Kravlak MountainSpeaker

Neutral Good Goliath (Outlander)
Cleric 8
88 / 88 HP

Mountainous, inquisitive, insightful, and occasionally brash. A towering man who seeks order to promote peace amidst the turbulent world of Krynn. Behind his piercing gaze and intimidating figure lies a fun and caring soul.

Campaign & Party

Played by
Sat 7th Sep 2024 11:51


by Kravlak MountainSpeaker

As we prepared to leave the Temple of Paladine, I spoke with Fourth Floor:
"I spoke with Zivilyn, or rather, he spoke to me. He emphasized the need to keep this city on the ground, and that we must. not. let. Kalaman. fall.
He also said he'd provide assistance for the latter, 'look to the sky'.
I feel renewed from the grace of Paladine--it's time to end our journey here and *finger jabs toward the ground between each word* KEEP THIS CITY ROOTED."
Little did I know what it would take to do that. I recap today drained--mentally, physically, emotionally, magically... entirely.
We made it to the tower with no interruptions, and see that our path upwards requires climbing. The team goes ahead and offers a rope to us heavily armored folks to follow. At the top of the climb, we encounter four silver dragonelles with three flying above with riders. So it begins.
We quickly drop a few of them when Dell rushes inside, right into danger, again. Chase and I storm in after him, as always praying we’re not too late. He encounters a guard with a leashed undead.. dragon? Lerin comes into the fray, and we quickly dispose of the guard inside.
I get a vision from the undead dragon. It shows me its past of pain, abuse, torment. Weighing heavy on my mind, I ask Lerin to call out to it to let it free. “It just wants to be free, which we all can relate to. Let it go.”
I hear the commotion pick up outside. Shit. I run back out yelling at the rest to get in the tower. The silver dragonelles are gone, but the riders have done a number on Aylin.
“Get inside!!!”
I hold the line at the door, while Xanks and Lord Charity rush inside. I heal Aylin, and yell at her again, “let’s go!!”
She plunges the dragonlance into one of the dragonelles and drops it. After suffering another whirlwind of blows she finally relents and gets inside as I smash a dragonelle flying by to grab a wounded rider to fly away. It falters but continues on, grabbing the rider and flying off. Not today, I’ve had enough of this—I blast it with some magic and it falls from the sky.
I duck inside and close the door behind me. A sigil appears on the door and I summon Xanks to look at it. He determines that it’s an arcane lock, which could’ve been useful to keep the riders out—classic. I’ve depleted some of my magic to get folks inside the tower, and we’ve not even started our ascent. Ugh. Xanks and I agree to keep the door open behind us in case we require a hasty escape. Chase flies in and we have a moment of peace to regroup finally.
I sprint towards the sound of the explosion I can only assume he caused, and find scorch marks in the stairwell with a dead flying skull at his feet. Lovely. Everyone looks battered from it. I conjure some magic to patch everyone up, when Dell rushes into the next room and gets blasted with electricity. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD
Unsurprisingly, everyone follows. I run in, again praying I’m not too late. Lightning arcs throughout the room eminating from some crystals inside. Two were destroyed by the time I got in, and I also get blasted. I shoot off more magical energy to restore my companions, feeling my reserves deplete. I channel my connection to Zivilyn to restrain the metal monster that appeared, funneling it through my flail to further heal my companions. I run through the lightning room, opening a door to a room devoid of electricity. Noticing that my party of masochists has remained for their kinks (they did drop another crystal, stopping the electricity), I saunter back into the room and smash the construct squarely in its glowing red.. eye?
Incensed at this point by Dell’s rashness, I order him to wait while I investigate the next room. More consoles and constructs. The two share glyphs, and it seems like the console will disable them. I (literally) grab Dell, shove his face in front of the glyphs, carry him over to the constructs, show his face in front of the corresponding glyphs, return to the console, take his hand, and deactivate each construct one-by-one. I’m not convinced that instruction sank in.
Next up the stairs is room with four more consoles, and a black-robed man interacting with one of them. Before I can say anything, I hear casting from behind me, turn to see Xanks chanting, follow a dark, indigo bolt shoot towards and strike the robed man, culminating in seeing him transform into a mouse. Well that’s one problem taken care of.... shit I need to catch him. Quickly I snatch him up and put him into a bottle, only to realize he may know how to prevent the city from flying. Damnit Xanks, you’ve been drinking too much with Dell. Well intended, but just too hasty.
After releasing the spell, we pin the man down and interrogate him. When he gives suspect answers, Dell instructs me to kick him in the testicles, to which I happily oblige. I’m over this shit.
We find out that they’re using Giant Magic to help the city fly, due to their lack of divine energy. Seems like Takhisis should/would/could be able to offer some..? We also find out that the crown is the key to getting the city to fly, which naturally rests on the head of the adult blue dragon above (and her cloud giant friend hanging next to her). Lovely. The day is catching up with me, and judging by the looks of Atkin and Lord Charity, we could use this time to rest before that confrontation.
Ever the influencer, Dell seems to have rubbed off on Aylin and Lord Charity, as they both (figuratively) say “full sails!” and march upstairs. Why rest when we’re wounded and facing a dragon? Kravlak will patch us up!
Atop the stairs, we’re greeted by the blue dragon. We fan out, ready to strike, when she says, “thanks for taking care of the thorn in my side”. What? I haven’t done anything for you… *zap*
She moves with sickening speed and breathes heinous electricity on all of us, dropping Lord Charity and Dell. Dell’s pendant glows, explodes in a blue burst, and Dell stands with some wounds mended. He can’t keep doing this, and I’m nearly tapped out. I don’t have much left.
The fight ensues with Xanks failing to remove the crown telekinetically, though it inspires the cloud giant (!) to do the same. WHAT? The dragon attempts to deal with this betrayal, but Lerin intercepts and says, "not today". Meanwhile, Aylin moves in for the kil... wait. Where is she going? She just jumped over the side?!? First you can't stop fighting, now amidst the biggest battle we've faced, you just run?
The dragon scares off the giant who leaps off of the tower, and I expend the rest of my main healing as I look around at the battered team. They look how I feel inside. Battered, bruised, exhausted. Dell summons a spectral hand that removes the crown from the dragon and gives it to Xanks, who deftly escapes with the artefact. Well done, but the dragon didn't like that. It charges Dell and crushes him. While I expend the last of my secondary healing, I see Aylin... fly? back into the fray. With my magic drained, I run to protect Dell with my flail.
After some maneuvering and swipes from the dragon, I stagger and accept that this is likely it for me. I won't let Dell die before me though. I shoot out my last spell, attempting to slow the dragon which shrugs it off unceremoniously. Standing in front of the beast-bruised, bloodied, battered, and drained, I prepare myself to return to the mountains (at least my body anyways, thanks Dell) when Lerin grabs Aylin, who loads up the dragonlance, and expertly thrusts it into the heart of the beast (where I presume it is). The dragon finally falters and I nearly collapse from the relief...
..nope, that's the tower. The tower beneath us begins to crumble as Lerin grabs me as Fourth Floor flutters down to safety (I see Chase follow shortly after us-phew). As we land, we realize that it's not just the tower that's falling apart, but the whole city. Here we are, trapped in this crumbling city as we see the Temple of Takhisis rise above the soon-to-be ruins of Onyari. Death dragons (yes the "s" is correct) circle the skies protecting the temple as it looms overhead menacingly. Devastated and depleted, all we can do is look on as we sit on the ground when brass dragonelles land near us, urging us to ride them to safety. We quickly climb aboard, looking back at the destruction behind.
Settling down in the aftermath of the trauma, we hear a familiar sinister roar. This fucker again. The black dragon from Heart's Hollow appears and charges up for another blast of its acid breath. Fine. Whatever. Fuck this. I'm tired of this shit. I get ready to shoot a feeble bolt of energy when a sudden flash rises from below with an equally impressive roar. Another large brass dragon? Ness? No, this looks different. No matter, the two battle and just like last time, the black dragon performs its patented feint and the brass dragon gets drawn in... BUT DODGES. It slams its claws into it chest and fells the evil black creature. Finally we can relax.
Relax. That sounds nice. I'm just so tired though.
Tired of expending mind, body, and soul to keep this team up and together.
Tired of chasing after Dell, praying this isn't the time I'm too late.
Tired of Aylin's independent heroics, coldly discarding the rest of us.
Tired of putting my body and energies on the line for a team that refuses to work together.
Tired of incomplete answers from a god I'm championing.
Tired of having to remind myself I'm not the pile of trash Kravsephone brainwashed me into believing.
Tired of chasing after whispers of my clan just to be the pawn of these gods and dragons.
Tired of seeing visages of Kravlon and Kravanna, only to reach out and grasp nothing but this toxic, empty air.
I'm just.... drained.

Kravlak's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Tattoos, Courtship, and Trees
    30 Dec 2023 01:19:45
  2. A Glowing Review
    18 Jan 2024 12:51:03
  3. Good Glow, Bad Glow
    27 Jan 2024 08:24:38
  4. Kala-manners
    10 Feb 2024 02:24:16
  5. (Kala) Man in the Tree (again)
    24 Feb 2024 12:59:39
  6. Trees provide shade, but can't stop the sun
    09 Mar 2024 07:22:54
  7. Second Prayer to Zivilyn
    06 Apr 2024 12:50:54
  8. Unity
    06 Apr 2024 01:26:20
  9. Third Prayer to Zivilyn
    21 Apr 2024 12:25:53
  10. The Bottom of the Deep Blue Sea
    09 May 2024 12:13:38
  11. Rebirth
    01 Jun 2024 02:31:06
  12. Forged by Fire
    16 Jun 2024 02:04:33
  13. Fourth Prayer to Zivilyn
    29 Jun 2024 01:42:21
  14. Fifth Prayer to Zivilyn
    13 Jul 2024 12:52:25
  15. Onyari
    10 Aug 2024 12:41:29
  16. Perspective
    24 Aug 2024 01:00:00
  17. Second Conversation with Zivilyn
    24 Aug 2024 02:21:12
  18. Drained
    07 Sep 2024 11:51:19

The major events and journals in Kravlak's history, from the beginning to today.


As we prepared to leave the Temple of Paladine, I spoke with Fourth Floor: "I spoke with Zivilyn, or rather, he spoke to me. He emphasized the need to keep this city on the ground, and that we must. not. let. Kalaman. fall. He also said he'd provide...

01:14 pm - 08.09.2024


As we prepared to leave the Temple of Paladine, I spoke with Fourth Floor: "I spoke with Zivilyn, or rather, he spoke to me. He emphasized the need to keep this city on the ground, and that we must. not. let. Kalaman. fall. He also said he'd provide...

02:39 am - 08.09.2024


As we prepared to leave the Temple of Paladine, I spoke with Fourth Floor: "I spoke with Zivilyn, or rather, he spoke to me. he emphasized the need to keep this city on the ground, and that we must. not. let. Kalaman. fall. He also said he'd provide...

02:24 am - 08.09.2024


As we prepared to leave the Temple of Paladine, I spoke with Fourth Floor: "I spoke with Zivilyn, or rather, he spoke to me. he emphasized the need to keep this city on the ground, and that we must. not. let. Kalaman. fall. He also said he'd provide...

01:35 am - 08.09.2024


As we prepared to leave the Temple of Paladine, I spoke with Fourth Floor: "I spoke with Zivilyn, or rather, he spoke to me. he emphasized the need to keep this city on the ground, and that we must. not. let. Kalaman. fall. He also said he'd provide...

12:47 am - 08.09.2024

Second Conversation with Zivilyn

[i]"Seems like the tree has taken a liking to you, my gray friend. Have a seat. "[/i] *Zivilyn points to a seat created on the world tree* "...what just happened? I see we're on talking terms again, with a chair even! This must be serious." *I sit i...

11:47 pm - 07.09.2024


Today we woke, eager to dive into the City of Lost Names with the hope of preventing it from flying and assaulting Kalaman. Ziv, I know you said this was coming from what you'd seen in the future, but maybe you could leverage the world tree to hold the ci...

02:26 pm - 24.08.2024


Today we woke, eager to dive into the City of Lost Names with the hope of preventing it from flying and assaulting Kalaman. Ziv, I know you said this was coming from what you'd seen in the future, but maybe you could leverage the world tree to hold the ci...

02:21 pm - 24.08.2024


Today we woke, eager to dive into the City of Lost Names with the hope of preventing it from flying and assaulting Kalaman. Ziv, I know you said this was coming from what you'd seen in the future, but maybe you could leverage the world tree to hold the ci...

02:20 pm - 24.08.2024


03:33 am - 24.08.2024


01:01 am - 24.08.2024


After some time I was finally able to pull myself to my feet after mourning the death of Ness. We proceed over to her fallen body and I inspect, hoping, praying, that there is some way that I'm mistaken and that she's still with us (Ziv, it'd be great if ...

03:21 pm - 11.08.2024


After some time I was finally able to pull myself to my feet after mourning the death of Ness. We proceed over to her fallen body and I inspect, hoping, praying, that there is some way that I'm mistaken and that she's still with us (Ziv, it'd be great if ...

02:35 pm - 11.08.2024


After some time I was finally able to pull myself to my feet after mourning the death of Ness. We proceed over to her fallen body and I inspect, hoping, praying, that there is some way that I'm mistaken and that she's still with us (Ziv, it'd be great if ...

02:32 pm - 11.08.2024


After some time I was finally able to pull myself to my feet after mourning the death of Ness. We proceed over to her fallen body and I inspect, hoping, praying, that there is some way that I'm mistaken and that she's still with us (Ziv, it'd be great if ...

02:30 pm - 10.08.2024


After some time I was finally able to pull myself to my feet after mourning the death of Ness. We proceed over to her fallen body and I inspect, hoping, praying, that there is some way that I'm mistaken and that she's still with us (Ziv, it'd be great if ...

02:30 pm - 10.08.2024


After some time I was finally able to pull myself to my feet after mourning the death of Ness. We proceed over to her fallen body and I inspect, hoping, praying, that there is some way that I'm mistaken and that she's still with us (Ziv, it'd be great if ...

02:30 pm - 10.08.2024

The Journal Entry’s title

Begin writing your story here......

12:43 pm - 10.08.2024

The aftermath

04:48 am - 10.08.2024

The aftermath

12:15 am - 10.08.2024

Fifth Prayer to Zivilyn

"I don't know, give it a shot?" Deep words Ziv. Only the God of Wisdom could provide such profound insight. I'm glad I took the time and resources to ask if our newly acquired Canardog could dispel the force field surrounding the brass dragons. [i]Unit...

02:41 pm - 13.07.2024

Fifth Prayer to Zivilyn

"I don't know, give it a shot?" Deep words Ziv. Only the God of Wisdom could provide such profound insight. I'm glad I took the time and resources to ask if our newly acquired Canardog could dispel the force field surrounding the brass dragons. [i]Unit...

02:37 pm - 13.07.2024

Fifth Prayer to Zivilyn

"I don't know, give it a shot?" Deep words Ziv. Only the God of Wisdom could provide such profound insight. I'm glad I took the time and resources to ask if our newly acquired Canardog could dispel the force field surrounding the brass dragons. [i]Unit...

02:31 pm - 13.07.2024

Fifth Prayer to Zivilyn

"I don't know, give it a shot?" Deep words Ziv. Only the God of Wisdom could provide such profound insight. I'm glad I took the time and resources to ask if our newly acquired Canardog could dispel the force field surrounding the brass dragons. [i]Unit...

02:29 pm - 13.07.2024

Fifth Prayer to Zivilyn

"I don't know, give it a shot?" Deep words Ziv. Only the God of Wisdom could provide such profound insight. I'm glad I took the time and resources to ask if our newly acquired Canardog could dispel the force field surrounding the brass dragons. [i]Unit...

02:29 pm - 13.07.2024

Brass Dragons

01:56 pm - 13.07.2024

Brass Dragons

12:18 am - 13.07.2024

Fourth Prayer to Zivilyn

Ziv, For how long have we been journeying together now? Months? The multitude of ways I've changed due to your influence are apparent, though I'm not sure our partnership has altered you at all. That tracks. What an eventful few days these past few ...

02:59 pm - 29.06.2024

Fourth Prayer to Zivilyn

Ziv, For how long have we been journeying together now? Months? The multitude of ways I've changed due to your influence are apparent, though I'm not sure our partnership has altered you at all. That tracks. What an eventful few days these past few ...

02:56 pm - 29.06.2024

Fourth Prayer to Zivilyn

Ziv, For how long have we been journeying together now? Months? The multitude of ways I've changed due to your influence are apparent, though I'm not sure our partnership has altered you at all. That tracks. What an eventful few days these past few ...

02:53 pm - 29.06.2024

Fourth Prayer to Zivilyn

Ziv, For how long have we been journeying together now? Months? The multitude of ways I've changed due to your influence are apparent, though I'm not sure our partnership has altered you at all. That tracks. What an eventful few days these past few ...

02:49 pm - 29.06.2024


01:44 pm - 29.06.2024


12:47 am - 29.06.2024

Forged by Fire

Today was an eventful day. We made our way towards the acrid black smoke that had been disrupting the landscape. Something wasn't right about such a thick plume, and I'm glad the party agreed to investigate. As we approach the mesa (more like wanna be mou...

12:57 am - 17.06.2024

Forged by Fire

Today was an eventful day. We made our way towards the acrid black smoke that had been disrupting the landscape. Something wasn't right about such a thick plume, and I'm glad the party agreed to investigate. As we approach the mesa (more like wanna be mou...

12:55 am - 17.06.2024

Forged by Fire

Today was an eventful day. We made our way towards the acrid black smoke that had been disrupting the landscape. Something wasn't right about such a thick plume, and I'm glad the party agreed to investigate. As we approach the mesa (more like wanna be mou...

02:50 pm - 16.06.2024

Black smoke

04:20 am - 15.06.2024

Black smoke

12:32 am - 15.06.2024

Operation Desert Storm

02:38 pm - 01.06.2024

Operation Desert Storm

11:29 pm - 31.05.2024

The Bottom of the Deep Blue Sea

How many times has it been now? I told him that toxic water would slowly rot his brain, and lo, here he is. Another sword through the neck yet he stands before me, though he seems... different? More charismatic? I slap Dell harder this time to get my poin...

12:49 pm - 09.05.2024

Third Prayer to Zivilyn

Ziv, Thank you for granting me the power to guide Aylin through her memories and restore The Hero of Time. Please help me guide her to regain that lost power and maintain the flow of time. Terrifying though it may be, she was able to vanquish Soth and ...

02:22 pm - 21.04.2024

Third Prayer to Zivilyn

Ziv, Thank you for granting me the power to guide Aylin through her memories and restore The Hero of Time. Please help me guide her to regain that lost power and maintain the flow of time. Terrifying though it may be, she was able to vanquish Soth and ...

02:20 pm - 21.04.2024

Third Prayer to Zivilyn

Ziv, Thank you for granting me the power to guide Aylin through her memories and restore The Hero of Time. Please help me guide her to regain that lost power and maintain the flow of time. Terrifying though it may be, she was able to vanquish Soth and ...

01:23 pm - 21.04.2024

The Champion of Time

08:51 pm - 20.04.2024

The Champion of Time

11:09 pm - 19.04.2024

The session

08:33 pm - 09.03.2024

The session

08:32 pm - 09.03.2024

Kalaman Elite Platoon

12:57 pm - 24.02.2024

Kalaman Elite Platoon

12:18 am - 24.02.2024

The aftermath

04:16 am - 10.02.2024

The aftermath

12:15 am - 10.02.2024

SotDQ session 1

11:41 pm - 15.01.2024

SotDQ session 1

11:41 pm - 15.01.2024

Brendon and Dave session 0

02:53 am - 29.12.2023

Brendon and Dave session 0

12:43 am - 29.12.2023

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Kravlak.

Played by