our sullen hearts after such devastation.   Prepare Father Williams, for order must be restored.

A Glowing Review

Dell and I prepared to make our journey to Vogler when we happened upon two other individuals who were boarding for the same funeral we intended to attend: the funeral of Ipsen Greenshield. Sir Xanks (this little one earned this title, as he outdrank even me.. ha!) used to be a drinking companion of Ipsen (things make more sense now) while Charity looked to further his quest to become a knight. Silly lowlanders and their "traditions". This poor Charity couldn't even catch a fish! How could he defend anyone? I was able to help this poor soul by showing him the Krav Tribe's special technique and he was able to (finally) catch something worth eating! Now I can show these louts some real food!   As we approached Vogler, I made sure to mention the masterpiece that is the Incomplete Bridge by the famed architect "Art Is-Nal". A famous member of our tribe, she had set out centuries ago and began construction on this masterpiece before being called back to the tribe. What a fine lass.   In the city of Vogler, we called upon Sir Baclyn, the captain of the guard (puny captain), in what they called a "keep". This toxic air... they think that shack is defensible and/or suitable for soldiers?? HA! My cookware is made of stronger stuff than their walls! Speaking of low-landers, on our trip to the "keep" we passed by another dense lass with bright red hair. She seems... capable... at least for a low-lander.   Accompanying Sir Baclyn, we met Boreas who was present for the strange death of Mr. Greenshield. Upon inspection of the body I discovered that Ipsen died of hypothermia, but the suddenness of the onset was supernatural. This aligns with the story told by Boreas in that an exploding lizardfolk (why civilized people choose to live down here, I'll never understand). Perhaps more interesting is that I was able to bolster my ability to perform said autopsy, as noted by Boreas. LOOK EVERYONE I CAN GLOW I CAN DO THE MAGIC KRAVTIN WILL NEVER SEE THIS COMING I WILL MAKE A FEAST WORTHY OF THE STARS!!   Boreas informed me that he acquired similar abilities via the same means as me: a strange dream provided a tattoo which somehow channels the magic through us... I HAVE GLOWING TO DO   On a more somber note, it turns out that the "capable" red headed woman from before is an amnesiac (don't make me say it) murderer, named Hiya (how does she know her name?) who is unnaturally strong. Best to avoid that one.   More somber yet, we attended a beautiful celebration of life of Ipsen. Baclyn and Cudgel (a dwarven associate of Ipsen) gave wonderful eulogies. Then an elven maiden sang a most stirring song only to be interrupted by some rude brat named Bakaris. When I picked him up he couldn't even stand up for himself, only muttering something about his father and consequences I'd face. At the request of Baclyn, I let the ungrateful brat down (not without giving him a proper scare first though--if I can't give him proper air and/or a proper stoning, maybe this would set his mind right). MAYBE I SHOW GLOW IN FRONT OF HIM   Finally, we awake to participate in the reenactment of the Battle of Vogler (Why do these lowlanders reenact violent contests? Don't they understand how this defies the natural order of things?), where I'll be donning Ipsen's green shield. I'm only agreeing to do this as the ferry will not depart until tomorrow. Hopefully Dell will be alright until we can depart.   Silly low-landers and their plot devices...

Tattoos, Courtship, and Trees

Oy, the dense air must really be getting to my head. Ha! I need to return to the mountains to breathe deeply again, though that dream (can I even call it that?) took me to a tree the heights beyond those of my beloved mountains. Beautiful view (and proper air), but who was that man? What did he mean when he said that I would be his champion, and who is this Dark Lady? Why must we stop her? Why do I feel this strange, foreign power surge through me? Too much dense air and bland food, it must be. To think, people willingly poison themselves with this.   That impressively dense and powerful woman we met... Why did she look to my arm for this tattoo? Why is that tattoo on my arm, and why did it replace my existing tattoos? Lastly, perhaps most importantly, how did this remarkably stout woman know the first two acts of my tribe's mating ritual, and why did she step through them with me after having just met me? Also, WHY DOES EVERYONE IGNORE MY QUESTIONS?!?! Both her and the old man (though I can't determine if he's real or not, though the tattoo came to me in that dream so.... maybe?) just blatantly ignoring my every word. Sigh.   Wait. Could she have been this "Dark Lady"? Dell seems to think so.   Dell and I make our way to Vogler, then onto Kalaman. We need answers, and our only lead is this piece of paper with four names on it. One of those is Dell, and on the back is the symbol of the Radiant Church. I don't know what, but I can assure you we will find answers when we speak with Father Williams. Hopefully those answers will soothe my poor friend's anger, and hopefully my cooking can placate him until we discover them.


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